        private void ExtractH2Tag(int index)
            //Load Shared Map streams
            FileStream fsShared             = OptionsManager.GetHalo2SharedStream();
            FileStream fsSinglePlayerShared = OptionsManager.GetHalo2SinglePlayerSharedStream();
            FileStream fsMainMenu           = OptionsManager.GetHalo2MainMenuStream();

            //Tag Header loader start
            string TagClass = CompUtil.GetTagClass(BitConverter.GetBytes(Halo2Map.IndexItem[index].TagType), 0);

            if (TagClass == "<fx>")
                TagClass = "FXFX";

            byte[] TagHeaderBuffer = new byte[64];
            OptionsManager.GetGuerillaHeader(m_MapVersion, TagClass, TagHeaderBuffer);

            string MagfilePathRoot = Application.StartupPath + @"\Tag Structures\Halo2\";
            string OutputPathRoot  = Application.StartupPath + @"\Games\Xbox\Halo2\";

            //Creating Directorys for extacted tag
            string[] Directorys = new string[256];
            string   DirSep     = @"\";

            Directorys = Halo2Map.StringTable.TagStrings[index].Split(DirSep.ToCharArray(), 256);
            uint   Dircount = (uint)Directorys.Length - 1;
            string NewDirectoryStructure = "";

            for (uint Count = 0; Count < Dircount; Count += 1)
                if (Directory.Exists(OutputPathRoot + NewDirectoryStructure + Directorys[Count]) == false)
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(OutputPathRoot + NewDirectoryStructure + Directorys[Count]);
                    NewDirectoryStructure += Directorys[Count] + @"\";
                    NewDirectoryStructure += Directorys[Count] + @"\";

            //Loading Tag Long name from mag file
            string       ProcessTagFile = TagClass.Trim() + ".mag";
            StreamReader MagReader      = new StreamReader(MagfilePathRoot + ProcessTagFile);
            string       InLine         = MagReader.ReadLine();

            //Create the Tag on disk
            string SplitChar = ".";

            string[] FixTagName = Halo2Map.StringTable.TagStrings[index].Split(SplitChar.ToCharArray(), 2);
            //FileInfo fiout = new FileInfo(OptionsManager.GetExtractPath(m_MapVersion) + FixTagName[0] + "." + InLine.Trim());
            string       FileName = FixTagName[0] + "." + InLine.Trim();
            MemoryStream msout    = new MemoryStream();

            TagHeader.SeekToTagDataStart(ref msout);

            // Create a tag table for
            byte[] TagTable = new byte[TagCount * 16];
            fsin.Seek(Halo2Map.IndexHeader.OffsetToTags, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fsin.Read(TagTable, 0, TagTable.Length);

            // Move File pointer to start of tag
            fsin.Seek(Halo2Map.IndexItem[index].TagOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Create the Tab char to provent errors
            byte   TabByte    = 0x09;
            string TabReplace = "";

            TabReplace += (char)TabByte;

            // Read the Structure from the mag file
            string[] MagArray = new string[256];
            int      MagIndex = 0;

                InLine             = MagReader.ReadLine();
                MagArray[MagIndex] = InLine.Replace(TabReplace, "").ToLower().Trim();
                MagIndex           = MagIndex + 1;
            }while(MagReader.Peek() != -1);

            // Create debug stream writer
            //StreamWriter DebugFile;
            //DebugFile = new StreamWriter(msout.Name + ".txt" );

            // Start the Tags extraction
            Halo2Structure MainStruct = new Halo2Structure();

            //if(TagClass == "sbsp")
            MainStruct.StructureCS((uint)MagIndex, Halo2Map.IndexItem[index].TagOffsetMagic, Halo2Map.IndexItem[index].TagMagic, MagArray, 1, fsin, msout, fsShared, 0, 0, Halo2Map.StringTable.StringBuffer, Halo2Map.StringTable.OffsetsBuffer, fsSinglePlayerShared, fsMainMenu, fsShared, Halo2Map.MapHeader.MetaStart, Halo2Map.MapHeader.FileSize, null, TagTable, Halo2Map.MapHeader.ScriptStringArray);
            //For Refernce only
            //public void StructureCS(uint MagIndex,uint OffsetMagic,uint MapMagic,string[] StructureArray,uint ChunkCount,FileStream MapFile,FileStream TagFile,FileStream BitmapFile,uint VerticesOffset,uint IndicesOffset,byte[] StringTable,byte[] StringTableOffsetList,FileStream single_player_shared_map,FileStream mainmenu_map,FileStream shared_map,uint StartOfTags,uint MapSize,StreamWriter DebugFile,byte[] TagTable,string[] ScriptStringArray)

            // Initialize and write out the PROM tag header
            TagHeader tag_hdr = new TagHeader();

            tag_hdr.TagClass0   = Halo2Map.IndexItem[index].TagType;
            tag_hdr.GameVersion = m_MapVersion;
            tag_hdr.TagSize     = (int)msout.Position - TagHeader.PROM_HEADER_SIZE;
            tag_hdr.Write(ref msout);

            //Write out a zero-attachment header
            tag_hdr.SeekToAttachStart(ref msout);
            AttachmentHeader attach_hdr = new AttachmentHeader();

            attach_hdr.Write(ref msout);

            if (m_OutputArchive != null)
                //m_OutputArchive.AddTagfileToArchive(HaloMap.IndexItemStringList[index], msout.GetBuffer(), (int)msout.Position);
                m_OutputArchive.AddFile(FileName, GetSubArray(msout.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)msout.Position - 12));

        public void StructureCS(uint MagIndex, uint OffsetMagic, uint MapMagic, string[] StructureArray, uint ChunkCount, FileStream MapFile, MemoryStream TagFile, FileStream BitmapFile, uint VerticesOffset, uint IndicesOffset, byte[] StringTable, byte[] StringTableOffsetList, FileStream single_player_shared_map, FileStream mainmenu_map, FileStream shared_map, uint StartOfTags, uint MapSize, StreamWriter DebugFile, byte[] TagTable, string[] ScriptStringArray)
            TabReplace += (char)TabByte;
            sKnownStucts[]   KnownStructs  = new sKnownStucts[8096];
            sMissedStructs[] MissedStructs = new sMissedStructs[8096];
            sKnownTagRefs[]  KnownTagRefs  = new sKnownTagRefs[8096];
            sKnownScpRefs[]  KnownScpRefs  = new sKnownScpRefs[8096];
            sKnownRSRCs[]    KnownRSRCs    = new sKnownRSRCs[8096];
            //byte[] OutByte;
            //string SaveStructName = "";
            //uint StructCount = 0;

            string[] VertsStringBuffer   = new string[0x2ffff];
            string[] UVsStringBuffer     = new string[0x2ffff];
            string[] IndicesStringBuffer = new string[0x2ffff];
            byte[]   RSRC_BLOCK          = new byte[0];
            byte[]   BITMAPS             = new byte[0];
            uint     SizeOfVerts         = 0;
            uint     StructSize;
            uint     TestInc = 0;
            uint     StructOffset;
            uint     ChildChunkCount;
            uint     NewIndexSize           = 0;
            uint     TagRefOffset           = 0;
            uint     TagRefStringOffset     = 0;
            uint     TagRefBufferOldSize    = 0;
            uint     TagRefBufferNewSize    = 0;
            uint     ScriptRefBufferOldSize = 0;
            uint     ScriptRefBufferNewSize = 0;
            uint     ScriptRefOffset        = 0;
            uint     ScriptRefStringIndex   = 0;
            uint     AfterStructChunkCount  = 0;

            byte[] TagRefBuffer           = new byte[0];
            byte[] ScriptRefBuffer        = new byte[0];
            byte[] MapStringBuffer        = new byte[512];
            byte[] RawAnimationsBuffer    = new byte[0];
            byte[] RawAnimationEditBuffer = new byte[0];
            string TestHelpString;
            string TagRefString;
            uint   vs            = 0;
            uint   vi            = 0;
            uint   vu            = 0;
            uint   SizeLastVerts = 0;

            string[] CMD               = new string[256];
            string[] TestString        = new string[256];
            string[] NewStructureArray = new string[256];

            CMD        = StructureArray[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 256);
            StructSize = Val(CMD[3]);
            byte[] StructBuffer = new byte[StructSize * ChunkCount];
            byte[] OffsetBuffer = new byte[StructSize * ChunkCount];
            StructOffset = (uint)TagFile.Position;
            string StructureName = CMD[2];

            MapFile.Read(StructBuffer, 0, (int)StructBuffer.Length);
            uint StructSavePos = (uint)MapFile.Position;

            StructBuffer.CopyTo(OffsetBuffer, 0);
            uint BufferSize = (uint)StructBuffer.Length;

            StructRef = 0;
            uint TagRefCount = 0;
            uint ScpRefCount = 0;
            uint RSRCCount   = 0;

            for (uint cc = 0; cc < ChunkCount; cc++)
                for (uint ee = 0; ee < MagIndex; ee++)
                    CMD = StructureArray[ee].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 256);

                    switch (CMD[0])
                    case "struct":

                        if (CMD[2] != StructureName)
                            KnownStructs[StructRef].Name           = CMD[2];
                            KnownStructs[StructRef].OffsetInParent = Val(CMD[1]);
                            KnownStructs[StructRef].SizeOfStruct   = Val(CMD[3]);

                            AfterStructChunkCount = GetUInt(OffsetBuffer, Val(CMD[1]) + (cc * StructSize));
                            if (AfterStructChunkCount != 0)
                                StructRef += 1;

                                TestString = StructureArray[TestInc + ee].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 256);
                                if (TestString.Length > 1)
                                    TestHelpString = TestString[1];
                                    if (TestHelpString == "hlmt_sub_1")
                                        //int j = 0;
                                    TestHelpString = "";
                                TestInc += 1;
                            }while (CMD[2] != TestHelpString);
                            ee      = ee + (TestInc - 1);
                            TestInc = 0;

                    case "bspmodels":
                        uint UnKnownSection1Size;
                        uint UnKnownSection2Size;
                        uint IndicesSectionSize;
                        uint UnKnownSection3Size;
                        uint UnKnownSection4Size;
                        uint UnKnownSection5Size;
                        uint VertsSectionSize;
                        uint BlockOffset;
                        uint BlockSize;
                        uint fPosSave;

                        BlockOffset      = GetUInt(StructBuffer, 0x28 + (StructSize * cc));
                        BlockSize        = GetUInt(StructBuffer, 0x2C + (StructSize * cc));
                        VertsSectionSize = (uint)(BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (0 + (int)(StructSize * cc))) * 0xc);
                        fPosSave         = (uint)MapFile.Position;
                        MapFile.Seek(BlockOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        //read BlockHeader
                        byte[] BlockBuffer = new byte[0x4c];
                        MapFile.Read(BlockBuffer, 0, BlockBuffer.Length);
                        MapFile.Seek(MapFile.Position + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        //Read Indices counts
                        ushort[] TotalIndsPerMesh = new ushort[GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x08)];
                        ushort[] ShaderId         = new ushort[GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x04)];
                        UnKnownSection1Size = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x08) * 0x48;
                        byte[] aBuffer = new byte[UnKnownSection1Size];
                        MapFile.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);
                        for (uint ti = 0; ti < GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x08); ti += 1)
                            TotalIndsPerMesh[ti] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(aBuffer, (int)(0x08 + (0x48 * ti)));
                            ShaderId[ti]         = BitConverter.ToUInt16(aBuffer, (int)(0x04 + (0x48 * ti)));
                        ushort[] h = new ushort[15];
                        h[1]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x52 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[2]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x54 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[3]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x56 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[4]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x58 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[5]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x5a + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[6]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x5c + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[7]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x5e + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[8]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x60 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[9]  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x62 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[10] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x64 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[11] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x66 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[12] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x68 + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[13] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x6a + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        h[14] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(0x6c + (0xb0 * cc)));
                        string out1 = "";
                        for (int uit = 1; uit <= 14; uit += 1)
                            out1 = out1 + " " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", h[uit]);

                        UnKnownSection2Size = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x10) * 0x8;
                        aBuffer             = new byte[UnKnownSection2Size + 4];
                        MapFile.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);

                        IndicesSectionSize = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x28) * 0x2;
                        uint   IndicesC      = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x28);
                        byte[] IndicesBuffer = new byte[IndicesSectionSize];
                        MapFile.Seek(MapFile.Position + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        MapFile.Read(IndicesBuffer, 0, IndicesBuffer.Length);
                        byte[] tt = new byte[1];
                            MapFile.Read(tt, 0, 1);
                            if (tt[0] != 0x63)
                                MapFile.Seek(MapFile.Position + 1, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        }while (tt[0] != 0x63);
                        MapFile.Seek(MapFile.Position - 1, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        UnKnownSection3Size = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x30);
                        if (UnKnownSection3Size != 0)
                            aBuffer = new byte[UnKnownSection3Size + 4];
                            MapFile.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);
                        UnKnownSection4Size = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x38) * 0x2;
                        if (UnKnownSection4Size != 0)
                            aBuffer = new byte[UnKnownSection4Size + 4];
                            MapFile.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);
                        UnKnownSection5Size = GetUInt(BlockBuffer, 0x40) * 0x20;
                        if (UnKnownSection4Size != 0)
                            aBuffer = new byte[UnKnownSection5Size + 4];
                            MapFile.Read(aBuffer, 0, aBuffer.Length);

                        byte[] VertsBuffer = new byte[VertsSectionSize];
                        MapFile.Seek(MapFile.Position + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        MapFile.Read(VertsBuffer, 0, VertsBuffer.Length);

                        byte[] UVsBuffer = new byte[(VertsSectionSize / 0xc) * 8];
                        MapFile.Seek(MapFile.Position + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        MapFile.Read(UVsBuffer, 0, UVsBuffer.Length);

                        //StreamWriter ObjOut;
                        //ObjOut = new StreamWriter(TagFile.Name + cc.ToString() + ".obj");

                        //ObjOut.WriteLine("o " + TagFile.Name);

                        for (uint vo = 0; vo < (VertsSectionSize / 0xc); vo += 1)
                            Single x, y, z;
                            x = BitConverter.ToSingle(VertsBuffer, (int)(0 + (vo * 0xc)));
                            y = BitConverter.ToSingle(VertsBuffer, (int)(4 + (vo * 0xc)));
                            z = BitConverter.ToSingle(VertsBuffer, (int)(8 + (vo * 0xc)));
                            VertsStringBuffer[vs] = "v " + x.ToString() + " " + y.ToString() + " " + z.ToString();
                            vs += 1;
                            //ObjOut.WriteLine("v " + x.ToString() + " " + y.ToString() + " " + z.ToString());
                        for (uint vt = 0; vt < (VertsSectionSize / 0xc); vt += 1)
                            Single u, v;
                            u = BitConverter.ToSingle(UVsBuffer, (int)(0 + (vt * 0x8)));
                            v = BitConverter.ToSingle(UVsBuffer, (int)(4 + (vt * 0x8)));
                            UVsStringBuffer[vu] = "vt " + u.ToString() + " " + v.ToString() + " " + "1.0";
                            vu += 1;
                            //ObjOut.WriteLine("vt " + u.ToString() + " " + v.ToString());

                        uint  IndicesCount = (IndicesSectionSize / 2);
                        int[] face1        = new int[IndicesCount * 3];

                        for (uint fc = 0; fc < IndicesCount; fc += 1)
                            face1[fc] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(IndicesBuffer, (int)(fc * 2));
                        uint ind = 0;
                        for (int ia = 0; ia < TotalIndsPerMesh.Length; ia += 1)
                            //ind += 2;
                            //IndicesStringBuffer[vi] = "matid " + ShaderId[ia].ToString();
                            //vi +=1;

                            //IndicesStringBuffer[vi] = "g SubMesh" + da.ToString();
                            //vi +=1;
                            //ObjOut.WriteLine("g SubMesh" + da.ToString());
                            da = da + 1;
                            for (uint z = 0; z < TotalIndsPerMesh[ia]; z += 3)
                                int i1;
                                int i2;
                                int i3;
                                i1 = (face1[ind] + 1) + (int)SizeLastVerts;
                                i2 = (face1[ind + 1] + 1) + (int)SizeLastVerts;
                                i3 = (face1[ind + 2] + 1) + (int)SizeLastVerts;
                                IndicesStringBuffer[vi] = "matid " + (ShaderId[ia] + 1).ToString();
                                vi += 1;

                                IndicesStringBuffer[vi] = "f " + i1 + "/" + i1 + "/" + i1 + " " + i3 + "/" + i3 + "/" + i3 + " " + i2 + "/" + i2 + "/" + i2;
                                //ObjOut.WriteLine("f " + i1 + "/" + i1 + "/" + i1 + " " + i2 + "/" + i2 + "/" + i2+ " " + i3 + "/" + i3 + "/" + i3);
                                vi  += 1;
                                ind += 3;
                        SizeLastVerts = SizeLastVerts + (VertsSectionSize / 0xc);

                        MapFile.Seek(fPosSave, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    case "writemodels":
                         *                                              if (cc == (ChunkCount -1))
                         *                                              {
                         *                                                      StreamWriter ObjOut;
                         *                                                      ObjOut = new StreamWriter(TagFile.Name + ".obj");
                         *                                                      ObjOut.WriteLine("o " + TagFile.Name);
                         *                                                      for(int vo = 0;vo < vs; vo +=1)
                         *                                                      {
                         *                                                              ObjOut.WriteLine(VertsStringBuffer[vo]);
                         *                                                      }
                         *                                                      ObjOut.WriteLine("#" + vs.ToString() + " Of Verts");
                         *                                                      for(int vo = 0;vo < vu;vo +=1)
                         *                                                      {
                         *                                                              ObjOut.WriteLine(UVsStringBuffer[vo]);
                         *                                                      }
                         *                                                      ObjOut.WriteLine("g LevelMesh");
                         *                                                      for(int vo = 0;vo < vi;vo +=1)
                         *                                                      {
                         *                                                              ObjOut.WriteLine(IndicesStringBuffer[vo]);
                         *                                                      }
                         *                                                      ObjOut.Flush();
                         *                                                      ObjOut.Close();
                         *                                              }

                    case "tagref":
                        TagRefOffset       = Val(CMD[1]);
                        TagRefStringOffset = GetUInt(StructBuffer, (TagRefOffset + 4) + (StructSize * cc));
                        KnownTagRefs[TagRefCount].ParentName     = StructureName;
                        KnownTagRefs[TagRefCount].OffsetInParent = Val(CMD[1]);
                        TagRefCount += 1;
                        ushort TagIndexId = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)((TagRefOffset + 4) + (StructSize * cc)));

                        if (TagRefStringOffset != 0 && TagIndexId != 0xffff && (TagIndexId * 4) < StringTableOffsetList.Length)
                            TagRefStringOffset                 = TagRefStringOffset - MapMagic;
                            TagRefString                       = ReadString(StringTable, BitConverter.ToUInt32(StringTableOffsetList, (TagIndexId) * 4));
                            TagRefStrings[TagRefIndex]         = TagRefString;
                            TagRefParentIndex[TagRefIndex]     = StructRef;
                            TagRefChunkCountIndex[TagRefIndex] = cc;
                            TagRefIndex = TagRefIndex + 1;

                            PutUInt(StructBuffer, (uint)TagRefString.Length, (TagRefOffset + 4) + (StructSize * cc));

                            if (StructRef == 0)
                                TagRefBufferOldSize = (uint)TagRefBuffer.Length;
                                TagRefBufferNewSize = TagRefBufferOldSize + (uint)TagRefString.Length + 1;
                                TagRefBuffer        = Redim(TagRefBuffer, TagRefBufferOldSize, TagRefBufferNewSize);
                                TagRefBuffer        = AppendToByteArray(TagRefBuffer, TagRefString, TagRefBufferOldSize);
                        exitcase :;

                    case "scriptref":
                        ScriptRefOffset      = Val(CMD[1]);
                        ScriptRefStringIndex = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, (int)(ScriptRefOffset + (StructSize * cc)));
                        byte StrLen = StructBuffer[ScriptRefOffset + 3 + (StructSize * cc)];
                        KnownScpRefs[ScpRefCount].ParentName     = StructureName;
                        KnownScpRefs[ScpRefCount].OffsetInParent = ScriptRefOffset;
                        ScpRefCount = ScpRefCount + 1;

                        if (ScriptRefStringIndex <= ScriptStringArray.Length && StrLen != 0)
                            ScriptRefStrings[ScriptRefIndex]         = ScriptStringArray[ScriptRefStringIndex];
                            ScriptRefParentIndex[ScriptRefIndex]     = StructRef;
                            ScriptRefChunkCountIndex[ScriptRefIndex] = cc;

                            ScriptRefIndex = ScriptRefIndex + 1;
                            if (StructRef == 0)
                                ScriptRefBufferOldSize = (uint)ScriptRefBuffer.Length;
                                ScriptRefBufferNewSize = ScriptRefBufferOldSize + (uint)ScriptRefStrings[ScriptRefIndex - 1].Length + 1;
                                ScriptRefBuffer        = Redim(ScriptRefBuffer, ScriptRefBufferOldSize, ScriptRefBufferNewSize);
                                ScriptRefBuffer        = AppendToByteArray(ScriptRefBuffer, ScriptRefStrings[ScriptRefIndex - 1], ScriptRefBufferOldSize);

                    case "rsrc":
                        uint OffsetInStruct = Val(CMD[1]);
                        uint Offset         = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, (int)(OffsetInStruct + (StructSize * cc)));
                        KnownRSRCs[RSRCCount].OffsetInParent = OffsetInStruct;
                        KnownRSRCs[RSRCCount].ParentName     = StructureName;
                        uint Size       = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, (int)(OffsetInStruct + 4 + (StructSize * cc)));
                        uint RSRCOffset = (uint)RSRC_BLOCK.Length;

                        RSRC_BLOCK = Redim(RSRC_BLOCK, (uint)RSRC_BLOCK.Length, (uint)(RSRC_BLOCK.Length + Size));

                        uint RSRCMapTest = (Offset >> 30);
                        switch (RSRCMapTest)
                        case 0x00:
                            //local file
                            uint RSRCSavFPos = (uint)MapFile.Position;
                            MapFile.Seek(Offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            MapFile.Read(RSRC_BLOCK, (int)RSRCOffset, (int)Size);
                            MapFile.Seek(RSRCSavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        case 0x01:
                            RSRCSavFPos = (uint)mainmenu_map.Position;
                            mainmenu_map.Seek(Offset & 0x3FFFFFFF, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            mainmenu_map.Read(RSRC_BLOCK, (int)RSRCOffset, (int)Size);
                            mainmenu_map.Seek(RSRCSavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        case 0x02:
                            RSRCSavFPos = (uint)shared_map.Position;
                            shared_map.Seek(Offset & 0x3FFFFFFF, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            shared_map.Read(RSRC_BLOCK, (int)RSRCOffset, (int)Size);
                            shared_map.Seek(RSRCSavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                        case 0x03:
                            RSRCSavFPos = (uint)single_player_shared_map.Position;
                            single_player_shared_map.Seek(Offset & 0x3FFFFFFF, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            single_player_shared_map.Read(RSRC_BLOCK, (int)RSRCOffset, (int)Size);
                            single_player_shared_map.Seek(RSRCSavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);


                    case "bitmaps":
                        uint[] boffsets = new uint[6];
                        uint[] bsizes   = new uint[6];
                        uint   MapTest;
                        for (int bl = 0; bl < 6; bl += 1)
                            boffsets[bl] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, (int)(((bl * 4) + 0x1C) + (StructSize * cc)));
                            bsizes[bl]   = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, (int)(((bl * 4) + 0x34) + (StructSize * cc)));
                        for (int lfm = 0; lfm < 6; lfm += 1)
                            MapTest = (boffsets[lfm] >> 30);
                            switch (MapTest)
                            case 0x00:
                                //local file
                                uint tbOffset = (uint)BITMAPS.Length;
                                uint SavFPos  = (uint)MapFile.Position;
                                if (bsizes[lfm] != 0)
                                    BITMAPS = Redim(BITMAPS, (uint)BITMAPS.Length, (uint)(BITMAPS.Length + bsizes[lfm]));
                                    MapFile.Seek(boffsets[lfm], System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    MapFile.Read(BITMAPS, (int)tbOffset, (int)bsizes[lfm]);
                                    MapFile.Seek(SavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            case 0x01:
                                tbOffset = (uint)BITMAPS.Length;
                                SavFPos  = (uint)mainmenu_map.Position;
                                if (bsizes[lfm] != 0)
                                    BITMAPS = Redim(BITMAPS, (uint)BITMAPS.Length, (uint)(BITMAPS.Length + bsizes[lfm]));
                                    mainmenu_map.Seek(boffsets[lfm] & 0x3FFFFFFF, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    mainmenu_map.Read(BITMAPS, (int)tbOffset, (int)bsizes[lfm]);
                                    mainmenu_map.Seek(SavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            case 0x02:
                                tbOffset = (uint)BITMAPS.Length;
                                SavFPos  = (uint)shared_map.Position;
                                if (bsizes[lfm] != 0)
                                    BITMAPS = Redim(BITMAPS, (uint)BITMAPS.Length, (uint)(BITMAPS.Length + bsizes[lfm]));
                                    shared_map.Seek(boffsets[lfm] & 0x3FFFFFFF, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    shared_map.Read(BITMAPS, (int)tbOffset, (int)bsizes[lfm]);
                                    shared_map.Seek(SavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

                            case 0x03:
                                tbOffset = (uint)BITMAPS.Length;
                                SavFPos  = (uint)single_player_shared_map.Position;
                                if (bsizes[lfm] != 0)
                                    BITMAPS = Redim(BITMAPS, (uint)BITMAPS.Length, (uint)(BITMAPS.Length + bsizes[lfm]));
                                    single_player_shared_map.Seek(boffsets[lfm] & 0x3FFFFFFF, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                    single_player_shared_map.Read(BITMAPS, (int)tbOffset, (int)bsizes[lfm]);
                                    single_player_shared_map.Seek(SavFPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ///Test for Missed Children///
            if (DebugStructs == true)
                for (int osc = 0; osc < StructSize; osc += 4)
                    if (osc + 4 <= StructSize)
                        uint Offset = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, osc) - OffsetMagic;
                        if (Offset < MapSize && Offset > StartOfTags)
                            if (osc >= 4)
                                uint Count = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, osc - 4);
                                if (Count < 10000)
                                    if (Count != 0)
                                        //IncSize(ref OffBufList,Offset);
                                        //IncSize(ref OffsetList,(uint)(StartOfTags + osc));
                                        //IncSize(ref CountsList,Count);
                                        bool InStruct = false;
                                        for (int jk = 0; jk < KnownStructs.Length; jk += 1)
                                            if (KnownStructs[jk].OffsetInParent == osc - 4)
                                                InStruct = true;
                                                goto Finshed;
                                        Finshed :;
                                        if (InStruct == false)
                                            // Add offset to Debug List //
                                            if (StructureName != "snd!_main")
                                                DebugFile.WriteLine("Parent Stucture name" + StructureName);
                                                DebugFile.WriteLine("Offset In Parent == " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", osc - 4) + "------Offset In Map == " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", Offset) + "------Count == " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", Count));
                                    //Builder.WriteLine( string.Format("0x{0:X}",OffsetList[OffsetList.Length - 1]) + "-->" + Count.ToString() + "--->" + string.Format("0x{0:X}",Offset));

                for (int osc = 0; osc < StructSize; osc += 4)
                    if ((osc + 8) <= StructSize)
                        uint TagID  = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, osc);
                        uint TagID2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, osc + 4);
                        for (int ost = 0; ost < TagTable.Length; ost += 16)
                            if (TagID == BitConverter.ToUInt32(TagTable, ost) && TagID2 == BitConverter.ToUInt32(TagTable, ost + 4))
                                for (int gg = 0; gg < TagRefCount; gg += 1)
                                    if (osc == KnownTagRefs[gg].OffsetInParent)
                                        goto SkipWrite;
                                DebugFile.WriteLine("Parent Stucture name" + StructureName);
                                DebugFile.WriteLine("Offset Of TagRef in Parent ==" + string.Format("0x{0:X}", osc));
                                goto ExitLoop;
                                SkipWrite :;
                        ExitLoop :;
                for (int osc = 0; osc < StructSize; osc += 4)
                    if ((osc + 8) <= StructSize)
                        ushort ScriptIndex = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, osc);
                        SwapLong(StructBuffer, (uint)(osc + 2));
                        ushort ScriptRefLenght = BitConverter.ToUInt16(StructBuffer, osc + 2);
                        SwapLong(StructBuffer, (uint)(osc + 2));
                        if (ScriptIndex <= ScriptStringArray.Length)
                            if (ScriptStringArray[ScriptIndex].Length == ScriptRefLenght && ScriptRefLenght <= 0x80)
                                for (int gg = 0; gg < ScpRefCount; gg += 1)
                                    if (osc == KnownScpRefs[gg].OffsetInParent)
                                        goto SkipScpWrite;
                                DebugFile.WriteLine("Parent Stucture name" + StructureName);
                                DebugFile.WriteLine("Offset Of Script Ref" + string.Format("0x{0:X}", osc));
                            SkipScpWrite :;
                for (int osc = 0; osc < StructSize; osc += 4)
                    if ((osc + 8) <= StructSize)
                        long SVPOS       = MapFile.Position;
                        uint InMapOffset = BitConverter.ToUInt32(StructBuffer, osc);
                        uint RSRCMapTest = (InMapOffset >> 30);
                        if ((InMapOffset & 0x3FFFFFFF) <= (MapSize - 4))
                            InMapOffset = InMapOffset & 0x3FFFFFFF;
                            byte[] gf = new byte[4];
                            switch (RSRCMapTest)
                            case 00:
                                MapFile.Seek((long)InMapOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                MapFile.Read(gf, 0, 4);

                            case 01:
                                mainmenu_map.Seek((long)InMapOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                mainmenu_map.Read(gf, 0, 4);

                            case 02:
                                shared_map.Seek((long)InMapOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                shared_map.Read(gf, 0, 4);

                            case 03:
                                single_player_shared_map.Seek((long)InMapOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                single_player_shared_map.Read(gf, 0, 4);

                            uint RSRCTest = BitConverter.ToUInt32(gf, 0);
                            bool InThere;
                            if (RSRCTest == 0x626c6b68)                                      //0x686B6C62
                                InThere = false;
                                for (int itsin = 0; itsin < KnownRSRCs.Length; itsin += 1)
                                    if (osc == KnownRSRCs[itsin].OffsetInParent)
                                        InThere = true;
                                if (InThere == false)
                                    DebugFile.WriteLine("Parent Stucture name" + StructureName);
                                    DebugFile.WriteLine("Offset Of rsrc block " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", osc));
                            MapFile.Seek(SVPOS, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            uint ReWriteStructOffset = (uint)TagFile.Position;

            TagFile.Write(StructBuffer, 0, (int)StructBuffer.Length);
            TagFile.Write(BITMAPS, 0, (int)BITMAPS.Length);
            TagFile.Write(TagRefBuffer, 0, TagRefBuffer.Length);
            TagFile.Write(ScriptRefBuffer, 0, ScriptRefBuffer.Length);
            TagFile.Write(RSRC_BLOCK, 0, RSRC_BLOCK.Length);
            byte[] BSPVerticesData = new byte[SizeOfVerts];
            uint ChildStucturePosition = (uint)TagFile.Position;

            SizeOfVerts     = 0;
            BSPVerticesData = null;
            TagRefBuffer    = new byte[0];
            ScriptRefBuffer = new byte[0];
            StructRef       = 0;
            for (uint cc = 0; cc < ChunkCount; cc++)
                for (uint dd = 0; dd < MagIndex; dd++)
                    CMD = StructureArray[dd].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 256);
                    switch (CMD[0])
                    case "struct":
                        if (CMD[2] != StructureName)
                            Halo2Structure ChildStruct;
                            AfterStructChunkCount = GetUInt(OffsetBuffer, Val(CMD[1]) + (cc * StructSize));
                            if (AfterStructChunkCount != 0)
                                StructRef += 1;
                                NewStructureArray[NewIndexSize] = StructureArray[dd + NewIndexSize];
                                TestString   = StructureArray[dd + NewIndexSize].Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 256);
                                NewIndexSize = NewIndexSize + 1;
                                if (TestString.Length > 1)
                                    TestHelpString = TestString[1];
                                    TestHelpString = "";
                            }while (CMD[2] != TestHelpString);
                            dd = dd + (NewIndexSize - 1);
                            ChildChunkCount = 0;
                            if (CMD.Length == 6)
                                uint Devided;
                                uint Devidedby;
                                Devided         = GetUInt(OffsetBuffer, Convert.ToUInt32(CMD[5]) + (cc * StructSize));
                                Devidedby       = Convert.ToUInt32(CMD[3]);
                                ChildChunkCount = (Devided / Devidedby);
                                ChildChunkCount = GetUInt(OffsetBuffer, Val(CMD[1]) + (cc * StructSize));
                            MapFile.Seek(GetUInt(OffsetBuffer, Val(CMD[1]) + 4 + (cc * StructSize)) - OffsetMagic, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            if (ChildChunkCount != 0)
                                ChildStruct = new Halo2Structure();
                                long CurrentPos = TagFile.Position;
                                PutUInt(StructBuffer, (uint)CurrentPos - 0x40, Val(CMD[1]) + 4 + (cc * StructSize));
                                ChildStruct.StructureCS(NewIndexSize, OffsetMagic, MapMagic, NewStructureArray, ChildChunkCount, MapFile, TagFile, BitmapFile, VerticesOffset, IndicesOffset, StringTable, StringTableOffsetList, single_player_shared_map, mainmenu_map, shared_map, StartOfTags, MapSize, DebugFile, TagTable, ScriptStringArray);
                                long HSavPos = TagFile.Position;
                                TagFile.Seek(ReWriteStructOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                TagFile.Write(StructBuffer, 0, StructBuffer.Length);
                                TagFile.Seek(HSavPos, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                ChildStruct = null;

                            for (uint TagHandler = 0; TagHandler < TagRefIndex; TagHandler += 1)
                                if (StructRef == TagRefParentIndex[TagHandler])
                                    if (StructRef != 0)
                                        TagRefBufferOldSize           = (uint)TagRefBuffer.Length;
                                        TagRefBufferNewSize           = TagRefBufferOldSize + (uint)TagRefStrings[TagHandler].Length + 1;
                                        TagRefBuffer                  = Redim(TagRefBuffer, TagRefBufferOldSize, TagRefBufferNewSize);
                                        TagRefBuffer                  = AppendToByteArray(TagRefBuffer, TagRefStrings[TagHandler], TagRefBufferOldSize);
                                        TagRefStrings[TagHandler]     = "";
                                        TagRefParentIndex[TagHandler] = 65535;
                            TagFile.Write(TagRefBuffer, 0, TagRefBuffer.Length);
                            TagRefBuffer = new byte[0];
                            NewIndexSize = 0;
                            for (uint scpHandler = 0; scpHandler < ScriptRefIndex; scpHandler += 1)
                                if (StructRef == ScriptRefParentIndex[scpHandler])
                                    if (StructRef != 0)
                                        ScriptRefBufferOldSize           = (uint)ScriptRefBuffer.Length;
                                        ScriptRefBufferNewSize           = ScriptRefBufferOldSize + (uint)ScriptRefStrings[scpHandler].Length + 1;
                                        ScriptRefBuffer                  = Redim(ScriptRefBuffer, ScriptRefBufferOldSize, ScriptRefBufferNewSize);
                                        ScriptRefBuffer                  = AppendToByteArray(ScriptRefBuffer, ScriptRefStrings[scpHandler], ScriptRefBufferOldSize);
                                        ScriptRefStrings[scpHandler]     = "";
                                        ScriptRefParentIndex[scpHandler] = 65535;
                            TagFile.Write(ScriptRefBuffer, 0, ScriptRefBuffer.Length);
                            ScriptRefBuffer = new byte[0];

                    case "break":
            StructBuffer = new byte[0];
            OffsetBuffer = new byte[0];