protected void UpdateContextMenu(MultiSourceTreeNode[] nodes)

            // Clear the existing menu items, killing their tooltip in the process - otherwise
            // there would be a dangling reference and they would never go out of scope.
            foreach (BaseItem item in popupMenu.SubItems)
                tooltip.SetSuperTooltip(item, null);

            // We need some nodez biatches!
            if (nodes.Length == 0)

            Dictionary <MenuGroup, Dictionary <string, ButtonItem> > items = new Dictionary <MenuGroup, Dictionary <string, ButtonItem> >();

            // Get a sorted list of groups and their child items.
            foreach (MultiSourceTreeNode node in nodes)
                foreach (NodeInfo info in node.InfoEntries)
                    foreach (NodeStateSubscriber subscriber in info.Subscriptions)
                        if (!subscriber.Active)
                        // Copy the menu definitions to a temp array so they can be sorted.
                        MenuDefinition[] defs = new MenuDefinition[subscriber.State.MenuDefinitions.Count];
                        subscriber.State.MenuDefinitions.Keys.CopyTo(defs, 0);
                        Array.Sort(defs, new MenuDefinitionComparer());

                        foreach (MenuDefinition def in defs)
                            // If we have a test, run it to see if this item should be added.
                            if (def.MenuItemTest != null)
                                if (!def.MenuItemTest.Invoke(node, info))
                                    continue;                       // Nope!
                            // Get the group container.
                            Dictionary <string, ButtonItem> container;
                            if (!items.ContainsKey(def.Group))
                                items.Add(def.Group, new Dictionary <string, ButtonItem>());
                            container = items[def.Group];

                            // Create and add the menu item.
                            ButtonItem menuItem = def.CreateMenuItem(node, tooltip);
                            menuItem.Tag = info;
                            // TODO: This will need to be adjusted to the plural text somehow
                            // if more than one node is selected that contains this type.
                            if (!container.ContainsKey(def.Text))
                                container.Add(def.Text, menuItem);

            // Return if we had no groups to display.
            if (items.Count == 0)

            // Now that we have all of our groups, we need to sort them by priority.
            List <ButtonItemGroup> sortedGroups = new List <ButtonItemGroup>();
            while (items.Count > 0)
                MenuGroup priorityGroup = null;
                foreach (MenuGroup group in items.Keys)
                    if (priorityGroup == null)
                        priorityGroup = group;
                    if (group.SortingPriority > priorityGroup.SortingPriority)
                        priorityGroup = group;
                ButtonItem[] buttonItems = new ButtonItem[items[priorityGroup].Values.Count];
                items[priorityGroup].Values.CopyTo(buttonItems, 0);

                ButtonItemGroup newGroup = new ButtonItemGroup();
                newGroup.Group = priorityGroup;
                newGroup.Items = buttonItems;

            // And now we can construct the actual popup menu! YAY!
            foreach (ButtonItemGroup group in sortedGroups)
                LabelItem groupLabel = group.Group.CreateLabelItem();

            // Final pass - remove incorrect grouping.
            for (int x = 0; x < popupMenu.SubItems.Count; x++)
                if (x == 0)
                    popupMenu.SubItems[x].BeginGroup = false;
                    if (!(popupMenu.SubItems[x - 1] is ButtonItem))
                        popupMenu.SubItems[x].BeginGroup = false;