 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the
 /// <see cref="T:Projeto_LP2e.Render"/> class.
 /// Constructor that recives the GameSetup and the World variables.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gs">GameSetup.</param>
 /// <param name="w">World.</param>
 public Render(GameSetup gs, World w)
     this.gs = gs;
     this.w  = w;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the
        /// <see cref="T:Projeto_LP2e.World"/> class.
        /// Constructor that puts the agent in the grid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gs">Gs.</param>
        public World(GameSetup gs)
            //Creates a new grid.
            grid = new IGameObject[gs.Row, gs.Col];
            //Creates the total agents.
            agents = new Agent[gs.NZombies + gs.NHumans];
            //Calls the function to populate the grid.
            //Row and column variables.
            int row, col;
            //Variable that count the playable agents.
            int playableCount = 0;

            //Go trough all the human agents.
            for (int i = 0; i < gs.NHumans; i++)
                //while the founded position is an agent, keep searching for an
                //empty position.
                    row = rand.Next(0, gs.Row - 1);
                    col = rand.Next(0, gs.Col - 1);
                }while (grid[row, col] is Agent);

                //Creates AI agents of the Human type
                if (playableCount >= gs.NPlayHumans)
                    grid[row, col] = new Agent_AI(Type.Human, row, col, i);
                //Creates playable agents of human type and increments the
                //playableCount variable by one for each agent created.
                    grid[row, col] = new Agent_Play(Type.Human, row, col, i);
            //Sets the playableCount to 0.
            playableCount = 0;

            //Go through all the Zombie agents.
            for (int i = gs.NHumans; i < gs.NHumans + gs.NZombies; i++)
                //while the founded position is an agent, keep searching for an
                //empty position.
                    row = rand.Next(0, gs.Row - 1);
                    col = rand.Next(0, gs.Col - 1);
                }while (grid[row, col] is Agent);

                //Creates AI agents of the Zombie type
                if (playableCount >= gs.NPlayZombies)
                    grid[row, col] = new Agent_AI(Type.Zombie, row, col, i);
                //Creates playable agents of zombie type and increments the
                //playableCount variable by one for each agent created.
                    grid[row, col] = new Agent_Play(Type.Zombie, row, col, i);
            //Call the method to populate array to shuffle.