private static void ReadFunc(string[] obj) { logger.Log("Read function invoked.", LogLevel.INFO); if (obj.Length != 1) { logger.Log("No PATH argument provided to Read function", LogLevel.WARNING); Console.WriteLine("You have to provide PATH to .dll file"); Console.WriteLine("If you're having issues with the program type 'help' for more instructions."); return; } DataContext.InjectOpenFilePathService(CommandLineOpenFilePathService.Create(obj[0])); DataContext.LoadFromFileDataCommand.Execute("Load"); DataContext.ReadDataCommand.Execute("Read"); Console.WriteLine("Read: " + DataContext.ReadFileName); try { rootItem = DataContext.HierarchicalAreas[0]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { logger.Log("Wrong PATH argument provided to Read function\n" + e, LogLevel.WARNING); Console.WriteLine("You have to provide correct PATH to .dll file. Your PATH is wrong or file doesn't exist."); Console.WriteLine("If you're having issues with the program type 'help' for more instructions."); return; } logger.Log("Correctly read " + rootItem.ToString(), LogLevel.INFO); }
public static CommandLineOpenFilePathService Create(string filePath) { CommandLineOpenFilePathService commandLineOpenFilePathService = new CommandLineOpenFilePathService { _filePath = filePath }; return(commandLineOpenFilePathService); }