static void Main(string[] args) { // Temp logger for startup errors Context.Log = new ConsoleLogger { LogLevel = Logger.LogLevels.Info }; // Setup global Context Context.Params = new AppParams(args); Context.Log = new LogFileLogger(Context.Params.P <string>("Logger.LogDirectory"), Context.Params.P <bool>("ConsoleLog")); Context.Log.SetLogLevel(Context.Params.P <string>("LogLevel")); if (Context.Params.P <bool>("Verbose") || !Context.Params.P <bool>("Quiet")) { Console.WriteLine("WELCOME TO PROJECT APOLLO METAVERSE API SERVER"); } // This log message has a UTC time header and a local time message Context.Log.Info("{0} Started at {1}", _logHeader, DateTime.Now.ToString()); // Everything will keep running until this TokenSource is cancelled Context.KeepRunning = new CancellationTokenSource(); MetaverseServer server = new MetaverseServer(); server.Start(); return; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Temp logger for startup errors Context.Log = new ConsoleLogger { LogLevel = Logger.LogLevels.Info }; // Setup global Context Context.Params = new AppParams(args); Context.Params.LoadSiteParameters(); Context.Log = new LogFileLogger(Context.Params.P <string>(AppParams.P_LOGGER_LOG_DIR), Context.Params.P <bool>(AppParams.P_CONSOLELOG)); Context.Log.SetLogLevel(Context.Params.P <string>(AppParams.P_LOGLEVEL)); // If asked for the version, just print that out and exit if (Context.Params.P <bool>(AppParams.P_VERSION)) { Console.WriteLine("Version=" + ThisAssembly.AssemblyVersion); Console.WriteLine("InformationalVersion=" + ThisAssembly.AssemblyInformationalVersion); return; } if (Context.Params.P <bool>(AppParams.P_VERBOSE) || !Context.Params.P <bool>(AppParams.P_QUIET)) { Console.WriteLine("WELCOME TO PROJECT APOLLO METAVERSE API SERVER VERSION " + ThisAssembly.AssemblyInformationalVersion); } // This log message has a UTC time header and a local time message Context.Log.Info("{0} Started at {1}", _logHeader, DateTime.Now.ToString()); Context.Log.Info("{0} Version = {1}", _logHeader, ThisAssembly.AssemblyInformationalVersion); // Everything will keep running until this TokenSource is cancelled Context.KeepRunning = new CancellationTokenSource(); MetaverseServer server = new MetaverseServer(); server.Start(); return; }