private void ProjectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     int[] allowedEntities = EntityFunctions.AllowedEntityIDs(selectedStaffID);
     if (!allowedEntities.Contains(Globals.CurrentEntityID))
         MessageFunctions.InvalidMessage("This staff member does not have access to this Entity, so they cannot have any projects in it.", "Invalid Entity");
         PageFunctions.ShowProjectTeamsPage(pageMode, selectedStaffID, "StaffPage");
        private void createNewClient(string accountManagerName)
            int    newID           = 0;
            bool   inCurrentEntity = (selectedEntityID == Globals.CurrentEntityID);
            string savedInEntity   = "";
            string contactsCopied  = "";

            try { newID = ClientFunctions.NewClient(ClientCode.Text, ClientName.Text, accountManagerName, (bool)ActiveCheckBox.IsChecked, selectedEntityID); }
            catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error creating new client record", generalException); }

            if (newID > 0)
                    if (!inCurrentEntity)
                        if (CopyContactsCheckBox.IsChecked == true)
                            bool success = ClientFunctions.CopyContacts(selectedRecord.ID, newID);
                            contactsCopied = success ? ", and all active linked contacts have been copied to it" : " but contacts could not be copied";
                        savedInEntity = " in Entity '" + EntityFunctions.GetEntityName(selectedEntityID) + "'" + contactsCopied + ". Switch to that Entity if you need to work with the new record";

                    MessageFunctions.SuccessAlert("New client '" + ClientName.Text + "' saved successfully" + savedInEntity + ".", "Client Created");
                    if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Amend)
                        if (inCurrentEntity)
                            refreshClientGrid(); // This is not necessarily done for us by the Account Managers list
                            ClientDataGrid.SelectedValue = gridList.First(c => c.ID == newID);
                        AddButtonText.Text = "Add Another";
                catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error updating page for new client record", generalException); }
        // ---------------------- //
        // -- Event Management -- //
        // ---------------------- //

        // Control-specific events //
        private void CommitButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string name        = EntityName.Text;
            string description = EntityDescription.Text;

            if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Switch)
                EntityFunctions.SwitchEntity(ref selectedEntity, (bool)MakeDefaultCheckBox.IsChecked);
            else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.New)
                EntityFunctions.NewEntity(name, description, (bool)SwitchToCheckBox.IsChecked, (bool)MakeDefaultCheckBox.IsChecked);
            else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Amend)
                EntityFunctions.AmendEntity(ref selectedEntity, name, description);
            else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Default)
                EntityFunctions.ChangeDefaultEntity(ref selectedEntity, name);
        private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                    pageMode = PageFunctions.pageParameter(this, "Mode");
                catch (Exception generalException)
                    MessageFunctions.Error("Error retrieving query details", generalException);

                if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Switch)
                    PageHeader.Content = "Change Current Entity";
                    HeaderImage2.SetResourceReference(Image.SourceProperty, "ChangeEntityIcon");
                    Instructions.Content        = "Pick an Entity from the list to change to it.";
                    EntityName.Visibility       = Visibility.Hidden;
                    SwitchToCheckBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    EntityDescription.IsEnabled = false;
                    EntityCombo.Margin          = EntityName.Margin;
                    CommitButtonText.Text       = "Change";
                    ChangeNameLabel.Visibility  = Visibility.Hidden;
                    EntityCombo.ItemsSource     = EntityFunctions.EntityList(Globals.MyStaffID, false, Globals.CurrentEntityID);
                    if (EntityCombo.Items.Count == 1)
                        EntityCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
                else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.New)
                    EntityCombo.Visibility     = Visibility.Hidden;
                    ChangeNameLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Amend)
                    PageHeader.Content = "Amend Existing Entity";
                    HeaderImage2.SetResourceReference(Image.SourceProperty, "AmendIcon");
                    Instructions.Content           = "Pick an Entity from the list to amend it.";
                    SwitchToCheckBox.Visibility    = Visibility.Hidden;
                    MakeDefaultCheckBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    EntityDescription.IsEnabled    = false;

                    Thickness nameMargin = EntityName.Margin;
                    EntityName.Margin       = EntityCombo.Margin;
                    EntityCombo.Margin      = nameMargin;
                    CommitButtonText.Text   = "Amend";
                    EntityCombo.ItemsSource = EntityFunctions.EntityList(Globals.MyStaffID, false);
                else if (pageMode == PageFunctions.Default)
                    PageHeader.Content = "Change Default Entity";
                    HeaderImage2.SetResourceReference(Image.SourceProperty, "PinIcon");
                    HeaderImage2.Width             = 25;
                    HeaderImage2.Stretch           = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.UniformToFill;
                    Instructions.Content           = "Pick an Entity from the list to set it as your default.";
                    EntityName.Visibility          = Visibility.Hidden;
                    SwitchToCheckBox.Visibility    = Visibility.Hidden;
                    MakeDefaultCheckBox.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    EntityDescription.IsEnabled    = false;
                    EntityCombo.Margin             = EntityName.Margin;
                    CommitButtonText.Text          = "Set Default";
                    ChangeNameLabel.Visibility     = Visibility.Hidden;
                    EntityCombo.ItemsSource        = EntityFunctions.EntityList(Globals.MyStaffID, false, Globals.MyDefaultEntityID);

                    if (Globals.MyDefaultEntityID != Globals.CurrentEntityID)
                        try { EntityCombo.SelectedItem = Globals.CurrentEntityName; }
                        catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error setting current entity", generalException); }
                        if (EntityCombo.Items.Count == 1)
                            EntityCombo.SelectedIndex = 0;
                else // Not sure
                    EntityCombo.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            catch (Exception generalException) { MessageFunctions.Error("Error setting initial values", generalException); }