
		public GameNetworkServer( string serverName, string serverVersion, int maxConnections,
            bool entitySystemServiceEnabled)
            : base(serverName, serverVersion, maxConnections)
            if (instance != null)
                Log.Fatal("GameNetworkServer.GameNetworkServer: instance != null.");
            instance = this;

            //register network services

            //register user management service
            userManagementService = new UserManagementServerNetworkService();

            //register custom messages service
            customMessagesService = new CustomMessagesServerNetworkService();

            //register chat service
            chatService = new ChatServerNetworkService(userManagementService);

            //register entity system service
            if (entitySystemServiceEnabled)
                entitySystemService = new EntitySystemServerNetworkService(userManagementService);

        public GameNetworkServer(string serverName, string serverVersion, int maxConnections,
                                 bool entitySystemServiceEnabled)
            : base(serverName, serverVersion, maxConnections)
            if (instance != null)
                Log.Fatal("GameNetworkServer.GameNetworkServer: instance != null.");
            instance = this;

            //register network services

            //register user management service
            userManagementService = new UserManagementServerNetworkService();

            //register custom messages service
            customMessagesService = new CustomMessagesServerNetworkService();

            //register chat service
            chatService = new ChatServerNetworkService(userManagementService);

            //register entity system service
            if (entitySystemServiceEnabled)
                entitySystemService = new EntitySystemServerNetworkService(userManagementService);
		void CustomMessagesService_ReceiveMessage( CustomMessagesServerNetworkService sender,
			NetworkNode.ConnectedNode source, string message, string data )
			//Warning! Messages must be checked by security reasons.
			//Modified client application can send any message with any data.
			if( allowCustomClientCommands )
				//load map
				if( message == "Example_MapLoad" )
					string mapName = data;
					MapDestroy( true );
					if( !MapLoad( mapName ) )

				//create map object
				if( message == "Example_CreateMapObject" )
					string[] parameters = data.Split( ';' );
					string typeName = parameters[ 0 ];
					Vec3 position = Vec3.Parse( parameters[ 1 ] );
					Quat rotation = Quat.Parse( parameters[ 2 ] );

					if( Map.Instance != null )
						MapObject entity = (MapObject)Entities.Instance.Create( typeName, Map.Instance );
						entity.Position = position;
						entity.Rotation = rotation;


		//public Unit AKServerOrSingle_CreatePlayerUnit(PlayerManager.ServerOrSingle_Player player,
		//    MapObject spawnPoint, string faction)
		//    string unitTypeName;
		//    FactionType AKFaction;

		//    //PlayerIntellect intellect = player.Intellect as PlayerIntellect; //invalid
		//    if (faction.ToString().Equals("AssaultKnights") || faction.ToString().Equals("AssaultKnights (Faction)"))
		//        AKFaction = (FactionType)Entities.Instance.Create("AssaultKnights", Map.Instance).Type;
		//    else
		//        AKFaction = (FactionType)Entities.Instance.Create("Omni", Map.Instance).Type;

		//    if (GameMap.Instance.GameType == GameMap.GameTypes.AssaultKnights)
		//    {
		//        if (player.Intellect.Faction == null)
		//            player.Intellect.Faction = AKFaction;
		//        else if (player.Intellect.Faction != AKFaction)
		//            player.Intellect.Faction = AKFaction;
		//        else
		//            player.Intellect.Faction = AKFaction;
		//    }

		//    if (!player.Bot)
		//    {
		//        if (player.Intellect.Faction.Name == "AssaultKnights" && GameMap.Instance.GameType == GameMap.GameTypes.AssaultKnights)
		//            unitTypeName = "AKSoldier";
		//        else if (player.Intellect.Faction.Name == "Omni" && GameMap.Instance.GameType == GameMap.GameTypes.AssaultKnights)
		//            unitTypeName = "OmniSoldier";
		//        else if (GameMap.Instance.PlayerUnitType != null)
		//            unitTypeName = GameMap.Instance.PlayerUnitType.Name;
		//        else
		//            unitTypeName = "Girl";
		//    }
		//    else if (player.Bot)
		//        unitTypeName = player.Name;
		//    else
		//        unitTypeName = "Rabbit";

		//    Unit unit = (Unit)Entities.Instance.Create(unitTypeName, Map.Instance);

		//    Vec3 posOffset = new Vec3(0, 0, 1.5f);
		//    unit.Position = spawnPoint.Position + posOffset;
		//    unit.Rotation = spawnPoint.Rotation;

		//    if (GameMap.Instance.GameType == GameMap.GameTypes.AssaultKnights)
		//        unit.InitialFaction = AKFaction;//player.Intellect.Faction;

		//    unit.PostCreate();

		//    if (player.Intellect != null)
		//    {
		//        player.Intellect.Faction = AKFaction;//player.Intellect.Faction;
		//        player.Intellect.ControlledObject = unit;
		//        unit.SetIntellect(player.Intellect, false);
		//    }

		//    Teleporter teleporter = spawnPoint as Teleporter;
		//    if (teleporter != null)
		//        teleporter.ReceiveObject(unit, null);

		//    BoxTeleporter boxteleporter = spawnPoint as BoxTeleporter;
		//    if (boxteleporter != null)
		//        boxteleporter.ReceiveObject(unit, null);

		//    return unit;

		public static void SpawnInfo( CustomMessagesServerNetworkService sender,
		   NetworkNode.ConnectedNode info, string message, string data )
			if( message == "SpawnInfoToServer" )
				string[] parameters = data.Split( ';' );
				string userid = parameters[ 0 ];
				string selectedspawnid = parameters[ 1 ];
				string selectedfaction = parameters[ 2 ];
				//SpawnPoint target = null;

				var user = GameNetworkServer.Instance.UserManagementService.GetUser( uint.Parse( userid ) );

				user.SpawnId = uint.Parse( selectedspawnid );
				var player = PlayerManager.Instance.ServerOrSingle_GetPlayer( user );
				player.Intellect.Faction = EntityTypes.Instance.GetByName( selectedfaction ) as FactionType;

        public static void SpawnInfo(CustomMessagesServerNetworkService sender,
            NetworkNode.ConnectedNode info, string message, string data)
            if (message == "spawnInfoToServer")
                string[] parameters = data.Split(';');
                string userid = parameters[0];
                string selectedspawnid = parameters[1];
                string selectedfaction = parameters[2];

                foreach (ProjectCommon.UserManagementServerNetworkService.UserInfo info2 in GameNetworkServer.Instance.UserManagementService.Users)
                    if (info2.Name.Equals(userid))
                        GameWorld.Instance.AKServerOrSingle_CreatePlayerUnit(PlayerManager.Instance.ServerOrSingle_GetPlayer(userid), target, selectedfaction);
                        GameNetworkServer.Instance.CustomMessagesService.SendToClient(info, message, data);