private void ADD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (FirstName.Text != "" && Email.Text != "" && RegistrationNumber.Text != "") { StudentClass Stu = new StudentClass(); int temp = 0; if (IsValidEmail(Email.Text) == false) { Email.Text = " "; MessageBox.Show("please enter Valid Email Address"); Email_TextChanged(sender, e); } if (Contact.Text.Length > 11 || Contact.Text.Length < 9) { Contact.Text = " "; MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid Contact Number"); Contact_TextChanged(sender, e); } else { if (Active.Checked == true) { temp = 5; } if (InActive.Checked == true) { temp = 6; } if (Stu.Check(RegistrationNumber.Text.Trim())) { Stu.ADD_student(FirstName.Text.Trim(), LastName.Text.Trim(), Contact.Text.Trim(), Email.Text.Trim(), RegistrationNumber.Text.Trim(), temp); FirstName.Text = " "; LastName.Text = " "; Contact.Text = " "; Email.Text = " "; RegistrationNumber.Text = " "; StudentForm_Load(sender, e); MessageBox.Show("Data inserted Successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("This registration Number already Exit"); RegistrationNumber.Text = " "; RegistrationNumber_TextChanged(sender, e); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("FirstName ,Email,RegistrationNumber,Status are required fields.please fill these fields"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Data Can't be added,please fill valid and new data"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// This function insert the student record in the StudentRecordList /// </summary> /// <param name="query">Query to retrieve the data from database</param> public void Show_Record(string query) { try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader reader; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { ListofClasses Lt1 = new ListofClasses(); Lt1.StudentList.Clear(); while (reader.Read()) { StudentClass st1 = new StudentClass(); st1.Id1 = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]); st1.FirstName = reader[1].ToString(); st1.LastName = reader[2].ToString(); st1.Contact = reader[3].ToString(); st1.Email = reader[4].ToString(); st1.RegistrationNumber = reader[5].ToString(); st1.Status = Convert.ToInt32(reader[6]); Lt1.addIntolist(st1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
private void StudentForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { StudentClass st1 = new StudentClass(); ListofClasses lt1 = new ListofClasses(); st1.StudentRecord(); StudentRecord.DataSource = null; StudentRecord.DataSource = lt1.StudentList; }
private void StudentRecord_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { StudentClass sc = new StudentClass(); ListofClasses lt = new ListofClasses(); int index = StudentRecord.CurrentCell.RowIndex; DataGridViewRow r = StudentRecord.Rows[index]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells[0].Value); if (StudentRecord.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "Delete") { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do You Want to delete adainst id ?" + id, "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result.Equals(DialogResult.OK)) { sc.Delete(id); StudentRecord.DataSource = null; StudentForm_Load(sender, e); } else { return; } } if (StudentRecord.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == "Edit") { FirstName.Text = r.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); LastName.Text = r.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); Contact.Text = r.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); Email.Text = r.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); RegistrationNumber.Text = r.Cells[5].Value.ToString(); int temp = Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells[6].Value); if (temp == 5) { Active.Checked = true; } if (temp == 6) { InActive.Checked = true; } globalindex = id; } }
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int temp = 0; StudentClass Stu = new StudentClass(); if (IsValidEmail(Email.Text) == false) { MessageBox.Show("input should be in email format"); Email.Text = " "; Email_TextChanged(sender, e); } else { if (Active.Checked == true) { temp = 5; } if (InActive.Checked == true) { temp = 6; } Stu.Edit(globalindex, FirstName.Text, LastName.Text, Contact.Text, Email.Text, RegistrationNumber.Text, temp); FirstName.Text = " "; LastName.Text = " "; Contact.Text = " "; Email.Text = " "; RegistrationNumber.Text = " "; StudentRecord.DataSource = null; StudentForm_Load(sender, e); } }catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Data can,t Update,please enter valid data"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// this function used to add student in the studentList /// </summary> /// <param name="st">student of type StudentClass</param> public void addIntolist(StudentClass st) { studentList.Add(st); }