private void initListView() { // Clear the ListView control items listView_lessons.Items.Clear(); // there aren't any courses, exit if (list_lessons_fix != null && list_lessons_fix.Count > 0) { // add items to listView controll corses string[] arr = new string[8]; ListViewItem itm; //= new ListViewItem(); for (int i = 0; i < list_lessons_fix.Count; i++) { arr[0] = list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).Day.ToString(); arr[1] = formatTime(list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).Start); arr[2] = formatTime(list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).End); Course course =; if (course != null) { arr[3] = course.ID.ToString() + ":" + course.Name; arr[4] = course.Points.ToString(); } arr[5] = (list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).End - list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).Start).ToString(); if (list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).Type.Equals("Lecture")) { Lecturer l = dal.lecturers.Find(list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).LTeacherID); if (l != null) { arr[6] = l.Name; } } else if (list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).Type.Equals("Practise") || list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).Type.Equals("Lab")) { Practitioner p = dal.practitiners.Find(list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).LTeacherID); if (p != null) { arr[6] = p.Name; } } //if(list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).classroom != null) arr[7] = list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).building + list_lessons_fix.ElementAt(i).number.ToString(); itm = new ListViewItem(arr); listView_lessons.Items.Add(itm); // colored the line in listview if (i % 2 == 1) { listView_lessons.Items[i].BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#f2f2f2"); } else { listView_lessons.Items[i].BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffffff"); } } listView_lessons.Sort(); summery(); } }
public static int getAmountOfCourseofPractitioner(Practitioner l) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners != null) { return(l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count); } return(-1); }
public bool removeCourseFromPractitioner(Practitioner p, Course c) { if (p.RemoveAllMyLessonsInCourse(c)) // הסרת כל השיעורים השייכים למתרגל בקורס { (new Form_toastMassage("מחקת את כל השיעורים מהמרצה, כדי לבצע פעולה זאת")).Show(); // הצגת הודעת קופצת שהפעולה מחיקת השיעור לסטודנט בוצעה בהצלחה return(SettingDatabase.RemoveCourseFromPractitioner(p, c)); // הסרת הקורס מהמתרגל } return(false); // במידה והפעולה של הסרח שיעורים לא הצליחה, אז תחזיר שקר, כלומר אינה יכול למחוק כרגע את הקורס מהמרצה }
public bool removeCourseFromPractitioner(Practitioner p, Course c) { if (p.RemoveAllMyLessonsInCourse(c)) { (new Form_toastMassage("מחקת את כל השיעורים מהמרצה, כדי לבצע פעולה זאת")).Show(); return(SettingDatabase.RemoveCourseFromPractitioner(p, c)); } return(false); }
public bool ScheduleLessonLabToPractitionerInCourse(Practitioner prac, Course c, Lesson les) { if (SettingDatabase.PractitionerHasMoreThenAllowsHours(prac, les)) { MessageBox.Show("Can't register any more lessons to this Practitioner, because he above more then 16 weekly hours teaching"); return(false); } return(SettingDatabase.AddLabInCourseToPractitioner(prac, c, les)); }
public static int getAmountOfPractisesOfPractitioner(Practitioner l) { if (l.LessonPractises != null) { return(l.LessonPractises.Count); } else { return(-1); } }
public Form_AddConstraint(User u) { InitializeComponent(); dal = new DbContextDal(); //Receives a staff member indicating what authorization is, to know what actions are allowed user = u; if (user != null) { if (user.permission.Equals("Lecturer")) { lecturer = dal.lecturers.Find(user.ID); listApprovedCourses = lecturer.getAllMyCourseInStateApproved(); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Practitioner")) { practitioner = dal.practitiners.Find(user.ID); listApprovedCourses = practitioner.getAllMyCourseInStateApproved(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details! (Only Lecturer / Practitioner can enter to here)"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } if (listApprovedCourses != null) { string[] CB_coursesItems = new string[listApprovedCourses.Count + 1]; CB_coursesItems[0] = ""; for (int i = 0; i < listApprovedCourses.Count; i++) { string str = listApprovedCourses.ElementAt(i).ID.ToString() + " : " + listApprovedCourses.ElementAt(i).Name; CB_coursesItems[i + 1] = str; } txt_CB_coursesApproved.DataSource = CB_coursesItems; } txt_checkBox_allCourses.Checked = true; updateButtonsAndTextBoxes(); GeneralFuntion.BlockResizeListViewColumns(listView_constraints); GeneralFuntion.Form_Center_FixedDialog(this); }
public Form_addCourseToStaffAndStudent(User u) { InitializeComponent(); // init connection to database dal = new DbContextDal(); //Receives a staff member indicating what authorization is, to know what actions are allowed user = u; if (user != null) { if (user.permission.Equals("Secretary")) { staffMember = secretary = dal.secretaries.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Admin")) { staffMember = admin = dal.admins.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Lecturer")) { staffMember = lecturer = dal.lecturers.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Practitioner")) { staffMember = practitioner = dal.practitiners.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Student")) { student = dal.students.Find(user.ID); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } resertDetailCourse(); UpdateDefaultButton(); initPermission(); GeneralFuntion.BlockResizeListViewColumns(listView_coursesFounded); GeneralFuntion.Form_Center_FixedDialog(this); }
public static int getAmountOfApprovedCourseofPractitioner(Practitioner l) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners != null) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count; i++) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners.ElementAt(i).Approved) { sum++; } } return(sum); } return(-1); }
public static bool removeCourseFromPractitioner(Practitioner l, Course c) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners != null) { int AmountBefore = l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count; for (int i = 0; i < l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count; i++) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners.ElementAt(i).CourseId == c.ID) { l.approvalOfPractitioners.Remove(l.approvalOfPractitioners.ElementAt(i)); } } return(AmountBefore != l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count); } return(false); }
public bool setapprovedCourseForPractitioner(Practitioner p, Course c, bool approved = true) { if (approved == false && p.RemoveAllMyLessonsInCourse(c)) // הסרת כל השיעורים מהמרצה ב { (new Form_toastMassage("מחקת את כל השיעורים מהמתרגל, כדי לבצע פעולה זאת")).Show(); return(SettingDatabase.ApprovedCourseForPractitioner(p, c, approved)); } else if (approved) { return(SettingDatabase.ApprovedCourseForPractitioner(p, c, approved)); } else { return(false); } }
private void setApprovedCoursesOfPractitioner(Practitioner p) { list_ApprovedCourses = p.getAllMyCourseInStateApproved(); if (list_ApprovedCourses != null) { string[] CB_CourseItems = new string[list_ApprovedCourses.Count + 1]; CB_CourseItems[0] = ""; for (int i = 0; i < list_ApprovedCourses.Count; i++) { string str = list_ApprovedCourses.ElementAt(i).ID.ToString() + " : " + list_ApprovedCourses.ElementAt(i).Name; CB_CourseItems[i + 1] = str; } txt_CB_coursesApproved.DataSource = CB_CourseItems; } }
private void txt_CB_lecturers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selected_Lecturer = null; selected_Practitioner = null; if (txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex <= 0) { updateComponents(); return; } if (list_lecturers != null && txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex <= list_lecturers.Count) { selected_Lecturer = list_lecturers.ElementAt(txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex - 1); txt_CB_coursesApproved.Text = ""; txt_CB_coursesApproved.Enabled = false; setApprovedCoursesOfLecturer(list_lecturers.ElementAt(txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex - 1)); } else if (list_practitiners != null && list_lecturers != null && txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex > list_lecturers.Count) { selected_Practitioner = list_practitiners.ElementAt(txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex - 1 - list_lecturers.Count); txt_CB_coursesApproved.Text = ""; txt_CB_coursesApproved.Enabled = false; setApprovedCoursesOfPractitioner(list_practitiners.ElementAt(txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex - 1 - list_lecturers.Count)); } else if (list_practitiners != null && list_lecturers == null && txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex < list_practitiners.Count) { selected_Practitioner = list_practitiners.ElementAt(txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex - 1); txt_CB_coursesApproved.Text = ""; txt_CB_coursesApproved.Enabled = false; setApprovedCoursesOfPractitioner(list_practitiners.ElementAt(txt_CB_lecturersPractitioners.SelectedIndex - 1)); } else { resetDataTimeTable(); resetDetail(); setDataInGridView(); updateComponents(); return; } updateComponents(); resetDataTimeTable(); setDataInGridView(); setDataListClasses(); }
private StaffMember getStaffMemberFromID(int id) { try { Lecturer l = dal.lecturers.Find(id); if (l != null) { return(l); } Practitioner p = dal.practitiners.Find(id); if (p != null) { return(p); } } catch (Exception) { } return(null); }
public Form_AddUpdateStaffMember(User u) { InitializeComponent(); dal = new DbContextDal(); //Receives a staff member indicating what authorization is, to know what actions are allowed user = u; if (user != null) { if (user.permission.Equals("Secretary")) { secretary = dal.secretaries.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Admin")) { admin = dal.admins.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Lecturer")) { lecturer = dal.lecturers.Find(user.ID); } else if (user.permission.Equals("Practitioner")) { practitioner = dal.practitiners.Find(user.ID); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } updateButtons(); listView_staffFounded.Items.Clear(); GeneralFuntion.BlockResizeListViewColumns(listView_staffFounded); GeneralFuntion.Form_Center_FixedDialog(this); }
public static int getTotalHourOfAllLessonOfPractitioner(Practitioner l) { int sum = 0; if (l.LessonLabs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < l.LessonLabs.Count; i++) { sum += l.LessonLabs.ElementAt(i).End - l.LessonLabs.ElementAt(i).Start; } } if (l.LessonPractises != null) { for (int i = 0; i < l.LessonPractises.Count; i++) { sum += l.LessonPractises.ElementAt(i).End - l.LessonPractises.ElementAt(i).Start; } } return(sum); }
public static bool AddCourseToPractitioner(Practitioner l, Course c) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners != null) { int AmountBefore = l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count; for (int i = 0; i < l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count; i++) { if (l.approvalOfPractitioners.ElementAt(i).CourseId == c.ID) { return(false); } } l.approvalOfPractitioners.Add(new ApprovalOfPractitioner() { CourseId = c.ID, PractitionerId = l.ID, Approved = true }); return(AmountBefore != l.approvalOfPractitioners.Count); } return(false); }
public Form_MenuLecturerPractitioner(User u) { InitializeComponent(); GeneralFuntion.Form_Center_FixedDialog(this); dal = new DbContextDal(); user = u; if (user != null) { if (user.permission.Equals("Lecturer")) { lecturer = dal.lecturers.Find(user.ID); lbl_userName.Text = lbl_userName.Text + lecturer.Name; lbl_title.Text = lbl_title.Text + "Lecturer"; } else if (user.permission.Equals("Practitioner")) { practitioner = dal.practitiners.Find(user.ID); lbl_userName.Text = lbl_userName.Text + practitioner.Name; lbl_title.Text = lbl_title.Text + "Practitioner"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details! (Only Lecturer or Practitioner can enter to here)"); clickGoBack = true; this.Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; this.Close(); } }
public Form_MySchedule(User u) { InitializeComponent(); dal = new DbContextDal(); //Receives a staff member indicating what authorization is, to know what actions are allowed user = u; if (user != null) { if (user.permission.Equals("Lecturer")) { lecturer = dal.lecturers.Find(user.ID); list_lessons = lecturer.GetAllMyLesson(); list_lessons_fix = lecturer.GetAllMyLesson(); checkBox_lectures.Enabled = true; checkBox_lectures.Checked = true; checkBox_practises.Enabled = false; checkBox_practises.Checked = false; checkBox_labs.Enabled = false; checkBox_labs.Checked = false; } else if (user.permission.Equals("Practitioner")) { practitioner = dal.practitiners.Find(user.ID); list_lessons = practitioner.GetAllMyLesson(); list_lessons_fix = practitioner.GetAllMyLesson(); checkBox_practises.Enabled = true; checkBox_practises.Checked = true; checkBox_labs.Enabled = true; checkBox_labs.Checked = true; checkBox_lectures.Enabled = false; checkBox_lectures.Checked = false; } else if (user.permission.Equals("Student")) { student = dal.students.Find(user.ID); list_lessons = student.getAllMyLessons(); list_lessons_fix = student.getAllMyLessons(); checkBox_practises.Enabled = true; checkBox_practises.Checked = true; checkBox_labs.Enabled = true; checkBox_labs.Checked = true; checkBox_lectures.Enabled = true; checkBox_lectures.Checked = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details! (Only Student / Lecturer / Practitioner can enter to here)"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not identify user details!"); clickGoBack = true; Close(); } GeneralFuntion.Form_Center_FixedDialog(this); setEmptyDataInGridView(); setDataInGridView(); initListView(); }
public bool setapprovedCourseForPractitioner(Practitioner p, Course c, bool approved = true) { return(SettingDatabase.ApprovedCourseForPractitioner(p, c, approved)); }
public bool getApprovedStateOfCourseForPractitioner(Practitioner p, Course c) { return(SettingDatabase.GetStateApprovalOfSPractitionerInCourse(p, c)); }
public List <Course> getAllCourseOfPractitioner(Practitioner p) { return(SettingDatabase.GetAllLearnedCoursesOfPractitioner(p)); }
private void updateButtons() { if (selected_lesson != null) { if (checkBox_LessonsOfStudentSelected.Checked != true) { btn_Add.Enabled = true; btn_RemoveLesson.Enabled = false; } else { btn_Add.Enabled = false; btn_RemoveLesson.Enabled = true; } checkBox_Lesson.Checked = true; txt_lbl_day.Text = selected_lesson.Day; txt_lbl_End.Text = GeneralFuntion.formatTime(selected_lesson.End); txt_lbl_Start.Text = GeneralFuntion.formatTime(selected_lesson.Start); txt_lbl_Type.Text = selected_lesson.Type; txt_TB_infoLesson.Text = selected_lesson.InfoLesson; string nameTeacher = ""; int amountStudent = 0; int maxStudInClass = 0; ClassRoom classroom = dal.class_rooms.Where(x => x.building.Equals(selected_lesson.building) && x.number == selected_lesson.number).FirstOrDefault(); if (classroom != null) { maxStudInClass = classroom.maxStudents; } if (selected_lesson.Type.Equals("Lecture")) { Lecturer l = dal.lecturers.Find(selected_lesson.LTeacherID); if (l != null) { nameTeacher = "L" + l.ID.ToString() + " : " + l.Name; } if (secretary != null) { Lecture lecture = secretary.geLectureFromLesson(selected_lesson); if (lecture != null) { amountStudent = lecture.NumStudent; } } else if (admin != null) { Lecture lecture = admin.geLectureFromLesson(selected_lesson); if (lecture != null) { amountStudent = lecture.NumStudent; } } else if (student != null) { Lecture lecture = SettingDatabase.geLectureFromLesson(selected_lesson); if (lecture != null) { amountStudent = lecture.NumStudent; } } } else { Practitioner p = dal.practitiners.Find(selected_lesson.LTeacherID); if (p != null) { nameTeacher = "P" + p.ID.ToString() + " : " + p.Name; } if (secretary != null) { if (selected_lesson.Type.Equals("Practise")) { Practise Practise = secretary.getPractiseFormLesson(selected_lesson); if (Practise != null) { amountStudent = Practise.NumStudent; } } else if (selected_lesson.Type.Equals("Lab")) { Lab lab = secretary.geLabFromLesson(selected_lesson); if (lab != null) { amountStudent = lab.NumStudent; } } else if (student != null) { Lab lab = SettingDatabase.geLabFromLesson(selected_lesson); if (lab != null) { amountStudent = lab.NumStudent; } } } else if (admin != null) { if (selected_lesson.Type.Equals("Practise")) { Practise Practise = admin.getPractiseFormLesson(selected_lesson); if (Practise != null) { amountStudent = Practise.NumStudent; } } else if (selected_lesson.Type.Equals("Lab")) { Lab lab = admin.geLabFromLesson(selected_lesson); if (lab != null) { amountStudent = lab.NumStudent; } } } } txt_lbl_teacher.Text = nameTeacher; if (maxStudInClass == 0) { maxStudInClass = amountStudent; } txt_lbl_NumCurrentStudents.Text = amountStudent.ToString() + " / " + maxStudInClass.ToString(); } else { btn_RemoveLesson.Enabled = false; btn_Add.Enabled = false; txt_lbl_day.Text = ""; txt_lbl_End.Text = ""; txt_lbl_Start.Text = ""; txt_lbl_Type.Text = ""; txt_lbl_teacher.Text = ""; txt_lbl_NumCurrentStudents.Text = ""; } }