//<----------------------Load database from an XML file. XElement load_database <Key, Data>(XElement request_msg, DBEngine <Key, DBElement <Key, Data> > db) { Console.Write("\n Request to Load Database from XML file at: "); try { //string pat = request_msg.Element("Pattern").Value; //Console.WriteLine(" with pattern - \"{0}\" present in metadata.", pat); PersistEngine pe = new PersistEngine(); string file_name = request_msg.Element("File_Name").Value; Console.WriteLine("{0}", file_name.Substring(13)); pe.loadDB <Key, DBElement <Key, Data>, Data>(db, file_name); XElement response_msg = new XElement("Query_Response"); XElement type = new XElement("Query_Type", "Load Database"); string reply = "Loaded database from XML file saved at " + file_name.Substring(13); XElement result = new XElement("Result", reply); response_msg.Add(type); response_msg.Add(result); return(result); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("\n XML file for request message is not in the expected format. A particular tag could not be found."); XElement response_msg = new XElement("Result", "Could not insert element into database"); return(request_msg); } }
public void performOperations(DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > testDict, DBElement <string, List <string> > value) { /*----------Perform operations as per the input given in the XML document--------------*/ if (value.operation == "addition") { testDict.insert(value.key, value); //insert the key/value pairs to the main database string s = "Database after inserting key " + value.key + " is"; printDatabase(testDict, s); } if (value.operation == "edit") { testDict.saveValue(value.key, value); //edit the value for the given key string s = "Database after editing key " + value.key + " is"; printDatabase(testDict, s); } if (value.operation == "delete") { testDict.delete(value.key); //delete the key/value pair string s = "Database after deleting key " + value.key + " is"; printDatabase(testDict, s); } if (value.operation == "persist database") { PersistEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > persist = new PersistEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >(testDict); var keys = testDict.Keys(); persist.persistToXMLListPayload(keys); printDatabase(testDict, "Persisted database is:"); } if (value.operation == "Query value") { DBElement <string, List <string> > valueOfKey = testDict.getValueOfKey(value.key); printQuery("Querying the database for value of key " + value.key + " is"); Console.WriteLine("\n\nThe value of the Key {0} is:\n", value.key); valueOfKey.showEnumerableElement(); } if (value.operation == "Query children") { QueryEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > qEngine = new QueryEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >(testDict); printQuery("Querying the database for value of key " + value.key + " is"); List <string> children = qEngine.getChildrenOfKey(value.key); Console.WriteLine("\nThe children of the Key {0} are:\n", value.key); displayChildren(children); } if (value.operation == "Augment database") { PersistEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > persist = new PersistEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >(testDict); string fileName = "C:\\Users\\rakeshh91\\Documents\\Rakesh Documents\\Class Materials\\SMA\\Assignments\\Assignment 4 - Implementation\\CommPrototype\\augmentDatabase.xml"; persist.augmentDatabaseFromXMLStringList(testDict, fileName); printDatabase(testDict, "Database after augmenting is:"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { "Testing PersistEngine Package".title('='); WriteLine(); DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > db = new DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> >(); "\nSave to an XML file".title(); PersistEngineTest p1 = new PersistEngineTest(); p1.insertData(db); dynamic allKeys = db.Keys(); PersistEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > pEngine = new PersistEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> >(db); pEngine.persistToXML(allKeys); WriteLine("\n\nAbove database is stored as XML file in local machine"); WriteLine(); WriteLine("\nThe persisted XML file along with new key/value pairs are augmented to the database.\n"); WriteLine("Below shown key/value pairs are augmented to the database.\n"); pEngine.augmentDatabaseFromXML(db); //Augment the persisted database along with new values to the main database pEngine.persistToXML(allKeys); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); "\nPersist database every 5 seconds until its cancelled".title(); WriteLine(); pEngine.scheduledSaveDatabase(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); "\nProject dependancy and realtionships".title(); WriteLine(); DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > dependancyDb = new DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >(); PersistEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > pEngineString = new PersistEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >(dependancyDb); try { Console.WriteLine("\nBelow details provide information on dependancy of every package in the project\n"); pEngine.displayDependancy(); dependancyDb.showEnumerableDB(); WriteLine(); } catch (Exception e) { WriteLine("\n" + e.Message + "\n"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //test stun for persist engine "Testing PersistEngine Package".title(); WriteLine(); PersistEngine <int, string> persistEngine = new PersistEngine <int, string>(); "Testing Persist Engine Package".title('='); DBElement <int, string> elem = new DBElement <int, string>(); DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > dbEngine = new DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> >(); //creating metdata "Metadata with data dictionary is ".title(); elem.name = "X"; elem.descr = "description"; elem.timeStamp = DateTime.Parse("09/20/2015 11:36:58 PM"); elem.children = new List <int> { 2, 3, 4 }; elem.payload = "payload"; dbEngine.insert(1, elem); elem = new DBElement <int, string>(); elem.name = "XX"; elem.descr = "description"; elem.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; elem.children = new List <int> { 5, 6, 7 }; elem.payload = "payload"; dbEngine.insert(12, elem); dbEngine.showDB(); //persisting metadata into XML "Write in-memory database in XML file, please check DataPersistTest.xml file in Path:./PersistEngine/bin/debug.".title('-'); persistEngine.persistXML(dbEngine); "Deleting in-memory database".title('-'); dbEngine.Dictionary.Clear(); "Database restored or augmented from an existing XML (DataPersistTest.xml) file".title('-'); persistEngine.retrieveDataFromXMLTypeTwo(dbEngine, "DataPersistTest.xml", 10); dbEngine.showDB(); WriteLine(); Write("\n\n"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { "Testing DBExtensions Package".title('='); WriteLine(); DBElement <int, string> elem1 = new DBElement <int, string>("Element-7", "Description of Element-7"); elem1.payload = "Payload of element-7."; elem1.children.AddRange(new List <int> { 8, 9 }); DBElement <int, string> elem2 = new DBElement <int, string>("Element-8", "Description of Element-8"); //elem2.payload = "Payload of element-8."; DBElement <int, string> elem3 = new DBElement <int, string>("Element-9", "Description of Element-9"); elem3.payload = "Payload of element-3."; DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > db = new DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> >(); db.insert(7, elem1); db.insert(8, elem2); db.insert(9, elem3); Write(" Created a new dataBase with following contents:"); db.showDB(); WriteLine("\n\n Now going to persist the database contents to an XML file."); PersistEngine pe = new PersistEngine(); string file_name = pe.persistDB <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(db); WriteLine(" Database contents are saved as - {0}", file_name); WriteLine("\n Going to remove all DB elements and load the xml file saved above."); db.remove(7); db.remove(8); db.remove(9); WriteLine(" DB contents before calling load-DB"); db.showDB(); WriteLine(" Now send command to load database from the XML file."); pe.loadDB <int, DBElement <int, string>, string>(db, file_name); Write(" DB contents after calling load-DB "); db.showDB(); DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > > db2 = new DBEngine <string, DBElement <string, List <string> > >(); Write("\n\n --- DBElement<string,List<string>> ---"); DBElement <string, List <string> > elem_str = new DBElement <string, List <string> >(); elem_str.name = "Element-One"; elem_str.descr = "DB Element whose key type is string and payload type is List of strings."; elem_str.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; elem_str.children = new List <string> { "Two", "Three", "Four" }; elem_str.payload = new List <string> { "Element payload is of type List of strings.", "This is string two.", "And third" }; elem_str.showEnumerableElement(); db2.insert("One", elem_str); Write("\n\n --- DBEngine<string,List<string>> ---"); db2.showEnumerableDB(); XElement noSqlDb = new XElement("NoSqlDb"); XElement keyType = new XElement("KeyType", typeof(int)); XElement payloadType = new XElement("PayloadType", typeof(string)); XElement request_msg = new XElement("Request_Message"); XElement req_type = new XElement("Request_Type", "Insert"); XElement key = new XElement("Key", 45); XElement name = new XElement("Name", "element_one"); XElement descr = new XElement("Description", "Descr of element_one"); XElement payload = new XElement("Payload", "This the payload of element one."); request_msg.Add(req_type); request_msg.Add(key); request_msg.Add(name); request_msg.Add(descr); request_msg.Add(payload); Console.WriteLine("Message = \n{0}", request_msg.ToString()); XElement Rmsg = XElement.Parse(request_msg.ToString()); string Rtype = Rmsg.Element("Request_Type").Value; Console.WriteLine("Request type = {0}", Rtype); XElement abc = new XElement("dummy"); XElement result = new XElement("Result", "Success"); //Console.WriteLine("abc= {0}\nresult = {1}\n", abc.ToString(), result.ToString()); //abc = result; Console.WriteLine("abc= {0}\nresult = {1}", abc.ToString(), result.ToString()); int k = 5; string ts = "Could not find element with key " + k.ToString() + " in database"; //XElement tst = new XElement("Result", "Could not find element with key {0} in database", k); XElement tst = new XElement("Result", ts); Console.WriteLine("tst = {0}", tst.ToString()); XElement qry = new XElement("Query_Response"); XElement par = new XElement("Partial", "This is \njust payload"); qry.Add(tst); qry.Add(par); Console.WriteLine("qry = \n{0}", qry.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("value of qry response =\n{0}", qry.Value.ToString()); //noSqlDb.Add(keyType); //noSqlDb.Add(payloadType); //Console.WriteLine("\nString mesage = \n{0}", noSqlDb.ToString()); //string xml_string = noSqlDb.ToString(); //XElement abc = XElement.Parse(xml_string); //XElement root = abc.Element("KeyType"); //Console.WriteLine("abc= {0}", abc.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("root= {0}", root.ToString()); //elem.name = xml_dbElement.Element("Name").Value; //string par = root.Value; //Console.WriteLine("par = {0}", par); }