Represents a simple non-selfintersecting convex polygon. If you want to have concave polygons, you will have to use the BayazitDecomposer or the EarclipDecomposer to decompose the concave polygon into 2 or more convex polygons.
Inheritance: Shape
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world">The world.</param>
        /// <param name="start">The start.</param>
        /// <param name="end">The end.</param>
        /// <param name="linkWidth">The width.</param>
        /// <param name="linkHeight">The height.</param>
        /// <param name="fixStart">if set to <c>true</c> [fix start].</param>
        /// <param name="fixEnd">if set to <c>true</c> [fix end].</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfLinks">The number of links.</param>
        /// <param name="linkDensity">The link density.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Path CreateChain(World world, Vector2 start, Vector2 end, float linkWidth, float linkHeight,
            bool fixStart, bool fixEnd, int numberOfLinks, float linkDensity)
            //Chain start / end
            Path path = new Path();

            //A single chainlink
            PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(linkWidth, linkHeight), linkDensity);

            //Use PathManager to create all the chainlinks based on the chainlink created before.
            List<Body> chainLinks = PathManager.EvenlyDistributeShapesAlongPath(world, path, shape, BodyType.Dynamic,

            if (fixStart)
                //Fix the first chainlink to the world
                JointFactory.CreateFixedRevoluteJoint(world, chainLinks[0], new Vector2(0, -(linkHeight/2)),

            if (fixEnd)
                //Fix the last chainlink to the world
                JointFactory.CreateFixedRevoluteJoint(world, chainLinks[chainLinks.Count - 1],
                                                      new Vector2(0, (linkHeight/2)),
                                                      chainLinks[chainLinks.Count - 1].Position);

            //Attach all the chainlinks together with a revolute joint
            PathManager.AttachBodiesWithRevoluteJoint(world, chainLinks, new Vector2(0, -linkHeight),
                                                      new Vector2(0, linkHeight),
                                                      false, false);

            return (path);
 /// <summary>
 /// Special overload that takes in an existing body.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="width">The width.</param>
 /// <param name="height">The height.</param>
 /// <param name="density">The density.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset. The new shape is offset by this value</param>
 /// <param name="body">The body.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Fixture CreateRectangle(float width, float height, float density, Vector2 offset, Body body,
                                       Object userData)
     Vertices rectangleVertices = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(width/2, height/2);
     rectangleVertices.Translate(ref offset);
     PolygonShape rectangleShape = new PolygonShape(rectangleVertices, density);
     return body.CreateFixture(rectangleShape, userData);
        public override Shape Clone()
            PolygonShape clone = new PolygonShape();
            clone.ShapeType = ShapeType;
            clone.Radius = Radius;

            if (Settings.ConserveMemory)
                clone.Vertices = Vertices;
                clone.Vertices = new Vertices(Vertices);

            clone.Normals = Normals;
            clone._density = _density;
            clone.MassData = MassData;
            return clone;
        public static Fixture CreatePolygon(Vertices vertices, float density, Body body, Object userData)
            if (vertices.Count <= 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("vertices", "Too few points to be a polygon");

            PolygonShape polygon = new PolygonShape(vertices, density);
            return body.CreateFixture(polygon, userData);
        public static Fixture CreateRectangle(World world, float width, float height, float density, Vector2 position,
                                              Object userData)
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", "Width must be more than 0 meters");

            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", "Height must be more than 0 meters");

            Body newBody = BodyFactory.CreateBody(world, position);
            Vertices rectangleVertices = PolygonTools.CreateRectangle(width/2, height/2);
            PolygonShape rectangleShape = new PolygonShape(rectangleVertices, density);
            return newBody.CreateFixture(rectangleShape, userData);
        public static List<Fixture> CreateCompoundPolygon(List<Vertices> list, float density, Body body, Object userData)
            List<Fixture> fixtures = new List<Fixture>(list.Count);

            //Then we create several fixtures using the body
            foreach (Vertices vertices in list)
                PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(vertices, density);
                fixtures.Add(body.CreateFixture(shape, userData));

            return fixtures;
        public static Fixture CreateEllipse(float xRadius, float yRadius, int edges, float density, Body body,
                                            Object userData)
            if (xRadius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("xRadius", "X-radius must be more than 0");

            if (yRadius <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("yRadius", "Y-radius must be more than 0");

            Vertices ellipseVertices = PolygonTools.CreateEllipse(xRadius, yRadius, edges);
            PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape(ellipseVertices, density);
            return body.CreateFixture(polygonShape, userData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Collides and edge and a polygon, taking into account edge adjacency.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manifold">The manifold.</param>
        /// <param name="edgeA">The edge A.</param>
        /// <param name="xfA">The xf A.</param>
        /// <param name="polygonB">The polygon B.</param>
        /// <param name="xfB">The xf B.</param>
        public static void CollideEdgeAndPolygon(ref Manifold manifold,
                                                 EdgeShape edgeA, ref Transform xfA,
                                                 PolygonShape polygonB, ref Transform xfB)
            MathUtils.MultiplyT(ref xfA, ref xfB, out _xf);

            // Edge geometry
            _edgeA.V0 = edgeA.Vertex0;
            _edgeA.V1 = edgeA.Vertex1;
            _edgeA.V2 = edgeA.Vertex2;
            _edgeA.V3 = edgeA.Vertex3;
            Vector2 e = _edgeA.V2 - _edgeA.V1;

            // Normal points outwards in CCW order.
            _edgeA.Normal = new Vector2(e.Y, -e.X);
            _edgeA.HasVertex0 = edgeA.HasVertex0;
            _edgeA.HasVertex3 = edgeA.HasVertex3;

            // Proxy for edge
            _proxyA.Vertices[0] = _edgeA.V1;
            _proxyA.Vertices[1] = _edgeA.V2;
            _proxyA.Normals[0] = _edgeA.Normal;
            _proxyA.Normals[1] = -_edgeA.Normal;
            _proxyA.Centroid = 0.5f*(_edgeA.V1 + _edgeA.V2);
            _proxyA.Count = 2;

            // Proxy for polygon
            _proxyB.Count = polygonB.Vertices.Count;
            _proxyB.Centroid = MathUtils.Multiply(ref _xf, ref polygonB.MassData.Centroid);
            for (int i = 0; i < polygonB.Vertices.Count; ++i)
                _proxyB.Vertices[i] = MathUtils.Multiply(ref _xf, polygonB.Vertices[i]);
                _proxyB.Normals[i] = MathUtils.Multiply(ref _xf.R, polygonB.Normals[i]);

            _radius = 2.0f*Settings.PolygonRadius;

            _limit11 = Vector2.Zero;
            _limit12 = Vector2.Zero;
            _limit21 = Vector2.Zero;
            _limit22 = Vector2.Zero;

            //Collide(ref manifold); inline start
            manifold.PointCount = 0;

            //ComputeAdjacency(); inline start
            Vector2 v0 = _edgeA.V0;
            Vector2 v1 = _edgeA.V1;
            Vector2 v2 = _edgeA.V2;
            Vector2 v3 = _edgeA.V3;

            // Determine allowable the normal regions based on adjacency.
            // Note: it may be possible that no normal is admissable.
            Vector2 centerB = _proxyB.Centroid;
            if (_edgeA.HasVertex0)
                Vector2 e0 = v1 - v0;
                Vector2 e1 = v2 - v1;
                Vector2 n0 = new Vector2(e0.Y, -e0.X);
                Vector2 n1 = new Vector2(e1.Y, -e1.X);

                bool convex = MathUtils.Cross(n0, n1) >= 0.0f;
                bool front0 = Vector2.Dot(n0, centerB - v0) >= 0.0f;
                bool front1 = Vector2.Dot(n1, centerB - v1) >= 0.0f;

                if (convex)
                    if (front0 || front1)
                        _limit11 = n1;
                        _limit12 = n0;
                        _limit11 = -n1;
                        _limit12 = -n0;
                    if (front0 && front1)
                        _limit11 = n0;
                        _limit12 = n1;
                        _limit11 = -n0;
                        _limit12 = -n1;
                _limit11 = Vector2.Zero;
                _limit12 = Vector2.Zero;

            if (_edgeA.HasVertex3)
                Vector2 e1 = v2 - v1;
                Vector2 e2 = v3 - v2;
                Vector2 n1 = new Vector2(e1.Y, -e1.X);
                Vector2 n2 = new Vector2(e2.Y, -e2.X);

                bool convex = MathUtils.Cross(n1, n2) >= 0.0f;
                bool front1 = Vector2.Dot(n1, centerB - v1) >= 0.0f;
                bool front2 = Vector2.Dot(n2, centerB - v2) >= 0.0f;

                if (convex)
                    if (front1 || front2)
                        _limit21 = n2;
                        _limit22 = n1;
                        _limit21 = -n2;
                        _limit22 = -n1;
                    if (front1 && front2)
                        _limit21 = n1;
                        _limit22 = n2;
                        _limit21 = -n1;
                        _limit22 = -n2;
                _limit21 = Vector2.Zero;
                _limit22 = Vector2.Zero;

            //ComputeAdjacency(); inline end

            //EPAxis edgeAxis = ComputeEdgeSeparation(); inline start
            EPAxis edgeAxis = ComputeEdgeSeparation();

            // If no valid normal can be found than this edge should not collide.
            // This can happen on the middle edge of a 3-edge zig-zag chain.
            if (edgeAxis.Type == EPAxisType.Unknown)

            if (edgeAxis.Separation > _radius)

            EPAxis polygonAxis = ComputePolygonSeparation();
            if (polygonAxis.Type != EPAxisType.Unknown && polygonAxis.Separation > _radius)

            // Use hysteresis for jitter reduction.
            const float k_relativeTol = 0.98f;
            const float k_absoluteTol = 0.001f;

            EPAxis primaryAxis;
            if (polygonAxis.Type == EPAxisType.Unknown)
                primaryAxis = edgeAxis;
            else if (polygonAxis.Separation > k_relativeTol*edgeAxis.Separation + k_absoluteTol)
                primaryAxis = polygonAxis;
                primaryAxis = edgeAxis;

            EPProxy proxy1;
            EPProxy proxy2;
            FixedArray2<ClipVertex> incidentEdge = new FixedArray2<ClipVertex>();
            if (primaryAxis.Type == EPAxisType.EdgeA)
                proxy1 = _proxyA;
                proxy2 = _proxyB;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceA;
                proxy1 = _proxyB;
                proxy2 = _proxyA;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceB;

            int edge1 = primaryAxis.Index;

            FindIncidentEdge(ref incidentEdge, proxy1, primaryAxis.Index, proxy2);
            int count1 = proxy1.Count;

            int iv1 = edge1;
            int iv2 = edge1 + 1 < count1 ? edge1 + 1 : 0;

            Vector2 v11 = proxy1.Vertices[iv1];
            Vector2 v12 = proxy1.Vertices[iv2];

            Vector2 tangent = v12 - v11;

            Vector2 normal = MathUtils.Cross(tangent, 1.0f);
            Vector2 planePoint = 0.5f*(v11 + v12);

            // Face offset.
            float frontOffset = Vector2.Dot(normal, v11);

            // Side offsets, extended by polytope skin thickness.
            float sideOffset1 = -Vector2.Dot(tangent, v11) + _radius;
            float sideOffset2 = Vector2.Dot(tangent, v12) + _radius;

            // Clip incident edge against extruded edge1 side edges.
            FixedArray2<ClipVertex> clipPoints1;
            FixedArray2<ClipVertex> clipPoints2;
            int np;

            // Clip to box side 1
            np = ClipSegmentToLine(out clipPoints1, ref incidentEdge, -tangent, sideOffset1, iv1);

            if (np < Settings.MaxManifoldPoints)

            // Clip to negative box side 1
            np = ClipSegmentToLine(out clipPoints2, ref clipPoints1, tangent, sideOffset2, iv2);

            if (np < Settings.MaxManifoldPoints)

            // Now clipPoints2 contains the clipped points.
            if (primaryAxis.Type == EPAxisType.EdgeA)
                manifold.LocalNormal = normal;
                manifold.LocalPoint = planePoint;
                manifold.LocalNormal = MathUtils.MultiplyT(ref _xf.R, ref normal);
                manifold.LocalPoint = MathUtils.MultiplyT(ref _xf, ref planePoint);

            int pointCount = 0;
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < Settings.MaxManifoldPoints; ++i1)
                float separation = Vector2.Dot(normal, clipPoints2[i1].V) - frontOffset;

                if (separation <= _radius)
                    ManifoldPoint cp = manifold.Points[pointCount];

                    if (primaryAxis.Type == EPAxisType.EdgeA)
                        cp.LocalPoint = MathUtils.MultiplyT(ref _xf, clipPoints2[i1].V);
                        cp.Id = clipPoints2[i1].ID;
                        cp.LocalPoint = clipPoints2[i1].V;
                        cp.Id.Features.TypeA = clipPoints2[i1].ID.Features.TypeB;
                        cp.Id.Features.TypeB = clipPoints2[i1].ID.Features.TypeA;
                        cp.Id.Features.IndexA = clipPoints2[i1].ID.Features.IndexB;
                        cp.Id.Features.IndexB = clipPoints2[i1].ID.Features.IndexA;

                    manifold.Points[pointCount] = cp;


            manifold.PointCount = pointCount;

            //Collide(ref manifold); inline end
        public BreakableBody(IEnumerable<Vertices> vertices, World world, float density, Object userData)
            _world = world;
            _world.ContactManager.PostSolve += PostSolve;
            MainBody = new Body(_world);
            MainBody.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

            foreach (Vertices part in vertices)
                PolygonShape polygonShape = new PolygonShape(part, density);
                Fixture fixture = MainBody.CreateFixture(polygonShape, userData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the max separation between poly1 and poly2 using edge normals from poly1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edgeIndex">Index of the edge.</param>
        /// <param name="poly1">The poly1.</param>
        /// <param name="xf1">The XF1.</param>
        /// <param name="poly2">The poly2.</param>
        /// <param name="xf2">The XF2.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static float FindMaxSeparation(out int edgeIndex,
                                               PolygonShape poly1, ref Transform xf1,
                                               PolygonShape poly2, ref Transform xf2)
            int count1 = poly1.Vertices.Count;

            // Vector pointing from the centroid of poly1 to the centroid of poly2.
            float dx = (xf2.Position.X + xf2.R.Col1.X*poly2.MassData.Centroid.X + xf2.R.Col2.X*poly2.MassData.Centroid.Y) -
                       (xf1.Position.X + xf1.R.Col1.X*poly1.MassData.Centroid.X + xf1.R.Col2.X*poly1.MassData.Centroid.Y);
            float dy = (xf2.Position.Y + xf2.R.Col1.Y*poly2.MassData.Centroid.X + xf2.R.Col2.Y*poly2.MassData.Centroid.Y) -
                       (xf1.Position.Y + xf1.R.Col1.Y*poly1.MassData.Centroid.X + xf1.R.Col2.Y*poly1.MassData.Centroid.Y);
            Vector2 dLocal1 = new Vector2(dx*xf1.R.Col1.X + dy*xf1.R.Col1.Y, dx*xf1.R.Col2.X + dy*xf1.R.Col2.Y);

            // Find edge normal on poly1 that has the largest projection onto d.
            int edge = 0;
            float maxDot = -Settings.MaxFloat;
            for (int i = 0; i < count1; ++i)
                float dot = Vector2.Dot(poly1.Normals[i], dLocal1);
                if (dot > maxDot)
                    maxDot = dot;
                    edge = i;

            // Get the separation for the edge normal.
            float s = EdgeSeparation(poly1, ref xf1, edge, poly2, ref xf2);

            // Check the separation for the previous edge normal.
            int prevEdge = edge - 1 >= 0 ? edge - 1 : count1 - 1;
            float sPrev = EdgeSeparation(poly1, ref xf1, prevEdge, poly2, ref xf2);

            // Check the separation for the next edge normal.
            int nextEdge = edge + 1 < count1 ? edge + 1 : 0;
            float sNext = EdgeSeparation(poly1, ref xf1, nextEdge, poly2, ref xf2);

            // Find the best edge and the search direction.
            int bestEdge;
            float bestSeparation;
            int increment;
            if (sPrev > s && sPrev > sNext)
                increment = -1;
                bestEdge = prevEdge;
                bestSeparation = sPrev;
            else if (sNext > s)
                increment = 1;
                bestEdge = nextEdge;
                bestSeparation = sNext;
                edgeIndex = edge;
                return s;

            // Perform a local search for the best edge normal.
            for (;;)
                if (increment == -1)
                    edge = bestEdge - 1 >= 0 ? bestEdge - 1 : count1 - 1;
                    edge = bestEdge + 1 < count1 ? bestEdge + 1 : 0;

                s = EdgeSeparation(poly1, ref xf1, edge, poly2, ref xf2);

                if (s > bestSeparation)
                    bestEdge = edge;
                    bestSeparation = s;

            edgeIndex = bestEdge;
            return bestSeparation;
        private static void FindIncidentEdge(out FixedArray2<ClipVertex> c,
                                             PolygonShape poly1, ref Transform xf1, int edge1,
                                             PolygonShape poly2, ref Transform xf2)
            c = new FixedArray2<ClipVertex>();

            int count2 = poly2.Vertices.Count;

            Debug.Assert(0 <= edge1 && edge1 < poly1.Vertices.Count);

            // Get the normal of the reference edge in poly2's frame.
            Vector2 v = poly1.Normals[edge1];
            float tmpx = xf1.R.Col1.X*v.X + xf1.R.Col2.X*v.Y;
            float tmpy = xf1.R.Col1.Y*v.X + xf1.R.Col2.Y*v.Y;
            Vector2 normal1 = new Vector2(tmpx*xf2.R.Col1.X + tmpy*xf2.R.Col1.Y, tmpx*xf2.R.Col2.X + tmpy*xf2.R.Col2.Y);

            // Find the incident edge on poly2.
            int index = 0;
            float minDot = Settings.MaxFloat;
            for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
                float dot = Vector2.Dot(normal1, poly2.Normals[i]);
                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot = dot;
                    index = i;

            // Build the clip vertices for the incident edge.
            int i1 = index;
            int i2 = i1 + 1 < count2 ? i1 + 1 : 0;

            ClipVertex cv0 = c[0];

            Vector2 v1 = poly2.Vertices[i1];
            cv0.V.X = xf2.Position.X + xf2.R.Col1.X*v1.X + xf2.R.Col2.X*v1.Y;
            cv0.V.Y = xf2.Position.Y + xf2.R.Col1.Y*v1.X + xf2.R.Col2.Y*v1.Y;
            cv0.ID.Features.IndexA = (byte) edge1;
            cv0.ID.Features.IndexB = (byte) i1;
            cv0.ID.Features.TypeA = (byte) ContactFeatureType.Face;
            cv0.ID.Features.TypeB = (byte) ContactFeatureType.Vertex;

            c[0] = cv0;

            ClipVertex cv1 = c[1];
            Vector2 v2 = poly2.Vertices[i2];
            cv1.V.X = xf2.Position.X + xf2.R.Col1.X*v2.X + xf2.R.Col2.X*v2.Y;
            cv1.V.Y = xf2.Position.Y + xf2.R.Col1.Y*v2.X + xf2.R.Col2.Y*v2.Y;
            cv1.ID.Features.IndexA = (byte) edge1;
            cv1.ID.Features.IndexB = (byte) i2;
            cv1.ID.Features.TypeA = (byte) ContactFeatureType.Face;
            cv1.ID.Features.TypeB = (byte) ContactFeatureType.Vertex;

            c[1] = cv1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the separation between poly1 and poly2 for a give edge normal on poly1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poly1">The poly1.</param>
        /// <param name="xf1">The XF1.</param>
        /// <param name="edge1">The edge1.</param>
        /// <param name="poly2">The poly2.</param>
        /// <param name="xf2">The XF2.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static float EdgeSeparation(PolygonShape poly1, ref Transform xf1, int edge1,
                                            PolygonShape poly2, ref Transform xf2)
            int count2 = poly2.Vertices.Count;

            Debug.Assert(0 <= edge1 && edge1 < poly1.Vertices.Count);

            // Convert normal from poly1's frame into poly2's frame.
            Vector2 p1n = poly1.Normals[edge1];

            float normalWorldx = xf1.R.Col1.X*p1n.X + xf1.R.Col2.X*p1n.Y;
            float normalWorldy = xf1.R.Col1.Y*p1n.X + xf1.R.Col2.Y*p1n.Y;

            Vector2 normal = new Vector2(normalWorldx*xf2.R.Col1.X + normalWorldy*xf2.R.Col1.Y,
                                         normalWorldx*xf2.R.Col2.X + normalWorldy*xf2.R.Col2.Y);

            // Find support vertex on poly2 for -normal.
            int index = 0;
            float minDot = Settings.MaxFloat;

            for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
                float dot = Vector2.Dot(poly2.Vertices[i], normal);

                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot = dot;
                    index = i;

            Vector2 p1ve = poly1.Vertices[edge1];
            Vector2 p2vi = poly2.Vertices[index];

            return ((xf2.Position.X + xf2.R.Col1.X*p2vi.X + xf2.R.Col2.X*p2vi.Y) -
                    (xf1.Position.X + xf1.R.Col1.X*p1ve.X + xf1.R.Col2.X*p1ve.Y))*normalWorldx +
                   ((xf2.Position.Y + xf2.R.Col1.Y*p2vi.X + xf2.R.Col2.Y*p2vi.Y) -
                    (xf1.Position.Y + xf1.R.Col1.Y*p1ve.X + xf1.R.Col2.Y*p1ve.Y))*normalWorldy;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the collision manifold between two polygons.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manifold">The manifold.</param>
        /// <param name="polyA">The poly A.</param>
        /// <param name="transformA">The transform A.</param>
        /// <param name="polyB">The poly B.</param>
        /// <param name="transformB">The transform B.</param>
        public static void CollidePolygons(ref Manifold manifold,
                                           PolygonShape polyA, ref Transform transformA,
                                           PolygonShape polyB, ref Transform transformB)
            manifold.PointCount = 0;
            float totalRadius = polyA.Radius + polyB.Radius;

            int edgeA = 0;
            float separationA = FindMaxSeparation(out edgeA, polyA, ref transformA, polyB, ref transformB);
            if (separationA > totalRadius)

            int edgeB = 0;
            float separationB = FindMaxSeparation(out edgeB, polyB, ref transformB, polyA, ref transformA);
            if (separationB > totalRadius)

            PolygonShape poly1; // reference polygon
            PolygonShape poly2; // incident polygon
            Transform xf1, xf2;
            int edge1; // reference edge
            bool flip;
            const float k_relativeTol = 0.98f;
            const float k_absoluteTol = 0.001f;

            if (separationB > k_relativeTol*separationA + k_absoluteTol)
                poly1 = polyB;
                poly2 = polyA;
                xf1 = transformB;
                xf2 = transformA;
                edge1 = edgeB;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceB;
                flip = true;
                poly1 = polyA;
                poly2 = polyB;
                xf1 = transformA;
                xf2 = transformB;
                edge1 = edgeA;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceA;
                flip = false;

            FixedArray2<ClipVertex> incidentEdge;
            FindIncidentEdge(out incidentEdge, poly1, ref xf1, edge1, poly2, ref xf2);

            int count1 = poly1.Vertices.Count;

            int iv1 = edge1;
            int iv2 = edge1 + 1 < count1 ? edge1 + 1 : 0;

            Vector2 v11 = poly1.Vertices[iv1];
            Vector2 v12 = poly1.Vertices[iv2];

            float localTangentX = v12.X - v11.X;
            float localTangentY = v12.Y - v11.Y;

            float factor = 1f/(float) Math.Sqrt(localTangentX*localTangentX + localTangentY*localTangentY);
            localTangentX = localTangentX*factor;
            localTangentY = localTangentY*factor;

            Vector2 localNormal = new Vector2(localTangentY, -localTangentX);
            Vector2 planePoint = 0.5f*(v11 + v12);

            Vector2 tangent = new Vector2(xf1.R.Col1.X*localTangentX + xf1.R.Col2.X*localTangentY,
                                          xf1.R.Col1.Y*localTangentX + xf1.R.Col2.Y*localTangentY);
            float normalx = tangent.Y;
            float normaly = -tangent.X;

            v11 = new Vector2(xf1.Position.X + xf1.R.Col1.X*v11.X + xf1.R.Col2.X*v11.Y,
                              xf1.Position.Y + xf1.R.Col1.Y*v11.X + xf1.R.Col2.Y*v11.Y);
            v12 = new Vector2(xf1.Position.X + xf1.R.Col1.X*v12.X + xf1.R.Col2.X*v12.Y,
                              xf1.Position.Y + xf1.R.Col1.Y*v12.X + xf1.R.Col2.Y*v12.Y);

            // Face offset.
            float frontOffset = normalx*v11.X + normaly*v11.Y;

            // Side offsets, extended by polytope skin thickness.
            float sideOffset1 = -(tangent.X*v11.X + tangent.Y*v11.Y) + totalRadius;
            float sideOffset2 = tangent.X*v12.X + tangent.Y*v12.Y + totalRadius;

            // Clip incident edge against extruded edge1 side edges.
            FixedArray2<ClipVertex> clipPoints1;
            FixedArray2<ClipVertex> clipPoints2;

            // Clip to box side 1
            int np = ClipSegmentToLine(out clipPoints1, ref incidentEdge, -tangent, sideOffset1, iv1);

            if (np < 2)

            // Clip to negative box side 1
            np = ClipSegmentToLine(out clipPoints2, ref clipPoints1, tangent, sideOffset2, iv2);

            if (np < 2)

            // Now clipPoints2 contains the clipped points.
            manifold.LocalNormal = localNormal;
            manifold.LocalPoint = planePoint;

            int pointCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Settings.MaxManifoldPoints; ++i)
                Vector2 value = clipPoints2[i].V;
                float separation = normalx*value.X + normaly*value.Y - frontOffset;

                if (separation <= totalRadius)
                    ManifoldPoint cp = manifold.Points[pointCount];
                    Vector2 tmp = clipPoints2[i].V;
                    float tmp1X = tmp.X - xf2.Position.X;
                    float tmp1Y = tmp.Y - xf2.Position.Y;
                    cp.LocalPoint.X = tmp1X*xf2.R.Col1.X + tmp1Y*xf2.R.Col1.Y;
                    cp.LocalPoint.Y = tmp1X*xf2.R.Col2.X + tmp1Y*xf2.R.Col2.Y;
                    cp.Id = clipPoints2[i].ID;

                    if (flip)
                        // Swap features
                        ContactFeature cf = cp.Id.Features;
                        cp.Id.Features.IndexA = cf.IndexB;
                        cp.Id.Features.IndexB = cf.IndexA;
                        cp.Id.Features.TypeA = cf.TypeB;
                        cp.Id.Features.TypeB = cf.TypeA;

                    manifold.Points[pointCount] = cp;


            manifold.PointCount = pointCount;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the collision manifold between a polygon and a circle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manifold">The manifold.</param>
        /// <param name="polygonA">The polygon A.</param>
        /// <param name="transformA">The transform of A.</param>
        /// <param name="circleB">The circle B.</param>
        /// <param name="transformB">The transform of B.</param>
        public static void CollidePolygonAndCircle(ref Manifold manifold,
                                                   PolygonShape polygonA, ref Transform transformA,
                                                   CircleShape circleB, ref Transform transformB)
            manifold.PointCount = 0;

            // Compute circle position in the frame of the polygon.
            Vector2 c =
                new Vector2(
                    transformB.Position.X + transformB.R.Col1.X*circleB.Position.X +
                    transformB.Position.Y + transformB.R.Col1.Y*circleB.Position.X +
            Vector2 cLocal =
                new Vector2(
                    (c.X - transformA.Position.X)*transformA.R.Col1.X +
                    (c.Y - transformA.Position.Y)*transformA.R.Col1.Y,
                    (c.X - transformA.Position.X)*transformA.R.Col2.X +
                    (c.Y - transformA.Position.Y)*transformA.R.Col2.Y);

            // Find the min separating edge.
            int normalIndex = 0;
            float separation = -Settings.MaxFloat;
            float radius = polygonA.Radius + circleB.Radius;
            int vertexCount = polygonA.Vertices.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                Vector2 value1 = polygonA.Normals[i];
                Vector2 value2 = cLocal - polygonA.Vertices[i];
                float s = value1.X*value2.X + value1.Y*value2.Y;

                if (s > radius)
                    // Early out.

                if (s > separation)
                    separation = s;
                    normalIndex = i;

            // Vertices that subtend the incident face.
            int vertIndex1 = normalIndex;
            int vertIndex2 = vertIndex1 + 1 < vertexCount ? vertIndex1 + 1 : 0;
            Vector2 v1 = polygonA.Vertices[vertIndex1];
            Vector2 v2 = polygonA.Vertices[vertIndex2];

            // If the center is inside the polygon ...
            if (separation < Settings.Epsilon)
                manifold.PointCount = 1;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceA;
                manifold.LocalNormal = polygonA.Normals[normalIndex];
                manifold.LocalPoint = 0.5f*(v1 + v2);

                ManifoldPoint p0 = manifold.Points[0];

                p0.LocalPoint = circleB.Position;
                p0.Id.Key = 0;

                manifold.Points[0] = p0;


            // Compute barycentric coordinates
            float u1 = (cLocal.X - v1.X)*(v2.X - v1.X) + (cLocal.Y - v1.Y)*(v2.Y - v1.Y);
            float u2 = (cLocal.X - v2.X)*(v1.X - v2.X) + (cLocal.Y - v2.Y)*(v1.Y - v2.Y);

            if (u1 <= 0.0f)
                float r = (cLocal.X - v1.X)*(cLocal.X - v1.X) + (cLocal.Y - v1.Y)*(cLocal.Y - v1.Y);
                if (r > radius*radius)

                manifold.PointCount = 1;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceA;
                manifold.LocalNormal = cLocal - v1;
                float factor = 1f/
                               Math.Sqrt(manifold.LocalNormal.X*manifold.LocalNormal.X +
                manifold.LocalNormal.X = manifold.LocalNormal.X*factor;
                manifold.LocalNormal.Y = manifold.LocalNormal.Y*factor;
                manifold.LocalPoint = v1;

                ManifoldPoint p0b = manifold.Points[0];

                p0b.LocalPoint = circleB.Position;
                p0b.Id.Key = 0;

                manifold.Points[0] = p0b;
            else if (u2 <= 0.0f)
                float r = (cLocal.X - v2.X)*(cLocal.X - v2.X) + (cLocal.Y - v2.Y)*(cLocal.Y - v2.Y);
                if (r > radius*radius)

                manifold.PointCount = 1;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceA;
                manifold.LocalNormal = cLocal - v2;
                float factor = 1f/
                               Math.Sqrt(manifold.LocalNormal.X*manifold.LocalNormal.X +
                manifold.LocalNormal.X = manifold.LocalNormal.X*factor;
                manifold.LocalNormal.Y = manifold.LocalNormal.Y*factor;
                manifold.LocalPoint = v2;

                ManifoldPoint p0c = manifold.Points[0];

                p0c.LocalPoint = circleB.Position;
                p0c.Id.Key = 0;

                manifold.Points[0] = p0c;
                Vector2 faceCenter = 0.5f*(v1 + v2);
                Vector2 value1 = cLocal - faceCenter;
                Vector2 value2 = polygonA.Normals[vertIndex1];
                float separation2 = value1.X*value2.X + value1.Y*value2.Y;
                if (separation2 > radius)

                manifold.PointCount = 1;
                manifold.Type = ManifoldType.FaceA;
                manifold.LocalNormal = polygonA.Normals[vertIndex1];
                manifold.LocalPoint = faceCenter;

                ManifoldPoint p0d = manifold.Points[0];

                p0d.LocalPoint = circleB.Position;
                p0d.Id.Key = 0;

                manifold.Points[0] = p0d;