public GameObject(Game game, Vector3 pos, BasicModel mdl, PhysicsObject pobj)
            : base(game)
            basicmodel = mdl;
            physobj = pobj;

            //Default values

            rotation = Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(0, 0, 0);
            scale = 1f;
            world = Matrix.Identity;
        private bool checkCollision(PhysicsObject p1, PhysicsObject p2)
            if (p1.bsphere.Intersects(p2.bsphere))
                return true;

            return false;
 public void addPhysicsObject(PhysicsObject pobj)
 public void addCollisionEvent(PhysicsObject p1, PhysicsObject p2)
     int[] pindex = new int[2] {physobjs.IndexOf(p1), physobjs.IndexOf(p2)};
     collisionEvents.Add(pindex);    //Add list of physics objects to collision events
        //There is an issue if p1 is moving perpendicularly to p.
        private void resolveCollision(PhysicsObject p1, PhysicsObject p2)
            Vector3 p = p1.position - p2.position;

            float r1 = p1.bsphere.Radius;
            float r2 = p2.bsphere.Radius;
            float R = p.Length();


            float vd = -Vector3.Dot(p, p1.velocity) + Vector3.Dot(p, p2.velocity);
            float pd = 0;   //Distance for each object to be moved

            //To stop it from recolliding each frame, give objects a distance to move = penetration distance.
            //Value is increased slightly to stop objects getting stuck to each other
            if (p1.isStatic || p2.isStatic)         //Move the non-static object the full distance
                pd = 1.00f * Math.Abs(r1 + r2 - R);
                pd = 0.50f * Math.Abs(r1 + r2 - R); //Move both objects half the distance

            p1.velocity += 0.8f * vd * p;
            p2.velocity += 0.8f * vd * -p;

            if (!p1.isStatic)
                p1.position += p * pd;
                p2.velocity += 0.8f * vd * p;

            if (!p2.isStatic)
                p2.position += -p * pd;
                p1.velocity += 0.8f * vd * -p;
        //This method of handling the collisionEventType will be changed in the future. A collisionEvent will be an object of its own.
        //The response to a registeredCollisionEvent will be handled manually as above.
        private int collisionEventType(PhysicsObject[] pindex)
            if (pindex.Contains(enemy.body.physobj) && pindex.Contains(player.fist.physobj)) return 0;
            if (pindex.Contains(player.body.physobj) && pindex.Contains(enemy.fist.physobj)) return 1;

            return -1;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a PhysicsObject based on position and bounding sphere. This will exist in the GameWorld and does not need a BasicModel to be simulated.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pos"></param>
 /// <param name="bsphere"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public PhysicsObject createPhysicsObject(Vector3 pos, BoundingSphere bsphere)
     PhysicsObject pobj = new PhysicsObject(pos, bsphere);
     return pobj;