public RandomSearch(TrainingSamplesGenerator gen, int maxDepth, NodeTypeFrequencyProfile profile, int batchSize = 128) : base(gen) { this.profile = profile; this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.batchSize = batchSize; }
public RandomMutationSearch(TrainingSamplesGenerator generator, int mutationsInEachStep, NodeTypeFrequencyProfile profile) : base(generator) { this.mutationsInStep = mutationsInEachStep; this.profile = profile; this.mutator = new PointMutation(profile, 3); this.mutatedPrograms = new List <EvaluatedEntity <SolutionProgram> >(); }
/// <summary> /// Evaluates given solution program using given samplesGenerator. Prints a comparison of desiredOutputs to realOutputs and computes success rate. /// </summary> /// <param name="generator"></param> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="samplesCount"></param> public static void runEvaluation(TrainingSamplesGenerator generator, SolutionProgram p, int samplesCount, bool quiet = false) { Interpret i = new Interpret(); int currectCount = 0; foreach (var sample in generator.generateSamples(samplesCount)) { p.evaluate(sample, i); Printing.PrintMsg(sample.ToString() + "\treal output: " + sample.realOutputs2String + " " + (sample.isCorrectlyAnswered ? "OK" : "WRONG"), quiet); if (sample.isCorrectlyAnswered) { currectCount++; } } Console.WriteLine($"Success rate: {currectCount} out of {samplesCount} ({((double)(currectCount*100) / samplesCount).ToString("0.##")}%)"); }
protected SearchAlgorithm(TrainingSamplesGenerator generator) { = new Stopwatch(); this.generator = generator; this.i = new Interpret(); }
public FullEnumerationSearch(TrainingSamplesGenerator generator, int batchSize = 128) : base(generator) { this.batchSize = batchSize; }