        private List <bUUDataObject> initializeUnitBuildingPairObjects()
            //create List of all possible building, upgrade, and units with pair details
            List <bUUDataObject> listToReturn = new List <bUUDataObject>();
            //first add God object
            bUUDataObject object1 = new bUUDataObject("godBuilding", 0, 0, 0, false, false, 0, true);


            //pull data from building initializer
            foreach (Building thisBuilding in buildingList)
                bUUDataObject newObject = new bUUDataObject(thisBuilding.name, thisBuilding.buildTime, thisBuilding.mineralCost, thisBuilding.gasCost, thisBuilding.isProductionBuilding, false, thisBuilding.supplyProvided, true);

            //pull data from upgrade initializer
            foreach (Upgrade thisUpgrade in upgradePackage.allUpgrades)
                bUUDataObject newObject = new bUUDataObject(thisUpgrade.name, thisUpgrade.buildTime, thisUpgrade.mineralCost, thisUpgrade.gasCost, false, false, thisUpgrade.producedOutOf, thisUpgrade.techReqs, 0);

            //need a unique object for each instance of a unit
            foreach (Unit thisUnit in unitList)
                for (int i = 0; i < thisUnit.numToBuild; i++)
                    string        name      = thisUnit.name + i.ToString();
                    bUUDataObject newObject = new bUUDataObject(name, thisUnit.buildTime, thisUnit.buildTimeWithWG, thisUnit.mineralCost, thisUnit.gasCost, false, true, thisUnit.productionBuilding, thisUnit.highestTechBuildingList, thisUnit.supply);
            //add in probe object and warpgate object(since number of probes will be set at 0)
            Unit          probeStats  = unitList.First(x => x.name.Equals("Probe"));
            bUUDataObject probeObject = new bUUDataObject(probeStats.name, probeStats.buildTime, probeStats.mineralCost, probeStats.gasCost, false, true, probeStats.productionBuilding, probeStats.highestTechBuildingList, probeStats.supply);

            Unit          wGStats  = unitList.First(x => x.name.Equals("warpGate"));
            bUUDataObject wGObject = new bUUDataObject(wGStats.name, wGStats.buildTime, wGStats.mineralCost, wGStats.gasCost, false, true, wGStats.productionBuilding, wGStats.highestTechBuildingList, wGStats.supply);


            //give each item an ID
            for (int i = 0; i < listToReturn.Count(); i++)
                listToReturn[i].bUUDataID = i;
 private void createNewVersions(List <bUUEvent> myEventList, List <PairsTable> myPairList, List <bUUDataObject> myPairObjectLibrary)
     eventList         = new List <bUUEvent>();
     pairList          = new List <PairsTable>();
     pairObjectLibrary = new List <bUUDataObject>();
     foreach (bUUEvent thisEvent in myEventList)
         bUUEvent newEvent = new bUUEvent(thisEvent.bUUEventID, thisEvent.startTime, thisEvent.endTime, thisEvent.bUUDataID, thisEvent.pairAsChildID, thisEvent.pairAsParentID);
     foreach (PairsTable thisPair in myPairList)
         PairsTable newPair = new PairsTable(thisPair.pairID, thisPair.parentBUUEventID, thisPair.childBUUEventID);
     foreach (bUUDataObject thisObject in myPairObjectLibrary)
         bUUDataObject newObject = new bUUDataObject(thisObject.bUUDataID, thisObject.bUUEventIDForPrimaryBuilding, thisObject.name, thisObject.duration, thisObject.durationWithwarpGateResearch, thisObject.mineralCost, thisObject.gasCost, thisObject.isProductionBuilding, thisObject.isUnit, thisObject.isBuilding, thisObject.producedOutOf, thisObject.buildingReqList, thisObject.supplyCost, thisObject.supplyProvided);
        private void addSecondaryBuildings()
            //go through lastBasketEntries
            foreach (IDWithList thisRow in lastBasketEntries)
                //only consider entries after the first one
                for (int i = 1; i < thisRow.IDList.Count; i++)
                    //add secondary building before this event
                    //find event production building to add correct secondary building
                    int           childEventID = thisRow.IDList[i];
                    bUUDataObject B1           = pairObjectLibrary[thisRow.ID];
                    //need to create a new object that copies B1, but with new ID
                    bUUDataObject newObject = new bUUDataObject(B1.name, B1.duration, B1.mineralCost, B1.gasCost, B1.isProductionBuilding, B1.isUnit, B1.supplyProvided, B1.isBuilding);
                    int           dataID    = pairObjectLibrary.Count();
                    newObject.bUUDataID = dataID;

                    //create new event
                    int      eventID  = eventList.Count();
                    double   endTime  = eventList[childEventID].startTime;
                    double   duration = B1.duration;
                    bUUEvent newEvent = new bUUEvent(eventID, endTime - duration, endTime, dataID, pairList.Count() + 1, pairList.Count());
                    //create new pair
                    PairsTable newPair = new PairsTable(pairList.Count(), eventID, childEventID);

                    //also need to create pair connected secondaryBuilding to its parent
                    //first find parent
                    int        parentOfSecondaryBuildingEventID = pairList[eventList[pairObjectLibrary[thisRow.ID].bUUEventIDForPrimaryBuilding].pairAsChildID].parentBUUEventID;
                    PairsTable newPair2 = new PairsTable(pairList.Count(), parentOfSecondaryBuildingEventID, eventID);
                    //parentEvent will not have relationship added for this pair (only has space to show one relationship currently)

                    //update event PairAsChildID of child
                    eventList[childEventID].pairAsChildID = pairList.Count() - 2;
 public bUUPairObject(bUUDataObject myParent, bUUDataObject myChild)
     parent = myParent;
     child  = myChild;
     isChildFromWarpGate = false;
 public bUUPairObject(bUUDataObject myParent, bUUDataObject myChild, bool myIsChildFromWarpGate)
     parent = myParent;
     child  = myChild;
     isChildFromWarpGate = myIsChildFromWarpGate;