        private void comp_Move(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)sender;
            VisSerie  serie;
            VisPoint  point;
            OutCell   outCell = null;
            Point     epos    = e.GetPosition(mainCanvas);
            float     vx      = (float)convToVirtX(epos.X);
            float     vy      = (float)convToVirtY(epos.Y);
            float     dist;
            float     mindist     = 0;
            int       seri        = -1;
            int       pointi      = -1;
            string    compLabel   = "";
            string    toolTipText = "";

            if (mouseEventsEnabled)
                if (overcomp >= 0 && overcomp < visOutSet.comps.Count)
                    compLabel = visOutSet.comps[overcomp].label;
                else if (overcomp == visOutSet.comps.Count)
                    compLabel = "Sum";

                // find closest point in visOutSet
                for (int s = 0; s < visOutSet.visSeries.Length; s++)
                    serie = visOutSet.visSeries[s];
                    for (int i = 0; i < serie.visPoints.Length; i++)
                        point = serie.visPoints[i];
                        dist  = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(point.vx - vx, 2) + Math.Pow(point.vy - vy, 2));
                        if (dist < mindist || (s == 0 && i == 0))
                            mindist = dist;
                            seri    = s;
                            pointi  = i;

                // find corresponding value in outSet (in units)
                if (seri >= 0 && pointi >= 0)
                    if (seri < outSet.unitsOutCells.Length)
                        if (pointi < outSet.unitsOutCells[seri].Length)
                            outCell = outSet.unitsOutCells[seri][pointi];
                    if (outCell != null)
                        toolTipText = String.Format("[{0}]: Pos={1:F1} [{2}]", compLabel, outCell.pos, visOutSet.posUnits);
                        if (visOutSet.useMultiplier)
                            toolTipText += String.Format(" Con={0:0.0}", Math.Abs(outCell.con) * visOutSet.conMultiplier);
                            toolTipText += String.Format(" Con={0:0.00E+0}", Math.Abs(outCell.con));
                        toolTipText += String.Format(" [{0}]", visOutSet.conUnits);
                chromToolTip.Content = toolTipText;
                ToolTipService.SetToolTip(uiElement, chromToolTip);
                chromToolTip.StaysOpen = true;
                chromToolTip.IsOpen    = true;
        public OutSet storeOutVar(ViewParams viewParams)
            // use predictive equations
            OutSet outSet = new OutSet(inParams);

            OutCell[][]  outCells;
            Axes         axes;
            Comp         comp;
            OutComp      outComp;
            OutComp      outCompt = null;
            float        pos, pos0, post;
            float        totposu, totposl;
            float        timepos;
            float        maxtime0;
            float        eepos = 0;
            float        intAmount = 0;
            float        sigma, sigma0;
            float        timesigma = 0;
            float        con, maxcon;
            float        amp0;
            float        div0;
            float        maxposu    = 0;
            float        maxposl    = 0;
            float        mindrawpos = 0;
            float        maxdrawpos = 0;
            float        range;
            float        stepsize;
            int          ncomps = inParams.comps.Count;
            int          nsize  = 1000;
            float        k;
            PhaseType    phase       = new PhaseType();
            KdefType     kdef        = inParams.kDefinition;
            RunModeType  runMode     = inParams.runMode;
            QuantityType natUnits    = inParams.natUnits;
            float        injectPos   = 0;
            float        lf          = inParams.lf;
            float        uf          = inParams.uf;
            float        px          = inParams.px;
            float        fu          = 0;
            float        fl          = 0;
            float        fnormu      = 0;
            float        fnorml      = 0;
            float        vc          = 0;
            float        mixspeed    = 0;
            float        efficiency  = 0;
            bool         allincol    = true;
            bool         timeMode    = (inParams.viewUnits == QuantityType.Time);
            bool         eeMode      = (inParams.eeMode != EEModeType.None);
            bool         intMode     = (inParams.runMode == RunModeType.Intermittent);
            bool         intCompMode = (inParams.intMode == IntModeType.Component);
            int          intit;
            bool         eluted;
            float        elutable;

            eeDone = false;

            if (inParams.model == ModelType.CCD)
                // [steps]
                vc        = inParams.column;
                injectPos = inParams.getInjectPosNorm();
                if (runMode == RunModeType.CoCurrent)
                    injectPos = (inParams.column - 1) - injectPos;
                fnormu = inParams.fnormu;
                fnorml = inParams.fnorml;
                // always use normalised flows
                fu         = fnormu;
                fl         = fnorml;
                mixspeed   = 1;
                efficiency = Equations.calcEff1(inParams.efficiency);
            else if (inParams.model == ModelType.Probabilistic)
                // [volume]
                vc        = inParams.vc;
                injectPos = inParams.getInjectPosNorm();
                fu        = inParams.fu;
                fl        = inParams.fl;
                // normalise flow
                fnormu = inParams.fnormu;
                fnorml = inParams.fnorml;
                if (fnorml > fnormu)
                    fnormu /= fnorml;
                    fnorml  = 1;
                    fnorml /= fnormu;
                    fnormu  = 1;
                mixspeed   = inParams.mixSpeed;
                efficiency = Equations.calcEff1(inParams.efficiency);
            else if (inParams.model == ModelType.Transport)
                // [time]
                natUnits  = QuantityType.Time;
                vc        = inParams.vc;
                injectPos = inParams.getInjectPosNorm();
                fu        = inParams.fu;
                fl        = inParams.fl;
                // normalise flow
                fnormu = fu / uf;
                fnorml = fl / lf;
                if (fnorml > fnormu)
                    fnormu /= fnorml;
                    fnorml  = 1;
                    fnorml /= fnormu;
                    fnormu  = 1;
                mixspeed   = 1;
                efficiency = (float)Math.Sqrt(inParams.ka * 10);                 // **** make correct for f? dx? dt?

            if (runMode != RunModeType.CoCurrent)
                fl     = -fl;
                fnorml = -fnorml;

            // Set maxpos
            for (int compi = 0; compi < ncomps; compi++)
                comp    = inParams.comps[compi];
                outComp = outSet.comps[compi];

                elutable          = Equations.calcElutable(kdef, fu, fl, outComp.k);
                outComp.willElute = (elutable > 0.01);

                if (outComp.willElute)
                    outCompt          = calcNewPos(comp, fu, fl, vc, injectPos, natUnits); // outcomp is reassigned
                    outComp           = outSet.comps[compi];                               // overwrite comp
                    outComp.willElute = true;                                              // restore willElute
                    if (comp.elute)
                        if (outCompt.retention < 0)
                            phase = PhaseType.Lower;
                            if (Math.Abs(outCompt.retention) > maxposl)
                                maxposl = Math.Abs(outCompt.retention);
                            phase = PhaseType.Upper;
                            if (Math.Abs(outCompt.retention) > maxposu)
                                maxposu = Math.Abs(outCompt.retention);
                        sigma = Equations.calcSigma(kdef, fnormu, fnorml, comp.k * px, outCompt.retentionTime, mixspeed, efficiency);
                        if (runMode == RunModeType.DualMode && inParams.model != ModelType.Transport)
                            sigma *= 2;
                        sigma = inParams.convertUnit(sigma, QuantityType.Time, natUnits, phase);
                    if (intMode && inParams.intFinalElute)
                        outComp.willElute = true;
            if (intMode && !intCompMode)
                intamountu = inParams.convertUnit(inParams.intUpSwitch, (QuantityType)inParams.intMode, natUnits, PhaseType.Upper);
                intamountl = inParams.convertUnit(inParams.intLpSwitch, (QuantityType)inParams.intMode, natUnits, PhaseType.Lower);
                if (inParams.model == ModelType.CCD)
                    intamountut = intamountu;
                    intamountut = inParams.convertUnit(inParams.intUpSwitch, (QuantityType)inParams.intMode, QuantityType.Time, PhaseType.Upper);
                if (inParams.model == ModelType.CCD)
                    intamountlt = intamountl;
                    intamountlt = inParams.convertUnit(inParams.intLpSwitch, (QuantityType)inParams.intMode, QuantityType.Time, PhaseType.Lower);
            if (inParams.model == ModelType.CCD)
                pos0 = vc / inParams.uf * inParams.maxIt;                 // in reality [steps]
                pos0 = vc * inParams.maxIt;
            if (inParams.doMaxIt && maxposu > pos0)
                maxposu = pos0;
            if (inParams.model == ModelType.CCD)
                pos0 = vc / inParams.lf * inParams.maxIt;                 // in reality [steps]
                pos0 = vc * inParams.maxIt;
            if (inParams.doMaxIt && maxposl > pos0)
                maxposl = pos0;

            // init estmax [time/steps]
            previewParams.estmaxtime = 0;
            previewParams.estmaxstep = 0;

            // Set peaks
            // *** improve int mode: loop for [intit] with inner loop for [comps]: enable compmode and time scale correction
            for (int i = 0; i < ncomps; i++)
                comp    = inParams.comps[i];
                outComp = outSet.comps[i];
                k       = comp.k;
                post    = 0;

                // Calculate pos
                if (intMode)
                    // Int mode
                    intit   = 0;
                    eluted  = false;
                    totposu = 0;
                    totposl = 0;
                    timepos = 0;
                    pos     = injectPos;
                    phase   = inParams.intStartPhase;
                    while (intit / 2 < inParams.intMaxIt && !eluted)
                        if (phase == PhaseType.Upper)
                            if (!intCompMode)
                                if (natUnits == QuantityType.Steps)
                                    intAmount = intamountu;
                                    intAmount = intamountut;
                            outCompt = calcNewPos(comp, fu, 0, vc, pos, natUnits, !intCompMode, intAmount, QuantityType.Time);
                            if (!intCompMode)
                                if (natUnits == QuantityType.Steps)
                                    intAmount = intamountl;
                                    intAmount = intamountlt;
                            outCompt = calcNewPos(comp, 0, fl, vc, pos, natUnits, !intCompMode, intAmount, QuantityType.Time);
                        eluted = outCompt.eluted;
                        if (!eluted)
                            post += Math.Abs(outCompt.retention - pos);
                            pos   = outCompt.retention;
                            if (phase == PhaseType.Upper)
                                totposu += intamountu;
                                timepos += intamountut;
                                totposl += intamountl;
                                timepos += intamountlt;
                            // prepare for next iteration/phase
                            if (phase == PhaseType.Upper)
                                phase = PhaseType.Lower;
                                phase = PhaseType.Upper;
                    if (inParams.intFinalElute && !eluted)
                        // elute
                        if (phase == PhaseType.Upper)
                            outCompt = calcNewPos(comp, fu, 0, vc, pos, natUnits);
                            outCompt = calcNewPos(comp, fl, 0, vc, pos, natUnits);
                        eluted = outCompt.eluted;
                    if (eluted)
                        // timepos is always positive
                        //timepos+= inparams.convertUnit(Math::Abs(outCompt.ret),natUnits,UnitsType.Time,phase);
                        timepos += Math.Abs(outCompt.retentionTime);
                        if (timeMode)
                            // use timepos to calc pos
                            if (inParams.model == ModelType.CCD)
                                pos = timepos;
                                pos = inParams.convertUnit(timepos, QuantityType.Time, natUnits, phase);
                            // correct negative pos
                            if (phase == PhaseType.Lower)
                                pos = -Math.Abs(pos);
                        else if (phase == PhaseType.Upper)
                            pos = totposu + outCompt.retention0;
                            pos = -totposl + outCompt.retention0;
                    outComp.intIt    = (float)intit / 2;
                    outComp.intItSet = true;
                    // Normal (not Int) mode
                    outCompt = calcNewPos(comp, fu, fl, vc, injectPos, natUnits, true, Math.Max(maxposu, maxposl), QuantityType.Volume);
                    pos      = outCompt.retention;
                    post    += Math.Abs(pos - injectPos);
                    timepos  = Math.Abs(outCompt.retentionTime);
                    eluted   = outCompt.eluted;
                outComp.eluted = eluted;
                outComp.outCol = eluted;

                pos0 = pos;
                if (!eluted && eeMode)
                    // EE mode
                    eeDone = true;
                    if (inParams.isPosEEdir())
                        eepos = inParams.convertUnit(maxposu, natUnits, inParams.viewUnits, phase);
                        if (!timeMode)
                            eepos += (vc - pos0);
                            eepos = 0;
                        pos            = maxposu + (vc - pos0);
                        outCompt.phase = PhaseType.Upper;
                        eepos = inParams.convertUnit(maxposl, natUnits, inParams.viewUnits, phase);
                        if (!timeMode)
                            eepos += pos0;
                            eepos = 0;
                        pos            = -maxposl - pos0;
                        outCompt.phase = PhaseType.Lower;
                    outComp.outCol = true;

                phase = outCompt.phase;
                // Calculate sigma
                if (outComp.outCol || outComp.willElute)
                    // include ee outcol
                    timesigma = Equations.calcSigma(kdef, fnormu, fnorml, k * px, Math.Abs(timepos), mixspeed, efficiency);
                    if (runMode == RunModeType.DualMode)
                        timesigma *= 2;
                    if (natUnits == QuantityType.Steps)
                        // [steps]
                        sigma = timesigma;
                        // [volume]
                        if (!outComp.eluted)
                            sigma = inParams.convertColUnit(timesigma, QuantityType.Time, natUnits);
                            sigma = inParams.convertUnit(timesigma, QuantityType.Time, natUnits, phase);
                    if (!outComp.eluted)
                        // calc col sigma also for EE outcol
                        // [volume] or [steps]
                        sigma0 = sigma;
                        sigma  = Equations.calcColSigma(sigma0, outCompt.retention0, post, vc);
                    if (outComp.eluted)
                        if (phase == PhaseType.Lower)
                            pos0 = pos - 3 * sigma;
                            if (pos0 < mindrawpos)
                                mindrawpos = pos0;
                            pos0 = pos + 3 * sigma;
                            if (pos0 > maxdrawpos)
                                maxdrawpos = pos0;
                    sigma = 1;
                    phase = PhaseType.None;
                outComp.sigma = sigma;
                outComp.phase = phase;

                // set estmax [time]
                if (outComp.outCol)
                    maxtime0 = Math.Abs(timepos) + 3 * timesigma;
                    if (maxtime0 > previewParams.estmaxtime)
                        previewParams.estmaxtime = maxtime0;

                if (outComp.outCol)
                    if (outComp.eluted)
                        outComp.retention = inParams.convertUnit(Math.Abs(pos), natUnits, viewParams.viewUnits, phase);
                        outComp.width     = inParams.convertUnit(4 * sigma, natUnits, viewParams.viewUnits, phase);
                        // not eluted but outcol (by EE)
                        outComp.retention = eepos;
                        outComp.width     = 4 * sigma;
                    outComp.retention = inParams.convertColUnit(Math.Abs(pos), natUnits, viewParams.viewUnits);
                    outComp.width     = inParams.convertColUnit(4 * sigma, natUnits, viewParams.viewUnits);
                outComp.drawPosition = pos;                 // convert to real value later
                // Calculate height
                if (float.IsInfinity(k) || sigma == 0)
                    outComp.height = 1;
                    outComp.height = Equations.calcHeight(sigma);                     // [volume]
                outComp.height *= comp.m;
            // set estmax [steps]
            if (inParams.doMaxIt)
                // overwrite if maxit is set
                pos0 = 0;
                if (fu != 0)
                    pos0 = inParams.convertUnit(inParams.maxIt * vc, QuantityType.Volume, QuantityType.Time, PhaseType.Upper);
                if (fl != 0)
                    pos0 = Math.Max(pos0, inParams.convertUnit(inParams.maxIt * vc, QuantityType.Volume, QuantityType.Time, PhaseType.Lower));
                if (previewParams.estmaxtime > pos0)
                    previewParams.estmaxtime = pos0;
            if (previewParams.estmaxtime == 0)
                previewParams.estmaxtime = inParams.Tmnorm;
                previewParams.estmaxstep = inParams.column;
                if (natUnits == QuantityType.Steps)
                    // CCD mode: time units are actually step units
                    previewParams.estmaxstep = previewParams.estmaxtime;
                    previewParams.estmaxstep = inParams.convertUnit(previewParams.estmaxtime, QuantityType.Time, QuantityType.Steps, phase);

            if (maxdrawpos == 0 && mindrawpos == 0)
                if (inParams.doMaxIt)
                    maxdrawpos = maxposu;
                    mindrawpos = -maxposl;
            if (eeMode)
                if (inParams.isPosEEdir())
                    maxdrawpos += vc;
                    mindrawpos -= vc;
            range = maxdrawpos - mindrawpos + vc;
            // Correct drawpos
            for (int i = 0; i < ncomps; i++)
                outComp = outSet.comps[i];
                pos0    = outComp.drawPosition;
                if (outComp.outCol)
                    if (outComp.phase == PhaseType.Upper)
                        pos0 = maxdrawpos - pos0 + vc;
                        pos0 = mindrawpos - pos0;
                    allincol = false;
                outComp.drawPosition = convModelToReal(pos0, mindrawpos);

            // Set Axes
            axes          = outSet.axes;
            axes.rangex   = range;           //inparams->convertUnit(drawrange,UnitsType::Time,viewparams->viewUnits,PhaseType::Up);
            axes.showCol  = true;
            axes.colstart = convModelToReal(0, mindrawpos);
            axes.colend   = convModelToReal(vc, mindrawpos);

            axes.scaleminulabel = 0;
            axes.scalemaxulabel = inParams.convertUnit(maxdrawpos, natUnits, inParams.natUnits, PhaseType.Upper);
            axes.scaleminllabel = 0;
            axes.scalemaxllabel = inParams.convertUnit(-mindrawpos, natUnits, inParams.natUnits, PhaseType.Lower);
            axes.scaleminu      = convModelToReal(maxdrawpos + vc, mindrawpos);
            axes.scalemaxu      = convModelToReal(vc, mindrawpos);
            axes.scaleminl      = convModelToReal(mindrawpos, mindrawpos);
            axes.scalemaxl      = convModelToReal(0, mindrawpos);

            axes.logScale = (viewParams.yScale == YScaleType.Logarithmic);

            // init outcells
            outCells = new OutCell[ncomps][];
            for (int compi = 0; compi < ncomps; compi++)
                outCells[compi] = new OutCell[nsize];
            axes.maxcon = new List <float>(ncomps);
            // Store outcells
            for (int compi = 0; compi < ncomps; compi++)
                comp    = inParams.comps[compi];
                outComp = outSet.comps[compi];
                // Pre-calcs to improve performance
                pos0  = outComp.drawPosition;
                sigma = outComp.sigma;
                if (sigma == 0)
                    sigma = 1;
                amp0     = comp.m * Equations.calcHeight(sigma);
                div0     = 2 * (float)Math.Pow(sigma, 2);
                stepsize = range / nsize;
                maxcon   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < nsize; i++)
                    pos = i * stepsize;                     // Real position
                    // make sure peak top gets drawn:
                    if (Math.Abs(pos - pos0) <= stepsize)
                        con = amp0;
                        con = amp0 * (float)Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(pos - pos0, 2) / div0);
                    if (con > maxcon && (outComp.outCol || allincol))
                        maxcon = con;
                    outCells[compi][i] = new OutCell(pos, con);
                // Correct sigma:
                outComp.sigma = outComp.width / 4;
            outSet.outCells = outCells;
