private void AddNewItems() { Item item = new Item(); item.CustomLabel = txtCustomLabel.Value; item.Description = txtDesc.Value; item.Length = txtLength.Value; item.Height = txtHeight.Value; item.Weight = txtWeight.Value; item.Width = txtWidth.Value; item.UserCode = UserKey; /*Updated by javed*/ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtInitialQty.Value)) item.Opening_Quantity = int.Parse(txtInitialQty.Value); item.Balance_Quantity = item.Opening_Quantity != null ? item.Opening_Quantity : 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMinimumThreshold.Value)) item.Minimum_Threshold = int.Parse(txtMinimumThreshold.Value); DataModelEntities entities = new DataModelEntities(); entities.AddToItems(item); entities.SaveChanges(); if (item.Opening_Quantity != null) { PriceManagerDAL.StockLedger dborder = new PriceManagerDAL.StockLedger(); dborder.User_Code = item.UserCode; dborder.AccountID = null; dborder.Type = null; dborder.TransactionID = null; dborder.ItemID = null; dborder.CustomLabel = item.CustomLabel; dborder.Quantity = item.Opening_Quantity; dborder.Narration = "Item Added To Stock"; dborder.Stock_Ledger_Type = (int)Common.StockLegerType.Opening; dborder.Created_Date = System.DateTime.Now; dborder.ID = item.ID; entities.AddToStockLedgers(dborder); entities.SaveChanges(); } BindItemss(); }
public void SaveEbayUserItems(int UserCode) { EbayServiceBL service = new EbayServiceBL(UserCode); DataModelEntities context = new DataModelEntities(); DateTime today = DateTime.Today; if (service.UserTokens != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> account in service.UserTokens) { try { // List<Seller_Item> items = service.GetUserItems(account.Value); List<Seller_Item> items = service.GetUserItemsList(account.Value); foreach (Seller_Item item in items) { SellerItem sellerItem = context.SellerItems.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Is_Active == true && a.User_Account_Code == account.Key && a.Item_ID == item.ItemID && a.Country_Code == service.countryID); if (sellerItem == null) { if (item.EndDate.Date > today.Date) { /*Save to seller item*/ SellerItem dbItem = new SellerItem(); dbItem.BIN_Price = (decimal)item.BinPrice; dbItem.Created_Date = DateTime.Now; dbItem.Current_Price = (decimal)item.CurrentPrice; dbItem.End_Date = item.EndDate; dbItem.Is_Active = true; dbItem.Item_ID = item.ItemID; dbItem.Item_Name = item.ItemName; dbItem.Start_Date = item.StartDate; dbItem.Is_Automated = false; dbItem.User_Code = UserCode; dbItem.User_Account_Code = account.Key; dbItem.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL; dbItem.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL; dbItem.Is_Promo_Item = item.IsPromoItem; dbItem.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID; dbItem.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName; dbItem.Currency = item.Currency; dbItem.Country_Code = item.CountryCode; dbItem.LocatedIn = item.CountryShortCode; dbItem.Current_Sales = item.CurrentSales; dbItem.QuantityAvailable = item.QuantityAvailable; context.SellerItems.AddObject(dbItem); } } else { if (item.EndDate.Date > today.Date) { sellerItem.User_Account_Code = account.Key; sellerItem.BIN_Price = (decimal)item.BinPrice; sellerItem.Current_Price = (decimal)item.CurrentPrice; sellerItem.End_Date = item.EndDate; sellerItem.Item_Name = item.ItemName; sellerItem.Start_Date = item.StartDate; sellerItem.Is_Promo_Item = item.IsPromoItem; sellerItem.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL; sellerItem.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL; sellerItem.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID; sellerItem.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName; if (item.IsPromoItem == true && sellerItem.Is_Automated == true) sellerItem.Is_Automated = false; sellerItem.Currency = item.Currency; sellerItem.Country_Code = item.CountryCode; sellerItem.Current_Sales = item.CurrentSales; sellerItem.QuantityAvailable = item.QuantityAvailable; ItemTitle currentTitle = context.ItemTitles.FirstOrDefault(f => f.ItemId == sellerItem.Item_Code && (f.Is_Current == true || f.Title.ToLower() == sellerItem.Item_Name.ToLower())); if (currentTitle != null) { if(context.TitleHistories.Any(a => a.Item_Code == sellerItem.Item_Code)) { var totalSales = context.GetSalesForOldTitles(sellerItem.Item_Code, sellerItem.Item_Name).FirstOrDefault(); currentTitle.TotalSales = totalSales.TotalSales; } } } else { sellerItem.Is_Automated = false; sellerItem.Is_Active = false; } } if (1 == 1) { Decimal weightMajor = item.Weight != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(item.Weight) * 1000 : 0; //Weight Major comes in Kgs so converted in to gms Decimal weightMinor = item.Weight != null ? Convert.ToDecimal(item.WeightMinor) : 0; //Weight Minor comes in gms Decimal weight = (weightMajor + weightMinor) / 1000; // Added both major and minor and converted into kgs Item partmaster = context.Items.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Item_ID == item.ItemID && a.UserCode == UserCode && a.Country_Code == service.countryID); if (partmaster == null) { partmaster = new Item(); partmaster.Item_ID = item.ItemID; partmaster.CustomLabel = item.CustomLabel; partmaster.Description = item.ItemName; partmaster.UserCode = UserCode; partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key; partmaster.Height = item.Height != null ? item.Height.ToString() : string.Empty; partmaster.Length = item.Length != null ? item.Length.ToString() : string.Empty; partmaster.Width = item.Width != null ? item.Width.ToString() : string.Empty; partmaster.Weight = item.Weight != null || item.WeightMinor != null ? weight.ToString("0.00") : string.Empty; partmaster.Balance_Quantity = item.Quantity; partmaster.Current_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.CurrentPrice); partmaster.BIN_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.BinPrice); partmaster.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL; partmaster.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL; partmaster.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID; partmaster.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName; partmaster.Start_Date = item.StartDate; partmaster.End_Date = item.EndDate; partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key; partmaster.Detail_Description = item.Discription; partmaster.Country_Code = item.CountryCode; context.AddToItems(partmaster); } else { partmaster.CustomLabel = item.CustomLabel; partmaster.Description = item.ItemName; partmaster.UserCode = UserCode; partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Height)) partmaster.Height = item.Height != null ? item.Height.ToString() : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Length)) partmaster.Length = item.Length != null ? item.Length.ToString() : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Width)) partmaster.Width = item.Width != null ? item.Width.ToString() : string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partmaster.Weight)) partmaster.Weight = item.Weight != null || item.WeightMinor != null ? weight.ToString("0.00") : string.Empty; partmaster.Height = item.Height != null ? item.Height.ToString() : string.Empty; partmaster.Length = item.Length != null ? item.Length.ToString() : string.Empty; partmaster.Width = item.Width != null ? item.Width.ToString() : string.Empty; partmaster.Weight = item.Weight != null || item.WeightMinor != null ? weight.ToString("0.00") : string.Empty; partmaster.Current_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.CurrentPrice); partmaster.BIN_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item.BinPrice); partmaster.Picture_URL = item.PictureURL; partmaster.Item_View_URL = item.ItemViewURL; partmaster.Item_Category_ID = item.CategoryID; partmaster.Item_Category_Name = item.CategoryName; partmaster.Start_Date = item.StartDate; partmaster.User_Account_Code = account.Key; partmaster.End_Date = item.EndDate; partmaster.Balance_Quantity = item.Quantity; partmaster.Country_Code = item.CountryCode; } } context.SaveChanges(); } //context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.WriteLog(LogType.Critical, ex.ToString()); } } } }