        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Variables
            string rootpath         = @"c:\dev\QuantSA";
            string xllPath          = Path.Combine(rootpath, @"QuantSA\ExcelAddin\bin\Debug\QuantSA.xll");
            string exampleSheetPath = Path.Combine(rootpath, @"ExcelExamples");
            string tempOutputPath   = Path.Combine(rootpath, @"temp");

             * // Check spreadsheets
             * SpreadsheetChecker ssChecker = new SpreadsheetChecker(xllPath, exampleSheetPath, tempOutputPath);
             * int failedSheets = ssChecker.Check();
             * Console.WriteLine("Running example sheets: " + failedSheets.ToString() + " errors. (see " + SpreadsheetChecker.ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE + ")");
             * // Generate the help
             * string[] dllsWithExposedFunctions = {
             *  Path.Combine(rootpath, @"QuantSA\Excel\bin\Debug\QuantSA.Excel.dll"),
             *  Path.Combine(rootpath, @"QuantSA\Excel\bin\Debug\QuantSA.ExcelFunctions.dll") };
             * string outputPath = @"C:\Dev\jamesltaylor.github.io\";
             * string helpURL = "http://www.quantsa.org/";
             * MarkdownGenerator generator = new MarkdownGenerator(dllsWithExposedFunctions, outputPath, helpURL, tempOutputPath);
             * int failedMarkdown = generator.Generate();
             * Console.WriteLine("Generating markdown: " + failedMarkdown.ToString() + " errors. (see " + MarkdownGenerator.MD_ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE + ")");
             * // Check the example sheets are valid
             * int failedExampleSheetRefs = generator.AreAllExampleSheetsValid(ssChecker.GetSheetsAndFuncs());
             * Console.WriteLine("Checking valid example sheets: " + failedExampleSheetRefs.ToString() + " errors. (see " + MarkdownGenerator.SS_ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE + ")");
            // Generate the installer resource files
            string             installFilesPartialPath = Path.Combine(@"QuantSA\ExcelAddin\bin\Release");
            InstallerGenerator installFileGenerator    = new InstallerGenerator(rootpath, installFilesPartialPath);


            // Wait for keyboard
文件: Program.cs 项目: zhangz/QuantSA
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            // Variables
            var rootpath         = Rootpath;
            var xllPath          = Path.Combine(rootpath, XllPath);
            var exampleSheetPath = Path.Combine(rootpath, @"ExcelExamples");
            var tempOutputPath   = Path.Combine(rootpath, @"temp");

            MarkdownGenerator  generator = null;
            SpreadsheetChecker ssChecker = null;

            // Check spreadsheets
            if (checkSpreadsheets)
                ssChecker = new SpreadsheetChecker(xllPath, exampleSheetPath, tempOutputPath);
                var failedSheets = ssChecker.Check();
                Console.WriteLine("Running example sheets: " + failedSheets + " errors. (see " +
                                  SpreadsheetChecker.ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE + ")");

            // Generate the help
            if (generateHelp)
                string[] dllsWithExposedFunctions =
                    Path.Combine(rootpath, @"QuantSA\QuantSA.Excel.Addin\bin\Debug\QuantSA.Excel.Addin.dll"),
                    Path.Combine(rootpath, @"QuantSA\QuantSA.Excel.Addin\bin\Debug\QuantSA.ExcelFunctions.dll")
                var outputPath = Path.Combine(rootpath, @"Documentation\");
                var helpURL    = "http://www.quantsa.org/";
                generator = new MarkdownGenerator(dllsWithExposedFunctions, outputPath, helpURL, tempOutputPath);
                var failedMarkdown = generator.Generate();
                Console.WriteLine("Generating markdown: " + failedMarkdown + " errors. (see " +
                                  MarkdownGenerator.MD_ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE + ")");

            // Check the example sheets are valid.  This means that each example sheet referenced in the
            // help comments actually maps to an example sheet in the install directory.
            if (checkExampleSheetsAreValid)
                if (!generateHelp || !checkSpreadsheets)
                    throw new Exception(
                              "Can only check if spreadsheets are valid if 'generateHelp' and 'checkSpreadsheets' are set to True.");
                var failedExampleSheetRefs = generator.AreAllExampleSheetsValid(ssChecker.GetSheetsAndFuncs());
                Console.WriteLine("Checking valid example sheets: " + failedExampleSheetRefs + " errors. (see " +
                                  MarkdownGenerator.SS_ERROR_OUTPUT_FILE + ")");

            // Generate the installer resource files
            if (generateInstallerResources)
                var installFilesPartialPath = Path.Combine(@"QuantSA\QuantSA.Excel.Addin\bin\Release");
                var installFileGenerator    = new InstallerGenerator(rootpath, installFilesPartialPath);

            // Wait for keyboard
            Console.WriteLine("Finished.  Press any key...");