static void Deobfuscation() { string sampleScript = ""; string scriptPath = "Data\\sample_1.ps1"; string modelPath = "Data\\"; FileInfo file = new FileInfo(scriptPath); try { FileStream fs = new FileStream(scriptPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); TextReader scriptIn = new StreamReader(fs); sampleScript = scriptIn.ReadToEnd(); } catch { return; } AstTree tree = new AstTree(sampleScript); tree.InitPipeSubTree(); TraverseSubTree traverser = new TraverseSubTree(modelPath); traverser.TraverseCheckPipeSubtree(tree); Console.Out.WriteLine(tree.root.updatedCommand); }
public List <DeobfuscationResult> ReverseTraverseCheckSubtreeWithExperimentalOutput(AstTree tree) { AstNode node = tree.root; Queue <AstNode> unvisitedNodeQueue = new Queue <AstNode>(); unvisitedNodeQueue.Enqueue(node); Stack <AstNode> pipeNodeStack = new Stack <AstNode>(); while (unvisitedNodeQueue.Count > 0) { AstNode n = unvisitedNodeQueue.Dequeue(); if (n.ast.GetType().ToString() == "System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst") { pipeNodeStack.Push(n); } foreach (AstNode nc in n.childList) { unvisitedNodeQueue.Enqueue(nc); } } InstancePF psIns = new InstancePF(); List <DeobfuscationResult> outputList = new List <DeobfuscationResult>(); while (pipeNodeStack.Count > 0) { AstNode n = pipeNodeStack.Pop(); Classifier.ClassifierResult result = c.testWithModel(AstTree.Tree2Feature(n)); DeobfuscationResult output = new DeobfuscationResult(); output.originalScript = AstNode.GetShapedScript(n.ast.Extent.Text); if (result != Classifier.ClassifierResult.unobfuscated) { string returnScript = psIns.addScript(n.ast.Extent.Text); Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("Script:{0}, result:{1}, Deobfuscation:{2}", n.ast.Extent.Text, result, returnScript)); output.obfuscated = 1; output.deobfuscatedScript = AstNode.GetShapedScript(returnScript); if (returnScript.Length != 0) { tree.RemoveSubTree(n, n.childList[0]); } tree.AddSubTree(n, returnScript); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("Script:{0}, result:{1}", n.ast.Extent.Text, result)); } outputList.Add(output); } return(outputList); }
public void ReverseTraverseCheckSubtree(AstTree tree) { AstNode node = tree.root; Queue <AstNode> unvisitedNodeQueue = new Queue <AstNode>(); unvisitedNodeQueue.Enqueue(node); Stack <AstNode> pipeNodeStack = new Stack <AstNode>(); while (unvisitedNodeQueue.Count > 0) { AstNode n = unvisitedNodeQueue.Dequeue(); if (n.ast.GetType().ToString() == "System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst") { pipeNodeStack.Push(n); } foreach (AstNode nc in n.childList) { unvisitedNodeQueue.Enqueue(nc); } } while (pipeNodeStack.Count > 0) { AstNode n = pipeNodeStack.Pop(); Classifier.ClassifierResult result = c.testWithModel(AstTree.Tree2Feature(n)); if (result != Classifier.ClassifierResult.unobfuscated) { // what to do with the obfuscated sub-tree string returnScript = psIns.addScript(n.ast.Extent.Text); Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("Script:{0}, result:{1}, Deobfuscation:{2}", n.ast.Extent.Text, result, returnScript)); tree.AddSubTree(n, returnScript); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("Script:{0}, result:{1}", n.ast.Extent.Text, result)); } } }
public void TraverseCheckSubtree(AstNode node) { Queue <AstNode> unvisitedNodeQueue = new Queue <AstNode>(); unvisitedNodeQueue.Enqueue(node); while (unvisitedNodeQueue.Count > 0) { AstNode n = unvisitedNodeQueue.Dequeue(); if (n.ast.GetType().ToString() == "System.Management.Automation.Language.PipelineAst") { AstData data = AstTree.Tree2Feature(n); Classifier.ClassifierResult result = c.testWithModel(data); Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Format("Script:{0}, result:{1}", n.ast.Extent.Text, result.ToString())); } foreach (AstNode nc in n.childList) { unvisitedNodeQueue.Enqueue(nc); } } }
public int TraverseCheckPipeSubtree(AstTree tree) { int obfuscatedOrNot = 0; Queue <AstNode> pipeQueue = new Queue <AstNode>(); AstTree subtree; AstNode parent; foreach (AstNode node in tree.nodeList) { if (node.type == AstNode.NodeType.pipeNode) { pipeQueue.Enqueue(node); } } AstNode top; while (pipeQueue.Count != 0) { top = pipeQueue.Dequeue(); int subtreePipeCount = -1; if (top.pipeNodeCount != 0) { pipeQueue.Enqueue(top); } else { if (c.testWithModel(AstTree.Tree2Feature(top)) == Classifier.ClassifierResult.unobfuscated) { top.type = AstNode.NodeType.cleanPipeNode; string feature = new Script2Vector(top.command).ToAStString(); Console.Out.WriteLine(feature); if (top.updatedCommand.Length == 0) { top.updatedCommand = top.command; } } else { try { string tempCommand = ""; tempCommand = psIns.addScript(top.command); if (tempCommand.Length == 0) { top.type = AstNode.NodeType.cleanPipeNode; goto a; } else { tempCommand = CheckParents(tempCommand, top); top.updatedCommand = tempCommand; } } catch { top.type = AstNode.NodeType.cleanPipeNode; goto a; } obfuscatedOrNot = 1; subtree = new AstTree(top.updatedCommand, AstNode.NodeType.replaceNode); subtree.InitPipeSubTree(); tree.ReplaceSubTree(top.parent, top, subtree); Queue <AstNode> newQueue = AstTree.FindAllPipeNodeInSubTree(subtree.root); AstNode node; while (newQueue.Count != 0) { node = newQueue.Dequeue(); } a :; } parent = top.parent; while (!(parent.parent == null || parent.type == AstNode.NodeType.pipeNode)) { parent = parent.parent; } parent.UpdateCommand(top.command, top.updatedCommand); experimentOut.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}`{2}`{1}", AstNode.GetShapedScript(top.command), AstNode.GetShapedScript(top.updatedCommand), top.command != top.updatedCommand)); parent = top.parent; while (parent.parent != null) { parent.pipeNodeCount += subtreePipeCount; if (parent.pipeNodeCount == 0) { tree.Shrink(parent); } parent = parent.parent; } } } return(obfuscatedOrNot); }
public void TraverseCheckSubtree(AstTree tree) { TraverseCheckSubtree(tree.root); }