public JObject call(string method, string path, JObject body = null, string query = "", bool retry = true) { string endpoint = this.endpoint + path; int tries = 0; int maxtries = 4; int aux_error; JObject result = null; Exception exception = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { endpoint += "?" + query; } do { try { string result_json = request(endpoint, method, body); result = JObject.Parse(result_json); aux_error = (int)result["meta"]["code"]; while (aux_error > 10) { aux_error /= 10; } if (aux_error >= 2 && aux_error < 4) { return(result); } else if ((bool)result["meta"]["retryable"] == false) { retry = false; throw PostmenException.FactoryMethod(result); } else { ++tries; } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; ++tries; } } while (retry && tries < maxtries); if (exception != null) { throw exception; } throw PostmenException.FactoryMethod(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string production_ap_southeast_key = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_production_ap_southeast_key.txt"); string account_dhl_production = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_production_ap_southeast_account_key_dhl.txt"); HandlerAPI handler_production_sandbox = new HandlerAPI(api_key: production_ap_southeast_key, region: "ap-southeast"); JArray shipper_account = new JArray(); JObject shipper_account_element = new JObject(); shipper_account_element.Add("id", account_dhl_production); shipper_account.Add(shipper_account_element); JObject address1 = JObject.Parse(@"{ city: 'Los Angeles', state: 'CA', postal_code: '90001', country: 'USA' }" ); JObject address2 = JObject.Parse(@"{ city:'Beverly Hills', postal_code:'90209', state:'CA', country:'USA' }" ); JArray parcels1 = JArray.Parse(@"[ { description: 'iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)', box_type: 'custom', weight: {value: 9.54, unit: 'kg'}, dimension: {width: 65, height: 52, depth: 21, unit: 'cm'}, items:[ { description: 'iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)', origin_country: 'USA', quantity: 1, price: {amount:1999,currency:'USD'}, weight: {value:9.54,unit:'kg'}, sku: 'imac2014' } ] } ]" ); // Create rates dynamic request_data = new JObject(); request_data.shipper_accounts = shipper_account; request_data.async = false; request_data.shipment = new JObject(); request_data.shipment.ship_from = address1; request_data.shipment.ship_to = address2; request_data.shipment.parcels = parcels1; JObject result = handler_production_sandbox.create(resource: "rates", payload: request_data); // Access the status: Console.WriteLine(result["data"]["status"]); return; string key_sandbox = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"\\psf\Home\Documents\postmen_sandbox_key.txt"); Console.WriteLine(key_sandbox); HandlerAPI handler = new HandlerAPI(api_key: key_sandbox, endpoint: ""); result = handler.get(resource: "labels"); Console.WriteLine(result); return; string json = @"{ async:false, shipper_accounts: [ { id: '000000000000-b754-4981-bee8-e233f79fd53a' } ], is_document: false, shipment:{ ship_from: { contact_name: 'Jameson McLaughlin', company_name: 'Bode, Lind and Powlowski', street1: '8918 Borer Ramp', city: 'Los Angeles', state: 'CA', postal_code: '90001', country: 'USA', type: 'business' }, ship_to:{ contact_name: 'Dr. Moises Corwin', phone: '1-140-225-6410', email:'*****@*****.**', street1:'28292 Daugherty Orchard', city:'Beverly Hills', postal_code:'90209', state:'CA', country:'USA', type:'residential' }, parcels: [ { description: 'iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)', box_type: 'custom', weight: {value: 9.54, unit: 'kg'}, dimension: {width: 65, height: 52, depth: 21, unit: 'cm'}, items:[ { description: 'iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)', origin_country: 'USA', quantity: 1, price: {amount:1999,currency:'USD'}, weight: {value:9.54,unit:'kg'}, sku: 'imac2014' } ] } ] } }" ; JObject example1 = JObject.Parse(json); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // dynamic need a reference to Microsfot.CSharp dynamic address_from = new JObject(); address_from.contact_name = "Jameson McLaughlin"; address_from.company_name = "Bode; Lind and Powlowski"; address_from.street1 = "8918 Borer Ramp"; = "Los Angeles"; address_from.state = "CA"; address_from.postal_code = "90001"; = "USA"; address_from.type = "business"; dynamic example2 = new JObject(); example2.ship_from = address_from; ArrayList array_example = new ArrayList(); array_example.Add("algo"); array_example.Add("something else"); JObject element1 = new JObject(); element1.Add("something", "first element"); dynamic element2 = new JObject(); element2.something = "second element"; JObject[] array_jobject = { element1, element2 }; JArray array_json = new JArray(); array_json.Add(element1); array_json.Add(element2); example2.example_array = array_json; Console.WriteLine(example2.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------"); string error_json = @"{ meta: { code: 1234, message: 'this is an error', retryable: false, details: [{ path: 'data.shipment.parcels.0.items.0.price', info: 'The required property \'currency\' is missing' }] }, data: 'something' }" ; PostmenException error = PostmenException.FactoryMethod(JObject.Parse(error_json)); Console.WriteLine(error); }