        } // end of getCrossRate()

        public int getCrossRateCash(int aTradeMatchId, string aTradeDate, string aSecType, string aTradingCur, string aPortfolio, ref string aCrossRate, ref string aConversionInstruction)
            int rtn = 0;

            //double number;
            string secType     = string.Empty;
            string secISOCode  = string.Empty;
            string errMsg      = string.Empty;
            string securityCur = string.Empty;
            string tradeDate   = string.Empty;
            string tradingCur  = string.Empty;

                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(dbConnection))
                    // 1.  create a command object identifying the stored procedure
                    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_GetCrossRateCash", conn);
                    // 2. set the command object so it knows to execute a stored procedure
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    // 3. add parameter to command, which will be passed to the stored procedure
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@tradematchid", aTradeMatchId));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@portfolio", aPortfolio));
                    // execute the command
                    using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                        // iterate through results
                        while (rdr.Read())
                            aCrossRate = rdr[0].ToString();
                            secType    = rdr[1].ToString();
                            tradeDate  = rdr[2].ToString();
                        } // end of while loop

                        // when cross rate is unavailable from Moxy try to get it from Portia
                        //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(secType)) { secType = aSecType; }
                        secType = aSecType;
                        getISOCurrency(aTradingCur, ref tradingCur);
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aCrossRate))
                            if (PortiaDatabase.getLastCrossRate(secType, tradingCur, aTradeDate, ref aCrossRate) == -1)
                                screen.AppendText(String.Format(GetCurrentMethod() + "--->No cross rate for : {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} in Portia", securityCur, aTradingCur, tradeDate));

                        // get security ISO Code
                        //if (getISOCurrency(aSecType, ref secISOCode) != -1 && getConversionInstructions(secISOCode, aTradingCur, ref conversionInstruction) != -1)
                        if (getISOCurrency(aSecType, ref secISOCode) != -1 && getConversionInstructions(secType, tradingCur, ref aConversionInstruction) != -1)
                            //screen.AppendText(String.Format("\r\nFound cross rate: {0} for trade match id: {1}.", aCrossRate, aTradeMatchId));
                        }    // end of if
                    } // end of using
                } // end of outter using
            } // end of try
            catch (Exception e)
                rtn = -1;
                screen.AppendText(Globals.saveErr(e.Message + "\r\n"));

        } // end of getCrossRateCash()
        /// <summary>
        ///                     Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public Trade(TextBox aScreen, string aLine, string aDbConnMoxy, string aDbConnPortia, string aTradingCurrencySP, string aLastCrossRateSP, string aReportingCurrencySP, string aSellRuleSP)
            int rtn = 0;

            Screen       = aScreen;
            dbConnMoxy   = aDbConnMoxy;
            dbConnPortia = aDbConnPortia;
            tradingCurrencyStoredProc   = aTradingCurrencySP;
            reportingCurrencyStoredProc = aReportingCurrencySP;
            sellRuleStoredProc          = aSellRuleSP;
            lastCrossRateStoredProc     = aLastCrossRateSP;
            items = aLine.Split(',');
            Screen.AppendText("\r\n ---\r\n Tran code: " + items[1] + " Line in the file: " + tradeCnt);

            if (tradeCnt == 27)
                rtn = 0;

            // when lot location is null or nothing --> set default lot location: 254
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(items[29]))
                items[29] = "254";

            md  = new MoxyDatabase(dbConnMoxy, screen);
            pd  = new PortiaDatabase(dbConnPortia, screen, tradingCurrencyStoredProc, lastCrossRateStoredProc, sellRuleStoredProc);
            rtn = md.getISOCurrency(items[3], ref securityCur);
            rtn = pd.getTradingCurrency(tradingCurrencyStoredProc, items[0].Replace("fc", string.Empty), ref tradeCur);
            rtn = pd.getReportingCurrency(reportingCurrencyStoredProc, items[0].Replace("fc", string.Empty), ref repCur);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tradeCur))
                tradeCur = "USD";

            clearSettleFX(ref items);

            // based on these values the appropriate conversion function selected
            if (items[4].Equals("$cash"))
                tranType = "cash";
                tranType = "equity";
            if (tradeCur.Equals("USD"))
                portType = "Us";
                portType = "NonUs";
            if (securityCur.Equals(tradeCur))
                secType = "SameCur";
                secType = "DiffCur";
            if ((items[1].Equals("sl") || items[1].Equals("SL")))
                tranCode = "Sell";
                tranCode = "Buy";

            rtn = 0;
        } // end of constructor