public void EditNoteInline(Int32 index, String noteType, String newText) { var lnkTitle = new Link(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//a[contains(@class, 'ReviewTitle')]")); lnkTitle.Click(); var noteArea = new TextBox(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//textArea")); var btnEditOk = new Button(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//input[@value = 'OK']")); var selType = new Select(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//select")); Wait.Until(d => noteArea.Displayed); selType.SelectOption(noteType); noteArea.Value = newText; btnEditOk.Click(); Wait.Until(d => new Container(By.XPath("//div[contains(text(), '" + newText + "')]")).Displayed); }
public void EditReviewerNoteInline(Int32 index, String newType, String newNote) { if (BtnExpandNotes.Exists) { BtnExpandNotes.Click(); Wait.Until(d => BtnCollapseNotes.Exists); } // accept index starting at 0, xpath index start at 1, and the first row is the filter, so // add 2 to index argument var editLink = new Link(By.XPath("//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr[" + (index + 2) + "]/td[2]/div[1]/strong/a")); editLink.Click(); var inlineSelect = new Select(By.XPath("//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr[" + (index + 2) + "]/td[2]/div[1]/div/select")); var inlineNoteText = new TextBox(By.XPath("//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr[" + (index + 2) + "]/td[2]/div[3]/textarea")); inlineSelect.SelectOption(newType); inlineNoteText.Value = newNote; BtnInlineReviewerNoteOk.Click(); Wait.Until(d => new Container(By.XPath("//div[text()='" + newNote + "']")).Exists); }
public void RespondInline(Int32 index, String responseType, String response) { var lnkRespond = new Link(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//a[contains(@id, 'CreateResponse')]")); lnkRespond.Click(); var txtResponse = new TextBox(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//div[@class='ResponseNote']//textarea")); var btnRespondOk = new Button(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//div[@class='ResponseNote']//input[@value = 'OK']")); var selType = new Select(By.XPath(XpathPrefix + "//tr[@data-drsv-row='" + index + "']//div[@class='ResponseTitle']//select")); Wait.Until(d => txtResponse.Displayed); selType.SelectOption(responseType); txtResponse.Value = response; btnRespondOk.Click(); Wait.Until(d => new Container(By.XPath("//div[contains(text(), '" + response + "')]")).Displayed); }
public static void SetCriteria(this IDynamicResultSetView component, String attribute, String criteria, Int16 row = 0) { var optionElement = new Select(By.XPath("//select[contains(@name, 'queryField" + (row + 1) + "')]/option[text() = '" + attribute + "']")); var displayName = ((RoomComponent) component).DisplayName; var prefix = "//span[text()='" + displayName + "']"; var selAttribute = new Select(By.XPath(prefix + "/../../../../../table[2]//table[contains(@id,'_filterTable')]//select[contains(@id,'_queryField" + (row + 1) + "')]")); var txtCriteria = new TextBox(By.XPath(prefix + "/../../../../../table[2]//table[contains(@id,'_filterTable')]//input[contains(@id,'_queryCriteria" + (row + 1) + "')]")); Wait.Until(d => selAttribute.Enabled && optionElement.Exists && txtCriteria.Enabled); selAttribute.SelectOption(attribute); txtCriteria.Value = criteria; component.BtnGo.Click(); Wait.Until(d => component.BtnGo.Enabled); }
public void AddBranch(String stepName, String targetStepName) { var btnAddBranch = new Button( By.XPath("(//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/a[text()='" + stepName + "'])[1]/../../td[6]/input[@value='Add Branch']")); var parentWindow = CurrentWindowTitle; btnAddBranch.Click(); PopUpWindow.SwitchTo("Edit SmartForm Branch"); var selNextStep = new Select(By.Name("WizardBranch.nextPage")); selNextStep.SelectOption(targetStepName); var btnOk = new Button(By.CssSelector("input[value='OK']")); btnOk.Click(); PopUpWindow.SwitchTo(parentWindow); var spanExpected = new Container( By.XPath("(//*[@id='_webrRSV_DIV_0']/table/tbody/tr/td[3]/a[text()='" + stepName + "" + "'])[1]/../../td[4]/table/tbody/tr/td/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/span[text()='" + targetStepName + "']")); Wait.Until(d => spanExpected.Exists); }