private User DoUpNewTopic() { var forum = new Forum(1); var user = GetUser(); const string ip = ""; const string title = "mah title"; const string text = "mah text"; var newPost = new NewPost { Title = title, FullText = text, ItemID = 1 }; var forumService = GetService(); _mockTopicRepo.Setup(t => t.GetUrlNamesThatStartWith("parsed-title")).Returns(new List<string>()); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text")).Returns("parsed text"); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title")).Returns("parsed title"); _mockPostRepo.Setup(p => p.Create(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<bool>(), It.IsAny<bool>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), It.IsAny<bool>(), It.IsAny<string>(), null, It.IsAny<bool>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(69); _mockForumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(forum.ForumID)).Returns(new List<string>()); forumService.PostNewTopic(forum, user, new ForumPermissionContext { UserCanPost = true, UserCanView = true }, newPost, ip, It.IsAny<string>(), x => ""); return user; }
public void PostNewTopicReturnsTopic() { var forum = new Forum(1); var user = GetUser(); const string ip = ""; const string title = "mah title"; const string text = "mah text"; var newPost = new NewPost { Title = title, FullText = text, ItemID = 1 }; var topicService = GetService(); _mockForumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(forum.ForumID)).Returns(new List<string>()); _mockTopicRepo.Setup(t => t.GetUrlNamesThatStartWith("parsed-title")).Returns(new List<string>()); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text")).Returns("parsed text"); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title")).Returns("parsed title"); _mockTopicRepo.Setup(t => t.Create(forum.ForumID, "parsed title", 0, 0, user.UserID, user.Name, user.UserID, user.Name, It.IsAny<DateTime>(), false, false, false, false, "parsed-title")).Returns(2); var topic = topicService.PostNewTopic(forum, user, new ForumPermissionContext { UserCanPost = true, UserCanView = true }, newPost, ip, It.IsAny<string>(), x => ""); Assert.AreEqual(2, topic.TopicID); Assert.AreEqual(forum.ForumID, topic.ForumID); Assert.AreEqual("parsed title", topic.Title); Assert.AreEqual(0, topic.ReplyCount); Assert.AreEqual(0, topic.ViewCount); Assert.AreEqual(user.UserID, topic.StartedByUserID); Assert.AreEqual(user.Name, topic.StartedByName); Assert.AreEqual(user.UserID, topic.LastPostUserID); Assert.AreEqual(user.Name, topic.LastPostName); Assert.IsFalse(topic.IsClosed); Assert.IsFalse(topic.IsDeleted); Assert.IsFalse(topic.IsIndexed); Assert.IsFalse(topic.IsPinned); Assert.AreEqual("parsed-title", topic.UrlName); }
public void PostNewTopicDoesNotPublishToFeedIfForumHasViewRestrictions() { var forum = new Forum(1); var user = GetUser(); const string ip = ""; const string title = "mah title"; const string text = "mah text"; var newPost = new NewPost { Title = title, FullText = text, ItemID = 1 }; var topicService = GetService(); _mockForumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(forum.ForumID)).Returns(new List<string> { "Admin" }); _mockTopicRepo.Setup(t => t.GetUrlNamesThatStartWith("parsed-title")).Returns(new List<string>()); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text")).Returns("parsed text"); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title")).Returns("parsed title"); _mockTopicRepo.Setup(t => t.Create(forum.ForumID, "parsed title", 0, 0, user.UserID, user.Name, user.UserID, user.Name, It.IsAny<DateTime>(), false, false, false, false, "parsed-title")).Returns(2); var topic = topicService.PostNewTopic(forum, user, new ForumPermissionContext { UserCanPost = true, UserCanView = true }, newPost, ip, It.IsAny<string>(), x => ""); _eventPublisher.Verify(x => x.ProcessEvent(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<User>(), EventDefinitionService.StaticEventIDs.NewTopic, true), Times.Once()); }
public void PostNewTopicCallsTextParserPlainText() { var forum = new Forum(1); var user = GetUser(); const string ip = ""; const string title = "mah title"; const string text = "mah text"; var newPost = new NewPost { Title = title, FullText = text, ItemID = 1, IsPlainText = true }; var topicService = GetService(); _mockForumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(forum.ForumID)).Returns(new List<string>()); _mockTopicRepo.Setup(t => t.GetUrlNamesThatStartWith("parsed-title")).Returns(new List<string>()); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text")).Returns("parsed text"); _mockTextParser.Setup(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title")).Returns("parsed title"); topicService.PostNewTopic(forum, user, new ForumPermissionContext { UserCanPost = true, UserCanView = true }, newPost, ip, It.IsAny<string>(), x => ""); _mockTextParser.Verify(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title"), Times.Once()); _mockTextParser.Verify(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text"), Times.Exactly(0)); _mockTextParser.Verify(t => t.ForumCodeToHtml("mah text"), Times.Exactly(1)); }
public bool IsNewPostDupeOrInTimeLimit(NewPost newPost, User user) { var postID = _profileRepository.GetLastPostID(user.UserID); if (postID == null) return false; var lastPost = _postRepository.Get(postID.Value); if (lastPost == null) return false; var minimumSeconds = _settingsManager.Current.MinimumSecondsBetweenPosts; if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastPost.PostTime).TotalSeconds < minimumSeconds) return true; var parsedText = newPost.IsPlainText ? _textParsingService.ForumCodeToHtml(newPost.FullText) : _textParsingService.ClientHtmlToHtml(newPost.FullText); if (parsedText == lastPost.FullText) return true; return false; }
public void PostReplyHitsSubscribedService() { var topic = new Topic(1); var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _subService.Verify(s => s.NotifySubscribers(topic, user, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Func<User, string>>()), Times.Once()); }
public void PostReplySetsProfileLastPostID() { var topic = new Topic(1) { ForumID = 2 }; var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; var post = topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _profileRepo.Verify(p => p.SetLastPostID(user.UserID, post.PostID)); }
public JsonResult PostReply(NewPost newPost) { if (this.CurrentUser() == null) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.LoginToPost, Result = false }); ForumPermissionContext permissionContext; var topic = _topicService.Get(newPost.ItemID); if (topic == null) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.TopicNotExist, Result = false }); if (topic.IsClosed) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.Closed, Result = false }); GetForumByIdWithPermissionContext(topic.ForumID, out permissionContext); if (!permissionContext.UserCanView) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.ForumNoView, Result = false }); if (!permissionContext.UserCanPost) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.ForumNoPost, Result = false }); if (_postService.IsNewPostDupeOrInTimeLimit(newPost, this.CurrentUser())) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = String.Format(Resources.PostWait, _settingsManager.Current.MinimumSecondsBetweenPosts), Result = false }); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(newPost.FullText)) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.PostEmpty, Result = false }); if (newPost.ParentPostID != 0) { var parentPost = _postService.Get(newPost.ParentPostID); if (parentPost == null || parentPost.TopicID != topic.TopicID) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = "This reply attempt is being made to a post in another topic", Result = false }); } var user = this.CurrentUser(); var topicLink = this.FullUrlHelper("GoToNewestPost", Name, new { id = topic.TopicID }); Func<User, string> unsubscribeLinkGenerator = u => this.FullUrlHelper("Unsubscribe", SubscriptionController.Name, new { topicID = topic.TopicID, authKey = u.AuthorizationKey }); var helper = new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext); var userProfileUrl = helper.Action("ViewProfile", "Account", new { id = user.UserID }); Func<Post, string> postLinkGenerator = p => helper.Action("PostLink", "Forum", new { id = p.PostID }); var post = _topicService.PostReply(topic, user, newPost.ParentPostID, Request.UserHostAddress, false, newPost, DateTime.UtcNow, topicLink, unsubscribeLinkGenerator, userProfileUrl, postLinkGenerator); _topicViewCountService.SetViewedTopic(topic, HttpContext); var currentUser = this.CurrentUser(); if (newPost.CloseOnReply && currentUser.IsInRole(PermanentRoles.Moderator)) _topicService.CloseTopic(topic, currentUser); var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(ControllerContext.RequestContext); return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Result = true, Redirect = urlHelper.RouteUrl(new { controller = "Forum", action = "PostLink", id = post.PostID }) }); }
public void PostReplyMarksTopicForIndexing() { var topic = new Topic(1) { ForumID = 2 }; var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _topicRepo.Verify(x => x.MarkTopicForIndexing(topic.TopicID), Times.Once()); }
public void PostReplyNotifiesBroker() { var topic = new Topic(1) { ForumID = 2 }; var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; var forum = new Forum(topic.ForumID); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(topic.ForumID)).Returns(forum); _topicRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(topic.TopicID)).Returns(topic); topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _broker.Verify(x => x.NotifyForumUpdate(forum), Times.Once()); _broker.Verify(x => x.NotifyTopicUpdate(topic, forum, It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once()); _broker.Verify(x => x.NotifyNewPost(topic, It.IsAny<int>()), Times.Once()); }
public void PostReplyUpdatesForumLastInfo() { var topic = new Topic(1) { ForumID = 2 }; var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _forumRepo.Verify(f => f.UpdateLastTimeAndUser(topic.ForumID, postTime, user.Name)); }
public void PostReplyIncrementsTopicReplyCount() { var topic = new Topic(1); var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _topicRepo.Verify(t => t.IncrementReplyCount(1)); }
public void PostReplyHitsTextParserPlainText() { var topic = new Topic(1); var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true, IsPlainText = true }; topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _textParser.Verify(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title"), Times.Once()); _textParser.Verify(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text"), Times.Exactly(0)); _textParser.Verify(t => t.ForumCodeToHtml("mah text"), Times.Once()); }
public JsonResult PostTopic(NewPost newPost) { if (this.CurrentUser() == null) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.LoginToPost, Result = false }); ForumPermissionContext permissionContext; var forum = GetForumByIdWithPermissionContext(newPost.ItemID, out permissionContext); if (!permissionContext.UserCanView) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage {Message = Resources.ForumNoView, Result = false}); if (!permissionContext.UserCanPost) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage {Message = Resources.ForumNoPost, Result = false}); if (_postService.IsNewPostDupeOrInTimeLimit(newPost, this.CurrentUser())) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = String.Format(Resources.PostWait, _settingsManager.Current.MinimumSecondsBetweenPosts), Result = false }); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newPost.FullText) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newPost.Title)) return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Message = Resources.PostEmpty, Result = false }); var user = this.CurrentUser(); var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(ControllerContext.RequestContext); var userProfileUrl = urlHelper.Action("ViewProfile", "Account", new { id = user.UserID }); Func<Topic, string> topicLinkGenerator = t => urlHelper.Action("Topic", "Forum", new { id = t.UrlName }); var topic = _forumService.PostNewTopic(forum, user, permissionContext, newPost, Request.UserHostAddress, userProfileUrl, topicLinkGenerator); _topicViewCountService.SetViewedTopic(topic, HttpContext); return Json(new BasicJsonMessage { Result = true, Redirect = urlHelper.RouteUrl(new { controller = "Forum", action = "Topic", id = topic.UrlName }) }); }
public void PostReplyDoesNotPublisheEventOnViewRestrictedForum() { var topic = new Topic(1) { ForumID = 2 }; var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string> { "Admin" }); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); _eventPublisher.Verify(x => x.ProcessEvent(It.IsAny<string>(), user, EventDefinitionService.StaticEventIDs.NewPost, true), Times.Once()); }
public ActionResult PostReply(int id, int quotePostID = 0, int replyID = 0) { var user = this.CurrentUser(); if (user == null) return Content(Resources.LoginToPost); var topic = _topicService.Get(id); if (topic == null) return Content(Resources.TopicNotExist); var forum = _forumService.Get(topic.ForumID); if (forum == null) throw new Exception(String.Format("TopicID {0} references ForumID {1}, which does not exist.", topic.TopicID, topic.ForumID)); if (topic.IsClosed) return Content(Resources.Closed); var permissionContext = _forumService.GetPermissionContext(forum, this.CurrentUser(), topic); if (!permissionContext.UserCanView) return Content(Resources.ForumNoView); if (!permissionContext.UserCanPost) return Content(Resources.ForumNoPost); var title = topic.Title; if (!title.ToLower().StartsWith("re:")) title = "Re: " + title; var profile = _profileService.GetProfile(user); var forcePlainText = _mobileDetectionWrapper.IsMobileDevice(HttpContext); var newPost = new NewPost { ItemID = topic.TopicID, Title = title, IncludeSignature = profile.Signature.Length > 0, IsPlainText = forcePlainText || profile.IsPlainText, IsImageEnabled = _settingsManager.Current.AllowImages, ParentPostID = replyID }; if (quotePostID != 0) { var post = _postService.Get(quotePostID); newPost.FullText = _postService.GetPostForQuote(post, user, forcePlainText); } if (forum.IsQAForum) { newPost.IncludeSignature = false; if (newPost.ParentPostID == 0) { ViewBag.IsQA = true; return View("NewReply", newPost); } return View("NewComment", newPost); } return View("NewReply", newPost); }
public void PostReplyReturnsHydratedObject() { var topic = new Topic(1); var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); _postRepo.Setup(p => p.Create(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>(), false, true, It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<DateTime>(), false, It.IsAny<string>(), null, false, 0)).Returns(123); _textParser.Setup(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml("mah text")).Returns("parsed text"); _textParser.Setup(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor("mah title")).Returns("parsed title"); var newPost = new NewPost { FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true }; var post = topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", u => "", "", x => ""); Assert.AreEqual(topic.TopicID, post.TopicID); Assert.AreEqual("parsed text", post.FullText); Assert.AreEqual("", post.IP); Assert.IsFalse(post.IsDeleted); Assert.IsFalse(post.IsEdited); Assert.IsFalse(post.IsFirstInTopic); Assert.AreEqual(user.Name, post.LastEditName); Assert.IsNull(post.LastEditTime); Assert.AreEqual(user.Name, post.Name); Assert.AreEqual(0, post.ParentPostID); Assert.AreEqual(123, post.PostID); Assert.AreEqual(postTime, post.PostTime); Assert.IsTrue(post.ShowSig); Assert.AreEqual("parsed title", post.Title); Assert.AreEqual(user.UserID, post.UserID); }
public ActionResult PostTopic(int id) { var user = this.CurrentUser(); if (user == null) return Content(Resources.LoginToPost); ForumPermissionContext permissionContext; var forum = GetForumByIdWithPermissionContext(id, out permissionContext); if (!permissionContext.UserCanView) return Content(Resources.ForumNoView); if (!permissionContext.UserCanPost) return Content(Resources.ForumNoPost); var profile = _profileService.GetProfile(user); var newPost = new NewPost { ItemID = forum.ForumID, IncludeSignature = profile.Signature.Length > 0, IsPlainText = _mobileDetectionWrapper.IsMobileDevice(HttpContext) || profile.IsPlainText, IsImageEnabled = _settingsManager.Current.AllowImages }; return View("NewTopic", newPost); }
public Topic PostNewTopic(Forum forum, User user, ForumPermissionContext permissionContext, NewPost newPost, string ip, string userUrl, Func<Topic, string> topicLinkGenerator) { if (!permissionContext.UserCanPost || !permissionContext.UserCanView) throw new Exception(String.Format("User {0} can't post to forum {1}.", user.Name, forum.Title)); newPost.Title = _textParsingService.EscapeHtmlAndCensor(newPost.Title); if (newPost.IsPlainText) newPost.FullText = _textParsingService.ForumCodeToHtml(newPost.FullText); else newPost.FullText = _textParsingService.ClientHtmlToHtml(newPost.FullText); var urlName = newPost.Title.ToUniqueUrlName(_topicRepository.GetUrlNamesThatStartWith(newPost.Title.ToUrlName())); var timeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicID = _topicRepository.Create(forum.ForumID, newPost.Title, 0, 0, user.UserID, user.Name, user.UserID, user.Name, timeStamp, false, false, false, false, urlName); var postID = _postRepository.Create(topicID, 0, ip, true, newPost.IncludeSignature, user.UserID, user.Name, newPost.Title, newPost.FullText, timeStamp, false, user.Name, null, false, 0); _forumRepository.UpdateLastTimeAndUser(forum.ForumID, timeStamp, user.Name); _forumRepository.IncrementPostAndTopicCount(forum.ForumID); _profileRepository.SetLastPostID(user.UserID, postID); var topic = new Topic(topicID) { ForumID = forum.ForumID, IsClosed = false, IsDeleted = false, IsIndexed = false, IsPinned = false, LastPostName = user.Name, LastPostTime = timeStamp, LastPostUserID = user.UserID, ReplyCount = 0, StartedByName = user.Name, StartedByUserID = user.UserID, Title = newPost.Title, UrlName = urlName, ViewCount = 0 }; // <a href="{0}">{1}</a> started a new topic: <a href="{2}">{3}</a> var topicLink = topicLinkGenerator(topic); var message = String.Format(Resources.NewPostPublishMessage, userUrl, user.Name, topicLink, topic.Title); var forumHasViewRestrictions = _forumRepository.GetForumViewRoles(forum.ForumID).Count > 0; _eventPublisher.ProcessEvent(message, user, EventDefinitionService.StaticEventIDs.NewTopic, forumHasViewRestrictions); _eventPublisher.ProcessEvent(String.Empty, user, EventDefinitionService.StaticEventIDs.NewPost, true); forum = _forumRepository.Get(forum.ForumID); _broker.NotifyForumUpdate(forum); _broker.NotifyTopicUpdate(topic, forum, topicLink); return topic; }
public Post PostReply(Topic topic, User user, int parentPostID, string ip, bool isFirstInTopic, NewPost newPost, DateTime postTime, string topicLink, Func<User, string> unsubscribeLinkGenerator, string userUrl, Func<Post, string> postLinkGenerator) { newPost.Title = _textParsingService.EscapeHtmlAndCensor(newPost.Title); if (newPost.IsPlainText) newPost.FullText = _textParsingService.ForumCodeToHtml(newPost.FullText); else newPost.FullText = _textParsingService.ClientHtmlToHtml(newPost.FullText); var postID = _postRepository.Create(topic.TopicID, parentPostID, ip, isFirstInTopic, newPost.IncludeSignature, user.UserID, user.Name, newPost.Title, newPost.FullText, postTime, false, user.Name, null, false, 0); var post = new Post(postID) { FullText = newPost.FullText, IP = ip, IsDeleted = false, IsEdited = false, IsFirstInTopic = isFirstInTopic, LastEditName = user.Name, LastEditTime = null, Name = user.Name, ParentPostID = parentPostID, PostTime = postTime, ShowSig = newPost.IncludeSignature, Title = newPost.Title, TopicID = topic.TopicID, UserID = user.UserID }; _topicRepository.IncrementReplyCount(topic.TopicID); _topicRepository.UpdateLastTimeAndUser(topic.TopicID, user.UserID, user.Name, postTime); _forumRepository.UpdateLastTimeAndUser(topic.ForumID, postTime, user.Name); _forumRepository.IncrementPostCount(topic.ForumID); _topicRepository.MarkTopicForIndexing(topic.TopicID); _profileRepository.SetLastPostID(user.UserID, postID); if (unsubscribeLinkGenerator != null) _subscribedTopicService.NotifySubscribers(topic, user, topicLink, unsubscribeLinkGenerator); // <a href="{0}">{1}</a> made a post in the topic: <a href="{2}">{3}</a> var message = String.Format(Resources.NewReplyPublishMessage, userUrl, user.Name, postLinkGenerator(post), topic.Title); var forumHasViewRestrictions = _forumRepository.GetForumViewRoles(topic.ForumID).Count > 0; _eventPublisher.ProcessEvent(message, user, EventDefinitionService.StaticEventIDs.NewPost, forumHasViewRestrictions); _broker.NotifyNewPosts(topic, post.PostID); _broker.NotifyNewPost(topic, post.PostID); var forum = _forumRepository.Get(topic.ForumID); _broker.NotifyForumUpdate(forum); topic = _topicRepository.Get(topic.TopicID); _broker.NotifyTopicUpdate(topic, forum, topicLink); return post; }
public void PostReplyHitsRepo() { var topic = new Topic(1) { Title = "" }; var user = GetUser(); var postTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var topicService = GetTopicService(); _forumRepo.Setup(x => x.GetForumViewRoles(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(new List<string>()); var newPost = new NewPost {FullText = "mah text", Title = "mah title", IncludeSignature = true}; _textParser.Setup(t => t.ClientHtmlToHtml(newPost.FullText)).Returns("parsed text"); _textParser.Setup(t => t.EscapeHtmlAndCensor(newPost.Title)).Returns("parsed title"); topicService.PostReply(topic, user, 0, "", false, newPost, postTime, "", It.IsAny<Func<User, string>>(), "", x => ""); _postRepo.Verify(p => p.Create(topic.TopicID, 0, "", false, true, user.UserID, user.Name, "parsed title", "parsed text", postTime, false, user.Name, null, false, 0)); }