public void SetUp() { AnyProduct = NewProduct("Example for testing assembly instructions"); }
public void TestFixtureSetUp() { DesignImageRepository = new DesignImageRepository(Internet, Settings.BaseUrl); AnyProduct = NewProduct("Example for testing design images"); }
private Order CreateANewOrder(Product product) { var command = new OrderRepository(Internet, Settings.BaseUrl); var reference = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var shippingInfo = new ProductShippingInfo() { Key = product.Key, Quantity = 1}; return command.Create(reference, AnyShippingOption(shippingInfo), ExampleShippingAddress, shippingInfo); }
private void RefreshProduct() { Delete(AnyProduct); AnyProduct = NewProduct("Example for testing assembly instructions"); }
protected void AssertIncludesDesignImage(Product product, File file) { Assert.IsTrue(product.DesignImages.Exists(it => it.Filename == file.Filename), "The design image <{0}> is not present", file.Filename ); }
public void TestFixtureSetUp() { AnyProduct = NewProduct("At least one for testing find"); }
protected void AssertIncludesAssemblyInstructions(Product product, File file) { Assert.IsTrue(product.AssemblyInstructions.Exists(it => it.Filename == file.Filename), "The assembly instructions file <{0}> is not present", file.Filename ); }
public void BeforeEach() { HardwareRepository = new HardwareRepository(Internet, Settings.BaseUrl); AnyProduct = NewProduct("Example for testing hardware"); }
protected void Delete(Product product) { un.less(null == product, () => new DeleteCommand(Internet, Settings.BaseUrl).Delete(product.Key)); }
public void you_can_delete_a_design() { var theLastDesign = ExampleProduct.Designs[0]; var addNewDesign = new DesignRepository(Internet, Settings.BaseUrl); ExampleProduct = addNewDesign.Add(ExampleProduct.Key, NewDesign()); Assert.AreEqual(2, ExampleProduct.Designs.Count, "Invalid test data" + "In order for this test to be valid, the product needs to have " + "more than one design (since you can't delete the last one)" ); var command = new DesignRepository(Internet, Settings.BaseUrl); var theRefreshedProduct = command.Delete(ExampleProduct.Key, ExampleProduct.Designs[1].Key); Assert.AreEqual(1, theRefreshedProduct.Designs.Count, "Expected the design to have been deleted"); Assert.AreEqual(theLastDesign.Key, theRefreshedProduct.Designs[0].Key, "Expected that the newly-added one was deleted"); }
public void SetUp() { ExampleProduct = NewProduct("A product to update"); }