public override void enableMod()
            string summary = "Mods Enabled: PolyTechFramework";

            foreach (PolyTechMod mod in modsDisabledByPTF)
                summary += $" - {mod.Info.Metadata.Name}";
            modsToggledSummary = summary;
        public void Awake()
            moddedWatermark  = Config.Bind(moddedWatermarkDef, watermarks.polytech, new ConfigDescription("Selected Watermark"));
            vanillaWatermark = Config.Bind(vanillaWatermarkDef, watermarks.polytech, new ConfigDescription("Selected Watermark"));

            modEnabled = Config.Bind(modEnabledDef, true, new ConfigDescription("Enable Mod"));
            modEnabled.SettingChanged += onEnableDisable;

            forceCheat = Config.Bind(forceCheatDef, false, new ConfigDescription("Force Cheat Flag"));
            forceCheat.SettingChanged += onForceCheatToggle;

            sandboxEverywhere = Config.Bind(sandboxEverywhereDef, false, new ConfigDescription("Allow sandbox resource editor and scene changer in any level (enables cheat flag)"));
            sandboxEverywhere.SettingChanged += sandboxEverywhereToggle;

            globalToggleHotkey = Config.Bind(globalToggleHotkeyDef, new BepInEx.Configuration.KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.BackQuote, KeyCode.LeftAlt), new ConfigDescription("Keybind used to toggle mods without opening the config menu."));

            leaderboardProtMin = Config.Bind(leaderboardProtMinDef, 71, new ConfigDescription("Minimum value allowed to upload to leaderboard. 71 is the minimum to protect from automatic shadowbans."));
            leaderboardProtMin.SettingChanged += onLeaderboardProtChange;
            leaderboardCheck = Config.Bind(leaderboardCheckDef, false, new ConfigDescription("If checked, the game will confirm with the user before uploading scores to the leaderboard."));
            leaderboardBlock = Config.Bind(leaderboardBlockDef, false, new ConfigDescription("If checked, the game will never upload a score to the leaderboard."));

            noncheatMods.ListChanged += onCosmeticsChanged;
            cheatMods.ListChanged    += onCheatsChanged;

            enabledCheatTweaks = 0 + (forceCheat.Value ? 1 : 0) + (sandboxEverywhere.Value ? 1 : 0);

            this.modCheated    = false;
            this.repositoryUrl = "";


            this.ptfLogger = Logger;
            Logger.LogInfo($"Loaded {PluginName} v{PluginVersion}");
            this.isCheat   = false;
            this.isEnabled = modEnabled.Value;
            ptfInstance    = this;

            this.authors = new string[] { "MoonlitJolty", "Conqu3red", "Razboy20", "Tran Fox", "nitsuga5124" };
