public static async void GetPokemon(string pokeName) { try { var content = (string) await GetData(pokeName); PokeItem pokeItem = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PokeItem>(content); content = (string) await GetData($"{pokeItem.Id}/encounters"); JObject[] locationEncounters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject[]>(content); string canEncounter; string[] locationNames = new string[locationEncounters.Length]; if (locationEncounters.Length > 0) { canEncounter = "This Pokémon could be encountered in the following areas..."; pokeItem.LocationEncounters = locationEncounters; for (var i = 0; i < pokeItem.LocationEncounters.Length; i++) { locationNames[i] = (string)pokeItem.LocationEncounters[i]["location_area"]["name"]; locationNames[i] = locationNames[i].Replace("-", " "); } } else { canEncounter = "There's no known area where this Pokémon could be found..."; } string totalLocations = ""; foreach (var location in locationNames) { totalLocations += $@"- {location} "; } string totalTypes = $"{pokeItem.Types[0]["type"]["name"]}"; if (pokeItem.Types.Length > 1) { totalTypes += $" & {pokeItem.Types[1]["type"]["name"]}"; } System.Console.WriteLine($@"Id: {pokeItem.Id} Height: {pokeItem.Height} Weight: {pokeItem.Weight} Types: {totalTypes} Encounters: {canEncounter} {totalLocations}"); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); System.Console.WriteLine("HELP: Maybe you misspelled the name...?"); } }
//Define your static method which will make the method become part of the class //Also make it asynchronous meaning it is retrieving data from a api. //Have it void since your are logging the result into the console. //Which would take a integar as a argument. public static async void GetOnePokemon(int pokeId) { //Define your base url string baseURL = $"{pokeId}/"; //Have your api call in try/catch block. try { //Now we will have our using directives which would have a HttpClient using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { //Now get your response from the client from get request to baseurl. //Use the await keyword since the get request is asynchronous, and want it run before next asychronous operation. using (HttpResponseMessage res = await client.GetAsync(baseURL)) { //Now we will retrieve content from our response, which would be HttpContent, retrieve from the response Content property. using (HttpContent content = res.Content) { //Retrieve the data from the content of the response, have the await keyword since it is asynchronous. string data = await content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //If the data is not null, parse the data to a C# object, then create a new instance of PokeItem. if (data != null) { //Parse your data into a object. var dataObj = JObject.Parse(data); //Then create a new instance of PokeItem, and string interpolate your name property to your JSON object. //Which will convert it to a string, since each property value is a instance of JToken. PokeItem pokeItem = new PokeItem(name: $"{dataObj["name"]}"); //Log your pokeItem's name to the Console. Console.WriteLine("Pokemon Name: {0}", pokeItem.Name); } else { //If data is null log it into console. Console.WriteLine("Data is null!"); } } } } //Catch any exceptions and log it into the console. } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } }
//Define your static method which will make the method become part of the class //Also make it asynchronous meaning it is retrieving data from a api. //Have it void since your are logging the result into the console. //Which would take a integar as a argument. public async void GetAllPokemon(int total) { total = total + 1; int progress = 0; type2 = null; ability2 = null; for (int pokeId = 1; pokeId < total; pokeId++) { //Define your base url string baseURL = $"{pokeId}/"; //Have your api call in try/catch block. try { //Now we will have our using directives which would have a HttpClient using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { //Now get your response from the client from get request to baseurl. //Use the await keyword since the get request is asynchronous, and want it run before next asychronous operation. using (HttpResponseMessage res = await client.GetAsync(baseURL)) { //Now we will retrieve content from our response, which would be HttpContent, retrieve from the response Content property. using (HttpContent content = res.Content) { //Retrieve the data from the content of the response, have the await keyword since it is asynchronous. string data = await content.ReadAsStringAsync(); //If the data is not null, parse the data to a C# object, then create a new instance of PokeItem. if (data != null) { // MessageBox.Show("NO Data"); //Parse your data into a object. var dataObj = JObject.Parse(data); //Then create a new instance of PokeItem, and string interpolate your name property to your JSON object //Which will convert it to a string, since each property value is a instance of JToken. PokeItem pokeItem = new PokeItem(name: $"{dataObj["name"]}", type1: $"{dataObj["types"][0]["type"]["name"]}", id: $"{dataObj["id"]}", abilities: $"{dataObj["abilities"][0]["ability"]["name"]}", baseex: $"{dataObj["base_experience"]}", weight: $"{dataObj["weight"]}", height: $"{dataObj["height"]}"); Task.Run(async() => { await CheckType2(pokeId); }).Wait(); Task.Run(async() => { await CheckAbility2(pokeId); }).Wait(); pokeItem.Abilities = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(pokeItem.Abilities); abilities = pokeItem.Abilities; if (type2 != null) { pokeItem.Type1 = pokeItem.Type1 + " & " + type2; } if (ability2 != null) { abilities = pokeItem.Abilities + " & " + ability2; } progress = (pokeId * 100) / total; progressBar1.Value = progress; abilist.Add(" ID: " + pokeItem.Id + "\n" + " Base Experience: " + pokeItem.BaseEx + "\n " + "Weight: " + pokeItem.Weight + " \n" + " Height: " + pokeItem.Height); // setImageSource(pokeId); populateDatagrid(pokeItem.Name, pokeItem.Type1, pokeItem.Id, abilities); } else { //If data is null log it into console. MessageBox.Show("Data is null!"); } } } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } } progressBar1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; progressborder.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; FileNameLabel.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; pika.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; buttonColumn.Header = "Misc Info"; buttonColumn.Width = 80; buttonColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DataGrid2.Columns.Add(buttonColumn); DataGrid2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; DataGrid2.Columns[0].SetIsFilterVisible(false); }