Represents a function object that can be called in the script.
Inheritance: SObject
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a string expression into a script object.
        /// </summary>
        private SObject ToScriptObject(string exp)
            exp = exp.Trim();

            // This means it's either an indexer or an array
            if (exp.EndsWith("]"))
                if (!(exp.StartsWith("[") && !exp.Remove(0, 1).Contains("["))) // When there's no "[" besides the start, and it starts with [, then it is an array. Otherwise, do real check.
                    // It is possible that we are having a simple array declaration here.
                    // We check that by looking if we can find a "[" before the expression ends:

                    var depth = 0;
                    var index = exp.Length - 2;
                    var indexerStartIndex = 0;
                    var foundIndexer = false;
                    StringEscapeHelper escaper = new RightToLeftStringEscapeHelper(exp, index);

                    while (index > 0 && !foundIndexer)
                        var t = exp[index];

                        if (!escaper.IsString)
                            if (t == ')' || t == '}' || t == ']')
                            else if (t == '(' || t == '{')
                            else if (t == '[')
                                if (depth == 0)
                                    if (index > 0)
                                        indexerStartIndex = index;
                                        foundIndexer = true;


                    if (foundIndexer)
                        var indexerCode = exp.Substring(indexerStartIndex + 1, exp.Length - indexerStartIndex - 2);

                        var identifier = exp.Remove(indexerStartIndex);

                        var statementResult = ExecuteStatement(new ScriptStatement(indexerCode));
                        return ToScriptObject(identifier).GetMember(this, statementResult, true);

            // Normal object return procedure:

            // Negative number:
            var isNegative = false;
            if (exp.StartsWith("-"))
                exp = exp.Remove(0, 1);
                isNegative = true;

            double dblResult;
            SObject returnObject;

            if (exp == SObject.LITERAL_NULL)
                returnObject = Null;
            else if (exp == SObject.LITERAL_UNDEFINED)
                returnObject = Undefined;
            else if (exp == SObject.LITERAL_BOOL_FALSE)
                returnObject = CreateBool(false);
            else if (exp == SObject.LITERAL_BOOL_TRUE)
                returnObject = CreateBool(true);
            else if (exp == SObject.LITERAL_NAN)
                returnObject = CreateNumber(double.NaN);
            else if (exp == SObject.LITERAL_THIS)
                returnObject = Context.This;
            else if (SNumber.TryParse(exp, out dblResult))
                returnObject = CreateNumber(dblResult);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("\"") && exp.EndsWith("\"") || exp.StartsWith("\'") && exp.EndsWith("\'"))
                returnObject = CreateString(exp.Remove(exp.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 1), true, false);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("$\"") && exp.EndsWith("\"") || exp.StartsWith("$\'") && exp.EndsWith("\'"))
                returnObject = CreateString(exp.Remove(exp.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 2), true, true);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("@\"") && exp.EndsWith("\"") || exp.StartsWith("@\'") && exp.EndsWith("\'"))
                returnObject = CreateString(exp.Remove(exp.Length - 1, 1).Remove(0, 2), false, false);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("{") && exp.EndsWith("}"))
                returnObject = SProtoObject.Parse(this, exp);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("[") && exp.EndsWith("]"))
                returnObject = SArray.Parse(this, exp);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("function") && Regex.IsMatch(exp, REGEX_FUNCTION))
                returnObject = new SFunction(this, exp);
            else if (Context.IsAPIUsing(exp))
                returnObject = Context.GetAPIUsing(exp);
            else if (Context.IsVariable(exp))
                returnObject = Context.GetVariable(exp);
            else if (Context.This.HasMember(this, exp))
                returnObject = Context.This.GetMember(this, CreateString(exp), false);
            else if (Context.IsPrototype(exp))
                returnObject = Context.GetPrototype(exp);
            else if (exp.StartsWith("new "))
                returnObject = Context.CreateInstance(exp);
            else if (exp.StartsWith(ObjectBuffer.OBJ_PREFIX))
                var strId = exp.Remove(0, ObjectBuffer.OBJ_PREFIX.Length);
                var id = 0;

                if (int.TryParse(strId, out id) && ObjectBuffer.HasObject(id))
                    returnObject = (SObject)ObjectBuffer.GetObject(id);
                    returnObject = ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MESSAGE_SYNTAX_INVALID_TOKEN, exp);
                returnObject = ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.ReferenceError, ErrorHandler.MESSAGE_REFERENCE_NOT_DEFINED, exp);

            if (isNegative)
                returnObject = ObjectOperators.NegateNumber(this, returnObject);

            return returnObject;
 private static object TranslateFunction(SFunction obj)
     if (obj.Method != null)
         return obj.Method;
     else if (obj.DotNetMethod != null)
         return obj.DotNetMethod;
         return obj.ToScriptSource();
        private SObject ExecuteFunction(ScriptStatement statement)
            // function <name> ()
            var exp = statement.Code;
            exp = exp.Remove(0, "function".Length).Trim();
            var functionName = exp.Remove(exp.IndexOf("("));

            if (!IsValidIdentifier(functionName))
                return ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MESSAGE_SYNTAX_MISSING_VAR_NAME);

            var functionExpression = "function " + exp.Remove(0, exp.IndexOf("("));

            // The function's body is the next statement:


            if (_index < _statements.Length)
                var functionBodyStatement = _statements[_index];

                var functionBody = functionBodyStatement.Code;
                if (!functionBodyStatement.IsCompoundStatement)
                    functionBody = "{" + functionBody + "}";

                functionExpression += functionBody;

                var function = new SFunction(this, functionExpression);
                Context.AddVariable(functionName, function);

                return function;
                return ErrorHandler.ThrowError(ErrorType.SyntaxError, ErrorHandler.MESSAGE_SYNTAX_EXPECTED_EXPRESSION, "end of script");