public void DisplayCheck(Total T) { Console.Write("\nPlease enter a check number: "); int checkNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); PaymentType pt = new PaymentType(checkNumber); Console.WriteLine("\nPayment Type: Check"); Console.WriteLine("Check number: " + pt.CheckNumber); Console.WriteLine("Amount Tendered: " + T.GrandTotal.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); }
public void DisplayCreditCard(Total T) { Console.Write("\nPlease enter a credit card number: "); string creditCardNum = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter credit card expiration month (MM): "); string expiryMonth = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter credit card expiration year (YYYY): "); string expiryYear = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter credit card security code (CVV): "); int creditCardCVV = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); PaymentType pt = new PaymentType(creditCardNum, expiryMonth, expiryYear, creditCardCVV); Console.WriteLine("\nPayment Type: Credit Card"); Console.WriteLine("Credit Card Number: " + pt.CreditCardNum); Console.WriteLine("Credit Card Expiration Month/Year: " + pt.ExpiryMonth + "/" + pt.ExpiryYear); Console.WriteLine("Credit Card CVV: " + pt.CreditCardCVV); Console.WriteLine("Amount Tendered: " + T.GrandTotal.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); }
public void PaymentMenu(Total t) { Console.WriteLine("Payment Options"); Console.WriteLine("-".PadRight(100, '-')); Console.WriteLine("1.) Cash"); Console.WriteLine("2.) Check"); Console.WriteLine("3.) Credit Card"); bool isPaymentOption = true; do { Console.Write("\nPlease select your preferred method of payment (1-3): "); int input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); PaymentTypeView pv = new PaymentTypeView(); if (input == 1) { pv.DisplayCash(t); isPaymentOption = true; } else if (input == 2) { pv.DisplayCheck(t); isPaymentOption = true; } else if (input == 3) { pv.DisplayCreditCard(t); isPaymentOption = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please try again."); isPaymentOption = false; } } while (isPaymentOption == false); Console.WriteLine("-".PadRight(100, '-')); }
// Create instance of Payment Type to access properties & an instance of Total to access properties // public Total T = new Total(); // Create a display method for each payment type public void DisplayCash(Total T) { Console.Write("\nEnter cash value to be tendered: "); double cashValue = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); while (true) { if (cashValue < T.GrandTotal) { Console.WriteLine("The amount paid was not sufficient to cover the cost. Please try again."); cashValue = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); } else { break; } } PaymentType pt = new PaymentType(cashValue); Console.WriteLine("\nPayment Type: Cash"); Console.WriteLine("Cash Value Tendered: " + pt.CashValue.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); Console.WriteLine("Change: " + (pt.CashValue - T.GrandTotal).ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); }