public async Task <PlayerUpdateResponse> Move(GeoCoordinate destination, double walkingSpeedMin, double walkingSpeedMax, Func <Task <bool> > functionExecutedWhileWalking, Func <Task <bool> > functionExecutedWhileWalking2, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ISession session, bool direct = false) { var currentLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude, _client.CurrentAltitude); var result = new PlayerUpdateResponse(); if (session.LogicSettings.UseHumanPathing) { ////initial coordinate generaton ////prepare the result object for further manipulation + return ////initial time //var requestSendDateTime = DateTime.Now; //var distanceToDest = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(currentLocation, destination); //double metersPerInterval = 0.5; //approximate meters for each interval/waypoint to be spaced from the last. //////get distance ofc //////create segments //var segments = Math.Floor(distanceToDest / metersPerInterval); List <GeoCoordinate> waypoints = new List <GeoCoordinate>(); ////get differences in lat / long //var latDiff = Math.Abs(currentLocation.Latitude - destination.Latitude); //var lonDiff = Math.Abs(currentLocation.Longitude - destination.Longitude); //var latAdd = latDiff / segments; //var lonAdd = latDiff / segments; //var lastLat = currentLocation.Latitude; //var lastLon = currentLocation.Longitude; ////generate waypoints old code -goes in straight line basically //for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) //{ // //TODO: add altitude calculations into everything // lastLat += latAdd; // lastLon += lonAdd; // waypoints.Add(new GeoCoordinate(lastLat, lastLon, currentLocation.Altitude)); //} //TODO: refactor the generation of waypoint code to break the waypoints given to us by the routing information down into segements like above. //generate waypoints new code if (!direct) { //var routingResponse = OsmRouting.GetRoute(currentLocation, destination, session); //waypoints = routingResponse.Coordinates; RoutingResponse routingResponse; try { routingResponse = !session.LogicSettings.UseOpenLsRouting ? Routing.GetRoute(currentLocation, destination) : OsmRouting.GetRoute(currentLocation, destination, session); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { session.EventDispatcher.Send(new DebugEvent { Message = ex.ToString() }); routingResponse = new RoutingResponse(); } if (routingResponse?.Coordinates != null) { foreach (var item in routingResponse.Coordinates) { if (item == null) { continue; } //0 = lat, 1 = long (MAYBE NOT THO?) waypoints.Add(!session.LogicSettings.UseOpenLsRouting ? new GeoCoordinate(item.ToArray()[1], item.ToArray()[0], session.LogicSettings.UseMapzenApiElevation ? session.MapzenApi.GetAltitude(item.ToArray()[1], item.ToArray()[0]) : 0) : new GeoCoordinate(item.ToArray()[1], item.ToArray()[0], item.ToArray()[2])); } } } if (waypoints.Count == 0) { waypoints.Add(destination); } else if (waypoints.Count > 1) { var nextPath = waypoints.Select(item => Tuple.Create(item.Latitude, item.Longitude)).ToList(); session.EventDispatcher.Send(new NextRouteEvent { Coords = nextPath }); } //var timeSinceMoveStart = DateTime.Now.Ticks; //double curAcceleration = 1.66; //Lets assume we accelerate at 1.66 m/s ish. TODO: Fuzz this a bit //double curWalkingSpeed = 0; //double maxWalkingSpeed = (session.LogicSettings.WalkingSpeedInKilometerPerHour / 3.6); //Get movement speed in meters ////TODO: Maybe update SensorInfo to replicate/mimic movement, or is it fine as is? //bool StopWalking = false; //double TimeToAccelerate = GetAccelerationTime(curWalkingSpeed, maxWalkingSpeed, curAcceleration); ////double InitialMove = getDistanceTraveledAccelerating(TimeToAccelerate, curAcceleration, curWalkingSpeed); //double MoveLeft = curWalkingSpeed; //bool NeedMoreMove = false; //bool StopMove = false; //int UpdateInterval = 1; // in seconds - any more than this breaks the calculations for distance and such. It all relys on taking ~1 second to perform the actions needed, pretty much. //makes you appear to move slower if you're catching pokemon, hitting stops, etc. //This feels like more human behavior. Dunnomateee Navigation navi = new Navigation(_client, UpdatePositionEvent); var waypointsArr = waypoints.ToArray(); //MILD REWRITE TO USE HUMANPATHWALKING; foreach (var t in waypointsArr) { if (session.ForceMoveTo != null) { return(await ForceMoveTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken)); } // skip waypoints under 5 meters var sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude); var distanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, t); if (distanceToTarget <= 5) { continue; } var nextSpeed = session.Client.rnd.NextInRange(walkingSpeedMin, walkingSpeedMax) * session.Settings.MoveSpeedFactor; result = await navi.HumanPathWalking(t, nextSpeed, functionExecutedWhileWalking, functionExecutedWhileWalking2, cancellationToken); if (RuntimeSettings.BreakOutOfPathing) { return(result); } UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(t.Latitude, t.Longitude, t.Altitude); //Console.WriteLine("Hit waypoint " + x); } var curcoord = new GeoCoordinate(session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude); if (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(curcoord, destination) > 40) { var nextSpeed = session.Client.rnd.NextInRange(walkingSpeedMin, walkingSpeedMax) * session.Settings.MoveSpeedFactor; result = await navi.HumanPathWalking(destination, nextSpeed, functionExecutedWhileWalking, functionExecutedWhileWalking2, cancellationToken); } } else { if (destination.Latitude.Equals(RuntimeSettings.lastPokeStopCoordinate.Latitude) && destination.Longitude.Equals(RuntimeSettings.lastPokeStopCoordinate.Longitude)) { RuntimeSettings.BreakOutOfPathing = true; } if (RuntimeSettings.BreakOutOfPathing) { await MaintenanceTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken); return(result); } var navi = new Navigation(_client, UpdatePositionEvent); var curcoord = new GeoCoordinate(session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude); if (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(curcoord, destination) > 40) { var nextSpeed = session.Client.rnd.NextInRange(walkingSpeedMin, walkingSpeedMax) * session.Settings.MoveSpeedFactor; result = await navi.HumanPathWalking(destination, nextSpeed, functionExecutedWhileWalking, functionExecutedWhileWalking2, cancellationToken); } } await MaintenanceTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">Desired location to move</param> /// <param name="walkingSpeedMin">Minimal walking speed during the move</param> /// <param name="walkingSpeedMax">Maximal walking speed during the move</param> /// <param name="functionExecutedWhileWalking">Functions #1 to be exec while walking, like task or smth</param> /// <param name="functionExecutedWhileWalking2">Functions #1 to be exec while walking, like task or smth</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">regular session cancelation token</param> /// <param name="session">ISession param of the bot, to detect which bot started it</param> /// <param name="direct">Directly move to the point, skip routing services</param> /// <param name="waypointsToVisit">Waypoints to visit during the move, required to redure Google Directions API usage</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <PlayerUpdateResponse> Move(GeoCoordinate destination, double walkingSpeedMin, double walkingSpeedMax, Func <Task <bool> > functionExecutedWhileWalking, Func <Task <bool> > functionExecutedWhileWalking2, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ISession session, bool direct = false, List <GeoCoordinate> waypointsToVisit = null) { var currentLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude, _client.CurrentAltitude); var result = new PlayerUpdateResponse(); if (session.LogicSettings.UseHumanPathing) { var waypoints = new List <GeoCoordinate>(); if (!direct) { RoutingResponse routingResponse = null; try { switch (session.LogicSettings.RoutingService) { case RoutingService.MobBot: routingResponse = Routing.GetRoute(currentLocation, destination); break; case RoutingService.OpenLs: routingResponse = OsmRouting.GetRoute(currentLocation, destination, session); break; case RoutingService.GoogleDirections: routingResponse = GoogleRouting.GetRoute(currentLocation, destination, session, waypointsToVisit); break; } } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { session.EventDispatcher.Send(new DebugEvent { Message = ex.ToString() }); routingResponse = new RoutingResponse(); } if (routingResponse?.Coordinates != null) { foreach (var item in routingResponse.Coordinates) { if (item == null) { continue; } //0 = lat, 1 = long (MAYBE NOT THO?) switch (session.LogicSettings.RoutingService) { case RoutingService.MobBot: waypoints.Add(new GeoCoordinate(item[1], item[0])); break; case RoutingService.OpenLs: waypoints.Add(new GeoCoordinate(item.ToArray()[1], item.ToArray()[0], item.ToArray()[2])); break; case RoutingService.GoogleDirections: waypoints.Add(new GeoCoordinate(item[0], item[1])); break; } } if ((session.LogicSettings.RoutingService == RoutingService.GoogleDirections || session.LogicSettings.RoutingService == RoutingService.MobBot) && session.LogicSettings.UseMapzenApiElevation) { waypoints = await session.MapzenApi.FillAltitude(waypoints); } } } if (waypoints.Count == 0) { waypoints.Add(destination); } else if (waypoints.Count > 1) { var nextPath = waypoints.Select(item => Tuple.Create(item.Latitude, item.Longitude)).ToList(); session.EventDispatcher.Send(new NextRouteEvent { Coords = nextPath }); destination = waypoints.Last(); } Navigation navi = new Navigation(_client, UpdatePositionEvent); var waypointsArr = waypoints.ToArray(); //MILD REWRITE TO USE HUMANPATHWALKING; foreach (var t in waypointsArr) { if (session.ForceMoveTo != null) { return(await ForceMoveTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken)); } // skip waypoints under 5 meters var sourceLocation = new GeoCoordinate(_client.CurrentLatitude, _client.CurrentLongitude); var distanceToTarget = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(sourceLocation, t); if (distanceToTarget <= 5) { continue; } var nextSpeed = session.Client.rnd.NextInRange(walkingSpeedMin, walkingSpeedMax) * session.Settings.MoveSpeedFactor; result = await navi.HumanPathWalking(session, t, nextSpeed, functionExecutedWhileWalking, functionExecutedWhileWalking2, cancellationToken); if (session.Runtime.BreakOutOfPathing) { return(result); } UpdatePositionEvent?.Invoke(t.Latitude, t.Longitude, t.Altitude); //Console.WriteLine("Hit waypoint " + x); } var curcoord = new GeoCoordinate(session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude); if (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(curcoord, destination) > 40) { var nextSpeed = session.Client.rnd.NextInRange(walkingSpeedMin, walkingSpeedMax) * session.Settings.MoveSpeedFactor; result = await navi.HumanPathWalking(session, destination, nextSpeed, functionExecutedWhileWalking, functionExecutedWhileWalking2, cancellationToken); } } else { if (destination.Latitude.Equals(session.Runtime.lastPokeStopCoordinate.Latitude) && destination.Longitude.Equals(session.Runtime.lastPokeStopCoordinate.Longitude)) { session.Runtime.BreakOutOfPathing = true; } if (session.Runtime.BreakOutOfPathing) { await MaintenanceTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken); return(result); } var navi = new Navigation(_client, UpdatePositionEvent); var curcoord = new GeoCoordinate(session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude); if (LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(curcoord, destination) > 40) { var nextSpeed = session.Client.rnd.NextInRange(walkingSpeedMin, walkingSpeedMax) * session.Settings.MoveSpeedFactor; result = await navi.HumanPathWalking(session, destination, nextSpeed, functionExecutedWhileWalking, functionExecutedWhileWalking2, cancellationToken); } } await MaintenanceTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken); return(result); }