public ObjectAddComposer(Item Item, Room Room) : base(ServerPacketHeader.ObjectAddMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(Item.Id); base.WriteInteger(Item.GetBaseItem().SpriteId); base.WriteInteger(Item.GetX); base.WriteInteger(Item.GetY); base.WriteInteger(Item.Rotation); base.WriteString(String.Format("{0:0.00}", TextHandling.GetString(Item.GetZ))); base.WriteString(String.Empty); if (Item.LimitedNo > 0) { base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(256); base.WriteString(Item.ExtraData); base.WriteInteger(Item.LimitedNo); base.WriteInteger(Item.LimitedTot); } else { ItemBehaviourUtility.GenerateExtradata(Item, this); } base.WriteInteger(-1); // to-do: check base.WriteInteger((Item.GetBaseItem().Modes > 1) ? 1 : 0); base.WriteInteger(Item.UserID); base.WriteString(Item.Username); }
public Gamemap(Room room) { this._room = room; this.DiagonalEnabled = true; mStaticModel = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GetModel(room.ModelName); if (mStaticModel == null) { PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().LoadModel(room.ModelName); mStaticModel = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().GetModel(room.ModelName); } if (mStaticModel == null) return; mDynamicModel = new DynamicRoomModel(mStaticModel); mCoordinatedItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<Point, List<int>>(); gotPublicPool = room.RoomData.Model.gotPublicPool; mGameMap = new byte[Model.MapSizeX, Model.MapSizeY]; mItemHeightMap = new double[Model.MapSizeX, Model.MapSizeY]; userMap = new ConcurrentDictionary<Point, List<RoomUser>>(); }
public RegenerateMapsBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.StringData = ""; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); }
public UserSaysCommandBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.StringData = ""; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); }
public ActorIsInTeamBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); }
public UserFurniCollision(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.StringData = ""; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); }
public FilterComponent(Room Instance) { if (Instance == null) return; this._instance = Instance; }
public static List<Item> GetItemsForRoom(int RoomId, Room Room) { DataTable Items = null; List<Item> I = new List<Item>(); using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `items`.*, COALESCE(`items_groups`.`group_id`, 0) AS `group_id` FROM `items` LEFT OUTER JOIN `items_groups` ON `items`.`id` = `items_groups`.`id` WHERE `items`.`room_id` = @rid;"); dbClient.AddParameter("rid", RoomId); Items = dbClient.getTable(); if (Items != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in Items.Rows) { ItemData Data = null; if (PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetItemManager().GetItem(Convert.ToInt32(Row["base_item"]), out Data)) { I.Add(new Item(Convert.ToInt32(Row["id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["room_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["base_item"]), Convert.ToString(Row["extra_data"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["x"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["y"]), Convert.ToDouble(Row["z"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["rot"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["user_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["group_id"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["limited_number"]), Convert.ToInt32(Row["limited_stack"]), Convert.ToString(Row["wall_pos"]), Room)); } else { // Item data does not exist anymore. } } } } return I; }
public void Init(int pBaseId, int pRoomUserId, int pRoomId, RoomUser user, Room room) { this.BaseId = pBaseId; this.RoomUserId = pRoomUserId; this.RoomId = pRoomId; this.roomUser = user; = room; }
public GameItemHandler(Room room) { = room; this.rnd = new Random(); this._banzaiPyramids = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this._banzaiTeleports = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); }
public MoveFurniFromUserBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this.TickCount = Delay; this.Requested = false; }
public AddonRandomEffectBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); if (this.SetItems.Count > 0) this.SetItems.Clear(); }
public GetRoomFilterListComposer(Room Instance) : base(ServerPacketHeader.GetRoomFilterListMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(Instance.WordFilterList.Count); foreach (string Word in Instance.WordFilterList) { base.WriteString(Word); } }
public GiveRewardBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); if (this.SetItems.Count > 0) this.SetItems.Clear(); }
public TeleportUserBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this._queue = new Queue(); this.TickCount = Delay; }
public void Dispose() { if (this._banzaiTeleports != null) this._banzaiTeleports.Clear(); if (this._banzaiPyramids != null) this._banzaiPyramids.Clear(); this._banzaiPyramids = null; this._banzaiTeleports = null; = null; this.rnd = null; }
public KickUserBox(Room Instance, Item Item) { this.Instance = Instance; this.Item = Item; this.SetItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this.TickCount = Delay; this._toKick = new Queue(); if (this.SetItems.Count > 0) this.SetItems.Clear(); }
public RoomUserManager(Room room) { this._room = room; this._users = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, RoomUser>(); this._pets = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, RoomUser>(); this._bots = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, RoomUser>(); this.primaryPrivateUserID = 0; this.secondaryPrivateUserID = 0; this.petCount = 0; this.userCount = 0; }
public ObjectsComposer(Item[] Objects, Room Room) : base(ServerPacketHeader.ObjectsMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(Room.OwnerId); base.WriteString(Room.OwnerName); base.WriteInteger(Objects.Length); foreach (Item Item in Objects) { WriteFloorItem(Item, Convert.ToInt32(Item.UserID)); } }
public ItemsComposer(Item[] Objects, Room Room) : base(ServerPacketHeader.ItemsMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(1); base.WriteInteger(Room.OwnerId); base.WriteString(Room.OwnerName); base.WriteInteger(Objects.Length); foreach (Item Item in Objects) { WriteWallItem(Item, Room.OwnerId); } }
public static int GetLinkedTele(int TeleId, Room pRoom) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `tele_two_id` FROM `room_items_tele_links` WHERE `tele_one_id` = '" + TeleId + "' LIMIT 1"); DataRow Row = dbClient.getRow(); if (Row == null) { return 0; } return Convert.ToInt32(Row[0]); } }
public ModeratorRoomChatlogComposer(Room Room) : base(ServerPacketHeader.ModeratorRoomChatlogMessageComposer) { base.WriteByte(1); base.WriteShort(2);//Count base.WriteString("roomName"); base.WriteByte(2); base.WriteString(Room.Name); base.WriteString("roomId"); base.WriteByte(1); base.WriteInteger(Room.Id); DataTable Table = null; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT * FROM `chatlogs` WHERE `room_id` = @rid ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 250"); dbClient.AddParameter("rid", Room.Id); Table = dbClient.getTable(); } base.WriteShort(Table.Rows.Count); if (Table != null) { foreach (DataRow Row in Table.Rows) { UserCache Habbo = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetCacheManager().GenerateUser(Convert.ToInt32(Row["user_id"])); if (Habbo == null) { base.WriteInteger(((int)PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() - Convert.ToInt32(Row["timestamp"])) * 1000); base.WriteInteger(-1); base.WriteString("Unknown User"); base.WriteString(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Convert.ToString(Row["message"])) ? "*user sent a blank message*" : Convert.ToString(Row["message"])); base.WriteBoolean(false); } else { base.WriteInteger(((int)PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp() - Convert.ToInt32(Row["timestamp"])) * 1000); base.WriteInteger(Habbo.Id); base.WriteString(Habbo.Username); base.WriteString(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Convert.ToString(Row["message"]) )? "*user sent a blank message*" : Convert.ToString(Row["message"])); base.WriteBoolean(false); } } } }
public static int GetTeleRoomId(int TeleId, Room pRoom) { if (pRoom.GetRoomItemHandler().GetItem(TeleId) != null) return pRoom.RoomId; using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("SELECT `room_id` FROM `items` WHERE `id` = " + TeleId + " LIMIT 1"); DataRow Row = dbClient.getRow(); if (Row == null) { return 0; } return Convert.ToInt32(Row[0]); } }
public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { TimeSpan Uptime = DateTime.Now - PlusEnvironment.ServerStarted; int OnlineUsers = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().Count; int RoomCount = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetRoomManager().Count; Session.SendMessage(new RoomNotificationComposer("Powered by PlusEmulator", "<b>Credits</b>:\n" + "Sledmore (Developer)\n" + "123 (Developer)\n" + "Joopie (Encryption)\n" + "Tweeney (PlusEMU)\n" + "Butterfly Emulator developers\n\n" + "<b>Current run time information</b>:\n" + "Online Users: " + OnlineUsers + "\n" + "Rooms Loaded: " + RoomCount + "\n" + "Uptime: " + Uptime.Days + " day(s), " + Uptime.Hours + " hours and " + Uptime.Minutes + " minutes.\n\n" + "<b>SWF Revision</b>:\n" + PlusEnvironment.SWFRevision, "plus", "")); }
public RoomItemHandling(Room Room) { this._room = Room; this.HopperCount = 0; this.mGotRollers = false; this.mRollerSpeed = 4; this.mRollerCycle = 0; this._movedItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this._rollers = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this._wallItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this._floorItems = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Item>(); this.rollerItemsMoved = new List<int>(); this.rollerUsersMoved = new List<int>(); this.rollerMessages = new List<ServerPacket>(); this._roomItemUpdateQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<Item>(); }
public RoomRightsListComposer(Room Instance) : base(ServerPacketHeader.RoomRightsListMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(Instance.Id); base.WriteInteger(Instance.UsersWithRights.Count); foreach (int Id in Instance.UsersWithRights.ToList()) { UserCache Data = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetCacheManager().GenerateUser(Id); if (Data == null) { base.WriteInteger(0); base.WriteString("Unknown Error"); } else { base.WriteInteger(Data.Id); base.WriteString(Data.Username); } } }
public GetRoomBannedUsersComposer(Room Instance) : base(ServerPacketHeader.GetRoomBannedUsersMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(Instance.Id); base.WriteInteger(Instance.BannedUsers().Count);//Count foreach (int Id in Instance.BannedUsers().ToList()) { UserCache Data = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetCacheManager().GenerateUser(Id); if (Data == null) { base.WriteInteger(0); base.WriteString("Unknown Error"); } else { base.WriteInteger(Data.Id); base.WriteString(Data.Username); } } }
public static bool IsTeleLinked(int TeleId, Room pRoom) { int LinkId = GetLinkedTele(TeleId, pRoom); if (LinkId == 0) { return false; } Item item = pRoom.GetRoomItemHandler().GetItem(LinkId); if (item != null && item.GetBaseItem().InteractionType == InteractionType.TELEPORT) return true; int RoomId = GetTeleRoomId(LinkId, pRoom); if (RoomId == 0) { return false; } return true; }
public RoomSettingsDataComposer(Room Room) : base(ServerPacketHeader.RoomSettingsDataMessageComposer) { base.WriteInteger(Room.RoomId); base.WriteString(Room.Name); base.WriteString(Room.Description); base.WriteInteger(RoomAccessUtility.GetRoomAccessPacketNum(Room.Access)); base.WriteInteger(Room.Category); base.WriteInteger(Room.UsersMax); base.WriteInteger(((Room.RoomData.Model.MapSizeX * Room.RoomData.Model.MapSizeY) > 100) ? 50 : 25); base.WriteInteger(Room.Tags.Count); foreach (string Tag in Room.Tags.ToArray()) { base.WriteString(Tag); } base.WriteInteger(Room.TradeSettings); //Trade base.WriteInteger(Room.AllowPets); // allows pets in room - pet system lacking, so always off base.WriteInteger(Room.AllowPetsEating);// allows pets to eat your food - pet system lacking, so always off base.WriteInteger(Room.RoomBlockingEnabled); base.WriteInteger(Room.Hidewall); base.WriteInteger(Room.WallThickness); base.WriteInteger(Room.FloorThickness); base.WriteInteger(Room.chatMode);//Chat mode base.WriteInteger(Room.chatSize);//Chat size base.WriteInteger(Room.chatSpeed);//Chat speed base.WriteInteger(Room.chatDistance);//Hearing Distance base.WriteInteger(Room.extraFlood);//Additional Flood base.WriteBoolean(true); base.WriteInteger(Room.WhoCanMute); // who can mute base.WriteInteger(Room.WhoCanKick); // who can kick base.WriteInteger(Room.WhoCanBan); // who can ban }
public void Dispose() { foreach (Item Item in this.GetWallAndFloor.ToList()) { if (Item == null) continue; Item.Destroy(); } _floorItems.Clear(); _wallItems.Clear(); _movedItems.Clear(); this._roomItemUpdateQueue = null; _room = null; _floorItems = null; _wallItems = null; _movedItems = null; _wallItems = null; _roomItemUpdateQueue = null; }