public FRConfiguration(String fileName, String source, FRSearch search) { this.type = OperationType.FindInSource; this.path = fileName; = search; this.source = source; }
public FRConfiguration(String path, String fileMask, Boolean recursive, FRSearch search) { this.path = path; this.type = OperationType.FindInPath; this.recursive = recursive; this.mask = fileMask; = search; }
/// <summary> /// Do a synchronous search /// Use SearchAsync to run a background thread /// </summary> /// <param name="configuration">Search operation parameters</param> /// <returns>Search results</returns> public FRResults SearchSync(FRConfiguration configuration) { try { FRResults results = new FRResults(); List <String> files = configuration.GetFiles(); FRSearch search = configuration.GetSearch(); foreach (String file in files) { String src = configuration.GetSource(file); List <SearchMatch> matches = search.Matches(src); FRSearch.ExtractResultsLineText(matches, src); results[file] = matches; } return(results); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Exception " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of the class /// </summary> public FRConfiguration(List<String> files, FRSearch search) { this.type = OperationType.FindInRange; = search; this.files = files; }
/// <summary> /// Gets search results for a document /// </summary> private List<SearchMatch> GetResults(ScintillaControl sci, Boolean simple) { if (this.findComboBox.Text != String.Empty) { String pattern = this.findComboBox.Text; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.NoCase = !this.matchCaseCheckBox.Checked; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; if (!simple) { search.IsRegex = this.useRegexCheckBox.Checked; search.IsEscaped = this.escapedCheckBox.Checked; search.WholeWord = this.wholeWordCheckBox.Checked; if (this.lookComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { search.Filter = SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments; } else if (this.lookComboBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { search.Filter = SearchFilter.InCodeComments | SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals; } else if (this.lookComboBox.SelectedIndex == 4) { search.Filter = SearchFilter.InStringLiterals | SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments; } } return search.Matches(sci.Text); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Gets search results for a document /// </summary> private List<SearchMatch> GetResults(ScintillaControl sci) { if (this.searchBox.Text != String.Empty) { String pattern = this.searchBox.Text; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.IsEscaped = false; search.WholeWord = false; search.NoCase = true; search.IsRegex = true; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; return search.Matches(sci.Text); } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Gets search results for a document /// </summary> private List<SearchMatch> GetResults( ScintillaControl sci, String text ) { String pattern = text; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; search.NoCase = true; return search.Matches(sci.Text); }
/// <summary> /// Provides basic highlighting of selected text /// </summary> private void OnSelectHighlight(ScintillaControl sci) { sci.RemoveHighlights(); if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control && sci.SelText.Length != 0) { Language language = Configuration.GetLanguage(sci.ConfigurationLanguage); Int32 color = language.editorstyle.HighlightBackColor; String pattern = sci.SelText.Trim(); FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.WholeWord = true; search.NoCase = false; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; // Everywhere sci.AddHighlights(search.Matches(sci.Text), color); sci.hasHighlights = true; } }
public FRConfiguration(String fileName, FRSearch search) { this.type = OperationType.FindInFile; this.path = fileName; = search; }
// 文字列検索 private List<SearchMatch> searchString(ScintillaControl sci, String text) { FRSearch search = new FRSearch(text); return search.Matches(sci.Text); }
/// <summary> /// Gets seartch object for find and replace /// </summary> private static FRSearch GetFRSearch(String pattern) { FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.WholeWord = true; search.NoCase = !true; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; search.Filter |= SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments; search.Filter |= SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals; return search; }
/// <summary> /// Gets search results for a sci control /// </summary> private List<SearchMatch> GetResults(ScintillaControl sci, String text) { if (text != String.Empty && IsAlphaNumeric(text)) { String pattern = text; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.WholeWord = this.settingObject.wholeWords; search.NoCase = !this.settingObject.matchCase; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; return search.Matches(sci.Text); } return null; }
static List<SearchMatch> GetResults(ScintillaControl sci, string text) { FRSearch search = new FRSearch(text) { Filter = SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments, NoCase = true, WholeWord = true }; return search.Matches(sci.Text); }
/// <summary> /// Gets search results for a sci control /// </summary> private List<SearchMatch> GetResults(ScintillaControl sci, string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || Regex.IsMatch(text, "[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]")) return null; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(text); search.WholeWord = settings.WholeWords; search.NoCase = !settings.MatchCase; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; return search.Matches(sci.Text); }
public static void Execute() { if ( Globals.SciControl == null ) return; ScintillaControl sci = Globals.SciControl; MainForm mainForm = (MainForm) Globals.MainForm; ITabbedDocument document = mainForm.CurrentDocument; String documentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(document.FileName); ASContext context = (ASContext) ASContext.Context; string currentPackage = context.CurrentModel.Package; List<ClassModel> classes = context.CurrentModel.Classes; MemberList imports = context.CurrentModel.Imports; sci.BeginUndoAction(); String pattern = "}"; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; List<SearchMatch> matches = search.Matches(sci.Text); if (matches == null || matches.Count == 0) return; if (classes.Count < 2) return; SearchMatch match = GetNextDocumentMatch(sci, matches, sci.PositionFromLine(classes[0].LineTo + 1)); Int32 packageEnd = sci.MBSafePosition(match.Index) + sci.MBSafeTextLength(match.Value); // wchar to byte text length String strImport = ""; if (imports.Count > 0) { for (int i=imports.Count-1; i>0; --i ) { MemberModel import = imports[i]; if(packageEnd < sci.PositionFromLine(import.LineFrom)) { sci.SelectionStart = sci.PositionFromLine(import.LineFrom); sci.SelectionEnd = sci.PositionFromLine(import.LineTo + 1); strImport = sci.SelText + strImport; sci.Clear(); } } } context.UpdateCurrentFile(true); Int32 prevClassEnd = packageEnd; foreach (ClassModel currentClass in classes) { // 最初のクラスは無視 if (currentClass == classes[0]) continue; sci.SelectionStart = prevClassEnd; sci.SelectionEnd = sci.PositionFromLine(currentClass.LineTo + 1); String content = "package " + currentPackage + "\n{\n" + Regex.Replace( strImport, @"^", "\t", RegexOptions.Multiline) + Regex.Replace( sci.SelText, @"^", "\t", RegexOptions.Multiline) + "\n}\n"; prevClassEnd = sci.PositionFromLine(currentClass.LineTo + 1); Encoding encoding = sci.Encoding; String file = documentDirectory + "\\" + currentClass.Name + ".as"; FileHelper.WriteFile(file, content, encoding); } sci.SelectionStart = packageEnd; sci.Clear(); sci.EndUndoAction(); }
/// <summary> /// Generates an FRSearch to find all instances of the given member name. /// Enables WholeWord and Match Case. No comment/string literal, escape characters, or regex searching. /// </summary> private static FRSearch GetFRSearch(string memberName, bool includeComments, bool includeStrings) { FRSearch search = new FRSearch(memberName); search.IsRegex = false; search.IsEscaped = false; search.WholeWord = true; search.NoCase = false; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; if (!includeComments) search.Filter |= SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments; if (!includeStrings) search.Filter |= SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals; return search; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor of the class /// </summary> public FRConfiguration(List <String> files, FRSearch search) { this.type = OperationType.FindInRange; = search; this.files = files; }
/// <summary> /// Background work main loop /// </summary> private void BackgroundWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { try { FRConfiguration configuration = e.Argument as FRConfiguration; if (configuration == null) { e.Result = null; return; } // get files Int32 count = 0; List <string> files = configuration.GetFiles(); if (files == null || files.Count == 0) { e.Result = new FRResults(); // empty results return; } FRResults results = new FRResults(); FRSearch search = configuration.GetSearch(); string replacement = configuration.Replacement; if (this.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; } else { // do search Int32 total = files.Count; Int32 lastPercent = 0; List <SearchMatch> matches; string src; foreach (String file in files) { if (this.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; } else { // work src = configuration.GetSource(file); search.SourceFile = file; results[file] = matches = search.Matches(src); if (matches.Count > 0) { if (replacement != null) { // replace text src = search.ReplaceAll(src, replacement, matches); configuration.SetSource(file, src); } else { FRSearch.ExtractResultsLineText(matches, src); } } matches = null; // progress count++; Int32 percent = (100 * count) / total; if (lastPercent != percent) { this.backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percent); lastPercent = percent; } } } } e.Result = results; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Exception during background operation:\n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); e.Result = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets search results for a sci control /// </summary> private List<SearchMatch> GetResults(ScintillaControl sci, String text) { String pattern = text; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; search.NoCase = !this.matchCaseCheckBox.Checked; search.WholeWord = this.wholeWordCheckBox.Checked; return search.Matches(sci.Text); }
/// <summary> /// Provides basic highlighting of selected text /// </summary> private void HighlightWordsMatchingSelected() { if (TextLength == 0 || TextLength > 64 * 1024) return; Language language = Configuration.GetLanguage(ConfigurationLanguage); Int32 color = language.editorstyle.SelectionBackgroundColor; String word = GetWordFromPosition(CurrentPos); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(word)) return; if (this.PositionIsOnComment(CurrentPos)) { this.RemoveHighlights(1); return; } String pattern = word.Trim(); FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.WholeWord = true; search.NoCase = true; search.Filter = SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments | SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals; search.SourceFile = FileName; RemoveHighlights(1); List<SearchMatch> test = search.Matches(Text); AddHighlights(1, test, color); hasHighlights = true; }
/// <summary> /// Generates an FRSearch to find all instances of the given member name. /// Enables WholeWord and Match Case. No comment/string literal, escape characters, or regex searching. /// </summary> private static FRSearch GetFRSearch(string memberName) { String pattern = memberName; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.IsRegex = false; search.IsEscaped = false; search.WholeWord = true; search.NoCase = false; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None | SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments | SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals; return search; }
/// <summary> /// Gets search object for find and replace /// </summary> private FRSearch GetFRSearch() { String pattern = this.findComboBox.Text; FRSearch search = new FRSearch(pattern); search.IsRegex = this.regexCheckBox.Checked; search.IsEscaped = this.escapedCheckBox.Checked; search.WholeWord = this.wholeWordCheckBox.Checked; search.NoCase = !this.matchCaseCheckBox.Checked; search.Filter = SearchFilter.None; if (!this.commentsCheckBox.Checked) { search.Filter |= SearchFilter.OutsideCodeComments; } if (!this.stringsCheckBox.Checked) { search.Filter |= SearchFilter.OutsideStringLiterals; } return search; }