public Texture2DBackup(Color[] texturePixels, ImageData from, int globalOrder) { Set(texturePixels, from, globalOrder); }
protected virtual void SetB(ImageData from, int globalOrder) { order = globalOrder; strokeRecord = from.recordedStrokes_forUndoRedo; from.recordedStrokes_forUndoRedo = new List <string>(); }
public void Set(Color[] texturePixels, ImageData from, int globalOrder) { SetB(from, globalOrder); pixels = texturePixels; }
public virtual bool PEGI() { PlaytimePainter p = PlaytimePainter.inspectedPainter; if (p == null) { "No Painter Detected".nl(); return(false); } if ((p.skinnedMeshRendy != null) && (pegi.Click("Update Collider from Skinned Mesh"))) { p.UpdateColliderForSkinnedMesh(); } pegi.newLine(); ImageData id = p.ImgData; bool changed = false; bool cpuBlit = id.destination == TexTarget.Texture2D; pegi.newLine(); changed |= p.PreviewShaderToggle_PEGI(); if ((PainterCamera.GotBuffers() || (id.renderTexture != null)) && (id.texture2D != null)) { if ((cpuBlit ? icon.CPU : icon.GPU).Click( cpuBlit ? "Switch to Render Texture" : "Switch to Texture2D", 45)) { p.UpdateOrSetTexTarget(cpuBlit ? TexTarget.RenderTexture : TexTarget.Texture2D); SetSupportedFor(cpuBlit, id.renderTexture == null); changed = true; } } if (cpuBlit) { bool smooth = _type(cpuBlit) != BrushTypePixel.Inst.index; if (pegi.toggle(ref smooth, icon.Round, icon.Square, "Smooth/Pixels Brush", 45)) { changed = true; TypeSet(cpuBlit, smooth ? (BrushType)BrushTypeNormal.Inst : (BrushType)BrushTypePixel.Inst); } } pegi.newLine(); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Tools.current != Tool.None) { Msg.LockToolToUseTransform.Get().writeWarning(); if (Msg.HideTransformTool.Get().Click().nl()) { PlaytimePainter.HideUnityTool(); } } #endif if //( (!p.IsOriginalShader) // && (cfg.moreOptions)) { changed |= pegi.toggle(ref Cfg.previewAlphaChanel, "Preview Enabled Chanels", 130); } if (Mode_Type_PEGI()) { if (Type(cpuBlit) == BrushTypeDecal.Inst) { MaskSet(BrushMask.A, true); } changed = true; } if (p.terrain != null) { if ((p.ImgData != null) && ((p.IsTerrainHeightTexture())) && (p.IsOriginalShader)) { pegi.writeWarning(" You need to use Preview Shader to see changes"); } pegi.newLine(); if ((p.terrain != null) && (pegi.Click("Update Terrain").nl())) { p.UpdateShaderGlobals(); } } return(changed); }
public void ApplyTo(ImageData id) { bool fromRT = (tex2D.Count == 0) || ((rtex.Count > 0) && (tex2D [tex2D.Count - 1].order < rtex [rtex.Count - 1].order)); bool toRT = id.destination == TexTarget.RenderTexture; int toClear = id.recordedStrokes_forUndoRedo.Count; if (toRT) { otherDirection.backupRenderTexture(int.MaxValue, id); } else { otherDirection.backupTexture2D(int.MaxValue, id); } RenderTextureBackup rtBackup = fromRT ? takeRenderTexture() : null; Texture2DBackup pixBackup = fromRT ? null : takeTexture2D(); TextureBackup backup = fromRT ? (TextureBackup)rtBackup : (TextureBackup)pixBackup; if (!isUndo) { id.recordedStrokes.AddRange(backup.strokeRecord); } else { id.recordedStrokes.RemoveLast(toClear); } id.recordedStrokes_forUndoRedo = backup.strokeRecord; /* if (isUndo) { * * * } else { * id.recordedStrokes.AddRange(backup.strokeRecord); * id.recordedStrokes_forUndoRedo.AddRange(backup.strokeRecord); * }*/ if (!fromRT) { id.Pixels = (Color[])pixBackup.pixels;//.Clone(); id.SetAndApply(true); } if (toRT) { if (fromRT) { rtp.Render(rtBackup.rt, id); } else { rtp.Render(id.texture2D, id); } } else if (fromRT) { id.texture2D.CopyFrom(rtBackup.rt); id.PixelsFromTexture2D(id.texture2D); bool converted = false; if ((PainterCamera.Inst.isLinearColorSpace) && (!rtBackup.exclusive)) { converted = true; id.PixelsToGamma(); } //else // id.pixelsToLinear(); // if (!RenderTexturePainter.inst.isLinearColorSpace) //{ // Debug.Log("Pixels to lnear"); // id.pixelsToLinear(); //} // In Linear dont turn to gamma if saved from Exclusive Render Texture if (converted) { id.SetAndApply(true); } else { id.texture2D.Apply(true); } } if (fromRT) { rtBackup.DestroyRtex(); } }
public bool PaintTexture2D(StrokeVector stroke, float brushAlpha, ImageData image, BrushConfig bc, PlaytimePainter pntr) { int slices; slices = image.texture2D.VolumeSlices(); if (slices > 1) { var volume = image.texture2D.GetVolumeTextureData(); if (volume == null) { return(false); } float volumeScale = volume.size; Vector3 pos = (stroke.posFrom - volume.transform.position) / volumeScale + 0.5f *; int height = volume.Height; int texWidth = image.width; Blit_Functions.brAlpha = brushAlpha; bc.PrepareCPUBlit(); Blit_Functions.half = bc.Size(true) / volumeScale; var pixels = image.Pixels; int ihalf = (int)(Blit_Functions.half - 0.5f); bool smooth = bc.Type(true) != BrushTypePixel.Inst; if (smooth) { ihalf += 1; } Blit_Functions._alphaMode = Blit_Functions.SphereAlpha; int sliceWidth = texWidth / slices; int hw = sliceWidth / 2; int y = (int)pos.y; // (int)Mathf.Clamp(pos.y, 0, height - 1); int z = (int)(pos.z + hw); // (int)Mathf.Clamp(pos.z + hw, 0, hw - 1); int x = (int)(pos.x + hw); // (int)Mathf.Clamp(pos.x + hw, 0, hw - 1); for (Blit_Functions.y = -ihalf; Blit_Functions.y < ihalf + 1; Blit_Functions.y++) { int h = y + Blit_Functions.y; if (h >= height) { return(true); } if (h >= 0) { int hy = h / slices; int hx = h % slices; int hTex_index = (hy * texWidth + hx) * sliceWidth; for (Blit_Functions.z = -ihalf; Blit_Functions.z < ihalf + 1; Blit_Functions.z++) { int trueZ = z + Blit_Functions.z; if (trueZ >= 0 && trueZ < sliceWidth) { int yTex_index = hTex_index + trueZ * texWidth; for (Blit_Functions.x = -ihalf; Blit_Functions.x < ihalf + 1; Blit_Functions.x++) { int trueX = x + Blit_Functions.x; if (trueX >= 0 && trueX < sliceWidth) { int texIndex = yTex_index + trueX; if (Blit_Functions._alphaMode()) { Blit_Functions._blitMode(ref pixels[texIndex]); } } } } } } } return(true); } return(false); }
public virtual bool PaintRenderTexture(StrokeVector stroke, ImageData image, BrushConfig bc, PlaytimePainter pntr) { return(false); }
public bool PaintTexture2D(StrokeVector stroke, float brushAlpha, ImageData image, BrushConfig bc, PlaytimePainter pntr) { if (pntr.IsAtlased()) { Vector2 uvCoords = stroke.uvFrom; Vector2 AtlasedSection = GetAtlasedSection(); sectorSize = image.width / atlasRows; atlasSector.From(AtlasedSection * sectorSize); Blit_Functions.brAlpha = brushAlpha; Blit_Functions.half = (bc.Size(false)) / 2; int ihalf = Mathf.FloorToInt(Blit_Functions.half - 0.5f); bool smooth = bc.Type(true) != BrushTypePixel.Inst; if (smooth) { Blit_Functions._alphaMode = Blit_Functions.circleAlpha; } else { Blit_Functions._alphaMode = Blit_Functions.noAlpha; } Blit_Functions._blitMode = bc.BlitMode.BlitFunctionTex2D; if (smooth) { ihalf += 1; } Blit_Functions.alpha = 1; Blit_Functions.r = bc.mask.GetFlag(BrushMask.R); Blit_Functions.g = bc.mask.GetFlag(BrushMask.G); Blit_Functions.b = bc.mask.GetFlag(BrushMask.B); Blit_Functions.a = bc.mask.GetFlag(BrushMask.A); Blit_Functions.csrc = bc.colorLinear.ToGamma(); MyIntVec2 tmp = image.UvToPixelNumber(uvCoords);//new myIntVec2 (pixIndex); int fromx = tmp.x - ihalf; tmp.y -= ihalf; var pixels = image.Pixels; for (Blit_Functions.y = -ihalf; Blit_Functions.y < ihalf + 1; Blit_Functions.y++) { tmp.x = fromx; for (Blit_Functions.x = -ihalf; Blit_Functions.x < ihalf + 1; Blit_Functions.x++) { if (Blit_Functions._alphaMode()) { int sx = tmp.x - atlasSector.x; int sy = tmp.y - atlasSector.y; sx %= sectorSize; if (sx < 0) { sx += sectorSize; } sy %= sectorSize; if (sy < 0) { sy += sectorSize; } Blit_Functions._blitMode(ref pixels[((atlasSector.y + sy)) * image.width + (atlasSector.x + sx)]); } tmp.x += 1; } tmp.y += 1; } return(true); } return(false); }
public RenderTexture Render(Texture from, ImageData to) => Render(from, to.CurrentRenderTexture(), Data.brushRendy_bufferCopy);
public RenderTexture Render(ImageData from, RenderTexture to) => Render(from.CurrentTexture(), to, Data.brushRendy_bufferCopy);