public static void AddHooks() { // Ugh. On.RoR2.CharacterAI.BaseAI.OnBodyLost += (orig, self, body) => { if ("PlayerBot")) { // Reset player bot state when body is lost so errors dont pop up self.stateMachine.SetNextState(EntityStateCatalog.InstantiateState(self.scanState)); return; } orig(self, body); }; // Random fix to make captains spawnable without errors in PlayerMode, theres probably a better way of doing this too On.RoR2.CaptainDefenseMatrixController.OnServerMasterSummonGlobal += (orig, self, summonReport) => { if (self.GetFieldValue <CharacterBody>("characterBody") == null) { return; } orig(self, summonReport); }; // Maybe there is a better way to do this if (PlayerBotManager.ShowNameplates.Value && !PlayerBotManager.PlayerMode.Value) { IL.RoR2.TeamComponent.SetupIndicator += il => { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(il); c.GotoNext(x => x.MatchCallvirt <CharacterBody>("get_isPlayerControlled")); bool isPlayerBot = false; c.EmitDelegate <Func <CharacterBody, CharacterBody> >(x => { isPlayerBot ="PlayerBot"); return(x); } ); c.Index += 1; c.EmitDelegate <Func <bool, bool> >(x => { if (isPlayerBot) { return(true); } return(x); } ); }; } if (!PlayerBotManager.PlayerMode.Value && PlayerBotManager.AutoPurchaseItems.Value) { // Give bots money On.RoR2.TeamManager.GiveTeamMoney += (orig, self, teamIndex, money) => { orig(self, teamIndex, money); if (PlayerBotManager.playerbots.Count > 0) { int num = Run.instance ? Run.instance.livingPlayerCount : 0; if (num != 0) { money = (uint)Mathf.CeilToInt(money / (float)num); } foreach (GameObject playerbot in PlayerBotManager.playerbots) { if (!playerbot) { continue; } CharacterMaster master = playerbot.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(); if (master && !master.IsDeadAndOutOfLivesServer() && master.teamIndex == teamIndex) { master.GiveMoney(money); } } } }; } if (PlayerBotManager.AutoPurchaseItems.Value) { On.RoR2.Run.BeginStage += (orig, self) => { foreach (GameObject playerbot in PlayerBotManager.playerbots.ToArray()) { if (!playerbot) { PlayerBotManager.playerbots.Remove(playerbot); continue; } ItemManager itemManager = playerbot.GetComponent <ItemManager>(); if (itemManager) { itemManager.ResetPurchases(); = 0; } } orig(self); }; } On.RoR2.Stage.Start += (orig, self) => { orig(self); if ( { if (PlayerBotManager.PlayerMode.Value) { foreach (GameObject playerbot in PlayerBotManager.playerbots.ToArray()) { if (!playerbot) { PlayerBotManager.playerbots.Remove(playerbot); continue; } CharacterMaster master = playerbot.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(); if (master) { Stage.instance.RespawnCharacter(master); } } } // Spawn starting bots if (Run.instance.stageClearCount == 0) { if (PlayerBotManager.InitialRandomBots.Value > 0) { PlayerBotManager.SpawnRandomPlayerbots(NetworkUser.readOnlyInstancesList[0].master, PlayerBotManager.InitialRandomBots.Value); } for (int randomSurvivorsIndex = 0; randomSurvivorsIndex < PlayerBotManager.InitialBots.Length; randomSurvivorsIndex++) { if (PlayerBotManager.InitialBots[randomSurvivorsIndex].Value > 0) { PlayerBotManager.SpawnPlayerbots(NetworkUser.readOnlyInstancesList[0].master, PlayerBotManager.RandomSurvivorsList[randomSurvivorsIndex], PlayerBotManager.InitialBots[randomSurvivorsIndex].Value); } } } } }; // Fix custom targets On.RoR2.CharacterAI.BaseAI.Target.GetBullseyePosition += Hook_GetBullseyePosition; // Player mode if (PlayerBotManager.PlayerMode.Value) { On.RoR2.SceneDirector.PlaceTeleporter += (orig, self) => { if (PlayerBotManager.DontScaleInteractables.Value) { int count = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Count((PlayerCharacterMasterController v) => v.networkUser); float num = 0.5f + (float)count * 0.5f; ClassicStageInfo component = SceneInfo.instance.GetComponent <ClassicStageInfo>(); int credit = (int)((float)component.sceneDirectorInteractibleCredits * num); if (component.bonusInteractibleCreditObjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < component.bonusInteractibleCreditObjects.Length; i++) { ClassicStageInfo.BonusInteractibleCreditObject bonusInteractibleCreditObject = component.bonusInteractibleCreditObjects[i]; if (bonusInteractibleCreditObject.objectThatGrantsPointsIfEnabled.activeSelf) { credit += bonusInteractibleCreditObject.points; } } } self.interactableCredit = credit; } else if (Run.instance.stageClearCount == 0 && PlayerBotManager.GetInitialBotCount() > 0) { int count = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances.Count((PlayerCharacterMasterController v) => v.networkUser); count += PlayerBotManager.GetInitialBotCount(); float num = 0.5f + (float)count * 0.5f; ClassicStageInfo component = SceneInfo.instance.GetComponent <ClassicStageInfo>(); int credit = (int)((float)component.sceneDirectorInteractibleCredits * num); if (component.bonusInteractibleCreditObjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < component.bonusInteractibleCreditObjects.Length; i++) { ClassicStageInfo.BonusInteractibleCreditObject bonusInteractibleCreditObject = component.bonusInteractibleCreditObjects[i]; if (bonusInteractibleCreditObject.objectThatGrantsPointsIfEnabled.activeSelf) { credit += bonusInteractibleCreditObject.points; } } } self.interactableCredit = credit; } orig(self); }; // Entitlements. Required for dlc survivors. TODO: Find a better way On.RoR2.ExpansionManagement.ExpansionRequirementComponent.PlayerCanUseBody += (orig, self, master) => { if ("PlayerBot")) { return(true); } return(orig(self, master)); }; // Required for bots to even move, maybe switch to il later On.RoR2.PlayerCharacterMasterController.Update += (orig, self) => { if ("PlayerBot")) { //self.InvokeMethod("SetBody", new object[] { self.master.GetBodyObject() }); return; } orig(self); }; IL.RoR2.UI.AllyCardManager.PopulateCharacterDataSet += il => { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(il); c.GotoNext(x => x.MatchCallvirt <CharacterMaster>("get_playerCharacterMasterController")); c.Index += 2; c.EmitDelegate <Func <bool, bool> >(x => false); }; // Spectator fix On.RoR2.CameraRigControllerSpectateControls.CanUserSpectateBody += (orig, viewer, body) => { return(body.isPlayerControlled || orig(viewer, body)); }; // Dont end game on dying if (PlayerBotManager.ContinueAfterDeath.Value) { IL.RoR2.Stage.FixedUpdate += il => { ILCursor c = new ILCursor(il); c.GotoNext(x => x.MatchCallvirt <PlayerCharacterMasterController>("get_isConnected")); c.Index += 1; c.EmitDelegate <Func <bool, bool> >(x => true); }; } } }