/// <summary> /// Initializes screen /// </summary> public override void Initialize() { // Create the scene and add it _camera = new Camera2D(this.Game); _camera.Initialize(); _fxcamera = new Camera2D(this.Game); _fxcamera.Initialize(); _scene = new Scene(this.Game, _camera); _scene.TransitionPosition = 0; _scene.TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); _scene.TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); _scene.OffTransition(); _fx = new World(Vector2.UnitY * 10); _fxStaticBody = new Body(_fx) { Restitution = 0, Mass = 0, BodyType = BodyType.Static, Friction = 0.5f/*, Position = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Vector2.UnitX * (_width - DataGrid.WidthInPixels) / 2f + Vector2.UnitY * 150)*/ }; // Create controllers _timeController = new TimeController(this.Game); _pointsController = new PointsController(this.Game); _dataGrid = DataGrid.CreateDataGrid(this.Game, _fxStaticBody, _width / 70 - 1, _height / 49 - 4); _peaController = new PeaController(this.Game); _inputController = new InputController(this.Game); _achievementController = new AchievementController(this.Game); // Initialize controllers _timeController.Initialize(); _pointsController.Initialize(); _dataGrid.Initialize(); _peaController.Initialize(); _inputController.Initialize(); _achievementController.Initialize(); // Register controllers _dataGrid.Register(_peaController); #if DEBUG && _ DataBlock testBlock = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, 0), BlockType.Normal); DataBlock testBlock2 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, 1), BlockType.Gel); DataBlock testBlock3 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(1, 1), BlockType.Normal); DataBlock testBlock4 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(2, 1), BlockType.RightRamp); DataBlock testBlock5 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(3, 2), BlockType.Normal); DataBlock testBlock6 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Normal); #endif // Create the peas DataPea pea1 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController); _pointsController.Register(pea1); _achievementController.Register(pea1); pea1.Initialize(); this.Game.Components.Add(pea1); DataPea pea2 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController); DataPea pea3 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController); DataPea pea4 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController); DataPea pea5 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController); // This needs to be done BEFORE sprites of pea _pointsController.Register(pea2); _pointsController.Register(pea3); _pointsController.Register(pea4); _pointsController.Register(pea5); _achievementController.Register(pea2); _achievementController.Register(pea3); _achievementController.Register(pea4); _achievementController.Register(pea5); pea2.Initialize(); pea3.Initialize(); pea4.Initialize(); pea5.Initialize(); this.Game.Components.Add(pea2); this.Game.Components.Add(pea3); this.Game.Components.Add(pea4); this.Game.Components.Add(pea5); // Create layers _sceneryLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.9f }; _levelLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.6f }; _peasLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.3f }; _hudLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera) { MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.1f }; // Create sprites _spriteGrid = new SpritesetGrid(_levelLayer) { Position = Vector2.UnitX * (_width - DataGrid.WidthInPixels) / 2f + Vector2.UnitY * 150 }; SpritePea.BaseOffset = _spriteGrid.Position; _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea1, _pointsController)); #if !DEBUG || !TEST _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea2, _pointsController)); _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea3, _pointsController)); _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea4, _pointsController)); _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea5, _pointsController)); #endif #if DEBUG && TEST for (int i = 0; i < DataGrid.Width; i++) { if (new int[] { 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 14 }.Contains(i) == false) { DataBlock b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Normal); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b)); if (new int[] { 0 , 1, 2, 5, 8, 15 }.Contains(i)) { b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Normal); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b)); } if (new int[] { 0, 15 }.Contains(i)) { b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 3), BlockType.Gel); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b)); } if (new int[] { 0, 15 }.Contains(i)) { b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 4), BlockType.Gel); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b)); } } } DataBlock jump = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(3, 7), BlockType.Normal); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, jump)); DataBlock ramp = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(1, 8), BlockType.RightRamp); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, ramp)); //DataBlock gel = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(5, 10), BlockType.LeftRamp); //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, gel)); #else // Some boundary blocks _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Gel); _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Gel); _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Gel); _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Gel); #endif SpriteToolbox toolbox = new SpriteToolbox(_hudLayer) { Position = new Vector2(_width - (1280 - 1220), (Single)Math.Ceiling(150 * (_height / 720f))) }; SpritesetHud hud = new SpritesetHud(_hudLayer, _pointsController, _inputController.State, _width, _height); // Register sprites at inputControllers _inputController.Register(_spriteGrid); _inputController.Register(toolbox); _inputController.Register(_camera, _width, _height); foreach (var blockRow in _dataGrid.Grid) foreach (var block in blockRow) { block.Place(block.BlockType, BlockState.Placed); // Direct placing; _spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, block)); } // Add the layers _scene.Add(_sceneryLayer); _scene.Add(_levelLayer); _scene.Add(_peasLayer); _scene.Add(_hudLayer); // Add the content Sprite background = new Sprite(_sceneryLayer, "Graphics/Background"); background.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f); background.Origin = new Vector2(1280f / 2f, 720f / 2f); background.Scale = Math.Max(_width / 1280f, _height / 720f); Sprite splate = new Sprite(_sceneryLayer, "Graphics/Plate"); splate.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f); splate.Origin = new Vector2(1280f / 2f, 720f / 2f); splate.Scale = Math.Max(_width / 1280f, _height / 720f); _sceneryLayer.Add(background); _sceneryLayer.Add(splate); _levelLayer.Add(_spriteGrid); _hudLayer.Add(toolbox); _hudLayer.Add(hud); // Bottom plate physics var plate = FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(_width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(20), 1f, ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Vector2.UnitY * (49 * (DataGrid.Height - 3) + _spriteGrid.Position.Y + 5) + (_width / 2 - _spriteGrid.Position.X) * Vector2.UnitX), _fxStaticBody); plate.Restitution = 0; plate.Friction = 0.5f; // Initializes scene and so on base.Initialize(); _scene.Initialize(); _camera.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f); _fxcamera.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f)- _spriteGrid.Position; // + ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(_spriteGrid.Position); _camera.Jump2Target(); _fxcamera.Jump2Target(); #if DEBUG && !SILVERLIGHT view = new DebugViewXNA(_fx); view.AppendFlags(FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.CenterOfMass | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.DebugPanel | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.PerformanceGraph | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.PolygonPoints); #endif // Add components this.Game.Components.Add(_peaController); this.Game.Components.Add(_timeController); this.Game.Components.Add(_inputController); this.Game.Components.Add(_pointsController); this.Game.Components.Add(_achievementController); this.Game.Components.Add(_camera); this.Game.Components.Add(_fxcamera); this.Game.Components.Add(_dataGrid); this.Game.Components.Add(_scene); // Add popups _achievementController.OnCompletedAchievement += new AchievementCompletedHandler(_achievementController_OnCompletedAchievement); // Add overlay _overlay = new PauseOverlay(_camera, _width, _height); _overlay.Exiting += new EventHandler(_overlay_Exiting); // Events this.Exited += new EventHandler(PeaScreen_Exited); this.OnEnabledChanged += new BooleanDelegate(PeaScreen_OnEnabledChanged); this.OnVisibleChanged += new BooleanDelegate(PeaScreen_OnVisibleChanged); // Add end _pointsController.OnReachedGoal += new Action(_pointsController_OnReachedGoal); this.IsEnabled = false; this.IsVisible = false; }
/// <summary> /// Registers the sprite toolbox /// </summary> /// <param name="toolBox"></param> public void Register(SpriteToolbox toolBox) { _toolBox = toolBox; }