public GameConsole(GameConsoleSetup settings) { try { splayer = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(PlayBoxMonitor.Properties.Resources.Ring01); settings.Properties.EndTime = new DateTime(); timeControl = new Timer(); this.settings = settings; if (settings.ReportProperties.COSExR_Name == null) { settings.ReportProperties.COSExR_Name = " "; } if (settings.ReportProperties.CLINxR_Name == null) { settings.ReportProperties.CLINxR_Name = MainWindow.SetupConfiguration.CLINReportName; } InitializeComponent(); InitializeControls(); InitializeTimeControl(); InitializePrePaidControl(); InitializeCOSEReport(); AddControls(); DisplayExtraControls(); DisplayConsumption(); DisplayTime(); ResumeStatus(); Click += _GameConsoleControl_Click; } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - GCC ::::> Error GC failed to build: " + e.Message); } }
public uint LoadSetup() { uint flag = 0; try { SettingsManager sm = new SettingsManager(true); setupConfiguration = sm.LoadSetup(); if (setupConfiguration != null) { flag = RestoreConsoles(); } else { setupConfiguration = new Setup(); flag = 1; } if (setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs.Count <= 0 && setupConfiguration.ConsolesSetup.Count <= 0) { InitializeIDs(); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - MW ::::> Error failed to restore setup: " + e.Message); } return(flag); }
private static void Main() { if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6) { NativeMethods.SetProcessDPIAware(); } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); StartMessageLog(); StartReporting(); MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(); IntroLoadingWindow intro = new IntroLoadingWindow(); intro.InitializeIntroDisplay(); while (!mainWindow.LoadFinished || mainWindow.ErrorLoadingSettings) { intro.Continue(); } if (!mainWindow.ErrorLoadingSettings) { Application.Run(mainWindow); } if (ReportPipe != null) { ReportPipe.SendPackage("INACxCOM", "close", "closeserver"); } MessageLogManager.LogMessage("close"); }
private static void StartMessageLog() { Settings set = new Settings(); MessageLogManager mlm = new MessageLogManager(); mlm.StartMLM(new string[] { set.LogsPath, set.ErrorLogName }); }
public void CopySettings(GameConsoleSetup outputSettings)//via output { try { outputSettings.Name = Name; outputSettings.ColorID = ColorID; outputSettings.NumberID = NumberID; outputSettings.EditEnabled = EditEnabled; outputSettings.ClientData = ClientData.Copy(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - CS ::::> Error copy failed: " + e.Message); } }
public void CommandListener() { bool stop = false; string package = ""; string[] response; try { using (NamedPipeClientStream client = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", "ReportGenerator", PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.Asynchronous)) { client.Connect(5000); using (sw = new StreamWriter(client)) using (sr = new StreamReader(client)) { while (!stop) { if (commands.Count > 0) { package = GeneratePackege(commands[0].Type, commands[0].Action, commands[0].Properties); sw.WriteLine(package); sw.Flush(); response = sr.ReadLine().Split('$'); if (response[0] == "closingserver") { stop = true; } else if (response[0] != "Error") { InterpretResponse(response, commands[0].Type, commands[0].Action, commands[0].Properties); } commands.Remove(commands[0]); } else { wait.WaitOne(); } } } client.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Program.Reporting = false; MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - PP ::::> Error Command Listener Failed: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.Source); } }
public void Copy(GameConsoleProperties inputSettings)//Via input { try { EndTime = inputSettings.EndTime; ExtraControls = inputSettings.ExtraControls; LastTimeElapsed = inputSettings.LastTimeElapsed; LastTotalConsumption = inputSettings.LastTotalConsumption; PrePaid = inputSettings.PrePaid; PrePaidTime = inputSettings.PrePaidTime; StartTime = inputSettings.StartTime; Status = inputSettings.Status; TimeElapsed = inputSettings.TimeElapsed; TotalConsumption = inputSettings.TotalConsumption; } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - CP ::::> Error copy failed: " + e.Message); } }
public void AddConsoles(int count, GameConsoleSetup cs) //Check if if statement really needed!!!!!! { try { if (setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs.Count >= count) { CreateConsoles(count, cs); MessageBox.Show("\nAvailable Number IDs: " + setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs.Count + "\nNumber Of Console To Create: " + count); } else if (setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs.Count < count) { MessageBox.Show("You've reached the limit amount of Consoles"); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - MW ::::> Error failed to add console: " + e.Message); } }
public uint LoadSettings() { try { SettingsManager sm = new SettingsManager(); settingsConfiguration = sm.LoadSettings(); if (settingsConfiguration == null) { settingsConfiguration = new Settings(); } sm.SaveSettings(settingsConfiguration); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - MW ::::> Error failed to load settings: " + e.Message); return(2); } }
public Setup LoadSetup() { try { using (fStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { Stream stream = fStream; FileInfo settingsFile = new FileInfo(fileName); if (settingsFile.Length > 0) { return((Setup)bFormatter.Deserialize(stream)); } } } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - SM ::::> Error failed to load setup: " + e.Message + e.Source); } return(null); }
private uint RestoreConsoles() { try { foreach (GameConsoleSetup consoleSetup in setupConfiguration.ConsolesSetup) { GameConsole gc = new GameConsole(consoleSetup); _consolesContainer.Controls.Add(gc); } _consolesContainer.Update(); _consolesContainer.Refresh(); _consolesContainer.PerformLayout(); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - MW ::::> Error failed to restore console: " + e.Message); return(0); } }
private static void StartReporting() { try { //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"Extensions\PlayBoxReportGenerator.exe"); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo start = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); start.FileName = @"Extensions\PlayBoxReportGenerator.exe"; start.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(start); ReportPipe = new Pipe(); reportPipeProc = new Thread(ReportPipe.CommandListener); reportPipeProc.Start(); reportPipeProc.Name = "PlayBox Monitor - PPRep Manager"; Reporting = true; //ADD CLIENTS REPORT COMMAND! } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - PGM ::::> Error Report Process failed to start: " + e.Message); } }
private void ConfirmationWindow_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (type) { case "#delete": _textToDisplayTxtBox.Text = "Are you sure you want to DELETE this console?"; _submit.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson; _submit.Text = "DELETE"; break; case "#deleteAll": _textToDisplayTxtBox.Text = "Are you sure you want to DELETE ALL consoles?"; _submit.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Crimson; _submit.Text = "DELETE"; break; default: MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - CW ::::> Error invalid argument."); break; } }
private void _addConsole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (setupConfiguration.NumberOfConsoles < 10) { CreateConsoleParameters ccp = new CreateConsoleParameters(); ccp.Count = setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs.Count; using (CreateConsoleWindow ccw = new CreateConsoleWindow(ccp)) { if (ccw.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { AddConsoles(ccp.Count, ccp.Setup); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("You've reached the limit amount of Consoles"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - MW ::::> Error failed to start Add Console:" + ex.Message); } }
private void CreateConsoles(int count, GameConsoleSetup consoleSettings) { try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { GameConsoleSetup cs = new GameConsoleSetup(); consoleSettings.CopySettings(cs); cs.NumberID = setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs[0]; setupConfiguration.ConsolesSetup.Add(cs); GameConsole gc = new GameConsole(cs); _consolesContainer.Controls.Add(gc); setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs.Remove(setupConfiguration.AvailableNumberIDs[0]); setupConfiguration.NumberOfConsoles++; } MessageBox.Show(_consolesContainer.Controls.Count.ToString()); _consolesContainer.Update(); _consolesContainer.Refresh(); _consolesContainer.PerformLayout(); SaveSetup(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - MW ::::> Error failed to create console: " + e.Message); } }
private void InterpretResponse(string[] response, string type, string action, object data) { switch (type) { case "CLINxR": CLINReportInterpreter(response, action, data); break; case "DACOxR": break; case "MOCOxR": break; case "YECOxR": break; case "COSExR": COSEReportInterpreter(response, action, data); break; case "COSExS": COSESessionInterpreter(response, action, data); break; case "COSExL": COSESessionLogInterpreter(response, action, data); break; default: foreach (string arg in response) { MessageLogManager.LogMessage("PBM - PP ::::> Error interpreting response (UNKNOWN)" + arg); } break; } }