private void LoadLodMapping(string mappingName) { try { mapping = (VertexMapping)LoadObject(mappingName, typeof(VertexMapping)); SetupViewers(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { CreateMapping(); } }
public void SetMapData(VertexMapping mapping, bool inverse) { if (mapping == null) { return; } this.mapping = mapping; inverseMapping = inverse; if (!inverse) { // Threshold array creation.. thresholdArray = (VertexPositionColor[])vertexArray.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < mapping.Thresholds.Length; i++) { float t = (mapping.Thresholds[i] - mapping.MinThreshold) / mapping.MaxThreshold; Color c = new Color(t, t, t); SetVertexColor(thresholdArray, i, c); } } RefreshMapData(); }
void CreateMapping() { mapping = new VertexMapping(me2Save.PlayerRecord.Appearance.MorphHead.LOD0Vertices, me3Save.Player.Appearance.MorphHead.Lod0Vertices); // Save newly created map and repopulate list string filename = DefaultName; if (File.Exists(DefaultName + ".xml")) { int i = 1; for (; File.Exists(DefaultName + "_" + i + ".xml"); i++) { ; } filename += "_" + i; } SaveLodMapping(filename); PopulateLodMappingsXmlList(); listBoxLodMappings.SelectedIndex = listBoxLodMappings.Items.IndexOf(filename); lodViewerME2.SetMapData(mapping, false); lodViewerME3.SetMapData(mapping, true); }
public void SetMapData(VertexMapping mapping, bool inverse) { if (mapping == null) return; this.mapping = mapping; inverseMapping = inverse; if (!inverse) { // Threshold array creation.. thresholdArray = (VertexPositionColor[])vertexArray.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < mapping.Thresholds.Length; i++) { float t = (mapping.Thresholds[i] - mapping.MinThreshold) / mapping.MaxThreshold; Color c = new Color(t, t, t); SetVertexColor(thresholdArray, i, c); } } RefreshMapData(); }
void CreateMapping() { mapping = new VertexMapping(me2Save.PlayerRecord.Appearance.MorphHead.LOD0Vertices, me3Save.Player.Appearance.MorphHead.Lod0Vertices); // Save newly created map and repopulate list string filename = DefaultName; if (File.Exists(DefaultName + ".xml")) { int i = 1; for (; File.Exists(DefaultName + "_" + i + ".xml"); i++) ; filename += "_" + i; } SaveLodMapping(filename); PopulateLodMappingsXmlList(); listBoxLodMappings.SelectedIndex = listBoxLodMappings.Items.IndexOf(filename); lodViewerME2.SetMapData(mapping, false); lodViewerME3.SetMapData(mapping, true); }