        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Bonjour mon petite ami, welcome to Pierre's Bakery! Today we have fresh bread and pastries!");
            Console.WriteLine("We have a special on loaves of bread today. They are $5 each, but buy two and get one for free!");
            Console.WriteLine(" I know, I am so generous. How many would you like?");
            string uBreadQuantity = Console.ReadLine();
            int    BreadQuantity  = int.Parse(uBreadQuantity);

            Console.WriteLine("Excellent choice. Now how about pastries? Will you eat cake? We have a special for them as well, $2 each or 3 for $5.");
            Console.WriteLine("Please, I know it's such a great deal but contain your excitement. How many would you like?");
            string uPastryQuantity = Console.ReadLine();
            int    PastryQuantity  = int.Parse(uPastryQuantity);
            Bread  uBread          = new Bread(5, BreadQuantity);
            Pastry uPastry         = new Pastry(2, PastryQuantity);
            int    BreadTotal      = uBread.OrderAmount();
            int    PastryTotal     = uPastry.PastryOrder();
            int    FinalTotal      = BreadTotal + PastryTotal;

            Console.WriteLine($"Merveilleux! your order was for {uBreadQuantity} loaves of bread and {uPastryQuantity} delectable pastries. Your total will be ${FinalTotal}.");
            Console.WriteLine("But you know mon petite ami, I've decided that you are a treat in ofteself so here, take it for free. Viva La Treats!");