public static void WelcomeScript(Bread newBread, Pastry newPastry) { //Scipt to welcome customers and present menu: Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Get Dat Bread Bakery"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Menu:"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Loaf: $5; Buy two get one free."); Console.WriteLine("Pastry: $2; Three for $5"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("We know y'all are here trying to yeet that wheat... So hit us with it. Whatchall jabronies want?"); Script.BreadOrderScript(newBread, newPastry); }
public static void RestartScript(Pastry newPastry, Bread newBread) { Console.WriteLine("Well thanks for your order, chief."); //Calculate total order cost: int totalOrderCost = (newPastry.POrderPrice + newBread.BOrderPrice); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("The total for that order is going to be $" + totalOrderCost + ".00."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Are we done here or is there something I can add to your order?(Yes or No)"); string userAnswer = Console.ReadLine(); if (userAnswer == "Yes") { Console.WriteLine("What the hell do you want now?!(Pastries or Bread)"); string whatToOrder = Console.ReadLine(); if (whatToOrder == "Pastries") { Script.BreadOrderScript(newBread, newPastry); } else if (whatToOrder == "Bread") { Script.BreadOrderScript(newBread, newPastry); } else { Console.WriteLine("I only have Pastries or Bread. This isn't Betty Crocker's kitchen."); Script.RestartScript(newPastry, newBread); } } else if (userAnswer == "No") { Console.WriteLine("Get the hell out of here I have other customers to get yeeted."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Come on man, it's a yes or no question."); RestartScript(newPastry, newBread); } }
public static void PastryOrderScript(Bread newBread, Pastry newPastry) { //Script to get customer Pastry order and create instance: Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of pastries you would like to add to your order. (if you an idiot and don't want any pastries, enter 0."); string userPastry = Console.ReadLine(); if (Script.CreateCheckList().Contains(userPastry)) { int userInt = int.Parse(userPastry); newPastry.POrderAmount += userInt; if (newPastry.POrderAmount == 0) { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Well that was stupid."); Script.RestartScript(newPastry, newBread); } else { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Right on we will get that wheat together so you can yeet it asap."); newPastry.CalculatePOrderPrice(); Console.WriteLine("The price for all those pastries will be $" + newPastry.POrderPrice + "."); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.ReadLine(); Script.RestartScript(newPastry, newBread); } } else { Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Come on man how many do you really want? Be serious. We can't do an order over 50."); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------"); PastryOrderScript(newBread, newPastry); } }