        /// <summary>
        /// Not Operand.
        /// The operand must be a bool: final operand, expression that return a bool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exprExecResult"></param>
        /// <param name="exprLogicalNot"></param>
        /// <param name="exprExecBase"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ExecExpressionLogicalNot(ExecResult exprExecResult, ExprLogicalNot exprLogicalNot, out ExpressionExecBase exprExecBase)
            exprExecBase = null;

            //----first step is to decode/compile the operand
            ExpressionExecBase exprExecOperand;

            ExecExpression(exprExecResult, exprLogicalNot.ExprBase, out exprExecOperand);

            // the operand must be a bool value
            ExprExecValueBool exprExecValueBool = exprExecOperand as ExprExecValueBool;

            if (exprExecValueBool == null)
                // bool type expected for the operand inner the not logical expression, but the operand has another type
                string strPosition = "0";
                string strToken    = "";
                if (exprLogicalNot.ExprBase.Token != null)
                    strPosition = exprLogicalNot.ExprBase.Token.Position.ToString();
                    strToken    = exprLogicalNot.ExprBase.Token.Value.ToString();
                _expressionData.ExprExecResult.AddErrorExec(ErrorCode.ExprLogicalNotOperator_InnerOperandBoolTypeExpected, "Token", strToken, "Position", strPosition);

            // ok, the operand is a bool value
            // ok, execute the NOT logical
            ExprExecValueBool exprValueBoolResult = new ExprExecValueBool();

            exprValueBoolResult.Value = !(exprExecValueBool.Value);
            exprExecBase = exprValueBoolResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// analyze and return the list of variables and functionCalls found in the expression to define before execute it.
        /// Do also some checks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exprParseResult"></param>
        /// <param name="expr"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool AnalyzeSyntaxTree(ParseResult result, ExpressionBase expr)
            //----is it a final operand?
            ExprFinalOperand exprFinalOperand = expr as ExprFinalOperand;

            if (exprFinalOperand != null)
                if (exprFinalOperand.ContentType == OperandType.ObjectName)
                    // save the objectName (variable)

            //----is it a function call?
            ExprFunctionCall exprFunctionCall = expr as ExprFunctionCall;

            if (exprFunctionCall != null)
                // scan parameters of the function call
                foreach (ExpressionBase exprParam in exprFunctionCall.ListExprParameters)
                    AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprParam);
                result.AddFunctionCall(exprFunctionCall.FunctionName, exprFunctionCall.ListExprParameters.Count);

            //----is it an expression comparison?
            ExprComparison exprComparison = expr as ExprComparison;

            if (exprComparison != null)
                AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprComparison.ExprLeft);
                AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprComparison.ExprRight);

            //----is it an expression logical?
            ExprLogical exprLogical = expr as ExprLogical;

            if (exprLogical != null)
                AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprLogical.ExprLeft);
                AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprLogical.ExprRight);

            //----is it an expression logical NOT?
            ExprLogicalNot exprLogicalNot = expr as ExprLogicalNot;

            if (exprLogicalNot != null)
                AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprLogicalNot.ExprBase);

            //----is it an expression calculation?
            ExprCalculation exprCalculation = expr as ExprCalculation;

            if (exprCalculation != null)
                // analyze all operands of the calculation expression
                bool res = true;
                foreach (ExpressionBase exprChild in exprCalculation.ListExprOperand)
                    res = res && AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprChild);

                //AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprCalculation.ExprLeft);
                //AnalyzeSyntaxTree(result, exprCalculation.ExprRight);

            //----is it a set value expression ?
            // todo:

            throw new Exception("todo: AnalyzeSyntaxTree(), expression type not yet implemented!");
        /// <summary>
        /// start the execution, analyze and return the list of variables to create.
        /// todo: recréer un syntax tree, avec des valeurs!
        /// -->Doit renvoyer comme résultat un objet de type ExprValueXXX, non?? (si pas d'erreur).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ExecExpression(ExecResult exprExecResult, ExpressionBase expr, out ExpressionExecBase exprExecBase)
            exprExecBase = null;

            //----is it a final operand (value, var or call function)?
            ExprFinalOperand finalOperand = expr as ExprFinalOperand;

            if (finalOperand != null)
                return(ExecExpressionFinalOperand(exprExecResult, finalOperand, out exprExecBase));

            //----is it a comparison expression?
            ExprComparison exprComparison = expr as ExprComparison;

            if (exprComparison != null)
                // execute the expression, execute the right part, execute the left part, then exec the expr (as 2 value operands)
                return(ExecExpressionComparison(exprExecResult, exprComparison, out exprExecBase));

            //----is it a logical expression (bin/2 operands)?
            ExprLogical exprLogical = expr as ExprLogical;

            if (exprLogical != null)
                return(ExecExpressionLogical(exprExecResult, exprLogical, out exprExecBase));

            //----is it a NOT logical expression?
            ExprLogicalNot exprLogicalNot = expr as ExprLogicalNot;

            if (exprLogicalNot != null)
                return(ExecExpressionLogicalNot(exprExecResult, exprLogicalNot, out exprExecBase));

            //----is it a calculation expression?
            ExprCalculation exprCalculation = expr as ExprCalculation;

            if (exprCalculation != null)
                // execute the expression, execute the right part, execute the left part, then exec the expr (as 2 value operands)
                return(ExecExpressionCalculation(exprExecResult, exprCalculation, out exprExecBase));

            //----is it function call?
            ExprFunctionCall exprFunctionCall = expr as ExprFunctionCall;

            if (exprFunctionCall != null)
                return(ExecExpressionFunctionCall(exprExecResult, exprFunctionCall, out exprExecBase));

            //----is it a setValue expression?
            // todo: future

            // todo: error, expression not yet implemented!!
            exprExecResult.AddErrorExec(ErrorCode.ExpressionTypeNotYetImplemented, "Expr", expr.GetType().ToString());