public void ThenSingleScenarioWithStepsAddedSuccessfully() { var excelScenarioFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelScenarioFormatter>(); var scenario = new Scenario { Name = "Test Feature", Description = "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature" }; var given = new Step {NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition"}; var when = new Step {NativeKeyword = "When", Name = "an event occurs"}; var then = new Step {NativeKeyword = "Then", Name = "a postcondition"}; scenario.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] {given, when, then}); using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 3; excelScenarioFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenario, ref row); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("B3").Value).IsEqualTo(scenario.Name); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C4").Value).IsEqualTo(scenario.Description); Check.That(row).IsEqualTo(8); } }
public void Then_feature_with_background_is_added_successfully() { var excelFeatureFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelFeatureFormatter>(); var feature = new Feature { Name = "Test Feature", Description = "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature", }; var background = new Scenario { Name = "Test Background Scenario", Description = "In order to test this background,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this background" }; var given = new Step { NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition" }; background.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] { given }); feature.AddBackground(background); using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); excelFeatureFormatter.Format(worksheet, feature); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("B4").Value).IsEqualTo(background.Name); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C5").Value).IsEqualTo(background.Description); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D6").Value).IsEqualTo(given.Name); } }
public void Then_feature_without_background_adds_first_scenario_on_correct_row() { var excelFeatureFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelFeatureFormatter>(); var feature = new Feature { Name = "Test Feature", Description = "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature", }; var scenario = new Scenario { Name = "Test Scenario", Description = "In order to test this scenario,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this scenario" }; var given = new Step { NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition" }; scenario.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] { given }); feature.AddFeatureElement(scenario); using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); excelFeatureFormatter.Format(worksheet, feature); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("B4").Value).IsEqualTo(scenario.Name); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C5").Value).IsEqualTo(scenario.Description); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D6").Value).IsEqualTo(given.Name); } }
public static Paragraph GenerateStepParagraph(Step step) { // HACK - We need to generate a custom paragraph here because 2 Run objects are needed to allow for the bolded keyword var paragraph = new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "Normal" })); // Add comments before step if (step.Comments.Any(o => o.Type == CommentType.StepComment)) { foreach (var comment in step.Comments.Where(o => o.Type == CommentType.StepComment)) { paragraph.Append(new Run(new RunProperties(new Italic()), new Text(comment.Text))); paragraph.Append(new Break()); } } // Add step paragraph.Append(new Run(new RunProperties(new Bold()), new Text(step.NativeKeyword))); var nameText = new Text { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; nameText.Text = " " + step.Name; paragraph.Append(new Run(nameText)); // Add comments after step if (step.Comments.Any(o => o.Type == CommentType.AfterLastStepComment)) { paragraph.Append(new Break()); foreach (var comment in step.Comments.Where(o => o.Type == CommentType.AfterLastStepComment)) { paragraph.Append(new Run(new RunProperties(new Italic()), new Text(comment.Text))); paragraph.Append(new Break()); } } return paragraph; }
public void ThenStepCommentsAreAddedSuccessfully() { var excelStepFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelStepFormatter>(); var step = new Step { NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "I have some precondition", Comments = new List<Comment>() { new Comment() { Text = "# A comment", Type = CommentType.StepComment } } }; using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 5; excelStepFormatter.Format(worksheet, step, ref row); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C5").Value).IsEqualTo(step.Comments.First().Text); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C6").Value).IsEqualTo(step.NativeKeyword); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D6").Value).IsEqualTo(step.Name); } }
public void Multiline_strings_are_formatted_as_list_items_with_pre_elements_formatted_as_code_internal() { var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.Given, NativeKeyword = "Given ", Name = "a simple step", TableArgument = null, DocStringArgument = "this is a\nmultiline table\nargument", }; var formatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlStepFormatter>(); XElement actual = formatter.Format(step); XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(""); var expected = new XElement( xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), ExpectedGivenHtml), new XText("a simple step"), new XElement( xmlns + "div", new XAttribute("class", "pre"), new XElement( xmlns + "pre", new XElement( xmlns + "code", new XAttribute("class", "no-highlight"), new XText( "this is a\nmultiline table\nargument"))))); Check.That(expected).IsDeeplyEqualTo(actual); }
public XElement Format(Step step) { XElement li; XElement beforeStepComments = null; XElement afterStepComments = null; if (step.Comments.Any(o => o.Type == CommentType.StepComment)) { beforeStepComments = this.FormatComments(step, CommentType.StepComment); } if (step.Comments.Any(o => o.Type == CommentType.AfterLastStepComment)) { afterStepComments = this.FormatComments(step, CommentType.AfterLastStepComment); } li = new XElement( this.xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), beforeStepComments, new XElement(this.xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), step.NativeKeyword), step.Name, afterStepComments); if (step.TableArgument != null) { li.Add(this.htmlTableFormatter.Format(step.TableArgument)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(step.DocStringArgument)) { li.Add(this.htmlMultilineStringFormatter.Format(step.DocStringArgument)); } return li; }
public void Map_WithKeyword_ReturnsCorrectKeyword() { var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.But }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.Keyword).IsEqualTo(JsonKeyword.But); }
public void Map_WithNativeKeyword_ReturnsNativeKeyword() { var step = new Step { NativeKeyword = "But" }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.NativeKeyword).IsEqualTo("But"); }
public static Paragraph GenerateStepParagraph(Step step) { // HACK - We need to generate a custom paragraph here because 2 Run objects are needed to allow for the bolded keyword var paragraph = new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "Normal" })); paragraph.Append(new Run(new RunProperties(new Bold()), new Text(step.NativeKeyword))); var nameText = new Text { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; nameText.Text = " " + step.Name; paragraph.Append(new Run(nameText)); return paragraph; }
public void Map_NonNullStep_ReturnsJsonStep() { var step = new Step(); var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual).IsNotNull(); }
protected XElement FormatComments(Step step, CommentType type) { XElement comment = new XElement(this.xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "comment")); foreach (var stepComment in step.Comments.Where(o => o.Type == type)) { comment.Add(stepComment.Text.Trim()); comment.Add(new XElement(this.xmlns + "br")); } comment.LastNode.Remove(); return comment; }
public void ThenStepAddedSuccessfully() { var excelStepFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelStepFormatter>(); var step = new Step { NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "I have some precondition" }; using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 5; excelStepFormatter.Format(worksheet, step, ref row); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C5").Value).IsEqualTo(step.NativeKeyword); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D5").Value).IsEqualTo(step.Name); } }
public void ThenSingleScenarioOutlineWithStepsAddedSuccessfully() { var excelScenarioFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelScenarioOutlineFormatter>(); var exampleTable = new Table(); exampleTable.HeaderRow = new TableRow("Var1", "Var2", "Var3", "Var4"); exampleTable.DataRows = new List<TableRow>(new[] {new TableRow("1", "2", "3", "4"), new TableRow("5", "6", "7", "8")}); var example = new Example {Name = "Examples", Description = string.Empty, TableArgument = exampleTable}; var examples = new List<Example>(); examples.Add(example); var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Test Feature", Description = "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature", Examples = examples }; var given = new Step {NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition"}; var when = new Step {NativeKeyword = "When", Name = "an event occurs"}; var then = new Step {NativeKeyword = "Then", Name = "a postcondition"}; scenarioOutline.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] {given, when, then}); using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 3; excelScenarioFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenarioOutline, ref row); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("B3").Value).IsEqualTo(scenarioOutline.Name); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("C4").Value).IsEqualTo(scenarioOutline.Description); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("B9").Value).IsEqualTo("Examples"); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D10").Value).IsEqualTo("Var1"); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("E10").Value).IsEqualTo("Var2"); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("F10").Value).IsEqualTo("Var3"); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("G10").Value).IsEqualTo("Var4"); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D11").Value).IsEqualTo(1.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("E11").Value).IsEqualTo(2.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("F11").Value).IsEqualTo(3.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("G11").Value).IsEqualTo(4.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("D12").Value).IsEqualTo(5.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("E12").Value).IsEqualTo(6.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("F12").Value).IsEqualTo(7.0); Check.That(worksheet.Cell("G12").Value).IsEqualTo(8.0); Check.That(row).IsEqualTo(13); } }
public void Format(IXLWorksheet worksheet, Step step, ref int row) { worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Font.SetBold(); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Value = step.NativeKeyword; worksheet.Cell(row++, "D").Value = step.Name; if (step.TableArgument != null) { this.excelTableFormatter.Format(worksheet, step.TableArgument, ref row); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(step.DocStringArgument)) { this.excelDocumentStringFormatter.Format(worksheet, step.DocStringArgument, ref row); } }
public XElement Format(Step step) { var li = new XElement( this.xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(this.xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), step.NativeKeyword), step.Name); if (step.TableArgument != null) { li.Add(this.htmlTableFormatter.Format(step.TableArgument)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(step.DocStringArgument)) { li.Add(this.htmlMultilineStringFormatter.Format(step.DocStringArgument)); } return li; }
public void Format(IXLWorksheet worksheet, Step step, ref int row) { // Add comments if (step.Comments.Any(o => o.Type == CommentType.StepComment)) { foreach (var comment in step.Comments.Where(o => o.Type == CommentType.StepComment)) { worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Font.SetItalic(); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Value = comment.Text; row++; } } worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Font.SetBold(); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Value = step.NativeKeyword; worksheet.Cell(row++, "D").Value = step.Name; if (step.Comments.Any(o => o.Type == CommentType.AfterLastStepComment)) { foreach (var comment in step.Comments.Where(o => o.Type == CommentType.AfterLastStepComment)) { worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Font.SetItalic(); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Style.Alignment.SetHorizontal(XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Left); worksheet.Cell(row, "C").Value = comment.Text; row++; } } if (step.TableArgument != null) { this.excelTableFormatter.Format(worksheet, step.TableArgument, ref row); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(step.DocStringArgument)) { this.excelDocumentStringFormatter.Format(worksheet, step.DocStringArgument, ref row); } }
public void Format(Body body, Step step) { var paragraph = GenerateStepParagraph(step); body.Append(paragraph); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(step.DocStringArgument)) { string[] lines = step.DocStringArgument.Split( new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string line in lines) { body.GenerateParagraph(line, "Quote"); } } if (step.TableArgument != null) { this.wordTableFormatter.Format(body, step.TableArgument); } }
public void Simple_steps_are_formatted_as_list_items() { var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.Given, Name = "a simple step", NativeKeyword = "Given ", TableArgument = null, DocStringArgument = null, }; var formatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlStepFormatter>(); XElement actual = formatter.Format(step); var expected = new XElement( this.xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(this.xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), ExpectedGivenHtml), "a simple step"); Check.That(expected).IsDeeplyEqualTo(actual); }
public void Simple_steps_are_formatted_as_list_items() { var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.Given, Name = "a simple step", NativeKeyword = "Given ", TableArgument = null, DocStringArgument = null, }; var formatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlStepFormatter>(); XElement actual = formatter.Format(step); XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(""); var expected = new XElement(xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), EXPECTED_GIVEN_HTML), "a simple step" ); Check.That(expected).IsDeeplyEqualTo(actual); }
public JsonStep Map(Step step) { if (step == null) { return null; } var result = new JsonStep { Keyword = this.keywordMapper.Map(step.Keyword), NativeKeyword = step.NativeKeyword, Name = step.Name, TableArgument = this.tableMapper.Map(step.TableArgument), DocStringArgument = step.DocStringArgument, StepComments = new List<JsonComment>(), AfterLastStepComments = new List<JsonComment>() }; var comments = (step.Comments ?? new List<Comment>()).ToArray(); result.StepComments.AddRange(comments.Where(s => s.Type == CommentType.StepComment).Select(this.commentMapper.Map)); result.AfterLastStepComments.AddRange(comments.Where(s => s.Type == CommentType.AfterLastStepComment).Select(this.commentMapper.Map)); return result; }
public void Tables_are_formatted_as_list_items_with_tables_internal() { var table = new Table { HeaderRow = new TableRow("Column 1", "Column 2"), DataRows = new List<TableRow> { new TableRow("Value 1", "Value 2") } }; var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.Given, NativeKeyword = "Given ", Name = "a simple step", TableArgument = table, DocStringArgument = null, }; var formatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlStepFormatter>(); XElement actual = formatter.Format(step); XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(""); var expected = new XElement( xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), ExpectedGivenHtml), new XText("a simple step"), new XElement( xmlns + "div", new XAttribute("class", "table_container"), new XElement( xmlns + "table", new XAttribute("class", "datatable"), new XElement( xmlns + "thead", new XElement( xmlns + "tr", new XElement( xmlns + "th", "Column 1"), new XElement( xmlns + "th", "Column 2"))), new XElement( xmlns + "tbody", new XElement( xmlns + "tr", new XElement( xmlns + "td", "Value 1"), new XElement( xmlns + "td", "Value 2")))))); Check.That(expected).IsDeeplyEqualTo(actual); }
public void AddStep(Step step) { this.steps.Add(step); }
public void Map_WithAfterLastStepComments_ReturnsThoseComments() { var step = new Step { Comments = new List<Comment> { new Comment { Text = "My AfterLastStepComment Comment", Type = CommentType.AfterLastStepComment }, } }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.AfterLastStepComments[0].Text).IsEqualTo("My AfterLastStepComment Comment"); }
public void Map_WithTable_ReturnsTableAndNullDocString() { var step = new Step { TableArgument = new Table { HeaderRow = new TableRow("row 1", "row 2") } }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.TableArgument.HeaderRow).ContainsExactly("row 1", "row 2"); Check.That(actual.DocStringArgument).IsNull(); }
public void Map_WithName_ReturnsName() { var step = new Step { Name = "I run this step" }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.Name).IsEqualTo("I run this step"); }
public void Map_WithDocString_ReturnsDocStringAndNoTableArgument() { var step = new Step { DocStringArgument = "Some longer text" }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.DocStringArgument).IsEqualTo("Some longer text"); Check.That(actual.TableArgument).IsNull(); }
public void Map_WithoutAfterLastStepComments_ReturnsEmptyList() { var step = new Step { Comments = new List<Comment> { new Comment { Text = "My Step Comment", Type = CommentType.StepComment }, new Comment { Text = "My Normal comment", Type = CommentType.Normal } } }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.AfterLastStepComments.Count).IsEqualTo(0); }
public void Steps_get_selected_Language() { var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.Given, Name = "ett enkelt steg", NativeKeyword = "Givet ", TableArgument = null, DocStringArgument = null, }; var configuration = Container.Resolve<IConfiguration>(); configuration.Language = "sv"; var formatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlStepFormatter>(); XElement actual = formatter.Format(step); XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(""); var expected = new XElement( xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), "Givet "), "ett enkelt steg"); Check.That(expected).IsDeeplyEqualTo(actual); }
public void Map_WithNullComments_ReturnsAfterLastStepCommentsList() { var step = new Step { Comments = null }; var mapper = CreateMapper(); var actual = mapper.Map(step); Check.That(actual.AfterLastStepComments.Count).IsEqualTo(0); }