/// <summary>
        ///   Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        ///   This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        ///   related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        ///   and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            _basicEffect = CreateBasicEffect(this);

            #region Load scenario / test scenarios

            _testMaxHVelocityIter = _testConfiguration.MaxHVelocities.GetEnumerator();
            if (!_testMaxHVelocityIter.MoveNext())
                throw new Exception("No maxHVelocities defined in _testConfiguration.");

            _testScenarioIter = _testConfiguration.TestScenarios.GetEnumerator();

            if (IsTestMode)
                _scenario = _testScenarioIter.Current;

            if (_scenario == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not load scenario from XML.");


            #region Cameras

            // We must create a dummy camera target until the helicopter instance is created, to avoid exceptions
            var cameraOffset = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, -0.5f);
            var startPos = _scenario.HelicopterScenarios[0].StartPosition + cameraOffset;
            _cockpitMesh = new SimpleModel("Models/apache-cockpit", this, this);
            InitCamera(MyCameraType, startPos + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 4), new WorldDummy(Vector3.Zero));


            #region Sunlight, skydome, terrain and trees

            // Initialize skydome and sunlight parameters
            _skydome = new SkydomeComponent(this, this);
            _terrain = new TerrainComponent(this, this, _skydome.Parameters);


            // Initialize trees
            // TODO Forest component does not support dynamic loading/unloading of components yet
            if (_scenario.SceneElements.Contains("Forest"))
                _forest = new Forest(this, this, _terrain.Mesh, _skydome.Parameters);


            #region Misc components

            _fpsUtil = new FPS(this);
            _barrels = GetBarrels();
            _texturedGround = new FlatTexturedGround(this, this);

            _currentWaypoint = new WaypointMesh(this, this);
            _currentWaypoint.Position = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);


            #region Physics

            _terrainCollision = new TerrainCollision(this, this);

            // We implemented our own crash detection for whenever Jitter is disabled


            #region Helicopters

            // Initialize helicopter(s)
            InitHelicopters(_skydome.Parameters, _heightmap);
            Camera.LookAtTarget = _helicopter;
            _terrainCollision.Helicopter = _helicopter; // TODO Clean this up, non-intuitive usage
            _helicopter.Crashed += HelicopterCrashEventHandler;


            #region Test scenario results

            if (IsTestMode)
                _testResults = new Dictionary<string, List<ScenarioTestResult>>();


            // Add game components to the game loop

