        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes data that might not be available when the service is called.
        /// </summary>
        public GalleryService()
            // TODO: Read from configuration or find another way to initialize
             _physicalApplicationPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

             var db = new DatabaseEntities();
             if (!db.DatabaseExists())
            // create database
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryName"></param>
        /// <param name="imageName"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="removeVote"></param>
        /// <exception cref="HttpException">If something went wrong</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GalleryItem Vote(string galleryName, string imageName, IPrincipal user, bool? removeVote = null)
            var galleryDirectory = GetGalleryDirectory(galleryName);

             FileInfo galleryFile;

            galleryFile = galleryDirectory.GetFiles(imageName).First();
             catch (Exception)
            throw new HttpException(512, "The image '" + imageName + "' is not in this gallery");

            bool? voteStatus = null;
            var entities = new DatabaseEntities();

            var setting = (from set in entities.Settings where set.Gallery == galleryName select set).SingleOrDefault();
            if (setting == null || !setting.VotingEnabled)
               throw new HttpException(511, "Voting is disabled for this gallery");

            var ownedByUser = entities.Uploads.Any(upload => upload.Gallery == galleryName && upload.User == user.Identity.Name && upload.Image == imageName);
            if (ownedByUser)
               throw new HttpException(513, "You cannot vote your own picture");

            // gets all votes for this image
            var votes = from vote in entities.Votes
                        where vote.Gallery == galleryName && vote.Image == imageName
                        select vote;

            // ... and filter by user
            var userVote = votes.Where(vote => vote.User == user.Identity.Name).SingleOrDefault();
            if (userVote != null && removeVote != false)
               // Set last change

               // remove vote

               // commit

               // removed
               voteStatus = false;
            else if (userVote == null)
               // Set last change

               // add new vote
               entities.Votes.AddObject(new Vote
                  Gallery = galleryDirectory.Name,
                  Image = galleryFile.Name,
                  User = user.Identity.Name,
                  LastUpdate = DateTime.Now,

               // commit

               // added
               voteStatus = true;

            return new GalleryItem
               FullPath = galleryFile.FullName,
               Name = galleryFile.Name,
               UserVote = voteStatus != false, // null or true
               TotalVotes = setting.StatsEnabled ? votes.Count() : 0,
               User = user.Identity.Name,
               Gallery = galleryName
             catch (HttpException)
             catch (Exception ex)
            throw new HttpException(520, "Unable to save changes. " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new image to the gallery
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryName"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="inputStream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string UploadImage(string galleryName, string fileName, IPrincipal user, Stream inputStream)
            lock (UploadSyncContext)
            var destinationFile = GetGalleryFile(galleryName, fileName);

            var entities = new DatabaseEntities();
            var uploads = from upload in entities.Uploads
                          where upload.Gallery == galleryName && upload.User == user.Identity.Name
                          select upload;

            var uploadEntity = uploads.Where(upload => upload.Image == fileName).SingleOrDefault();
            if (uploadEntity != null)
               uploadEntity.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
               uploadEntity.User = user.Identity.Name;
               if (!IsAdminUser(user))
                  var uploadEnabled = (from set in entities.Settings where set.Gallery == galleryName select set.UploadEnabled).SingleOrDefault();
                  if (uploadEnabled != true)
                     throw new SecurityException("Not authorized");

                  if (destinationFile.Exists)
                     // duplicate file name, not allowed to overwrite other's files
                     throw new DuplicateNameException("A file with same name already exists in this gallery.");

                  // check upload limit, if any
                  if (UserUploadLimit > 0 && uploads.Count() >= UserUploadLimit)
                     throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Upload limit exceeded.");

               // add new upload record
               uploadEntity = new Upload
                  Gallery = galleryName,
                  Image = fileName,
                  User = user.Identity.Name,
                  LastUpdate = DateTime.Now


            var success = false;

               // remove thumbnail
               var thumbnailFile = GetGalleryFile(galleryName, "thumb\\" + fileName);
               if (thumbnailFile.Exists)

               var resizeTo = GetMaxImageSize();

               using (var image = Image.FromStream(inputStream))
                  var title = image.GetImageTitle();
                  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))
                     title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(destinationFile.Name);

                  uploadEntity.Title = title;

                  using (var resized = image.Resize(resizeTo.Width, resizeTo.Height))
                     // resize and save to file
                     resized.Save(destinationFile.FullName, 100, image.RawFormat);

               // commit db changes

               // done
               success = true;
               if (!success)

            return destinationFile.FullName;
        public void SaveGallerySettings(Setting setting, IPrincipal user)
            if (!IsAdminUser(user))
            throw new SecurityException("Not authorized.");

             if (setting.EntityState == EntityState.Unchanged)

             var context = new DatabaseEntities();

            if (setting.EntityState == EntityState.Modified)
               var current = (from settings in context.Settings where settings.Id == setting.Id select settings).SingleOrDefault();
               if (current != null)
                  setting = current;

             catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException)
            context.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, setting);

        //private Upload AddUploadEntityForImage(string galleryName, string imageName, IPrincipal user = null)
        //   var entities = new DatabaseEntities();
        //   var galleryFile = GetGalleryFile(galleryName, imageName);
        //   Upload upload = null;
        //   try
        //   {
        //      using (var image = Image.FromFile(galleryFile.FullName))
        //      {
        //         // add new upload record
        //         entities.Uploads.AddObject(upload = new Upload
        //         {
        //            Gallery = galleryName,
        //            Image = galleryFile.Name,
        //            User = user != null ? user.Identity.Name : null,
        //            LastUpdate = DateTime.Now,
        //            Title = image.GetImageTitle() ?? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(galleryFile.Name)
        //         });
        //      }
        //      entities.SaveChanges();
        //   }
        //   catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException)
        //   {
        //      entities.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, upload);
        //      entities.SaveChanges();
        //   }
        //   return upload;
        public Setting GetGallerySettings(string galleryName)
            var entities = new DatabaseEntities();
             var entity = (from setting in entities.Settings where setting.Gallery == galleryName select setting);

             var result = entity.SingleOrDefault();
             if (result == null)
            result = entities.Settings.CreateObject();
            result.Gallery = galleryName;
             return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryName"></param>
        /// <param name="imageName"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <exception cref="HttpException">If something went wrong</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GalleryItem GetGalleryImage(string galleryName, string imageName, IPrincipal user)
            FileInfo galleryFile;

             var galleryDirectory = GetGalleryDirectory(galleryName);

            galleryFile = galleryDirectory.GetFiles(imageName).First();
             catch (Exception)
            throw new HttpException(512, "The image '" + imageName + "' is not in this gallery");

            var entities = new DatabaseEntities();

            // gets all votes for this image
            var votes = entities.Votes.Where(vote => vote.Gallery == galleryName && vote.Image == imageName);

            // filter by this user
            var userVote = votes.Any(vote => vote.User == user.Identity.Name);

            // count all votes
            var totalVotes = votes.Count();

            // now get some more details about this image
            var uploads = entities.Uploads.Where(upload => upload.Gallery == galleryName && upload.Image == imageName).SingleOrDefault();

            return new GalleryItem
               FullPath = galleryFile.FullName,
               Name = galleryFile.Name,
               Title = uploads != null ? uploads.Title : null,
               Gallery = galleryName,
               UserVote = userVote,
               TotalVotes = totalVotes,
               Date = galleryFile.LastWriteTimeUtc,
               PublishDate = galleryFile.CreationTimeUtc,
               User = uploads != null ? uploads.User : null,
             catch (Exception ex)
            throw new HttpException(520, "Unable to access vote database " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GalleryData GetGallery(string galleryName, bool includeDetails, IPrincipal user, string filter = null, string sort = null)
            IEnumerable<GalleryItem> photos;

             var gallery = GetGalleryDirectory(galleryName);
             var galleryImages = gallery.EnumerateImages();

             var entities = new DatabaseEntities();
             var galleryVotes = from entity in entities.Votes
                            where entity.Gallery == galleryName
                            select entity;

             if (includeDetails)
            var userName = user.Identity.Name;

            // get all votes grouped by image
            var votesByImage = from entity in galleryVotes
                               group entity by entity.Image into votesGroup
                               select new
                                  ImageName = votesGroup.Key,
                                  Count = votesGroup.Count(),
                                  UserVote = votesGroup.Any(g => g.User == userName)

            // for each gallery file, join the votes create the model for the view
            // filter by user (if required)
            photos = from imageFile in galleryImages
                     join vote in votesByImage on imageFile.Name equals vote.ImageName into joined
                     join upload in entities.Uploads on new { galleryName, imageName = imageFile.Name } equals new { galleryName = upload.Gallery, imageName = upload.Image } into uploads
                     from upload in uploads.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     from vote in joined.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     where ((filter != "user" && filter != "upload") || (filter == "user" && vote != null && vote.UserVote) || (filter == "upload" && upload != null && upload.User == userName))
                     let title = upload != null ? upload.Title : null
                     let author = upload != null ? upload.User : null
                     select new GalleryItem
                        Title = title,
                        Name = imageFile.Name,
                        Gallery = galleryName,
                        TotalVotes = vote != null ? vote.Count : 0,
                        UserVote = vote != null && vote.UserVote,
                        Date = imageFile.LastWriteTimeUtc,
                        PublishDate = imageFile.CreationTimeUtc,
                        User = author,
                        FullPath = imageFile.FullName,
            photos = galleryImages.Select(file => new GalleryItem { Name = file.Name });

             // applies sort order
             if (string.Equals(sort, "byvote", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            var statsEnabled = (from set in entities.Settings where set.Gallery == galleryName select set.StatsEnabled).SingleOrDefault();
            if (!statsEnabled && !IsAdminUser(user))
               throw new SecurityException("Not authorized");

            photos = photos.OrderByDescending(t => t.TotalVotes);
             else if (string.Equals(sort, "bydate", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
            photos = photos.OrderByDescending(t => t.Date);
            var rand = new Random();
            photos = photos.OrderBy(t => rand.Next(1000));

             var votesByUser = from vote in galleryVotes
                           group vote by vote.User
                           into groupedByUser
                           select new { User = groupedByUser.Key, Votes = (int?)groupedByUser.Count() };

             return new GalleryData
            FullPath = gallery.FullName,
            Name = gallery.Name,
            Photos = photos,
            Date = gallery.LastWriteTimeUtc,
            PublishDate = gallery.CreationTimeUtc,
            TotalVotes = votesByUser.Sum(entry => entry.Votes) ?? 0,
            TotalUsers = votesByUser.Count()
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="top"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<GalleryData> GetGalleries(int top)
            var contentDirectory = GetGalleryDirectory();

             var entities = new DatabaseEntities();

             // get available galleries (top x)
             var galleryFolders = from folder in contentDirectory.GetDirectories()
                              orderby folder.CreationTime descending
                              select folder;

             // for each gallery folder, join the votes create the model for the view
             var model = from gallery in galleryFolders.Take(top)
                     join votes in entities.Votes on gallery.Name equals votes.Gallery into joined
                     let stats = from vote in joined group vote by vote.User into groupedByUser select new { User = groupedByUser.Key, Votes = groupedByUser.Count() }
                     select new GalleryData
                        FullPath = contentDirectory.FullName,
                        Name = gallery.Name,
                        Photos = gallery.EnumerateImages().Select(file => new GalleryItem { Name = file.Name }),
                        Date = gallery.LastWriteTimeUtc,
                        PublishDate = gallery.CreationTimeUtc,
                        TotalVotes = stats.Sum(entry => entry.Votes),
                        TotalUsers = stats.Count()

             return model;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new image to the gallery
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="galleryName"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void DeleteImage(string galleryName, string fileName, IPrincipal user)
            var entities = new DatabaseEntities();
             var entity = entities.Uploads.SingleOrDefault(upload => upload.Gallery == galleryName && upload.Image == fileName);

             if (entity != null)
            if (!IsAdminUser(user))
               var uploadEnabled = entities.Settings.Where(set => set.Gallery == galleryName).Select(set => set.UploadEnabled).SingleOrDefault();
               if (uploadEnabled != true)
                  throw new SecurityException("Not authorized");

               if (!string.Equals(entity.User, user.Identity.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                  throw new SecurityException("Only the owner can remove the image");

             else if (!IsAdminUser(user))
            throw new SecurityException("Only the administrator can remove this image");

             // Remove all existing votes connected to this image
             // entities.ExecuteStoreCommand("DELETE FROM Votes WHERE Gallery = {0} AND Image = {1}", galleryName, fileName);

             var galleryDirectory = GetGalleryDirectory(galleryName);
             var destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(galleryDirectory.FullName, fileName);

             if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))

            var thumbnailFilePath = Path.Combine(galleryDirectory.FullName, "thumb\\" + fileName);
            if (File.Exists(thumbnailFilePath))

             // Commit database