        //makes the dml map for the Wave
        public string MakeMap()
            string map="";//starts as nothing
            memblock block;//block memory containing sound information (or pointers to it)

            //goes through the Wave and keeps track of energy levels at points in time
            for (int i = 0; i < soundInformation.Length; i++)
                block = wave.next(wavAudio.framesAvailable());//looks at the next memblock in the Wave
                soundInformation[i] = new SoundInfo(false, Math.Abs(wave.getStereoObject(block).getAvg()));//saves the energy level

            wave.reset();//resets the wave (so you're looking at the first memblock again)

            //goes through the SBD object and keeps track of if there is a beat at each point in time
            for (int i = 0; i < soundInformation.Length; i++)
                //if statement needed since the lengths of SBD and wave are always 1 or 2 off from eachother
                if (SBD.hasNext())
                    soundInformation[i].isBeat = SBD.next() != 0;
                    soundInformation[i].isBeat = false;


            //defines the 2 bullets that will be used
            map+=DefineGenericBullet("Standard", "bullets/circle10r12g0080ff", 90, 5);
            map += DefineGenericBullet("HighLeeway", "bullets/circle10r12g0080ff", 90, 5, 40);
            //begins the dml timeline
            string timeline = "Timeline <";

            //starts the update for left and right generator bullets in the top corners of the screen
            //they are only there to BurstSpawn since it's not implemented in the timeline
            string leftGenUpdate = "";
            string rightGenUpdate = "";

            int waveSize = 0;//number of bullets that would be spawned in a wave
            int consecutiveBeatCount = 0;//consecutives beats after this point
            int curSweepCount = 0;//how many sweeps are currently spawning
            int curLineCount = 0;//how many lines are currently spawning
            int countReleaseTime = 0;//when the previous 2 counts can be set back to 0
            int burstBulCount = 0;//minimum number of bullets that would be spawned in a burst

            DirectedSpawnLocation curDSL;//current spawn location for a specific pattern

            //spawns the LeftGen and RightGen bullets
            timeline += "\r\n";
            timeline += SpawnBullet(1, 0, "LeftGen", new Vector2(-10, 0));
            timeline += "\r\n";
            timeline += SpawnBullet(1, 0, "RightGen", new Vector2(Options.Resolutions.X + 10, 0));

            //note that every spot represents approximately 1/10 of a second
            //goes through each piece of sound information in the song
            for (int i = 0; i < soundInformation.Count(); i++)
                //checks if this point in time is a beat
                if (soundInformation[i].isBeat)
                    if (i == countReleaseTime)
                        curSweepCount = 0;
                        curLineCount = 0;

                    //checks if the next few times are also beats, if so, spawn a wave or a line of bullets instead of the regular mishmash
                    for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
                        if (i + j < soundInformation.Count() && soundInformation[i + j].isBeat)
                            consecutiveBeatCount = j;//so i don't have to reset it

                    //if there are some consecutive beats
                    if (consecutiveBeatCount > 5)
                        countReleaseTime = i + consecutiveBeatCount;//sets the time when the lines and sweeps won't be spawning
                        curDSL = spawnLocations[Globals.randGen.Next(0, 5)];//chooses a location to spawn the line/sweep

                        //1/3 chance of spawning each time
                        //random generator doesn't really stop a line from spawning, it just makes it more likely spawn later since consecutivebeatcount is only 1 lower from
                        //the next spot in soundinformation, which is usually over 5
                        //only 3 lines can be spawning at once
                        if (Globals.randGen.Next(0, 3) == 0 && curLineCount < 3)
                            timeline += SpawnLine(1,//1 indent in
                                                  i * scale,//start time converted to ms
                                                  (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,//end time converted to ms
                                                  consecutiveBeatCount,//1 bullet for each beat
                                                  "Standard",//standard bullets
                                                  curDSL.location,//spawning from a prechosen location
                                                  Globals.randGen.Next(curDSL.minAngle, curDSL.maxAngle + 1),//randomly chosen angle between 2 bounds based on location
                                                  soundInformation[i].speed);//the pregenerated speed for that time

                        //1/3 chance of spawning each time
                        //only 3 sweeps can be spawning at once
                        if (Globals.randGen.Next(0, 3) == 0 && curSweepCount < 3)
                            //direction the sweep sweeps is chosen based on position
                            if (curDSL.location.X < Options.Resolutions.X / 2)
                                timeline += SpawnSweep(1,//1 indent in
                                                       i * scale,//start time converted to ms
                                                       (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,//end time converted to ms
                                                       consecutiveBeatCount * 2,//2 bullets for each beat
                                                       "Standard",//standard bullets
                                                       curDSL.location,//spawning from a prechosen location
                                                       30,150,//sweeps sweep across the map so they don't use the normal bounds for their spawn location
                                                       -1,//if it's spawning from the left, it goes counterclockwise
                                                       soundInformation[i].speed);//the pregenerated speed for that time

                            else if (curDSL.location.X == Options.Resolutions.X / 2)
                                timeline += SpawnSweep(1,
                                                 i * scale,
                                                 (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,
                                                 consecutiveBeatCount * 2,
                                                 2 * Globals.randGen.Next(0, 2) - 1,//if it's spawning from the middle, it goes a random direction
                            else if (curDSL.location.X > Options.Resolutions.X / 2)
                                timeline += SpawnSweep(1,
                                                 i * scale,
                                                 (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,
                                                 consecutiveBeatCount * 2,
                                                 1,//if it's spawning from the right, it goes clockwise

                    timeline += "\r\n";

                    //1/2 chance to spawn a wave
                    if (Globals.randGen.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                        //calculates what the wavesize would be before spawning
                        waveSize = (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 5000) + 3;
                        if (waveSize > 5)
                            curDSL = spawnLocations[Globals.randGen.Next(0, 5)];
                            timeline += SpawnWave(1,
                                                  i * scale,
                                                  "HighLeeway",//needs a higher leeway since some bullets may start outside the regular leeway
                                                  (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 500) + 50,//spawnpoint distance from origin spawn point decided by energylevel+constant
                                                  curDSL.location - new Vector2(0, 50),//origin is 50 units up from the regular spawnpoints
                                                  Globals.randGen.Next(curDSL.minAngle, curDSL.maxAngle + 1),//kept within the normal angle bounds
                                                  soundInformation[i].speed - 1.5);//wave is meant to be slower than normal bullets

                    //if this point in time is significantly louder than the last second
                    if (0 <= i - 10 && soundInformation[i].energyLevel > 4 * AverageEnergyInRange(soundInformation, i - 10, i))
                        //calculates the minimum amount of bullets in the burst would be
                        burstBulCount = (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 3000);
                        if (burstBulCount > 5)
                            //writes the burst to the Update of the generator bullets
                            //both bursts happen at the same time
                            leftGenUpdate += "\r\n";
                            leftGenUpdate += SpawnBurst(2,
                                                        i * scale,
                                                        20, 60,
                                                        burstBulCount, burstBulCount + 4);//the speed of the bullets is also aproximately how many there are expected to be
                            rightGenUpdate += "\r\n";
                            rightGenUpdate += SpawnBurst(2,
                                                        i * scale,
                                                        120, 160,
                                                        burstBulCount, burstBulCount + 4);


                    timeline += "\r\n";

                    //it will always spawn a ring when there's a beat
                    curDSL = spawnLocations[Globals.randGen.Next(0, 5)]; //where it's spawned is decided at random
                    timeline += SpawnRing(1,
                                          i * scale,
                                          Globals.randGen.Next(8, 12) + (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 1000), //how many spawned decided by energy level and some randomness
                                          Globals.randGen.Next(-30, 31)); //its shift is also random

            timeline += "\r\n>";
            //adds the definitions for the  generator bullets
            map+=String.Format(DefineGeneratorBullet("LeftGen"), leftGenUpdate);
            map+=String.Format(DefineGeneratorBullet("RightGen"), rightGenUpdate);
            //adds the timeline

            return map;
        //makes the dml map for the Wave
        public string MakeMap()
            string   map = ""; //starts as nothing
            memblock block;    //block memory containing sound information (or pointers to it)

            //goes through the Wave and keeps track of energy levels at points in time
            for (int i = 0; i < soundInformation.Length; i++)
                block = wave.next(wavAudio.framesAvailable());                                              //looks at the next memblock in the Wave
                soundInformation[i] = new SoundInfo(false, Math.Abs(wave.getStereoObject(block).getAvg())); //saves the energy level

            wave.reset();//resets the wave (so you're looking at the first memblock again)

            //goes through the SBD object and keeps track of if there is a beat at each point in time
            for (int i = 0; i < soundInformation.Length; i++)
                //if statement needed since the lengths of SBD and wave are always 1 or 2 off from eachother
                if (SBD.hasNext())
                    soundInformation[i].isBeat = SBD.next() != 0;
                    soundInformation[i].isBeat = false;


            //defines the 2 bullets that will be used
            map += DefineGenericBullet("Standard", "bullets/circle10r12g0080ff", 90, 5);
            map += DefineGenericBullet("HighLeeway", "bullets/circle10r12g0080ff", 90, 5, 40);
            //begins the dml timeline
            string timeline = "Timeline <";

            //starts the update for left and right generator bullets in the top corners of the screen
            //they are only there to BurstSpawn since it's not implemented in the timeline
            string leftGenUpdate  = "";
            string rightGenUpdate = "";

            int waveSize             = 0; //number of bullets that would be spawned in a wave
            int consecutiveBeatCount = 0; //consecutives beats after this point
            int curSweepCount        = 0; //how many sweeps are currently spawning
            int curLineCount         = 0; //how many lines are currently spawning
            int countReleaseTime     = 0; //when the previous 2 counts can be set back to 0
            int burstBulCount        = 0; //minimum number of bullets that would be spawned in a burst

            DirectedSpawnLocation curDSL; //current spawn location for a specific pattern

            //spawns the LeftGen and RightGen bullets
            timeline += "\r\n";
            timeline += SpawnBullet(1, 0, "LeftGen", new Vector2(-10, 0));
            timeline += "\r\n";
            timeline += SpawnBullet(1, 0, "RightGen", new Vector2(Options.Resolutions.X + 10, 0));

            //note that every spot represents approximately 1/10 of a second
            //goes through each piece of sound information in the song
            for (int i = 0; i < soundInformation.Count(); i++)
                //checks if this point in time is a beat
                if (soundInformation[i].isBeat)
                    if (i == countReleaseTime)
                        curSweepCount = 0;
                        curLineCount  = 0;

                    //checks if the next few times are also beats, if so, spawn a wave or a line of bullets instead of the regular mishmash
                    for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++)
                        if (i + j < soundInformation.Count() && soundInformation[i + j].isBeat)
                            consecutiveBeatCount = j;//so i don't have to reset it

                    //if there are some consecutive beats
                    if (consecutiveBeatCount > 5)
                        countReleaseTime = i + consecutiveBeatCount;                   //sets the time when the lines and sweeps won't be spawning
                        curDSL           = spawnLocations[Globals.randGen.Next(0, 5)]; //chooses a location to spawn the line/sweep

                        //1/3 chance of spawning each time
                        //random generator doesn't really stop a line from spawning, it just makes it more likely spawn later since consecutivebeatcount is only 1 lower from
                        //the next spot in soundinformation, which is usually over 5
                        //only 3 lines can be spawning at once
                        if (Globals.randGen.Next(0, 3) == 0 && curLineCount < 3)
                            timeline += SpawnLine(1,                                                          //1 indent in
                                                  i * scale,                                                  //start time converted to ms
                                                  (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,                         //end time converted to ms
                                                  consecutiveBeatCount,                                       //1 bullet for each beat
                                                  "Standard",                                                 //standard bullets
                                                  curDSL.location,                                            //spawning from a prechosen location
                                                  Globals.randGen.Next(curDSL.minAngle, curDSL.maxAngle + 1), //randomly chosen angle between 2 bounds based on location
                                                  soundInformation[i].speed);                                 //the pregenerated speed for that time

                        //1/3 chance of spawning each time
                        //only 3 sweeps can be spawning at once
                        if (Globals.randGen.Next(0, 3) == 0 && curSweepCount < 3)
                            //direction the sweep sweeps is chosen based on position
                            if (curDSL.location.X < Options.Resolutions.X / 2)
                                timeline += SpawnSweep(1,                                  //1 indent in
                                                       i * scale,                          //start time converted to ms
                                                       (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale, //end time converted to ms
                                                       consecutiveBeatCount * 2,           //2 bullets for each beat
                                                       "Standard",                         //standard bullets
                                                       curDSL.location,                    //spawning from a prechosen location
                                                       30, 150,                            //sweeps sweep across the map so they don't use the normal bounds for their spawn location
                                                       -1,                                 //if it's spawning from the left, it goes counterclockwise
                                                       soundInformation[i].speed);         //the pregenerated speed for that time

                            else if (curDSL.location.X == Options.Resolutions.X / 2)
                                timeline += SpawnSweep(1,
                                                       i * scale,
                                                       (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,
                                                       consecutiveBeatCount * 2,
                                                       2 * Globals.randGen.Next(0, 2) - 1,//if it's spawning from the middle, it goes a random direction
                            else if (curDSL.location.X > Options.Resolutions.X / 2)
                                timeline += SpawnSweep(1,
                                                       i * scale,
                                                       (i + consecutiveBeatCount) * scale,
                                                       consecutiveBeatCount * 2,
                                                       1,//if it's spawning from the right, it goes clockwise

                    timeline += "\r\n";

                    //1/2 chance to spawn a wave
                    if (Globals.randGen.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                        //calculates what the wavesize would be before spawning
                        waveSize = (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 5000) + 3;
                        if (waveSize > 5)
                            curDSL    = spawnLocations[Globals.randGen.Next(0, 5)];
                            timeline += SpawnWave(1,
                                                  i * scale,
                                                  "HighLeeway",                                               //needs a higher leeway since some bullets may start outside the regular leeway
                                                  (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 500) + 50,          //spawnpoint distance from origin spawn point decided by energylevel+constant
                                                  curDSL.location - new Vector2(0, 50),                       //origin is 50 units up from the regular spawnpoints
                                                  Globals.randGen.Next(curDSL.minAngle, curDSL.maxAngle + 1), //kept within the normal angle bounds
                                                  soundInformation[i].speed - 1.5);                           //wave is meant to be slower than normal bullets

                    //if this point in time is significantly louder than the last second
                    if (0 <= i - 10 && soundInformation[i].energyLevel > 4 * AverageEnergyInRange(soundInformation, i - 10, i))
                        //calculates the minimum amount of bullets in the burst would be
                        burstBulCount = (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 3000);
                        if (burstBulCount > 5)
                            //writes the burst to the Update of the generator bullets
                            //both bursts happen at the same time
                            leftGenUpdate += "\r\n";
                            leftGenUpdate += SpawnBurst(2,
                                                        i * scale,
                                                        20, 60,
                                                        burstBulCount, burstBulCount + 4);//the speed of the bullets is also aproximately how many there are expected to be
                            rightGenUpdate += "\r\n";
                            rightGenUpdate += SpawnBurst(2,
                                                         i * scale,
                                                         120, 160,
                                                         burstBulCount, burstBulCount + 4);

                    timeline += "\r\n";

                    //it will always spawn a ring when there's a beat
                    curDSL    = spawnLocations[Globals.randGen.Next(0, 5)]; //where it's spawned is decided at random
                    timeline += SpawnRing(1,
                                          i * scale,
                                          Globals.randGen.Next(8, 12) + (int)(soundInformation[i].energyLevel / 1000), //how many spawned decided by energy level and some randomness
                                          Globals.randGen.Next(-30, 31)); //its shift is also random
            timeline += "\r\n>";
            //adds the definitions for the  generator bullets
            map += String.Format(DefineGeneratorBullet("LeftGen"), leftGenUpdate);
            map += "\r\n";
            map += String.Format(DefineGeneratorBullet("RightGen"), rightGenUpdate);
            map += "\r\n";
            //adds the timeline
            map += timeline;

        //returns the average energy level of a list of SoundInfo between 2 indices
        private double AverageEnergyInRange(SoundInfo[] soundInformation, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            double total = 0;
            for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
                total += soundInformation[i].energyLevel;

            return total / (endIndex - startIndex);