public static void SkillTeamRes(Client.GameState client) { string[] scores = new string[3]; scores[0] = "SkillTeam PkWar:"; scores[1] = "Red Team: " + RKills + " Score"; scores[2] = "Yellow Team: " + YKills + " Score"; // scores[3] = "Red Team: " + Game.ConquerStructures.TeamDeathMatchScore.RedTeamScore + " Score"; //scores[4] = "Your Score: " + Entity.TeamDeathMatch_Kills + " kills"; for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++) { Message msg = new Message(scores[i], System.Drawing.Color.Red, i == 0 ? Message.FirstRightCorner : Message.ContinueRightCorner); client.Send(msg); } }
static unsafe void HandlePacket(byte[] packet, Client.GameState client) { try { if (packet == null) return; if (client == null) return; fixed (byte* ptr = packet) { var type = *((ushort*)(ptr + 2)); ushort Length = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 0); ushort ID = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 2); ushort ID2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 4); switch (ID) { #region Packet Spook Mob case 2400: { client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "The Thrilling Spooks are sealed up, inside here Better speak to the Heavenly Master ,if you want more detalis")); #region client.OnMessageBoxOK = delegate { client.Entity.Teleport(8892, 28, 26); }; client.OnMessageBoxCANCEL = delegate { client.OnMessageBoxEventParams = new object[0]; }; #endregion break; } #endregion #region Arsenal [2201][2202][2203] case 2202: { if (packet[16] == 0) packet[16] = 8; client.Send(ArsenalPacket.ArsenalInscribedPage(client, packet, (PhoenixProject.Game.Features.Arsenal_ID)packet[16])); break; } case 2203: { client.Send(ArsenalPacket.GuildArsenal(client)); if (client.Guild != null) if (client.Guild.Arsenal != null) client.Guild.Arsenal.Update(client.Guild); byte pType = packet[4]; byte i_type = packet[8]; uint i_Uid = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 12); if (i_type == 0) i_type = 8; switch (pType) { case 0: { if (client.Guild != null) client.Guild.Arsenal.UnlockArsenal(client, (PhoenixProject.Game.Features.Arsenal_ID)i_type); break; } case 1: { PhoenixProject.Interfaces.IConquerItem Item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(i_Uid, out Item)) { if (client != null) { if (Item != null) { if (i_type != 0 && i_type <= 8) { if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.Guild.Arsenal != null) { client.Guild.Arsenal.InscribeItem(client, Item, (PhoenixProject.Game.Features.Arsenal_ID)i_type); } } } } } } break; } case 2://Uninscribe { PhoenixProject.Game.Features.Arsenal_Client ac = null; if (client.Guild.Arsenal.Arsenals[(PhoenixProject.Game.Features.Arsenal_ID)i_type].Inscribed.TryGetValue(i_Uid, out ac)) client.Guild.Arsenal.RemoveItem(client, ac.Item, (PhoenixProject.Game.Features.Arsenal_ID)i_type); break; } case 4: { client.Send(ArsenalPacket.GuildArsenal(client)); break; } } break; } #endregion #region EnitityCreate (1001) case 1001: { if (client.Action == 1) { EnitityCreate EC = new EnitityCreate(); EC.Deserialize(packet); string Message = ""; Boolean Created = Database.EntityTable.CreateEntity(EC, client, ref Message); client.Send(new Message(Message, "ALLUSERS", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, GamePackets.Message.PopUP)); if (Created) Console.WriteLine(client.Account.Username + " Sucesfully Created a new Character " + EC.Name); client.JustCreated = true; } break; } #endregion #region Chat/Message (1004) case 1004: { if (client.Action != 2) return; Message message = new Message(); message.Deserialize(packet); if (message.__Message.Split(new string[] { "\\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length > 0) message.__Message = message.__Message.Split(new string[] { "\\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; Chat(message, client); break; } #endregion #region Item/Ping (1009) case 1009: { if (client.Action != 2) return; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(false); usage.Deserialize(packet); if (!client.Entity.Dead || usage.ID == ItemUsage.Ping) { switch (usage.ID) { case 53: { uint ItemAdd = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); Interfaces.IConquerItem item_new = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(ItemAdd, out item_new)) { uint obtined_points = 0; Database.ConquerItemInformation iteminfo = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(ItemAdd, 0); Dictionary<uint, uint> amount = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();//packet[20]); for (ushort i = 84; i < 84 + 4 * packet[20]; i += 4) { uint item_swap = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i); if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(item_swap)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(item_swap, out item)) { amount.Add(item_swap, i); } switch (item.ID) { case 191505: case 191605: case 191705: case 191805: case 191905: case 191405: case 183325: case 183315: case 183375: case 183305: { obtined_points += 300; break; } default: obtined_points += 50; break; } } } if (iteminfo.BaseInformation.ConquerPointsWorth > obtined_points) { uint add_cps = 0; add_cps = (uint)(iteminfo.BaseInformation.ConquerPointsWorth - obtined_points); if (add_cps < client.Entity.ConquerPoints) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= (uint)add_cps; foreach (uint key in amount.Keys) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(key)) client.Inventory.Remove(key, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); } client.Inventory.Add(ItemAdd, 0, 1); } } else { foreach (uint key in amount.Keys) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(key)) client.Inventory.Remove(key, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); } client.Inventory.Add(ItemAdd, 0, 1); } } break; } case 52: { var item = Database.ConquerItemTable.LoadItem(usage.UID); item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.ChatItem; item.Send(client); break; } case 41: { // var item = Database.ConquerItemTable.LoadItem(usage.UID); usage.dwParam = 1; client.Send(usage); break; } case ItemUsage.SwitchEquipsBack: case ItemUsage.SwitchEquips: { client.AlternateEquipment = usage.ID == ItemUsage.SwitchEquips; if (usage.ID == 45) { ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip(client); client.Send(equips); client.Equipment.UpdateEntityPacket2(); client.LoadItemStats2(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.Send(WindowStats(client)); } else { ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip(); equips.DoEquips(client); client.Send(equips); client.Equipment.UpdateEntityPacket(); client.LoadItemStats(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.Send(WindowStats(client)); } usage.dwParam = 1; client.Send(usage); break; } case ItemUsage.ArrowReload: { ReloadArrows(client.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon), client); break; } case ItemUsage.ShowBoothItems: { ShowBoothItems(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.AddItemOnBoothForSilvers: case ItemUsage.AddItemOnBoothForConquerPoints: { AddItemOnBooth(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.BuyFromBooth: { BuyFromBooth(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.RemoveItemFromBooth: { RemoveItemFromBooth(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.EquipItem: { EquipItem(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.UnequipItem: { UnequipItem(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.BuyFromNPC: { HandleBuyFromNPC(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.SellToNPC: { HandleSellToNPC(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.Repair: { HandleRepair(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.MeteorUpgrade: case ItemUsage.DragonBallUpgrade: { UpgradeItem(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.Ping: { if (Time32.Now < client.LastPing.AddSeconds(2)) { client.PingCount++; if (client.PingCount == 40) { client.Send(new Message("Speed hack detected!", System.Drawing.Color.BlanchedAlmond, Message.TopLeft)); client.Disconnect(); return; } } client.LastPingT = client.LastPing; client.LastPing = Time32.Now; if (client.LastPing > client.LastPingT.AddSeconds(2)) client.PingCount = 0; usage.TimeStamp += 200; client.Send(ReturnFinal(packet)); client.Send(usage); break; } case ItemUsage.ViewWarehouse: { usage.dwParam = client.MoneySave; client.Send(usage); break; } case ItemUsage.WarehouseDeposit: { if (client.Entity.Money >= usage.dwParam) { client.Entity.Money -= usage.dwParam; client.MoneySave += usage.dwParam; } break; } case ItemUsage.WarehouseWithdraw: { if (client.MoneySave >= usage.dwParam) { client.Entity.Money += usage.dwParam; client.MoneySave -= usage.dwParam; } break; } case ItemUsage.DropItem: { DropItem(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.DropMoney: { DropMoney(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.Enchant: { EnchantItem(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.SocketTalismanWithItem: { SocketTalismanWithItem(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.SocketTalismanWithCPs: { SocketTalismanWithCPs(usage, client); break; } case ItemUsage.RedeemGear: { var item = client.DeatinedItem[usage.UID]; if (item != null) { if (DateTime.Now > item.Date.AddDays(7)) { client.Send(new Message("This item is expired!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); return; } if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= item.ConquerPointsCost) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= item.ConquerPointsCost; Database.EntityTable.UpdateCps(client); usage.dwParam = client.Entity.UID; usage.dwExtraInfo3 = item.ConquerPointsCost; client.Send(usage); client.Inventory.Add(item.Item, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Add); Database.ClaimItemTable.Redeem(usage.UID, client); Database.DetainedItemTable.Claim(usage.UID, client); client.DeatinedItem.Remove(item.UID); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(item.GainerUID)) { GameState pClient; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(item.GainerUID, out pClient)) { if (pClient.Entity != null) { pClient.ClaimableItem[item.UID].OwnerUID = 500; pClient.ClaimableItem[item.UID].MakeItReadyToClaim(); usage.dwParam = pClient.Entity.UID; usage.ID = ItemUsage.ClaimGear; pClient.Send(usage); pClient.ClaimableItem[item.UID].Send(pClient); } } } Message message = new Message(" " + client.Entity.Name + " has redeemed his Gear and Pay " + item.ConquerPointsCost + " CPS . Congratulations!", System.Drawing.Color.Wheat, Message.Talk); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(message, ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); } } else { client.Send(new Message("The item you want to redeem has already been redeemed.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case ItemUsage.ClaimGear: { // Console.WriteLine(" usage " + usage.UID + ""); var item = client.ClaimableItem[usage.UID]; // Console.WriteLine(" usage i " + item.UID + ""); if (item != null) { if (item.Bound) { client.Send(new Message("Unnclaimable item!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); return; } if (DateTime.Now < item.Date.AddDays(7) && item.OwnerUID != 500) { client.Send(new Message("This item is not expired. You cannot claim it yet!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); return; } if (item.OwnerUID == 500) client.Entity.ConquerPoints += item.ConquerPointsCost; else { client.Inventory.Add(item.Item, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Move); Message message = new Message("Thank you for arresting " + item.OwnerName + " , " + item.GainerName + ". The arrested one has redeemed his items and you have received a great deal of ConquerPoints as reward. Congratulations!", System.Drawing.Color.Wheat, Message.Talk); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(message, ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); } Database.ClaimItemTable.Claim(usage.UID, client); client.ClaimableItem.Remove(item.UID); usage.dwParam = client.Entity.UID; usage.dwExtraInfo3 = item.ConquerPointsCost; //Database.EntityTable.UpdateCps(client); client.Send(usage); Message message2 = new Message("Thank you for arresting red/black name players " + client.Entity.Name + " has recived " + item.ConquerPointsCost + " CPS . Congratulations!", System.Drawing.Color.Wheat, Message.Talk); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(message2, ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); } else { client.Send(new Message("The item you want to claim has already been claimed.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case 43: { uint UID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 4); if (packet[20] == 1) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 84)))//76 { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(UID, out item)) { UInt32 iType = item.ID / 1000; Positions pos = GetPositionFromID(item.ID); if (pos == Positions.Garment) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.RightAccessory) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.LeftAccessory) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.Bottle) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.Steed) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.SteedArmor) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.SteedTalisman) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.AttackTalisman) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.DefenceTalisman) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) { if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) { if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) item.SocketOne = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; client.Inventory.Remove(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 84), PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); usage.dwParam = 1; client.LoadItemStats(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateSockets(item); } } else if (item.SocketTwo == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) { uint rand = (uint)PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, 700); if (rand > 320) // if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.PercentSuccess(30)) { if (item.SocketTwo == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) item.SocketTwo = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; client.Inventory.Remove(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 84), PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); usage.dwParam = 1; client.LoadItemStats(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateSockets(item); } else { usage.dwParam = 0; client.Inventory.Add(1200006, 0, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 84), PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); } } /*& } else { if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) item.SocketOne = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; client.Inventory.Remove(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 80), PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); client.LoadItemStats(item); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItem(item, client); }*/ } } } if (packet[20] == 5) { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(UID, out item)) { Dictionary<uint, uint> dbs = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();//packet[20]); for (ushort i = 84; i < 84 + 4 * packet[20]; i += 4) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i))) { dbs.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i), i); } } if (client.Inventory.Contains(1088000, 5)) { if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) return; if (item.SocketTwo == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) item.SocketTwo = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; foreach (uint key in dbs.Keys) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(key)) client.Inventory.Remove(key, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); } usage.dwParam = 1; item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); client.LoadItemStats(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateSockets(item); } } } if (packet[20] == 7) { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(UID, out item)) { if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) return; Dictionary<uint, uint> drill = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();//packet[20]); for (ushort i = 84; i < 84 + 4 * packet[20]; i += 4) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i))) { drill.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i), i); } } if (client.Inventory.Contains(1200006, 7)) { if (item.SocketTwo == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) item.SocketTwo = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; foreach (uint key in drill.Keys) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(key)) client.Inventory.Remove(key, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); } usage.dwParam = 1; item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); client.LoadItemStats(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateSockets(item); } } } if (packet[20] == 12) { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(UID, out item)) { Dictionary<uint, uint> dbs = new Dictionary<uint, uint>();//packet[20]); for (ushort i = 84; i < 84 + 4 * packet[20]; i += 4) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i))) { dbs.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, i), i); } } if (client.Inventory.Contains(1088000, 12)) { if (item.SocketOne != PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) return; if (item.SocketOne == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.NoSocket) item.SocketOne = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Gem.EmptySocket; foreach (uint key in dbs.Keys) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID(key)) client.Inventory.Remove(key, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); } usage.dwParam = 1; //client.Inventory.Remove(DragonBall, 12); item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); client.LoadItemStats(client.Entity); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateSockets(item); } } } client.Send(packet); break; } case 40: { uint ItemAdd = (uint)((packet[4] & 0xFF) | ((packet[5] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((packet[6] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((packet[7] & 0xFF) << 24)); Interfaces.IConquerItem item_new = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(ItemAdd, out item_new)) { UInt32 iType = item_new.ID / 1000; Positions pos = GetPositionFromID(item_new.ID); if (pos == Positions.Garment) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.RightAccessory) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.LeftAccessory) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.Bottle) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.Steed) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.SteedArmor) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.SteedTalisman) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.AttackTalisman) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (pos == Positions.DefenceTalisman) { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); return; } if (item_new.Bless == 7) return; Queue<uint> amount = new Queue<uint>(packet[20]); for (ushort i = 84; i < 84 + 4 * packet[20]; i += 4) { if (client.Inventory.ContainsUID((uint)((packet[i] & 0xFF) | ((packet[(byte)(i + 1)] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((packet[(byte)(i + 2)] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((packet[(byte)(i + 3)] & 0xFF) << 24)))) amount.Enqueue((uint)((packet[i] & 0xFF) | ((packet[(byte)(i + 1)] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((packet[(byte)(i + 2)] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((packet[(byte)(i + 3)] & 0xFF) << 24))); else return; } byte oldbless = item_new.Bless; if (item_new.Bless == 0 && amount.Count == 5) item_new.Bless = 1; else if (item_new.Bless == 1 && amount.Count == 1) item_new.Bless = 3; else if (item_new.Bless == 3 && amount.Count == 3) item_new.Bless = 5; else if (item_new.Bless == 5 && amount.Count == 5) item_new.Bless = 7; if (oldbless == item_new.Bless) return; while (amount.Count != 0) client.Inventory.Remove(amount.Dequeue(), PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove, true); item_new.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item_new.Send(client); usage.dwParam = 1; Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateBless(item_new); } client.Send(packet); break; } case ItemUsage.GemCompose: { #region GemCompose UInt32 Ident = usage.UID; client.Inventory.Remove(Ident, 15); client.Inventory.Add(Ident + 1, 0, 1); usage.dwParam = 1; client.Send(usage); #endregion break; } case ItemUsage.ToristSuper: { #region GemCompose if (client.Entity.Money >= 100000) { client.Inventory.Remove(700002, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(700012, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(700022, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(700032, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(700042, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(700052, 1); client.Inventory.Remove(700062, 1); client.Entity.Money -= 100000; client.Inventory.Add(700072, 0, 1); usage.dwParam = 1; client.Send(usage); } usage.dwParam = 0; client.Send(usage); #endregion break; } case ItemUsage.SplitStack: { Interfaces.IConquerItem mainItem = null; Interfaces.IConquerItem minorItem = new ConquerItem(true); Database.ConquerItemInformation infos = null; minorItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(usage.UID, out mainItem)) { infos = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(mainItem.ID, 0); if (mainItem.StackSize > 1 && mainItem.StackSize <= infos.BaseInformation.StackSize) { if (client.Inventory.Count < 40) { client.SpiltStack = false; ushort Amount = (ushort)usage.dwParam; mainItem.StackSize -= Amount; mainItem.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; mainItem.Send(client); mainItem.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Default; Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateStack(mainItem); minorItem.ID = mainItem.ID; minorItem.StackSize += Amount; minorItem.Durability = mainItem.Durability; client.Inventory.Add(minorItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); } } } break; } case ItemUsage.MergeStackableItems: { Interfaces.IConquerItem mainItem = null; Interfaces.IConquerItem minorItem = new ConquerItem(true); Database.ConquerItemInformation infos = null; minorItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(usage.UID, out mainItem) && client.Inventory.TryGetItem(usage.dwParam, out minorItem)) { if (mainItem.ID == minorItem.ID) { infos = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(mainItem.ID, 0); if (mainItem.StackSize < 1) mainItem.StackSize = 1; if (minorItem.StackSize < 1) minorItem.StackSize = 1; if ((mainItem.StackSize + minorItem.StackSize) <= infos.BaseInformation.StackSize) { mainItem.StackSize += minorItem.StackSize; mainItem.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; mainItem.Send(client); mainItem.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Default; Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateStack(mainItem); client.Inventory.Remove(minorItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove); } } } break; } case 34: { break; } case 54://downgrade { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; Interfaces.IConquerItem minorItem = new ConquerItem(true); //Database.ConquerItemInformation infos = null; // uint newid = infos.LowestID(infos.BaseInformation.Level); //minorItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(usage.UID, out item) && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 54) { Database.ConquerItemInformation cii = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(item.ID, item.Plus); uint kimzz = 0; kimzz = item.ID; Kimozzz: uint kimo = kimzz - 10; uint kimo2 = kimzz - 20; uint kimo3 = kimzz - 30; ushort postion = ItemPosition(kimo); ushort postion2 = ItemPosition(kimo2); ushort postion3 = ItemPosition(kimo3); Database.ConquerItemInformation cii1 = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(kimo, 0); Database.ConquerItemInformation cii2 = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(kimo2, 0); Database.ConquerItemInformation cii3 = new PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemInformation(kimo3, 0); if (Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.ContainsKey(kimo)) { if (cii1.BaseInformation.Level >= 10 && postion != 4 && postion != 5) { kimzz = kimo; goto Kimozzz; } else { if (cii1.BaseInformation.Level > 10) { kimzz = kimo; goto Kimozzz; } } } else { if (Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.ContainsKey(kimo2)) { if (cii2.BaseInformation.Level >= 10 && postion2 != 4 && postion2 != 5) { kimzz = kimo2; goto Kimozzz; } else { if (cii2.BaseInformation.Level > 10) { kimzz = kimo2; goto Kimozzz; } } } else { if (Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.ContainsKey(kimo3)) { if (cii3.BaseInformation.Level >= 10 && postion3 != 4 && postion3 != 5) { kimzz = kimo3; goto Kimozzz; } else { if (cii3.BaseInformation.Level > 10) { kimzz = kimo3; goto Kimozzz; } } } else { // return; } } } item.ID = kimzz; PhoenixProject.Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemID(item, client); item.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 54; } else { usage.dwParam = 2; } break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Unhandled item usage type : " + usage.ID); break; } } } break; } #endregion #region String (1015) case 1015: { if (client.Action == 2) { _String str2 = new _String(false); str2.Deserialize(packet); if ((str2.Type == 0x1a) && (str2.Texts.Count > 0)) { IEnumerator enumerator = Kernel.GamePool.Values.GetEnumerator(); enumerator.MoveNext(); int count = Kernel.GamePool.Count; for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i >= count) { break; } current = enumerator.Current as GameState; if (current.Entity.Name == str2.Texts[0]) { string str3 = ""; str3 = ((str3 + current.Entity.UID + " ") + current.Entity.Level + " ") + current.Entity.BattlePower + " #"; if (current.Entity.GuildID != 0) { str3 = str3 + current.Guild.Name + " fNone# "; } else { str3 = str3 + "None fNone# "; } str3 = (str3 + current.Entity.Spouse + " ") + ((byte)current.Entity.NobilityRank) + " "; if ((current.Entity.Body % 10) < 3) { str3 = str3 + "1"; } else { str3 = str3 + "0"; } str2.Texts.Add(str3); client.Send(str2); } enumerator.MoveNext(); } } break; } } break; #endregion #region KnownPersons (1019) case 1019: { KnownPersons knownP = new KnownPersons(false); knownP.Deserialize(packet); switch (knownP.Type) { case KnownPersons.RequestFriendship: { AddFriend(knownP, client); break; } case KnownPersons.RemovePerson: { RemoveFriend(knownP, client); break; } case KnownPersons.RemoveEnemy: { RemoveEnemy(knownP, client); break; } } break; } #endregion #region Vote /Attack case 1022: { if (client.Action != 2) return; uint dmg = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 24); uint AttackType = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 20); uint AttackType2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 26); switch (AttackType) { case 36: { GamePackets.Attack attack2 = new Attack(false); attack2.Deserialize(packet); CloudSaintsJar.Execute(client, attack2); break; } case 39: { if (!Kernel.VotePool.ContainsKey(client.Account.IP)) { if (!Kernel.VotePoolUid.ContainsKey(client.Entity.UID)) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Database.rates.VotePrize; PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.PlayersVot Vot = new PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.PlayersVot(); Vot.AdressIp = client.Account.IP; Vot.Uid = client.Entity.UID; Kernel.VotePool.Add(Vot.AdressIp, Vot); Kernel.VotePoolUid.Add(Vot.Uid, Vot); Database.EntityTable.SavePlayersVot(Vot); client.Send(new Message("" + PhoenixProject.Database.rates.VoteUrl + "", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Website)); } else { client.Send(new Message("" + PhoenixProject.Database.rates.VoteUrl + "", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Website)); } } else { client.Send(new Message("" + PhoenixProject.Database.rates.VoteUrl + "", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Website)); } break; } default: { if (client.Entity.MapID == 8880 || client.Entity.MapID == 8881) return; GamePackets.Attack attack = new Attack(false); attack.Deserialize(packet); Attack(attack, client); break; } } break; } #endregion #region ChiSystem case 2533: { ChiSystem2.Handle(packet, client); break; } #endregion #region CountryFlag case 2430: { KimoCountryFlag kimo = new KimoCountryFlag(false); kimo.Deserialize(packet); client.Entity.CountryFlag = kimo.FlagID; kimo.UID = client.Entity.UID; client.SendScreen(kimo, true); break; } #endregion #region Teams (1023) case 1023: { if (client.Action != 2) return; Team teamPacket = new Team(); teamPacket.Deserialize(packet); switch (teamPacket.Type) { case Team.Create: CreateTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.AcceptJoinRequest: AcceptRequestToJoinTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.AcceptInvitation: AcceptInviteToJoinTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.InviteRequest: SendInviteToJoinTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.JoinRequest: SendRequestJoinToTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.ExitTeam: LeaveTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.Dismiss: DismissTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.Kick: KickFromTeam(teamPacket, client); break; case Team.ForbidJoining: { foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in client.Team.Teammates) if (Teammate != null) { Teammate.Team.ForbidJoin = true; Teammate.Send(teamPacket); } break; } case Team.UnforbidJoining: { foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in client.Team.Teammates) if (Teammate != null) { Teammate.Team.ForbidJoin = false; Teammate.Send(teamPacket); } break; } case Team.LootMoneyOff: { foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in client.Team.Teammates) if (Teammate != null) { Teammate.Team.PickupMoney = false; Teammate.Send(teamPacket); } break; } case Team.LootMoneyOn: { foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in client.Team.Teammates) if (Teammate != null) { Teammate.Team.PickupMoney = true; Teammate.Send(teamPacket); } break; } case Team.LootItemsOn: { foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in client.Team.Teammates) if (Teammate != null) { Teammate.Team.PickupItems = true; Teammate.Send(teamPacket); } break; } case Team.LootItemsOff: { foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in client.Team.Teammates) if (Teammate != null) { Teammate.Team.PickupItems = false; Teammate.Send(teamPacket); } break; } } break; } #endregion #region Atributes Set (1024) case 1024: { if (client.Action != 2) return; uint AddStr = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); uint AddAgi = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 12); uint AddVit = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 16); uint AddSpi = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 20); if (client.Entity.Atributes == 0) return; uint TotalStatPoints = AddStr + AddAgi + AddVit + AddSpi; if (client.Entity.Atributes >= TotalStatPoints) { client.Entity.Strength += (ushort)AddStr; client.Entity.Agility += (ushort)AddAgi; client.Entity.Vitality += (ushort)AddVit; client.Entity.Spirit += (ushort)AddSpi; client.Entity.Atributes -= (ushort)TotalStatPoints; client.Send(packet); } client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.GemAlgorithm(); break; } #endregion #region Socketing (1027) case 1027: { EmbedSocket socket = new EmbedSocket(false); socket.Deserialize(packet); SocketItem(socket, client); break; } #endregion #region Character Statistics (1040) case 1040: { uint UID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 4); Client.GameState Client; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(UID, out Client)) { client.Send(WindowStats(Client)); } break; } #endregion #region LoginPacket (1052) case 1052: { if (client.Action == 1) { Connect connect = new Connect(); connect.Deserialize(packet); AppendConnect(connect, client); } else { //Console.WriteLine(" yes"); client.Disconnect(); //DoLogin(client); } break; } #endregion #region Trade (1056) case 1056: { if (client.Action != 2) return; Trade trade = new Trade(false); trade.Deserialize(packet); switch (trade.Type) { case Trade.Request: RequestTrade(trade, client); break; case Trade.Close: CloseTrade(trade, client); break; case Trade.AddItem: AddTradeItem(trade, client); break; case Trade.SetMoney: SetTradeMoney(trade, client); break; case Trade.SetConquerPoints: SetTradeConquerPoints(trade, client); break; case Trade.Accept: AcceptTrade(trade, client); break; } break; } #endregion Trade (1056) #region Floor items (1101) case 1101: { if (client.Action != 2) return; FloorItem floorItem = new FloorItem(false); floorItem.Deserialize(packet); client.SpiltStack = true; PickupItem(floorItem, client); client.SpiltStack = false; break; } #endregion #region Warehouses (1102) case 1102: { if (client.Action != 2) return; Warehouse warehousepacket = new Warehouse(false); warehousepacket.Deserialize(packet); switch (warehousepacket.Type) { case Warehouse.Entire: { Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse wh = client.Warehouses[(PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse.WarehouseID)warehousepacket.NpcID]; if (wh == null) return; byte count = 0; warehousepacket.Count = 1; warehousepacket.Type = Warehouse.AddItem; for (; count < wh.Count; count++) { warehousepacket.Append(wh.Objects[count]); client.Send(warehousepacket); } break; } case Warehouse.AddItem: { if (client.Booth != null) { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Sorry you cant add items into your warehouse while you in Booth"); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); return; } Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse wh = client.Warehouses[(PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse.WarehouseID)warehousepacket.NpcID]; if (wh == null) return; Interfaces.IConquerItem item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(warehousepacket.UID, out item)) { if (item.ID >= 729960 && item.ID <= 729970) return; if (item.ID == 750000) return; if (!ConquerItem.isRune(item.UID)) { if (wh.Add(item)) { warehousepacket.UID = 0; warehousepacket.Count = 1; warehousepacket.Append(item); client.Send(warehousepacket); return; } } else client.Send(new Message("You can not store Flame Stone Rune's in Warehouse", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case Warehouse.RemoveItem: { Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse wh = client.Warehouses[(PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Warehouse.WarehouseID)warehousepacket.NpcID]; if (wh == null) return; if (wh.ContainsUID(warehousepacket.UID)) { if (wh.Remove(warehousepacket.UID)) { client.Send(warehousepacket); return; } } break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Unknown type: " + warehousepacket.Type); break; } } break; } #endregion #region GuildCommands (1107) case 1107: { GuildCommand command = new GuildCommand(false); command.Deserialize(packet); switch (command.Type) { case GuildCommand.Neutral1: case GuildCommand.Neutral2: { string name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 26, packet[25]); if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { client.Guild.RemoveAlly(name); foreach (var guild in ServerBase.Kernel.Guilds.Values) { if (guild.Name == name && client.Guild.Name != name) { guild.RemoveAlly(client.Guild.Name); } } client.Guild.RemoveEnemy(name); } } break; } case GuildCommand.Allied: { string name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(packet, 26, packet[25]); if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { AllyGuilds(name, client); } } break; } case GuildCommand.Enemied: { string name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 26, packet[25]); if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { client.Guild.AddEnemy(name); } } break; } default: { client.Send(packet); break; } case GuildCommand.Bulletin: { string message = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 26, packet[25]); if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { client.Guild.Bulletin = message; client.Guild.SendGuild(client); Database.GuildTable.UpdateBulletin(client.Guild, client.Guild.Bulletin); } } break; } case GuildCommand.DonateSilvers: { if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.Entity.Money >= command.dwParam) { client.Guild.SilverFund += command.dwParam; Database.GuildTable.SaveFunds(client.Guild); client.AsMember.SilverDonation += command.dwParam; client.Entity.Money -= command.dwParam; client.Guild.SendGuild(client); } } break; } case GuildCommand.DonateConquerPoints: { if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= command.dwParam) { client.Guild.ConquerPointFund += command.dwParam; Database.GuildTable.SaveFunds(client.Guild); client.AsMember.ConquerPointDonation += command.dwParam; client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= command.dwParam; client.Guild.SendGuild(client); } } break; } case GuildCommand.Refresh: { if (client.AsMember != null) { if (client.Guild != null) client.Guild.SendGuild(client); } break; } case GuildCommand.Discharge: { string name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 26, packet[25]); if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { var member = client.Guild.GetMemberByName(name); if (member != null) { if (member.ID != client.Entity.UID) { if (member.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) { client.Guild.DeputyLeaderCount--; member.Rank = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member; if (member.IsOnline) { client.Guild.SendGuild(member.Client); member.Client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)member.Rank; member.Client.Screen.FullWipe(); member.Client.Screen.Reload(null); } } } } } } break; } case GuildCommand.Promote: { if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { if (client.Guild.Members.ContainsKey(command.dwParam)) { var member = client.Guild.Members[command.dwParam]; if (member.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member) { member.Rank = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader; if (member.IsOnline) { client.Guild.SendGuild(member.Client); member.Client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)member.Rank; member.Client.Screen.FullWipe(); member.Client.Screen.Reload(null); } } else if (member.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) { member.Rank = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader; if (member.IsOnline) { client.Guild.SendGuild(member.Client); member.Client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)member.Rank; member.Client.Screen.FullWipe(); member.Client.Screen.Reload(null); } client.AsMember.Rank = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader; client.Guild.SendGuild(client); client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)client.AsMember.Rank; client.Screen.FullWipe(); client.Screen.Reload(null); } } } } break; } case GuildCommand.JoinRequest: { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(command.dwParam)) { var Client = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[command.dwParam]; if (Client.OnHoldGuildJoin == client.OnHoldGuildJoin && Client.OnHoldGuildJoin != 0) { if (Client.Guild != null) { if (Client.AsMember.Rank != PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member) { Client.Guild.AddMember(client); Client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; } } else { if (client.AsMember.Rank != PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member) { client.Guild.AddMember(Client); Client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; } } return; } if (client.Guild == null) { command.dwParam = client.Entity.UID; Client.Send(command); Client.OnHoldGuildJoin = (uint)new Random().Next(); client.OnHoldGuildJoin = Client.OnHoldGuildJoin; } } break; } case GuildCommand.InviteRequest: { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(command.dwParam)) { var Client = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[command.dwParam]; if (Client.OnHoldGuildJoin == client.OnHoldGuildJoin && Client.OnHoldGuildJoin != 0) { if (Client.Guild != null) { if (Client.AsMember.Rank != PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member) { Client.Guild.AddMember(client); Client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; } } else { if (client.AsMember.Rank != PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.Member) { client.Guild.AddMember(Client); Client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; } } return; } if (client.Guild != null) { command.dwParam = client.Entity.UID; Client.Send(command); Client.OnHoldGuildJoin = 0; client.OnHoldGuildJoin = Client.OnHoldGuildJoin; } } break; } case GuildCommand.Quit: { if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank != PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { client.Guild.ExpelMember(client.Entity.Name, true); } } break; } } break; } #endregion #region Enlight (1127) case 1127: { Enlight enlight = new Enlight(false); enlight.Deserialize(packet); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(enlight.Enlighted)) { var Client = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[enlight.Enlighted]; if (enlight.Enlighter == client.Entity.UID && enlight.Enlighted != enlight.Enlighter) { if (Client.Entity.ReceivedEnlightenPoints < 5) { if (client.Entity.EnlightenPoints >= 100) { if (Client.Entity.EnlightmentTime <= 80) { client.Entity.EnlightenPoints -= 100; Client.Entity.EnlightmentStamp = Time32.Now; Client.IncreaseExperience(Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent((int)Client.ExpBall, .10F), false); Client.SendScreen(packet, true); Client.Entity.ReceivedEnlightenPoints++; Client.Entity.EnlightmentTime += 20; if (client.Entity.EnlightmentTime > 80) client.Entity.EnlightmentTime = 100; else if (client.Entity.EnlightmentTime > 60) client.Entity.EnlightmentTime = 80; else if (client.Entity.EnlightmentTime > 40) client.Entity.EnlightmentTime = 60; else if (client.Entity.EnlightmentTime > 20) client.Entity.EnlightmentTime = 40; else if (client.Entity.EnlightmentTime > 0) client.Entity.EnlightmentTime = 20; } else client.Send(new Message("You can't enlighten " + Client.Entity.Name + " yet because he has to wait a few minutes until he can be enlightened again.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("You can't enlighten " + Client.Entity.Name + " because you don't have enough enlighten points!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("You can't enlighten " + Client.Entity.Name + " because he/she was enlightened today five times already!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } } break; } #endregion #region QuizShow (2068) case 2068: { try { byte Answered = (byte)(packet[8] - 1); int L = Environment.TickCount; int Now = (L - client.QuizInfo.LastAnswer) / 1000 + 1; ushort qn = PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.QuestionNO; if ((ushort)((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points) > 0) { client.QuizInfo.Time += (ushort)Now; client.QuizInfo.Score += (ushort)((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points); client.Entity.QuizPoints += (ushort)((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points); client.Entity.ConquerPoints += (ushort)((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points * 10); client.Send(new Message("You have won " + ((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points).ToString() + " quiz points and " + ((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points * 10).ToString() + " ConquerPoints", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); uint exp = 1000; exp = (uint)(exp * ((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points)); client.IncreaseExperience((ulong)exp, false); Program.kimo3 = Answered; } else { client.QuizInfo.Time += (ushort)Now; client.QuizInfo.Score += (ushort)((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points); uint exp = 1000; exp = (uint)(exp * ((30 - Now) * PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Questions[(ushort)(qn - 1)].Answers[Answered].Points)); client.IncreaseExperience((ulong)exp, false); client.Send(new Message("Ops Wrong Answer try Google if you dont know!!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } if (client.QuizInfo.Score >= 0) { /* int MyPlace = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 499; i++) { if (client.QuizInfo.Score < PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Scores[i].Score) { MyPlace++; } else { if (client.Entity.UID == PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Scores[i].EntityID) { } else { if (client.QuizInfo.Score == PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Scores[i].Score) { MyPlace++; } } } }*/ if (client.QuizInfo.Score >= Kernel.MainQuiz.Score[0]) { Kernel.MainQuiz.Name[0] = client.Entity.Name; Kernel.MainQuiz.Score[0] = client.QuizInfo.Score; Kernel.MainQuiz.Time[0] = client.QuizInfo.Time; } client.Send(new GamePackets.QuizInfo().InfoBuffer(client.QuizInfo.Score, client.QuizInfo.Time, client.QuizInfo.Rank)); } } catch { } break; } #endregion #region NPC Dialog (2031 + 2032) case 2031: case 2032: { if (client.Action != 2) return; NpcRequest req = new NpcRequest(); req.Deserialize(packet); #region CaptureFlag if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 234 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//CaptureFlag { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 384, 348); } #endregion #region DemonCave if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 235 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//DemonCave { if (DateTime.Now.Hour == Game.KimoEvents.DemonHour && DateTime.Now.Minute < 5) { if (!client.DemonCave) { client.DemonCave = true; client.Entity.Teleport(1, 77, 69); client.Entity.DemonCave1 = 0; client.Entity.DemonCave2 = 0; client.Entity.DemonCave3 = 0; Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = 3378; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); } } } #endregion #region SkillTeam if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 236 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//SkillTeamPK { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 460, 367); } #endregion #region DonationWar if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 237 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//dONATION { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 428, 392); } #endregion #region ElitePk if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 249 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//ElitePk { if (DateTime.Now.Hour == Game.KimoEvents.EBHour && DateTime.Now.Minute >= 5 && DateTime.Now.Minute < 20) { if (!Game.Tournaments.EliteTournament.Top8.ContainsKey(client.Entity.UID)) { Game.Tournaments.EliteTournament.AddMap(client); Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = 3378; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); } } } #endregion #region classpk if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 248 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//ClassPk { if (DateTime.Now.Hour == Game.KimoEvents.ClassHour && DateTime.Now.Minute < 05) { if (client.Entity.Class >= 10 && client.Entity.Class <= 15) { client.Entity.Teleport(7001, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 20 && client.Entity.Class <= 25) { client.Entity.Teleport(4500, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 40 && client.Entity.Class <= 45) { client.Entity.Teleport(4501, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 50 && client.Entity.Class <= 55) { client.Entity.Teleport(4502, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 60 && client.Entity.Class <= 65) { client.Entity.Teleport(4503, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 70 && client.Entity.Class <= 75) { client.Entity.Teleport(4504, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 132 && client.Entity.Class <= 135) { client.Entity.Teleport(4505, 25, 40); } if (client.Entity.Class >= 142 && client.Entity.Class <= 145) { client.Entity.Teleport(4506, 25, 40); } Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = 3378; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); } } #endregion if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 247 && client.Map.BaseID != 700 && client.Entity.invite)//WeeklyPk { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 453, 294); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 246 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//MonthlyPk { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 428, 243); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 245 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//DisCity { client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 534, 484); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 244 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//GuildWar { client.Disconnect(); return; } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 233 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//ClanWar { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 413, 246); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 198 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//ClanWar { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 450, 372); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 196 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//ClanWar { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 425, 385); } #region DailyPk if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 243 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//DailyPk { if (DateTime.Now.Minute >= 00 && DateTime.Now.Minute < 05) { client.Entity.Teleport(8877, 52, 44); Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = 3378; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); } } #endregion if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 242 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//SteedRace { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 423, 245); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 241 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//SpouseWar { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 421, 292); } #region LastMan if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 240 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//LastMan { if (DateTime.Now.Minute >= 30 && DateTime.Now.Minute <= 32) { Random R = new Random(); int Nr = R.Next(1, 10); if (Nr == 1) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 51, 73); if (Nr == 2) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 33, 34); if (Nr == 3) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 67, 34); if (Nr == 4) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 51, 73); if (Nr == 5) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 33, 34); if (Nr == 6) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 67, 34); if (Nr == 7) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 51, 73); if (Nr == 8) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 33, 34); if (Nr == 9) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 67, 34); if (Nr == 10) client.Entity.Teleport(3333, 68, 57); Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = 3378; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); } } #endregion if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 239 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//EliteGW { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 414, 259); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 238 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//TreasueBox { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 441, 352); } if (client.Map.BaseID != 6001 && client.Map.BaseID != 6000 && !client.Entity.Dead && req.OptionID == 233 && client.Map.BaseID != 700)//LordsWar { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 382, 394); } if (req.InteractType == NpcReply.MessageBox) { if (client.Entity.ActivePOPUP == 99995) { client.Entity.ActivePOPUP = 0; break; } if (req.OptionID == 255) { if (client.OnMessageBoxOK != null) { client.OnMessageBoxOK.Invoke(); client.OnMessageBoxOK = null; } } else { if (client.OnMessageBoxCANCEL != null) { client.OnMessageBoxCANCEL.Invoke(); client.OnMessageBoxCANCEL = null; } } } else { if (ID == 2031) client.ActiveNpc = req.NpcID; if (req.NpcID == 12) { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel > 0) { Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = Data.OpenWindow; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = Data.WindowCommands.VIPWarehouse; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); break; } } Interfaces.INpc npc = null; if (req.InteractType == 102) { if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember.Rank == PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { client.Guild.ExpelMember(req.Input, false); } } return; } if (client.Map.Npcs.TryGetValue(client.ActiveNpc, out npc)) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, npc.X, npc.Y) > 17) return; if (req.OptionID == 255 || (req.OptionID == 0 && ID == 2032)) return; if (client.Entity.Dead) return; req.NpcID = client.ActiveNpc; //NpcDialogs.Dialogs.GetDialog(req, client); Dialogs.GetDialog(req, client); } } break; } #endregion #region Compose (2036) case 2036: { Compose compose = new Compose(false); compose.Deserialize(packet); ComposePlus(compose, client); break; } #endregion #region Offline TG (2044) case 2044: { OfflineTGRequest otgr = new OfflineTGRequest(false); otgr.Deserialize(packet); switch (otgr.ID) { case OfflineTGRequest.OnTrainingTimeRequested: { otgr.Minutes = 900; client.Send(otgr); break; } case OfflineTGRequest.OnConfirmation: { if (client.Map.BaseID == 6000 || client.Map.BaseID == 6001 || client.Entity.Dead) { return; } if (client.Entity.MapID == 1036 || client.Entity.MapID == 1039 || ServerBase.Constants.OfflineTG.Contains(client.Entity.MapID)) { switch (client.Entity.PreviousMapID) { case 1000: { client.Entity.PreviousMapID = 1000; client.Entity.PrevX = 500; client.Entity.PrevY = 560; break; } case 1020: { client.Entity.PreviousMapID = 1020; client.Entity.PrevX = 565; client.Entity.PrevY = 562; //client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 565, 562); break; } case 1011: { client.Entity.PreviousMapID = 1011; client.Entity.PrevX = 188; client.Entity.PrevY = 264; //client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 188, 264); break; } case 1015: { client.Entity.PreviousMapID = 1015; client.Entity.PrevX = 717; client.Entity.PrevY = 571; // client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 717, 571); break; } default: { client.Entity.PreviousMapID = 1002; client.Entity.PrevX = 429; client.Entity.PrevY = 378; //client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 429, 378); break; } } client.Entity.PreviousMapID = client.Entity.PreviousMapID; //client.Entity.PrevX = client.Entity.PrevX; //client.Entity.PrevY = client.Entity.PrevY; } else { client.Entity.PreviousMapID = client.Entity.MapID; client.Entity.PrevX = client.Entity.X; client.Entity.PrevY = client.Entity.Y; } client.Entity.MapID = 601; client.Entity.X = 64; client.Entity.Y = 56; client.OfflineTGEnterTime = DateTime.Now; client.Disconnect(); break; } case OfflineTGRequest.ClaimExperience: { var T1 = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks); var T2 = new TimeSpan(client.OfflineTGEnterTime.Ticks); ushort minutes = (ushort)(T1.TotalMinutes - T2.TotalMinutes); minutes = (ushort)Math.Min((ushort)900, minutes); double expballGain = (double)300 * (double)minutes / (double)900; while (expballGain >= 100) { expballGain -= 100; client.IncreaseExperience(client.ExpBall, false); } if (expballGain != 0) client.IncreaseExperience((uint)(client.ExpBall * (expballGain / 100)), false); client.Entity.SetLocation(client.Entity.PreviousMapID, client.Entity.PrevX, client.Entity.PrevY); if (client.Entity.PreviousMapID == 1036 || client.Entity.PreviousMapID == 1039) switch (client.Entity.PreviousMapID) { case 1000: { client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 650); break; } case 1020: { client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 565, 562); break; } case 1011: { client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 188, 264); break; } case 1015: { client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 717, 571); break; } default: { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 429, 378); break; } } else { client.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.PreviousMapID, client.Entity.PrevX, client.Entity.PrevY); } client.OfflineTGEnterTime = DateTime.Now; break; } default: client.Send(otgr); break; } break; } #endregion #region Trade partner (2046) case 2046: { TradePartner partner = new TradePartner(false); partner.Deserialize(packet); switch (partner.Type) { case TradePartner.RequestPartnership: RequestTradePartnership(partner, client); break; case TradePartner.RejectRequest: RejectPartnership(partner, client); break; case TradePartner.BreakPartnership: BreakPartnership(partner, client); break; } break; } #endregion #region ItemLock (2048) case 2048: { if (client.Action != 2) return; ItemLock itemlock = new ItemLock(false); itemlock.Deserialize(packet); switch (itemlock.ID) { case ItemLock.RequestLock: LockItem(itemlock, client); break; case ItemLock.RequestUnlock: UnlockItem(itemlock, client); break; } break; } #endregion #region Broadcast (2050) case 2050: { Broadcast cast = new Broadcast(false); cast.Deserialize(packet); switch (cast.Type) { case Broadcast.ReleaseSoonMessages: { BroadcastInfoAwaiting(cast, client); break; } case Broadcast.MyMessages: { BroadcastClientMessages(cast, client); break; } case Broadcast.BroadcastMessage: { if (client.Trade.InTrade) { client.Send(new Message("You cannot send any broadcasts While you inTrade.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); break; } if (client.Entity.MapID == 3031) { client.Send(new Message("You cannot send any broadcasts while you in LordsWar Tourment.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); break; } if (Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Count == ServerBase.Constants.MaxBroadcasts) { client.Send(new Message("You cannot send any broadcasts for now. The limit has been reached. Wait until a broadcast is chopped down.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); break; } if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 5) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 5; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastStr broadcast = new PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastStr(); broadcast.EntityID = client.Entity.UID; broadcast.EntityName = client.Entity.Name; broadcast.ID = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastCounter.Next; if (cast.List[0].Length > 80) cast.List[0] = cast.List[0].Remove(80); broadcast.Message = cast.List[0]; if (Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Count == 0) { if (Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast.EntityID == 1) { Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast = broadcast; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.LastBroadcast = DateTime.Now; ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(cast.List[0], "ALLUSERS", client.Entity.Name, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.BroadcastMessage), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); client.Send(cast); break; } } Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Add(broadcast); cast.dwParam = (uint)Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Count; client.Send(cast); break; } break; } case Broadcast.Urgen5CPs: { for (int c = 0; c < Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Count; c++) { var broadcast = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c]; if (broadcast.ID == cast.dwParam) { if (c != 0) { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints > 5) { broadcast.SpentCPs += 5; client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 5; if (Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c - 1].SpentCPs <= broadcast.SpentCPs) { Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c] = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c - 1]; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c - 1] = broadcast; } else { Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c] = broadcast; } } } } } break; } case Broadcast.Urgen15CPs: { for (int c = 0; c < Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Count; c++) { var broadcast = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[c]; if (broadcast.ID == cast.dwParam) { if (c != 0) { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints > 15) { broadcast.SpentCPs += 15; client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 15; for (int b = c - 1; b > 0; b--) Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[b] = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[b - 1]; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[0] = broadcast; } } } } break; } } break; } #endregion #region Nobility (2064) case 2064: { NobilityInfo nobility = new NobilityInfo(false); nobility.Deserialize(packet); Game.ConquerStructures.Nobility.Handle(nobility, client); break; } #endregion #region TopGuilds case 1058: { if (client.Guild != null && client.AsMember != null) { if (client.AsMember != null) { Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)client.AsMember.SilverDonation, 8, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.AsMember.SilverDonation > client.Guild.SilverFund) { client.Guild.SilverFund = (uint)client.AsMember.SilverDonation; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.OSupervisor; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)client.AsMember.ConquerPointDonation, 20, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.AsMember.ConquerPointDonation > client.Guild.ConquerPointFund) { client.Guild.ConquerPointFund = (uint)client.AsMember.ConquerPointDonation; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.CPSupervisor; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } } Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.PKPoints, 12, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.Entity.PKPoints > client.Guild.pkp_donation) { client.Guild.pkp_donation = (uint)client.Entity.PKPoints; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.PKSupervisor; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } if (client.ArenaStatistic != null) { Writer.WriteUInt32(client.ArenaStatistic.CurrentHonor, 24, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.ArenaStatistic.CurrentHonor > client.Guild.honor_donation) { client.Guild.honor_donation = (uint)client.ArenaStatistic.CurrentHonor; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.HonoraryManager; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } } Writer.WriteUInt32(0, 16, packet); if (client.Entity != null) if (client.Entity.Flowers != null) { Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)client.Entity.Flowers.RedRoses, 28, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.Entity.Flowers.RedRoses > client.Guild.rose_donation) { client.Guild.rose_donation = (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.RedRoses; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.RoseSupervisor; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Tulips, 32, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.Entity.Flowers.Tulips > client.Guild.tuil_donation) { client.Guild.tuil_donation = (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Tulips; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.TulipFollower; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Lilies, 36, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.Entity.Flowers.Lilies > client.Guild.lilies_donation) { client.Guild.lilies_donation = (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Lilies; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.LilySupervisor; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Orchads, 40, packet); if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) if (client.Entity.Flowers.Orchads > client.Guild.orchid_donation) { client.Guild.orchid_donation = (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Orchads; client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.OrchidFollower; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } Writer.WriteUInt32((uint)(client.Entity.Flowers.Orchads + (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.RedRoses + (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Tulips + (uint)client.Entity.Flowers.Lilies), 44, packet); } if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.DeputyLeader) if (client.Entity.GuildRank != (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.GuildLeader) { if (client.Entity.Name == client.Guild.LeaderName) { client.Entity.GuildRank = (ushort)PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank.LeaderSpouse; client.AsMember.Rank = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.GuildMemberRank)client.Entity.GuildRank; } } if (client.Guild != null) client.Guild.SendGuild(client); client.Send(packet); } break; } #endregion #region Flowers (1150 & 1151) case 1150: { new Game.Features.Flowers.FlowerSystem(packet, client); break; } #endregion #region Flowers (1150 & 1151) case 1151: { int subtype = packet[4]; AddFlowers(client, packet); break; } #endregion #region Mentor prize (2067) case 2067: { MentorPrize prize = new MentorPrize(false); prize.Deserialize(packet); switch (prize.Prize_Type) { case MentorPrize.ClaimExperience: { client.IncreaseExperience((ulong)(((double)client.PrizeExperience / 606) * client.ExpBall), false); client.PrizeExperience = 0; foreach (var appr in client.Apprentices.Values) { appr.Actual_Experience = 0; Database.KnownPersons.SaveApprenticeInfo(appr); } prize.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; prize.Prize_Type = MentorPrize.Show; prize.Prize_Experience = client.PrizeExperience; prize.Prize_HeavensBlessing = client.PrizeHeavenBlessing; prize.Prize_PlusStone = client.PrizePlusStone; client.Send(prize); break; } case MentorPrize.ClaimHeavenBlessing: { client.AddBless(client.PrizeHeavenBlessing); client.PrizeHeavenBlessing = 0; foreach (var appr in client.Apprentices.Values) { appr.Actual_HeavenBlessing = 0; Database.KnownPersons.SaveApprenticeInfo(appr); } prize.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; prize.Prize_Type = MentorPrize.Show; prize.Prize_Experience = client.PrizeExperience; prize.Prize_HeavensBlessing = client.PrizeHeavenBlessing; prize.Prize_PlusStone = client.PrizePlusStone; client.Send(prize); break; } case MentorPrize.ClaimPlus: { int stones = client.PrizePlusStone / 100; int totake = stones; if (stones > 0) { for (; stones > 0; stones--) { client.PrizePlusStone -= 100; if (!client.Inventory.Add(730001, 1, 1)) break; } } foreach (var appr in client.Apprentices.Values) { if (appr.Actual_Plus >= totake) { appr.Actual_Plus -= (ushort)totake; totake = 0; } else { totake -= appr.Actual_Plus; appr.Actual_Plus = 0; } Database.KnownPersons.SaveApprenticeInfo(appr); } prize.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; prize.Prize_Type = MentorPrize.Show; prize.Prize_Experience = client.PrizeExperience; prize.Prize_HeavensBlessing = client.PrizeHeavenBlessing; prize.Prize_PlusStone = client.PrizePlusStone; client.Send(prize); break; } case MentorPrize.Show: { prize.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; prize.Prize_Type = MentorPrize.Show; prize.Prize_Experience = client.PrizeExperience; prize.Prize_HeavensBlessing = client.PrizeHeavenBlessing; prize.Prize_PlusStone = client.PrizePlusStone; client.Send(prize); break; } } break; } #endregion #region ElitePk Tournament 2223 | 2219 case 2223: { if (client.Entity.MapID == 6002) break; if (Game.Tournaments.EliteTournament.Start) break; GamePackets.Elite_Pk pk = new Elite_Pk(client.Entity.UID); pk.Send(client); break; } case 2219: { if (client.Entity.MapID == 6002) break; byte[] sed = new byte[36] { 0x1C ,0x00 ,0xAB ,0x08 ,0x04 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x03 ,0x00 // ; « ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x00 ,0x54 ,0x51 ,0x53 ,0x65 // ; TQSe ,0x72 ,0x76 ,0x65 ,0x72 // ;rver }; client.Send(sed); break; } case 1063: { GamePackets.Guild_Pk pk = new Guild_Pk(client.Entity.UID); pk.Send(client); break; } /* case 2224: { client.Send(packet); break; } case 2232: { client.Send(packet); break; } case 2242: { client.Send(packet); break; } case 2243: { client.Send(packet); break; }*/ /*case 2242://Request Arena ranking List 2245 2242 2244 { //Code snippet that belongs to Ultimation Game.ConquerStructures.TeamArena.Statistics.ShowWiners(client); break; } case 2245: { client.TeamArenaStatistic.Send(client); break; }*/ /*case 2245: { client.Send(packet); break; }*/ /* case 2233: { GamePackets.Team_Pk pk = new Team_Pk(client.Entity.UID); pk.Send(client); break; }*/ /* case 2252: { client.Send(packet); break; }*/ /* case 2253: { GamePackets.Team_PkComun pk = new Team_PkComun(client.Entity.UID); pk.Send(client); break; }*/ case 1130: { if (client.Entity.TitlePacket != null) { if (packet[9] == 4) { if (client.Entity.TitlePacket.dwParam2 != 0) client.Entity.TitlePacket.Send(client); } if (packet[9] == 3) { client.Entity.TitleActivated = packet[8]; client.Send(packet); client.SendScreen(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, false); } } break; } #endregion #region vipteleport case 1128: { p1128 vp = new p1128(false); vp.Deserialize(packet); if (ServerBase.Constants.VipNo.Contains(client.Entity.MapID)) return; if (client.Entity.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Ghost)) return; switch (vp.UID) { case 0://player city teleport { switch (vp.UID2) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case 1://tc if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 429, 378); break; case 2://pc if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 188, 264); break; case 3://ac if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 565, 562); break; case 4://dc if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 650); break; case 5://bc if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 717, 571); break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { } default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown 1128 portal subtype 1 : " + vp.UID2); break; } break; } case 1://Team city teleport { switch (vp.UID2) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case 1://tc foreach (Client.GameState teammate in client.Entity.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= 18) { if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) { teammate.Entity.Teleport(1002, 429, 378); } } } if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 429, 378); break; case 2://pc foreach (Client.GameState teammate in client.Entity.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= 18) { if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) { teammate.Entity.Teleport(1011, 188, 264); } } } if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 188, 264); break; case 3://ac foreach (Client.GameState teammate in client.Entity.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= 18) { if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) { teammate.Entity.Teleport(1020, 565, 562); } } } if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 565, 562); break; case 4://dc foreach (Client.GameState teammate in client.Entity.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= 18) { if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) { teammate.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 650); } } } if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 650); break; case 5://bc foreach (Client.GameState teammate in client.Entity.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= 18) { if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) { teammate.Entity.Teleport(1015, 717, 571); } } } if (client.Map.BaseID != 700) client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 717, 571); break; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { } default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown 1128 portal subtype 2 : " + vp.UID2); break; } break; } default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown 1128 subtype: " + vp.UID); break; } break; } #endregion #region MentorApprentice (2065) case 2065: { MentorApprentice ma = new MentorApprentice(false); ma.Deserialize(packet); switch (ma.Type) { case MentorApprentice.LeaveMentor: { LeaveMentor(ma, client); break; } case MentorApprentice.ExpellApprentice: { ExpelApprentice(ma, client); break; } case MentorApprentice.RequestApprentice: { AddApprentice(ma, client); break; } case MentorApprentice.RequestMentor: { AddMentor(ma, client); break; } case MentorApprentice.AcceptRequestApprentice: { AcceptRequestApprentice(ma, client); break; } case MentorApprentice.AcceptRequestMentor: { AcceptRequestMentor(ma, client); break; } } break; } case 2066: { MentorInformation info = new MentorInformation(false); info.Deserialize(packet); if (info.Mentor_Type == 1) { client.ReviewMentor(); } break; } #endregion #region Guild members (2102) case 2102: { ushort Page = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 8); if (client.Guild != null) { if (client.AsMember != null) client.Guild.SendMembers(client, Page); } break; } #endregion #region Arena (2207<->2211) case 2207://Request Arena ranking List 2245 2242 2244 { //Code snippet that belongs to Ultimation ushort PageIndex = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 6); Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.Statistics.ShowRankingPage(packet[4], PageIndex, client); break; } case 2206: { //Code snippet that belongs to Ultimation ushort PageIndex = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 4); Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.RequestGroupList(client, PageIndex); break; } case 2205://Arena Signup! { //Code snippet that belongs to Ultimation uint DialogID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 4); uint ButtonID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); switch (DialogID) { case 4: { switch (ButtonID) { case 0: { Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoQuit(client); break; } } break; } case 0: Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoSignup(client); client.Send(packet); break; case 1: Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoQuit(client); client.Send(packet); break; case 3: { switch (ButtonID) { case 2: Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoGiveUp(client); break; case 1: Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoAccept(client); break; } break; } case 5: { if (client.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints <= 1500) if (client.Entity.Money >= 9000000) { client.Entity.Money -= 9000000; client.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints += 1500; client.Send(client.ArenaStatistic); } break; } case 11://Win/Lose Dialog { switch (ButtonID) { case 0: Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoSignup(client); break; } break; } } break; } case 2208://Request Arena Winner List { //Code snippet that belongs to Ultimation Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.Statistics.ShowWiners(client); break; } case 2209: {//bug in console client.ArenaStatistic.Send(client); break; } case 2211: { if (client.Map.BaseID == 6001 || client.Map.BaseID == 6000) return; ushort Type = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 4); uint Fighter = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 10); if (Type == 0) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(Fighter)) { Client.GameState Client = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[Fighter]; if (Client.QualifierGroup != null) { if (Client.QualifierGroup.Inside) { if (!Client.QualifierGroup.Done) { Client.QualifierGroup.BeginWatching(client); } } } } } else if (Type == 1) { Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoLeave(client); } else if (Type == 4) { string name = ""; for (int c = 22; c < packet.Length; c++) { if (packet[c] != 0) name += (char)packet[c]; else break; } Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoCheer(client, name); } break; } #endregion #region Movement/Walk (10005) case 10005: { if (client.Action != 2) return; GroundMovement groundMovement = new GroundMovement(false); groundMovement.Deserialize(packet); PlayerGroundMovment(groundMovement, client); break; } #endregion //24 2533 53 152 1 0 0 0 84 //60 0 229 9 50 151 152 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 81 83 101 114 118 101 114 //3c 00 e5 09 32 97 98 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 51 53 65 72 76 65 72 /* case 2533: { KimoChi prize = new KimoChi(false); prize.Deserialize(packet); client.Send(packet); client.Send(prize); break; }*/ #region Lottery2 case 1314://1314 { Game.Lottery.Handle(packet, client); break; } #endregion #region New AutoInvite case 1126://1314 { EventAlert2.Handle(packet, client); break; } #endregion #region ClanWar inv (1313) case 1313://1313 { if (packet[4] == 8) { client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 413, 246); } return; } #endregion //packet[8] = 1; #region ChangeName (2080) case 2080: { NameChange prize = new NameChange(false); //prize.EditAllowed = 1; //prize.EditCount = 1; prize.Deserialize(packet); switch (prize.Action)//string name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 26, packet[25]); { case PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.NameChange.NameChangeAction.Request: { string newname = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 10, 16).TrimEnd('\0'); packet[6] = (byte)client.Entity.EditeName; packet[8] = (byte)(5 - client.Entity.EditeName); prize.Send(client); client.Send(prize); if (newname != "") { if (newname == "") return; if (newname.Contains("[") && newname.Contains("]")) return; if (Dialogs.InvalidCharacters(newname) && Dialogs.InvalidCharacters3(newname) && !newname.Contains("[") && !newname.Contains("]")) { PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand cmd2 = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.SELECT).Select("entities").Where("name", newname);//debug and test! PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlReader r = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlReader(cmd2); if (!r.Read())//wait { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= PhoenixProject.Database.rates.ChangeName) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= PhoenixProject.Database.rates.ChangeName; // PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand cmd = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); // cmd.Update("entities").Set("namechange", newname).Where("UID", client.Entity.UID).Execute(); r.Close(); r.Dispose(); client.Entity.NewName = newname; // Console.WriteLine(client.Entity.Name + ", Changed hes Name to : " + newname); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(client.Entity.Name + ", Changed He's/Hers Name to " + newname + ", Will be affected after Relogin.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Talk), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); // client.Edita = 0; // client.Edite = 1; client.Entity.EditeName += 1; packet[4] = 1; prize.Send(client); client.Send(prize); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Your new name is : " + newname + ", After relog You will get your new name, Want to Relog?"); npc.OptionID = 244; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Come back when you have " + PhoenixProject.Database.rates.ChangeName + " CPS."); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); r.Close(); r.Dispose(); } } else { packet[4] = 2; prize.Send(client); client.Send(prize); r.Close(); r.Dispose(); } } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "im sorry not allowed now close the dialog and try again"); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); //r.Close(); //r.Dispose(); } } break; } } //packet[8] = 1; //byte NewClass = packet[4]; //ushort NewBody = packet[8]; break; } #endregion #region Reincarnation (1066) case 1066: { if (client.Entity.Reborn != 2) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.ReincarnatedCharacters.ContainsKey(client.Entity.UID)) return; byte NewClass = packet[4]; ushort NewBody = packet[8]; if (client.Entity.Body.ToString().EndsWith("1") || client.Entity.Body.ToString().EndsWith("2")) NewBody += 2000; else NewBody += 1000; if (client.Inventory.Contains(711083, 1) && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= PhoenixProject.Database.rates.Riencration) { client.Entity.Body = NewBody; new PacketHandler.Reincarnation(client, NewClass); client.Inventory.Remove(711083, 1); client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= PhoenixProject.Database.rates.Riencration; } break; } #endregion #region PurifyItem (2076) case 2076: { Purification ps = new Purification(false); ps.Deserialize(packet); switch (ps.Mode) { case Purification.Purify: PurifyItem(ps, client); break; case Purification.ItemArtifact: PurifyRefinery(ps, client); break; //case Purification.Stabilaze: //new Game.Features.Refinery.Handle(packet, client); break; } break; } #endregion #region KimoClans case 1312: { //GameState targets; switch (packet[4]) { case 21: { if (client.Entity.Myclan != null) { try { uint lider = 0; string name_receive = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 18, packet[17]); foreach (Client.GameState clien in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (clien.Entity.Name == name_receive) { lider = clien.Entity.UID; } } if (lider == client.Entity.UID) return; Client.GameState aClient = null; if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(lider, out aClient)) { if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.ContainsKey(client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId)) { if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId].Members.ContainsKey(aClient.Entity.UID)) { PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId].ClanLider = aClient.Entity.Name; aClient.Entity.ClanRank = 100; aClient.Entity.Myclan.Members[aClient.Entity.UID].Rank = 100; //if (aClient.Entity.Myclan.Members.ContainsKey(client.Entity.UID)) //aClient.Entity.Myclan.Members[client.Entity.UID].Rank = 0; client.Entity.ClanRank = 10; client.Entity.Myclan.Members[client.Entity.UID].Rank = 10; Database.Clans.SaveClan(aClient.Entity.Myclan); //Database.Clans.JoinClan(client); Network.GamePackets.Clan cl = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Clan(client, 1); client.Send(cl.ToArray()); ClanMembers clan = new ClanMembers(client); client.Send(clan.ToArray()); Network.GamePackets.Clan cls = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Clan(aClient, 1); aClient.Send(cls.ToArray()); ClanMembers clans = new ClanMembers(aClient); aClient.Send(clans.ToArray()); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[aClient.Entity.UID].Screen.FullWipe(); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[aClient.Entity.UID].Screen.Reload(null); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[client.Entity.UID].Screen.FullWipe(); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[client.Entity.UID].Screen.Reload(null); } } } else { PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId].ClanLider = name_receive; client.Entity.ClanRank = 10; client.Entity.Myclan.Members[client.Entity.UID].Rank = 10; Database.Clans.SaveClan(client.Entity.Myclan); Database.Clans.TransferClan(name_receive); Network.GamePackets.Clan cl = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Clan(client, 1); client.Send(cl.ToArray()); ClanMembers clan = new ClanMembers(client); client.Send(clan.ToArray()); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[client.Entity.UID].Screen.FullWipe(); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[client.Entity.UID].Screen.Reload(null); //Console.WriteLine("gggf"); } } catch (Exception e) { Program.SaveException(e); } } break; } case (byte)Game.Clan_Typ.Quit: { if (client.Entity.Myclan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank != 100) { client.Entity.Myclan.ExpelMember(client.Entity.Name, true); } } break; } case 25: { if (client.Entity.Myclan == null) return; string buletin = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 18, packet[17]); if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.ContainsKey(client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId)) PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId].ClanBuletion = buletin; Database.Clans.SaveClan(PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId]); client.Send(packet); break; } case 22: { if (client.Entity.Myclan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { string name = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 18, packet[17]); if (client.Entity.Myclan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { client.Entity.Myclan.ExpelMember(name, false); Database.Clans.KickClan(name); } } } } break; } case 26: { uint money = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); if (client.Entity.Money >= money && client.Entity.Myclan != null) { client.Entity.Myclan.Members[client.Entity.UID].Donation += money; client.Entity.Money -= money; if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.ContainsKey(client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId)) PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId].ClanDonation += money; Network.GamePackets.Clan cl = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Clan(client, 1); client.Send(cl.ToArray()); Database.Clans.SaveClientDonation(client); Database.Clans.SaveClan(PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId]); } break; } case 11: { uint lider = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(lider)) { packet[4] = 11; Network.Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 8, packet); packet[16] = 1; packet[17] = (byte)client.Entity.Name.Length; for (int i = 0; i < client.Entity.Name.Length; i++) { try { packet[18 + i] = Convert.ToByte(client.Entity.Name[i]); } catch { } } if (PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[lider].Entity.Myclan != null) PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[lider].Send(packet); } break; } case 12: { if (packet[16] == 1) { if (client.Entity.Myclan != null) if (client.Entity.Myclan.Members[client.Entity.UID].Rank == 100) { { if (client.Entity.Myclan.Members.Count < 7) { uint memeber = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(memeber)) { Game.ClanMembers member = new PhoenixProject.Game.ClanMembers(); member.UID = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.UID; member.Donation = 0; member.Rank = 10; member.Class = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.Class; member.Level = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.Level; member.Name = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.Name; if (!client.Entity.Myclan.Members.ContainsKey(memeber)) client.Entity.Myclan.Members.Add(member.UID, member); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.ClanRank = 10; ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.ClanId = client.Entity.ClanId; ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.Myclan = client.Entity.Myclan; ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Entity.ClanName = client.Entity.ClanName; Database.Clans.JoinClan(ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber]); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Screen.FullWipe(); ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool[memeber].Screen.Reload(null); Network.GamePackets.Clan cl = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Clan(client, 1); client.Send(cl.ToArray()); ClanMembers clan = new ClanMembers(client); client.Send(clan.ToArray()); } } } } } break; } case 4: { ClanMembers clan = new ClanMembers(client); client.Send(clan.ToArray()); break; } case 0x1d: { if (client.Entity.Myclan != null) { Network.Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.Myclan.ClanId, 8, packet); Network.Writer.WriteByte(1, 16, packet); Network.Writer.WriteByte(0x0d, 17, packet); Network.Writer.WriteString("0 0 0 0 0 0 0", 18, packet); client.Send(packet); Network.GamePackets.Clan cl = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Clan(client, 1); client.Send(cl.ToArray()); client.Send(packet); if (client.Entity.Myclan.ClanBuletion != "") client.Send(cl.UpgradeBuletin(client.Entity.Myclan.ClanBuletion)); } else { client.Send(packet); packet[4] = 23; } break; } case 0x18: { client.Send(packet); break; } case (byte)Game.Clan_Typ.AddAlly: { Game.Clans clan = client.Entity.Myclan; if (clan != null) { Client.GameState target; UInt32 Identifier = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { if (clan.Allies.Count >= 5) { client.Send(new Message("The Amount of Allies You can Have is exceeded", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); break; } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(Identifier, out target)) { Game.Clans tclan = target.Entity.Myclan; if (tclan != null) { if (target.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { if (tclan.Allies.Count >= 5) { client.Send(new Message("The Amount of Allies the Target Clan can Have is exceeded", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); break; } if (!clan.Allies.ContainsKey(tclan.ClanId)) { if (!clan.Enemies.ContainsKey(tclan.ClanId)) { String clanName = client.Entity.ClanName; Clan2 clanp = new Clan2(); clanp.Deserialize(packet); clanp.Offset16 = 2; clanp.Identifier = client.Entity.UID; Writer.WriteByte((Byte)clanName.Length, 17, clanp.ToArray()); Writer.WriteString(clanName, 18, clanp.ToArray()); tclan.AllyRequest = clan.ClanId; target.Send(clanp); } else client.Send(new Message("The clan is Your Enemy.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } } else client.Send(new Message("This target is not the clan leader.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } } else client.Send(new Message("Can not find target.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("You are not the clan leader.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case (byte)Game.Clan_Typ.AcceptAlliance: { Game.Clans clan = client.Entity.Myclan; if (clan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { Game.Clans tclan; if (ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.TryGetValue(clan.AllyRequest, out tclan)) { if (tclan != null) { if (!tclan.Enemies.ContainsKey(clan.ClanId)) { if (!clan.Enemies.ContainsKey(tclan.ClanId)) { if (!clan.Allies.ContainsKey(tclan.ClanId)) clan.Allies.Add(tclan.ClanId, tclan); tclan.Allies.Add(clan.ClanId, clan); clan.SendMessage(new ClanRelations(clan, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies)); tclan.SendMessage(new ClanRelations(tclan, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies)); clan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("Our Clan has Allianced with {0}", tclan.ClanName), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); tclan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("Our Clan has Allianced with {0}", clan.ClanName), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); clan.AddRelation(tclan.ClanId, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies); tclan.AddRelation(clan.ClanId, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies); clan.AllyRequest = tclan.AllyRequest = 0; } else client.Send(new Message("This Clan is Your Enemy.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } client.Send(new Message("This Clan Has Enemied You!.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } } else client.Send(new Message("Can not find target", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("You are not the clan leader.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case (byte)Game.Clan_Typ.DeleteEnemy: { Game.Clans clan = client.Entity.Myclan; if (clan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { Clan2 clanp = new Clan2(); clanp.Deserialize(packet); String EnemyTarget = clanp.Offset18String; UInt32 ClanId = clanp.GetClanId(EnemyTarget); Game.Clans tclan; if (ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.TryGetValue(ClanId, out tclan)) { clan.Enemies.Remove(ClanId); clan.DeleteRelation(ClanId, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Enemies); clan.SendMessage(new ClanRelations(clan, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Enemies)); clan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("We are no longer Enemies With {0}", clan.ClanId), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); client.Send(clanp); } } else client.Send(new Message("You are not authorized to continue with this action", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case (byte)Game.Clan_Typ.DeleteAlly: { Game.Clans clan = client.Entity.Myclan; if (clan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { Clan2 clanp = new Clan2(); clanp.Deserialize(packet); String AlliedTarget = clanp.Offset18String; UInt32 ClanId = clanp.GetClanId(AlliedTarget); Game.Clans tclan; if (clan.Allies.TryGetValue(ClanId, out tclan)) { clan.Allies.Remove(ClanId); tclan.Allies.Remove(clan.ClanId); clan.DeleteRelation(ClanId, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies); tclan.DeleteRelation(clan.ClanId, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies); clan.SendMessage(new ClanRelations(clan, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies)); tclan.SendMessage(new ClanRelations(tclan, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Allies)); clan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("We are no longer allied with {0}", tclan.ClanName), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); tclan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("We are no longer allied with {0}", clan.ClanName), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); client.Send(clanp); } } else client.Send(new Message("You are not authorized to continue with this action", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } break; } case (byte)Game.Clan_Typ.AddEnemy: { Game.Clans clan = client.Entity.Myclan; if (clan != null) { if (client.Entity.ClanRank == 100) { String Enemy = System.Text.Encoding.UTF7.GetString(packet, 18, packet[17]).Trim(new Char[] { '\0' }); UInt32 ClanId = 0; var AllCland = ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Game.Clans c_clan in AllCland) { if (Enemy == c_clan.ClanName) { ClanId = c_clan.ClanId; break; } } if (ClanId == 0) break; if (!clan.Enemies.ContainsKey(ClanId)) { if (!clan.Allies.ContainsKey(ClanId)) { if (clan.Enemies.Count >= 5) { client.Send(new Message("The Ammount of Enemies You can Have is exceeded", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); break; } Game.Clans tclan; if (ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans.TryGetValue(ClanId, out tclan)) { if (!clan.Enemies.ContainsKey(tclan.ClanId)) clan.Enemies.Add(tclan.ClanId, tclan); clan.AddRelation(ClanId, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Enemies); clan.SendMessage(new ClanRelations(clan, ClanRelations.RelationTypes.Enemies)); clan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("We Have Enemied the clan {0}", tclan.ClanName), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); tclan.SendMessage(new Message(String.Format("The Clan {0} Has Made us their Enemy!", clan.ClanName), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Clan)); } } else client.Send(new Message("This clan is one of your alliance, What has gone wrong?", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("This clan is Already One of Your Enemies", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft)); } } break; } default: Console.WriteLine("Clan Type " + packet[4]); break; } break; } #endregion #region SubClass (2320) case 2320: { byte[] Packet = null; switch (packet[4]) { //9 = learn 10= upgrade pro #region [Restore/Switch] case 0: byte To = packet[6]; Packet = new byte[0]; client.Send(packet); if (To > 0)//Switch { /*switch ((Game.ClassID)To) { case Game.ClassID.Wrangler: { switch (client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[To].Level) { case 9: { //client.Entity.Hitpoints += 1200; //client.Entity.MaxHitpoints += 1200; break; } } break; } }*/ Packet = new byte[0]; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 1, Class = To, Level = client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[To].Phase }.ToArray();//client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[To].Phase client.Send(Packet); //Packet = new SubClass(client.Entity).ToArray(); //client.Send(Packet); client.Entity.SubClass = To; /// client.Entity.SubClassLevel = client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[To].Level; client.Entity.SubClasses.Active = To; client.Entity.SubClassesActive = To; // Console.WriteLine("s " + To + ""); } else//Restore { client.Entity.SubClass = 0; //client.Entity.SubClassLevel = 0; client.Entity.SubClasses.Active = 0; client.Entity.SubClassesActive = 0; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 1 }.ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); } client.SendScreen(client.Entity.SpawnPacket, false); break; #endregion #region [Upgrade] case 2: { byte Class = packet[6]; ushort Required = 0; Statement.SubClass Sc = client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[Class]; #region [Set Required] switch ((Statement.ClassID)Sc.ID) { case Statement.ClassID.MartialArtist: switch (Sc.Level) { case 1: Required = 300; break; case 2: Required = 900; break; case 3: Required = 1800; break; case 4: Required = 2700; break; case 5: Required = 3600; break; case 6: Required = 5100; break; case 7: Required = 6900; break; case 8: Required = 8700; break; case 9: Required = ushort.MaxValue; break; } break; case Statement.ClassID.Warlock: switch (Sc.Level) { case 1: Required = 300; break; case 2: Required = 900; break; case 3: Required = 1800; break; case 4: Required = 2700; break; case 5: Required = 3600; break; case 6: Required = 5100; break; case 7: Required = 6900; break; case 8: Required = 8700; break; case 9: Required = ushort.MaxValue; break; } break; case Statement.ClassID.ChiMaster: switch (Sc.Level) { case 1: Required = 600; break; case 2: Required = 1800; break; case 3: Required = 3600; break; case 4: Required = 5400; break; case 5: Required = 7200; break; case 6: Required = 10200; break; case 7: Required = 13800; break; case 8: Required = 17400; break; case 9: Required = ushort.MaxValue; break; } break; case Statement.ClassID.Sage: switch (Sc.Level) { case 1: Required = 400; break; case 2: Required = 1200; break; case 3: Required = 2400; break; case 4: Required = 3600; break; case 5: Required = 4800; break; case 6: Required = 6800; break; case 7: Required = 9200; break; case 8: Required = 11600; break; case 9: Required = ushort.MaxValue; break; } break; case Statement.ClassID.Apothecary: switch (Sc.Level) { case 1: Required = 100; break; case 2: Required = 200; break; case 3: Required = 300; break; case 4: Required = 400; break; case 5: Required = 500; break; case 6: Required = 1000; break; case 7: Required = 4000; break; case 8: Required = 9000; break; case 9: Required = ushort.MaxValue; break; } break; case Statement.ClassID.Wrangler: case Statement.ClassID.Performer: switch (Sc.Level) { case 1: Required = 400; break; case 2: Required = 1200; break; case 3: Required = 2400; break; case 4: Required = 3600; break; case 5: Required = 4800; break; case 6: Required = 6800; break; case 7: Required = 9200; break; case 8: Required = 11600; break; case 9: Required = ushort.MaxValue; break; } break; } #endregion if (client.Entity.SubClasses.StudyPoints >= Required) { client.Entity.SubClasses.StudyPoints -= Required; client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[Class].Level++; Packet = new byte[0]; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 1, Class = Class, Level = client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[Class].Level }.ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); Packet = new SubClass(client.Entity).ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); Database.SubClassTable.Update(client.Entity, client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[Class]); //Database.SubClassTable.Update(client); } break; } #endregion #region [Info] case 6: Game.Entity Owner = client.Entity; if (Owner.SubClasses.Classes.Count > 0) { Statement.SubClass[] Classes = new Statement.SubClass[Owner.SubClasses.Classes.Count]; Owner.SubClasses.Classes.Values.CopyTo(Classes, 0); foreach (Statement.SubClass Class in Classes) { if (Class.ID == 9) { for (byte i = 0; i < Class.Phase; i++) { Packet = new byte[0]; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 4, Class = Class.ID, Level = Class.Level }.ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); } continue; } Packet = new byte[0]; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 4, Class = Class.ID, Level = Class.Level }.ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); } } Packet = new SubClass(client.Entity).ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); break; #endregion #region [Learn] case 9://class type packet6 byte Class1 = packet[6]; if (PacketHandler.PassLearn((byte)packet[6], client.Entity)) { if (!client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes.ContainsKey((byte)packet[6])) { { client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes.Add((byte)packet[6], new PhoenixProject.Statement.SubClass() { ID = (byte)packet[6], Level = 1, Phase = 1 }); PhoenixProject.Database.SubClassTable.Insert(client.Entity, (byte)packet[6]); Packet = new byte[0]; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 1, Class = Class1, Level = client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[Class1].Level }.ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); Packet = new SubClass(client.Entity).ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); } } } break; #endregion #region [UpgradePro] case 10: byte Class2 = packet[6]; if (client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[(byte)Class2].Phase < client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[(byte)Class2].Level) { client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[(byte)Class2].Phase++; Database.SubClassTable.Update(client.Entity, client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[(byte)Class2]); Packet = new byte[0]; Packet = new SubClassShowFull(true) { ID = 1, Class = Class2, Level = client.Entity.SubClasses.Classes[Class2].Level }.ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); Packet = new SubClass(client.Entity).ToArray(); client.Send(Packet); } break; #endregion default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown 2320 packet type " + packet[4]); break; } break; } #endregion #region ItemAdding Stabilization case 1038: { ItemAddingStabilization stabilization = new ItemAddingStabilization(false); stabilization.Deserialize(packet); StabilazeArtifact(stabilization, client); break; } #endregion #region Data (10010) case 10010: { if (client.Action != 2) return; Data gData = new Data(false); gData.Deserialize(packet); if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Coder) { client.Send(new Message("Data ID: " + gData.ID, System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue, Message.Talk)); } switch (gData.ID) { /*case Data.AllowAnimation: { LoginMessages(client); client.Send(new FlowerPacket(client.Entity.Flowers)); //Database.SubClassTable.Load(client.Entity); ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip(); equips.DoEquips(client); client.Send(equips); client.Send(packet); } break;*/ #region Appearance case 0xb2: { byte appearance = (byte)gData.dwParam; Data app = new Data(true) { ID = 0xb2, UID = client.Entity.UID, dwParam = appearance, wParam1 = client.Entity.X, wParam2 = client.Entity.Y }; client.Send(gData); client.Send(app); client.SendScreen(gData, true); client.SendScreen(app, true); return; } #endregion case 132: { // Console.WriteLine(" this "); client.Disconnect(); break; } /* case Data.KimoGearDis: { Console.WriteLine("data " + gData.dwParam + ""); break; }*/ case Data.UpdateProf: if (client != null) { ushort UplevelProficiency; UplevelProficiency = (ushort)gData.dwParam; var prof = client.Proficiencies[UplevelProficiency]; if ((prof.Level >= 1) && (prof.Level <= 19)) { if (prof.Level == 19 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 1420) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 1420; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 18 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 1154) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 1154; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 17 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 799) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 799; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 16 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 548) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 548; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 15 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 375) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 375; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level >= 11 && prof.Level <= 14 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 324) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 324; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 10 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 270) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 270; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 9 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 162) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 162; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 8 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 135) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 135; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 7 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 81) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 81; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 6 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 54) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 54; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level >= 2 && prof.Level <= 5 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 27) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 27; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } if (prof.Level == 1) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 22; prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); } } } else { //break; } break; case Data.UpdateSpell: if (client != null) { ushort UplevelProficiency; UplevelProficiency = (ushort)gData.dwParam; if (client.Spells.ContainsKey(UplevelProficiency)) { var prof = client.Spells[UplevelProficiency]; if (prof != null) { int num2 = (int)Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[UplevelProficiency][prof.Level].CPUpgradeRatio; int num3 = Math.Max((int)prof.Experience, 1); int num4 = 100 - ((int)(((ulong)num3) / ((ulong)Math.Max((uint)(Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[UplevelProficiency][prof.Level].NeedExperience / 100), (uint)1)))); uint num = (uint)(((double)((num2 * num4) / 100)) / 22.2); if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= num) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= num; // Console.WriteLine(" " + num + ""); prof.Level++; prof.Experience = 0; prof.Send(client); break; } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Sorry you dont have " + num + " cps i cant help you!"); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); break; //sorry you dont have 100 cps } } } break; } else { //break; } break; case Data.SwingPickaxe: client.Mining = true; break; case Data.Revive: Revive(gData, client); break; case Data.UsePortal: UsePortal(gData, client); break; case Data.ChangePKMode: ChangePKMode(gData, client); break; case Data.ChangeAction: ChangeAction(gData, client); break; case Data.ChangeDirection: ChangeDirection(gData, client); break; case Data.Hotkeys: client.Send(packet); break; case Data.ConfirmSpells: if (client.Spells != null) foreach (Interfaces.ISkill spell in client.Spells.Values) if (spell.ID != 3060) spell.Send(client); client.Send(packet); break; case Data.ConfirmProficiencies: if (client.Proficiencies != null) foreach (Interfaces.IProf proficiency in client.Proficiencies.Values) proficiency.Send(client); client.Send(packet); break; case Data.ConfirmGuild: client.Send(packet); break; case Data.ConfirmFriends: #region Friends/Enemy/TradePartners/Apprentices Message msg2 = new Message("Your friend, " + client.Entity.Name + ", has logged on.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft); foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Friend friend in client.Friends.Values) { if (friend.IsOnline) { var pckt = new KnownPersons(true) { UID = client.Entity.UID, Type = KnownPersons.RemovePerson, Name = client.Entity.Name, Online = true }; friend.Client.Send(pckt); pckt.Type = KnownPersons.AddFriend; friend.Client.Send(pckt); friend.Client.Send(msg2); } client.Send(new KnownPersons(true) { UID = friend.ID, Type = KnownPersons.AddFriend, Name = friend.Name, Online = friend.IsOnline }); if (friend.Message != "") { client.Send(new Message(friend.Message, client.Entity.Name, friend.Name, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Whisper)); Database.KnownPersons.UpdateMessageOnFriend(friend.ID, client.Entity.UID, ""); } } foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Enemy enemy in client.Enemy.Values) { client.Send(new KnownPersons(true) { UID = enemy.ID, Type = KnownPersons.AddEnemy, Name = enemy.Name, Online = enemy.IsOnline }); } Message msg3 = new Message("Your partner, " + client.Entity.Name + ", has logged in.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft); foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.TradePartner partner in client.Partners.Values) { if (partner.IsOnline) { var packet3 = new TradePartner(true) { UID = client.Entity.UID, Type = TradePartner.BreakPartnership, Name = client.Entity.Name, HoursLeft = (int)(new TimeSpan(partner.ProbationStartedOn.AddDays(3).Ticks).TotalHours - new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks).TotalHours), Online = true }; partner.Client.Send(packet3); packet3.Type = TradePartner.AddPartner; partner.Client.Send(packet3); partner.Client.Send(msg3); } var packet4 = new TradePartner(true) { UID = partner.ID, Type = TradePartner.AddPartner, Name = partner.Name, HoursLeft = (int)(new TimeSpan(partner.ProbationStartedOn.AddDays(3).Ticks).TotalHours - new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks).TotalHours), Online = partner.IsOnline }; client.Send(packet4); } foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Apprentice appr in client.Apprentices.Values) { if (appr.IsOnline) { ApprenticeInformation AppInfo = new ApprenticeInformation(); AppInfo.Apprentice_ID = appr.ID; AppInfo.Apprentice_Level = appr.Client.Entity.Level; AppInfo.Apprentice_Class = appr.Client.Entity.Class; AppInfo.Apprentice_PkPoints = appr.Client.Entity.PKPoints; AppInfo.Apprentice_Experience = appr.Actual_Experience; AppInfo.Apprentice_Composing = appr.Actual_Plus; AppInfo.Apprentice_Blessing = appr.Actual_HeavenBlessing; AppInfo.Apprentice_Name = appr.Name; AppInfo.Apprentice_Online = true; AppInfo.Apprentice_Spouse_Name = appr.Client.Entity.Spouse; AppInfo.Enrole_date = appr.EnroleDate; AppInfo.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; AppInfo.Mentor_Mesh = client.Entity.Mesh; AppInfo.Mentor_Name = client.Entity.Name; AppInfo.Type = 2; client.Send(AppInfo); MentorInformation Information = new MentorInformation(true); Information.Mentor_Type = 1; Information.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; Information.Apprentice_ID = appr.ID; Information.Enrole_Date = appr.EnroleDate; Information.Mentor_Level = client.Entity.Level; Information.Mentor_Class = client.Entity.Class; Information.Mentor_PkPoints = client.Entity.PKPoints; Information.Mentor_Mesh = client.Entity.Mesh; Information.Mentor_Online = true; Information.Shared_Battle_Power = (uint)(((client.Entity.BattlePower - client.Entity.ExtraBattlePower) - (appr.Client.Entity.BattlePower - appr.Client.Entity.ExtraBattlePower)) / 3.3F); Information.String_Count = 3; Information.Mentor_Name = client.Entity.Name; Information.Apprentice_Name = appr.Name; Information.Mentor_Spouse_Name = client.Entity.Spouse; appr.Client.ReviewMentor(); appr.Client.Send(Information); } else { ApprenticeInformation AppInfo = new ApprenticeInformation(); AppInfo.Apprentice_ID = appr.ID; AppInfo.Apprentice_Name = appr.Name; AppInfo.Apprentice_Online = false; AppInfo.Enrole_date = appr.EnroleDate; AppInfo.Mentor_ID = client.Entity.UID; AppInfo.Mentor_Mesh = client.Entity.Mesh; AppInfo.Mentor_Name = client.Entity.Name; AppInfo.Type = 2; client.Send(AppInfo); } } #endregion client.Send(packet); break; case Data.EndTeleport: break; case Data.GetSurroundings: if (client.Booth != null) { client.Entity.TransformationID = 0; client.Booth.Remove(); client.Booth = null; } GetSurroundings(client); client.Send(new MapStatus() { BaseID = (ushort)client.Map.BaseID, ID = (uint)client.Map.ID, Status = Database.MapsTable.MapInformations[client.Map.ID].Status }); Game.Weather.CurrentWeatherBase.Send(client); client.Send(gData); break; case Data.SetLocation: SetLocation(gData, client); client.Entity.MapRegion = Region.Region.FindRegion((uint)client.Map.BaseID, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y); break; case Data.Jump: { PlayerJump(gData, client); break; } case Data.BlueCountdown: { // PlayerJump(gData, client); break; } case Data.UnknownEntity: { #region UnknownEntity Client.GameState pClient = null; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(gData.dwParam, out pClient)) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(pClient.Entity.X, pClient.Entity.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance && client.Map.ID == pClient.Map.ID) { if (pClient.Guild != null) pClient.Guild.SendName(client); if (client.Guild != null) client.Guild.SendName(pClient); if (pClient.Entity.UID != client.Entity.UID) { if (pClient.Map.ID == client.Map.ID) { if (pClient.Map.BaseID == 700) { if (client.QualifierGroup != null) { if (pClient.QualifierGroup != null) { client.Entity.SendSpawn(pClient, false); pClient.Entity.SendSpawn(client, false); } else { client.Entity.SendSpawn(pClient, false); client.Screen.Add(pClient.Entity); } } else { if (pClient.QualifierGroup != null) { pClient.Entity.SendSpawn(client, false); pClient.Screen.Add(client.Entity); } else { client.Entity.SendSpawn(pClient, false); pClient.Entity.SendSpawn(client, false); } } } else { client.Entity.SendSpawn(pClient, false); pClient.Entity.SendSpawn(client, false); } } } } } else { Game.Entity monster = null; for (int x = 0; x < client.Map.Entities.Count; x++) { if (x >= client.Map.Entities.Count) break; if (client.Map.Entities[x] != null) { if (client.Map.Entities[x].UID == gData.dwParam) { monster = client.Map.Entities[x]; break; } } } if (monster != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(monster.X, monster.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { monster.SendSpawn(client, false); } } for (int x = 0; x < client.Map.Companions.Count; x++) { if (x >= client.Map.Companions.Count) break; if (client.Map.Companions[x] != null) { if (client.Map.Companions[x].UID == gData.dwParam) { monster = client.Map.Companions[x]; break; } } } if (monster != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(monster.X, monster.Y, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { monster.SendSpawn(client, false); } } } #endregion break; } case Data.CompleteLogin: { client.MonsterHunterStats = new MonsterHunterStats(client); //client.MonsterHunterStats.Kills = (ushort)client.Entity.Status4; // client.MonsterHunterStats.Load(client); LoginMessages(client); Network.GamePackets.Weather weather = new Network.GamePackets.Weather(true); weather.WeatherType = (uint)Program.WeatherType; weather.Intensity = 100; weather.Appearence = 2; weather.Direction = 4; client.Send(new FlowerPacket(client.Entity.Flowers)); client.Send(new FlowerPacket3(client)); /*ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip(); equips.DoEquips(client); client.Send(equips);*/ client.Send(packet); client.Send(weather); break; } case Data.ChangeFace: ChangeFace(gData, client); break; case Data.ObserveEquipment: ObserveEquipment2(gData, client); break; case Data.ObserveEquipment2: ObserveEquipment(gData, client); break; case 408: { /* if (!client.ChangeGear) { Game.KimoChangeGear.Load(client); } else { Game.KimoChangeGear.Load2(client); } client.ChangeGear = true;*/ break; } case Data.ObserveKnownPerson: ObserveEquipment(gData, client); break; case Data.ViewEnemyInfo: { if (client.Enemy.ContainsKey(gData.dwParam)) { if (client.Enemy[gData.dwParam].IsOnline) { KnownPersonInfo info = new KnownPersonInfo(true); info.Fill(client.Enemy[gData.dwParam], true, false); if (client.Enemy[gData.dwParam].Client.Guild != null) client.Enemy[gData.dwParam].Client.Guild.SendName(client); client.Send(info); } } break; } case Data.ViewFriendInfo: { if (client.Friends.ContainsKey(gData.dwParam)) { if (client.Friends[gData.dwParam].IsOnline) { KnownPersonInfo info = new KnownPersonInfo(true); info.Fill(client.Friends[gData.dwParam], false, false); if (client.Friends[gData.dwParam].Client.Guild != null) client.Friends[gData.dwParam].Client.Guild.SendName(client); client.Send(info); } } break; } case Data.ViewPartnerInfo: { if (client.Partners.ContainsKey(gData.dwParam)) { if (client.Partners[gData.dwParam].IsOnline) { TradePartnerInfo info = new TradePartnerInfo(true); info.Fill(client.Partners[gData.dwParam]); if (client.Partners[gData.dwParam].Client.Guild != null) client.Partners[gData.dwParam].Client.Guild.SendName(client); client.Send(info); } } break; } case Data.EndFly: client.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Fly); break; case Data.EndTransformation: client.Entity.Untransform(); break; case Data.XPListEnd: case Data.Die: break; case Data.Confiscator: client.Send(packet); break; case Data.OwnBooth: { client.Booth = new PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Booth(client, gData); client.Send(new Data(true) { ID = Data.ChangeAction, UID = client.Entity.UID, dwParam = 0 }); break; } case Data.Away: { if (client.Entity.Away == 0) client.Entity.Away = 1; else client.Entity.Away = 0; client.SendScreenSpawn(client.Entity, false); break; } case Data.DeleteCharacter: { if ((client.WarehousePW == null || client.WarehousePW == "" || client.WarehousePW == "0" && gData.dwParam == 0) || (client.WarehousePW == gData.dwParam.ToString())) { client.Account.TempID = 400; client.Disconnect(); } break; } case Data.TeamSearchForMember: { if (client.Team != null) { Client.GameState Client = null; if (!client.Team.IsTeammate(gData.UID)) return; if (Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(gData.UID, out Client)) { // Console.WriteLine(" " + gData.dwParam + ""); gData.wParam1 = Client.Entity.X; gData.wParam2 = Client.Entity.Y; gData.Send(client); } } break; } default: if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager || client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Coder) client.Send(new Message("Unknown generaldata id: " + gData.ID, System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue, Message.Talk)); break; } break; } #endregion #region TimePacket (1033) case 1033: { ServerTime time = new ServerTime(); time.Year = (uint)DateTime.Now.Year; time.Month = (uint)DateTime.Now.Month; time.DayOfYear = (uint)DateTime.Now.DayOfYear; time.DayOfMonth = (uint)DateTime.Now.Day; time.Hour = (uint)DateTime.Now.Hour; time.Minute = (uint)DateTime.Now.Minute; time.Second = (uint)DateTime.Now.Second; client.Send(time); break; } #endregion #region MemoryAgate case 2110: { uint ItemUID = BitConverter.ToUInt32(packet, 8); switch (packet[4]) { case 1: { if (client.Map.IsDynamic()) return; if (ServerBase.Constants.revnomap.Contains(client.Entity.MapID)) return; Interfaces.IConquerItem Item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(ItemUID, out Item)) { if (Item.Agate_map.ContainsKey(packet[12])) { Item.Agate_map[(uint)packet[12]] = client.Entity.MapID + "~" + client.Entity.X + "~" + client.Entity.Y; Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemAgate(Item); Item.SendAgate(client); break; } if (packet[12] > Item.Agate_map.Count) { Item.Agate_map.Add((byte)(Item.Agate_map.Count), client.Entity.MapID + "~" + client.Entity.X + "~" + client.Entity.Y); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemAgate(Item); Item.SendAgate(client); break; } else { if (!Item.Agate_map.ContainsKey(packet[12])) { Item.Agate_map.Add(packet[12], client.Entity.MapID + "~" + client.Entity.X + "~" + client.Entity.Y); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemAgate(Item); Item.SendAgate(client); } break; } } break; } case 3: { if (client.Map.IsDynamic()) return; if (ServerBase.Constants.revnomap.Contains(client.Entity.MapID)) return; Interfaces.IConquerItem Item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(ItemUID, out Item)) { if (Item.Agate_map.ContainsKey(packet[12])) { if (ServerBase.Constants.MemoryAgateNotAllowedMap.Contains(ushort.Parse(Item.Agate_map[packet[12]].Split('~')[0].ToString()))) { return; } /*if (ushort.Parse(Item.Agate_map[packet[12]].Split('~')[0].ToString()) == 1038) return; if (ushort.Parse(Item.Agate_map[packet[12]].Split('~')[0].ToString()) == 6001) return;*/ client.Entity.Teleport(ushort.Parse(Item.Agate_map[packet[12]].Split('~')[0].ToString()) , ushort.Parse(Item.Agate_map[packet[12]].Split('~')[1].ToString()) , ushort.Parse(Item.Agate_map[packet[12]].Split('~')[2].ToString())); Item.Durability--; Item.SendAgate(client); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemAgate(Item); } } break; } case 4: { if (ServerBase.Constants.MemoryAgateNotAllowedMap.Contains(client.Entity.MapID)) return; Interfaces.IConquerItem Item = null; if (client.Inventory.TryGetItem(ItemUID, out Item)) { uint cost = (uint)(Item.MaximDurability - Item.Durability) / 2; if (cost == 0) cost = 1; if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints > cost) { client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= cost; Item.Durability = Item.MaximDurability; Item.SendAgate(client); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateItemAgate(Item); } } break; } } break; } #endregion #region Ayudante case 1321: case 1322: case 1136: case 1320: client.Send(packet); break; case 2261: { client.Send(packet); } break; #endregion #region Advertise case 2226: { byte[] firstpacket = new byte[724]{0xCC,0x02,0xB2,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00//;̲0x,0x0x0x ,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x67,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x,0xg0x0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x75,0x83,0x83,0x50//;0x0x0x,0x,0xPuP ,0x75,0x83,0x83,0x50,0x61,0x24,0x24,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;uPa$$0x0x0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x44//;0x0x0x0x0xD ,0x65,0x76,0x69,0x6C,0x5F,0x44,0x6F,0x67,0x67,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;evil_Dogg0x0x,0x ,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x83,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x81,0xC3,0x15,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0xÃ0x,0x,0x ,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;,0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x7E,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;~0x0x0x0x,0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x 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,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x41,0x4F,0x57,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0xAOW0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x0x0x0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x73,0x61,0x61,0x6E,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x,0xsaan0x,0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0D,0x00,0x00,0x00//;0x0x,0x,0x0x0x ,0xA5,0x0C,0x0E,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;¥0x,0x,0x,0x0x,0x,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x54,0x51,0x53,0x65//;0x0x0x0xTQSe ,0x72,0x76,0x65,0x72};//;rver client.Send(firstpacket); byte[] secondpacket = new byte[724]{0xCC,0x02,0xB2,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00//;̲//////,0x//,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x16,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x60,0x2A,0x41,0x75,0x74//;//////,0x`*Aut ,0x68,0x65,0x6E,0x74,0x69,0x63,0x2A,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;hentic*`//// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x4E//;//////,0xN ,0x61,0x72,0x72,0x63,0x6F,0x74,0x69,0x63,0x7A,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;arrcoticz//,0x ,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x59,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xDF,0xA3,0x59,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//,0xY//,0xߣY////,0x ,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;,0x////,0x ,0x7B,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;{////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x7E,0x2A,0x44,0x65,0x5F,0x41,0x5F,0x74,0x68,0x2A,0x7E,0x00,0x00//;//,0x~*De_A_th*~// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;//////// ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x32,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E//;//,0x^^^^^2^^^ ,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00//;^^^^^//,0x//,0x//,0x ,0x10,0x27,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00//;'//,0x////,0x ,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x54,0x51,0x53,0x65//;////TQSe ,0x72,0x76,0x65,0x72};//////////////;rver client.Send(secondpacket); break; } #endregion #region OneArmedBandit 1351 AboRagab/Kimo/Amro kan bys2f case 1351: { if (packet[4] == 0) { if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 100 * packet[5]) { client.Send(packet); Sendonearmed(client); //PrintPacket(packet); client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= (uint)(100 * packet[5]); //Console.WriteLine("cps " +(uint)(100 * packet[5])); } } else { Sendonearmed2(client); Prize3X(client); client.Entity.ConquerPoints += client.Entity.CPSS * packet[5]; //Console.WriteLine("Win " + (uint)(client.Entity.CPSS * packet[5])); //PrintPacket(packet); } break; } #endregion /*case 1044: PrintPacket(packet); client.Send(packet); break;*/ /*#region PK Explorer (2220) case 2220: { PkExplorer pk = new PkExplorer(packet, client); pk.SubType = 1; client.Send(pk.Build()); break; } #endregion*/ /* #region Cases de Packs case 1034: case 1037: { client.Send(packet); break; } case 1135: client.Send(packet); break; case 1134: { switch (ID2) { case 1: client.Send(packet); break; case 2: client.Send(packet); break; case 3: client.Send(packet); break; case 4: client.Send(packet); break; case 5: client.Send(packet); break; case 6: client.Send(packet); break; case 7: client.Send(packet); break; case 8: client.Send(packet); break; case 9: client.Send(packet); break; case 10: client.Send(packet); break; } break; } #endregion*/ /*case 1134: { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Quest.QuestInfo.Handle(packet, client); break; } case 1135: { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Quest.QuestQuery2.Handle(packet, client); break; }*/ /* case 1136: { //PrintPacket(packet); client.Send(packet); // PrintPacket(packet); break; }*/ default: { if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Coder) { ushort key = BitConverter.ToUInt16(packet, 2); //PrintPacket(packet); Console.WriteLine("[Kimo]=> Unknown Packet: " + key + ""); // Console.WriteLine("[Kimo]=> Unknown Packet: " + key + " " + PacketConstructor.Dump(packet) + ""); } break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Program.SaveException(e); } }
public static bool CheckCommand2(Message message, Client.GameState client) { try { if (message.__Message.StartsWith("@")) { string Message = message.__Message.Substring(1).ToLower(); string Mess = message.__Message.Substring(1); string[] Data = Message.Split(' '); return true; } return false; } catch { client.Send(new Message("Impossible to handle this command", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, Message.TopLeft)); return false; } }
static bool CheckCommand(Message message, Client.GameState client) { try { if (message.__Message.StartsWith("@")) { string Message = message.__Message.Substring(1).ToLower(); string Mess = message.__Message.Substring(1); string[] Data = Message.Split(' '); #region GMs PMs if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager || client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Coder) { switch (Data[0]) { case "addcps": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { if (!Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInformations.ContainsKey(pClient.Entity.UID)) { PhoenixProject.Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInfo info = new PhoenixProject.Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInfo(); info.Owner = pClient.Entity.UID; info.type = 1; info.amount = uint.Parse(Data[2]); info.itemid = 0; PhoenixProject.Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInformations.Add(info.Owner, info); PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand cmd = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.INSERT); cmd.Insert("prizenpc").Insert("Owner", client.Entity.UID).Insert("type", info.type).Insert("Amount", info.amount).Insert("itemid", info.itemid); cmd.Execute(); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratulation you have got an Donation Prize " + info.amount + " Cps go to PrizeNpc to Claim It?"); npc.OptionID = 255; pClient.Send(npc.ToArray()); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc2 = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "" + pClient.Entity.Name + " has Recived " + info.amount + " Cps"); npc2.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc2.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("" + pClient.Entity.Name + " has got Donation Prize Cps " + info.amount + ""); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Sorry the player already have prize not claimed yet"); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } } } break; } case "who": { var varr = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values.GetEnumerator(); varr.MoveNext(); int COunt = ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count; for (uint x = 0; x < COunt; x++) { if (x >= COunt) break; Client.GameState pClient = (varr.Current as Client.GameState); if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { client.Send(new Message("[Whois " + pClient.Entity.Name + "]", System.Drawing.Color.Gold, GamePackets.Message.FirstRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Username: "******"Password: "******"IP: " + pClient.Account.IP, System.Drawing.Color.Gold, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("CPs: " + pClient.Entity.ConquerPoints, System.Drawing.Color.Gold, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Money: " + pClient.Entity.Money, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Class: " + pClient.Entity.Class, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("UID: " + pClient.Entity.UID, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Level: " + pClient.Entity.Level, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Strength: " + pClient.Entity.Strength, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Agility: " + pClient.Entity.Agility, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Vitality: " + pClient.Entity.Vitality, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Spirit: " + pClient.Entity.Spirit, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Atributes: " + pClient.Entity.Atributes, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Hitpoints: " + pClient.Entity.Hitpoints, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("PKPoints: " + pClient.Entity.PKPoints, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("VIPLevel: " + pClient.Entity.VIPLevel, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); client.Send(new Message("Map: [" + pClient.Entity.MapID + "] " + pClient.Entity.X + "," + pClient.Entity.Y, System.Drawing.Color.Green, GamePackets.Message.ContinueRightCorner)); } varr.MoveNext(); } break; } case "additem": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { if (!Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInformations.ContainsKey(pClient.Entity.UID)) { PhoenixProject.Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInfo info = new PhoenixProject.Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInfo(); info.Owner = pClient.Entity.UID; info.type = 2; info.amount = 0; info.itemid = uint.Parse(Data[2]); PhoenixProject.Game.PrizeNPC.PrizeNpcInformations.Add(info.Owner, info); PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand cmd = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.INSERT); cmd.Insert("prizenpc").Insert("Owner", client.Entity.UID).Insert("type", info.type).Insert("Amount", info.amount).Insert("itemid", info.itemid); cmd.Execute(); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Congratulation you have got an Donation item go to PrizeNpc to Claim It?"); npc.OptionID = 255; pClient.Send(npc.ToArray()); Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc2 = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "" + pClient.Entity.Name + " has Recived item id: " + info.itemid + ""); npc2.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc2.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine("" + pClient.Entity.Name + " has got Donation Prize item " + info.itemid + ""); } else { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Sorry the player already have prize not claimed yet"); npc.OptionID = 255; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); } } } break; } case "summon": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { pClient.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.MapID, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y); } } break; } case "scroll": { if (client.Entity.MapID == 700) break; switch (Data[1].ToLower()) { case "tc": client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 430, 380); break; case "pc": client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 195, 260); break; case "ac": case "am": client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 566, 563); break; case "dc": client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 645); break; case "bi": client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 723, 573); break; case "pka": client.Entity.Teleport(1005, 050, 050); break; case "ma": client.Entity.Teleport(1036, 211, 196); break; case "ja": client.Entity.Teleport(6000, 100, 100); break; } break; } case "test": { byte IDs = byte.Parse(Data[1]); Data data = new Data(true); data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.dwParam = 2; data.ID = IDs;//157 data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); break; } case "jar": { ConquerItem item2 = new ConquerItem(true); item2.ID = 750000; //item2.Color = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color.Blue; item2.Durability = 0; item2.MaximDurability = 2; client.Inventory.Add(item2, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); break; } case "id": { byte[] data = new byte[24 + 8]; Writer.WriteUInt32(24, 0, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(1010, 2, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 4, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(1, 7, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 8, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 12, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 16, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(1, 19, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(7, 20, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(121, 22, data); // Writer.WriteUInt32(9828, 12, data); client.Send(data); // client.Entity.CountryFlag = uint.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "itemeffect": { Kernel.boundID = int.Parse(Data[1]); Kernel.boundIDEnd = int.Parse(Data[2]); break; } case "kiko": { string[] Strings = new string[2]; Strings[0] = (Data[1]); Strings[1] = "1"; _String SoundPacket = new _String(true); SoundPacket.UID = client.Entity.UID; SoundPacket.Type = 20; SoundPacket.TextsCount = 2; SoundPacket.Texts.Add(Strings[0]); SoundPacket.Texts.Add(Strings[1]); client.Send(SoundPacket); break; //client.Entity.ActualMyTypeFlower = 30010102; // break; } case "ss": { byte[] data = new byte[80 + 8]; Writer.WriteUInt32(80, 0, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(1151, 2, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(2, 4, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(1, 8, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(1, 16, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(227, 32, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 40, data); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 44, data); Writer.WriteString(client.Entity.Name, 48, data); Writer.WriteString(client.Entity.Name, 64, data); client.Send(data); byte[] data2 = new byte[80 + 8]; Writer.WriteUInt32(80, 0, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(1151, 2, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(2, 4, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(2, 8, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(1, 16, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(282, 32, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 40, data2); Writer.WriteUInt32(client.Entity.UID, 44, data2); Writer.WriteString(client.Entity.Name, 48, data2); Writer.WriteString(client.Entity.Name, 64, data2); client.Send(data2); // client.Send(new Message("Test Channel Mesaage!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, uint.Parse(Data[1]))); //client.Entity.ClanSharedBp = 4; // Game.KimoCarnaval.Load(); /*NpcInitial initial = new NpcInitial { Identifier = 1, Lookface = (num != 0x2008) ? ((ushort)0x1a) : ((ushort)3), Mode = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.NpcInitial.NpcModes.Place, Furniture = num }; client.Send((byte[])initial);*/ break; } case "600": { Game.Map Map = ServerBase.Kernel.Maps[client.Entity.MapID]; Network.GamePackets.FloorItem floorItem = new Network.GamePackets.FloorItem(true); floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item; floorItem.ItemID = uint.Parse(Data[1]); floorItem.MapID = client.Entity.MapID; floorItem.X = ushort.Parse(Data[2]); floorItem.Y = ushort.Parse(Data[3]); floorItem.Type = 10; floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now.AddHours(24); floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; while (Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.UID)) floorItem.UID = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; Map.AddFloorItem(floorItem); client.SendScreenSpawn(floorItem, true); client.Effect = true; /* _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.TextsCount = 2; str.Type = _String.Sound; str.Texts.Add("sound"); str.Texts.Add("gethp.wav"); client.Send(str);*/ // client.Entity.TitlePacket.dwParam2 = (byte)PhoenixProject.Game.Tournaments.top_typ.GoldenRacer; break; } case "quiz": { //PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start(); // client.Send(GamePackets.QuizInfo.tempQuestionBuffer()); //Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start(); Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start2(); Program.QuizStamp = Time32.Now; break; } case "me": { /* MessageTick m = new MessageTick(); m.Identifier = client.Entity.UID; m.Response = client.Entity.UID; client.Send(m);*/ MapStatus mbox = new MapStatus(); mbox.BaseID = 1002; client.Send(mbox); break; } case "quiz2": { //PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start(); // client.Send(GamePackets.QuizInfo.tempQuestionBuffer()); //Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start(); Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Stop(); break; } case "q": { //PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start(); // client.Send(GamePackets.QuizInfo.tempQuestionBuffer()); //Game.ConquerStructures.QuizShow.Start(); client.Send(GamePackets.QuizInfo.tempQuestionBuffer()); break; } case "team": { { Game.KimoSkillWar.Started = true; Game.KimoSkillWar.SignUP = true; } break; } case "geartest": { //181315 515black uint UID = 92000; PhoenixProject.Interfaces.IConquerItem newItem = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); newItem.ID = 181825; newItem.UID = UID; newItem.Durability = 1000; newItem.MaximDurability = 1000; newItem.Position = 9; //client.Inventory.Add(newItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); client.Equipment.Remove(9); if (client.Equipment.Objects[8] != null) client.Equipment.Objects[8] = null; client.Equipment.Add(newItem); newItem.Mode = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; newItem.Send(client); ClientEquip equips = new ClientEquip(); equips.DoEquips(client); client.Send(equips); client.Equipment.UpdateEntityPacket(); break; } case "quarantine": { //542363 PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Quarantine.Started = true; break; } case "test2": { client.Entity.RemoveFlag(ulong.Parse(Data[1])); break; } case "arrest": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { pClient.Entity.Teleport(6004, 30, 74); } } break; } case "pkp": { client.Entity.PKPoints = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "dropevent": { Interfaces.IConquerItem Item = null; #region Get Item string ItemName = Data[1]; bool SpecialItem = false; uint SpecialID = 0; if (ItemName.Contains("cp") || ItemName.Contains("met") || ItemName.Contains("db") || ItemName.Contains("stone") || ItemName.Contains("soul")) { if (ItemName.Contains("cp")) SpecialID = 729911; else if (ItemName.Contains("db")) SpecialID = 1088000; else if (ItemName.Contains("met")) SpecialID = 1088001; else if (ItemName.Contains("stone")) SpecialID = 730008; else if (ItemName.Contains("Soul")) SpecialID = 800110; SpecialItem = true; goto PrepareDrop; } if (ItemName.ToLower() == "exp") { for (int c = 0; c < client.Screen.Objects.Count; c++) { if (c >= client.Screen.Objects.Count) break; Interfaces.IMapObject ClientObj = client.Screen.Objects[c]; if (ClientObj != null) { if (ClientObj is Game.Entity) { if (ClientObj.MapObjType == PhoenixProject.Game.MapObjectType.Player) { ClientObj.Owner.IncreaseExperience(ClientObj.Owner.ExpBall, false); } } } } break; } Game.Enums.ItemQuality Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV3; if (Data.Length > 2) { switch (Data[3].ToLower()) { case "fixed": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; break; case "normal": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Normal; break; case "normalv1": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV1; break; case "normalv2": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV2; break; case "normalv3": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV3; break; case "refined": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Refined; break; case "unique": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Unique; break; case "elite": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Elite; break; case "super": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Super; break; case "other": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Other; break; default: { Quality = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)int.Parse(Data[4]); break; } } } Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation CIBI = null; foreach (Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation infos in Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.Values) { if (infos.Name.ToLower() == ItemName.ToLower() && Quality == (Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(infos.ID % 10)) { CIBI = infos; } else { if (infos.Name.ToLower() == ItemName.ToLower()) CIBI = infos; } } if (CIBI == null) break; Item = new GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); Item.ID = CIBI.ID; Item.Durability = CIBI.Durability; Item.MaximDurability = CIBI.Durability; if (Data.Length > 3) Item.Plus = byte.Parse(Data[4]); #endregion PrepareDrop: { if (Item != null || SpecialItem) { //dropevent Name Quality for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(Data[2]); i++) { #region GetCoords (X, Y) ushort X = 0; ushort Y = 0; getCoords: { X = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(client.Entity.X - 20, client.Entity.X + 20); Y = (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(client.Entity.Y - 20, client.Entity.Y + 20); } while (!client.Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y)) goto getCoords; #endregion #region Drop Floor Item FloorItem floorItem = new FloorItem(true); if (SpecialItem) { if (SpecialID == 729911) { floorItem.ValueType = Network.GamePackets.FloorItem.FloorValueType.ConquerPoints; floorItem.Value = 20; } floorItem.ItemID = SpecialID; floorItem.Item = new ConquerItem(true); floorItem.Item.ID = SpecialID; floorItem.Item.UID = FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; floorItem.UID = floorItem.Item.UID; floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true; while (client.Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.Item.UID)) { floorItem.Item.UID = FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; floorItem.UID = FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; } } else { floorItem.Item = new ConquerItem(true); floorItem.Item.Color = Item.Color; floorItem.Item.Durability = Item.Durability; floorItem.Item.ID = Item.ID; floorItem.Item.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Default; floorItem.Item.UID = FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; floorItem.UID = floorItem.Item.UID; floorItem.Item.MobDropped = true; floorItem.ItemColor = Item.Color; floorItem.ItemID = Item.ID; while (client.Map.Npcs.ContainsKey(floorItem.Item.UID)) { floorItem.Item.UID = FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; floorItem.UID = FloorItem.FloorUID.Next; } } floorItem.MapID = client.Map.ID; floorItem.MapObjType = Game.MapObjectType.Item; floorItem.X = X; floorItem.Y = Y; floorItem.Type = FloorItem.Drop; floorItem.OnFloor = Time32.Now; client.SendScreenSpawn(floorItem, true); client.Map.AddFloorItem(floorItem); } } #endregion } break; } case "testtitle": { TitlePacket title = new TitlePacket(byte.Parse(Data[1]) == 1); title.UID = client.Entity.UID; title.Title = byte.Parse(Data[2]); title.Type = byte.Parse(Data[3]); title.dwParam = byte.Parse(Data[4]); title.dwParam2 = byte.Parse(Data[5]); client.Send(title); break; } case "resetvote": { Kernel.VotePoolUid.Clear(); Kernel.VotePool.Clear(); Database.EntityTable.DeletVotes(); break; } case "invite": { Network.GamePackets.NpcReply npc = new Network.GamePackets.NpcReply(6, "Weekly has Started! You Wana Join?"); npc.OptionID = 247; //npc.times = 10; client.Send(npc.ToArray()); client.Entity.InviteSendStamp = Time32.Now; client.Entity.invite = true; break; } case "bo7sen": { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Data Datas = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Data(true); Datas.UID = client.Entity.UID; Datas.ID = 126; Datas.dwParam = uint.Parse(Data[1]); Datas.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; Datas.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(Datas); break; } case "ww": { Program.kimo = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "halo": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.MagicDefender); break; } case "halo2": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo2); break; } case "halo3": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo3); break; } case "halo4": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo4); break; } case "halo29": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo29); break; } case "halo30": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo30); break; } case "halo31": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo31); break; } case "halo32": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo32); break; } case "halo33": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo33); break; } case "halo34": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo34); break; } case "halo35": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo35); break; } case "halo36": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo36); break; } case "halo37": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo37); break; } case "halo38": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo38); break; } case "halo39": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo39); break; } case "halo40": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo40); break; } case "halo41": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo41); break; } case "halo42": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo42); break; } case "halo43": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo43); break; } case "halo44": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo44); break; } case "halo45": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo45); break; } case "halo46": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo46); break; } case "halo47": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo47); break; } case "halo48": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo48); break; } case "halo49": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo49); break; } case "halo50": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo50); break; } case "halo51": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo51); break; } case "halo52": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo52); break; } case "halo53": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo53); break; } case "halo54": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo54); break; } case "halo55": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo55); break; } case "halo56": { //client.Entity.StatusFlag2 = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo56); break; } case "halo57": { // client.Entity.StatusFlag = 0; client.Entity.AddFlag3(GamePackets.Update.Flags3.kimo57); break; } case "lottery1": { break; } case "bbs": { Console.WriteLine(" " + client.Entity.BattlePower + ""); break; } case "lottery2": { uint randprize = (uint)PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(1, (int)Database.DROP_SOULS.Count_Jar); //Database.Monster.Souls[randsouls].item_id uint ItemID = ServerBase.Kernel.JarItem[randprize].item_id; client.Inventory.Add(ItemID, 0, 1); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("Congratulations, " + client.Entity.Name + " has finished CloudSaint Jar Quest and Obtained " + Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations[ItemID].Name + " !", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Talk), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = GamePackets.Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = 3382; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); break; } case "kimo": { Program.kimo = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); // Program.kimo2 = ushort.Parse(Data[2]); // Program.kimo3 = ushort.Parse(Data[3]); testpacket str = new testpacket(true); client.Send(str); break; } case "3": { PhoenixProject.Game.KimoCarnaval.Load(); /*Program.kimo3 = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); Network.GamePackets.Weather weather = new Network.GamePackets.Weather(true); weather.WeatherType = (uint)Program.kimo3; weather.Intensity = 100; weather.Appearence = 2; weather.Direction = 4; client.Send(weather);*/ break; } case "kimo4": { //PhoenixProject.Game.KimoCarnaval.Npc(); /*Program.kimo3 = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); Network.GamePackets.Weather weather = new Network.GamePackets.Weather(true); weather.WeatherType = (uint)Program.kimo3; weather.Intensity = 100; weather.Appearence = 2; weather.Direction = 4; client.Send(weather);*/ break; } case "33": { client.Entity.Action =; /*Program.kimo3 = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); Data data = new Data(true); data.ID = GamePackets.Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = (uint)Program.kimo3; data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data);*/ // client.Send(new Data(true) { UID = client.Entity.UID, ID = GamePackets.Data.OpenWindow, dwParam = GamePackets.Data.CustomCommands.Reincarnation, wParam1 = client.Entity.X, wParam2 = client.Entity.Y }); break; } case "p1": { client.Entity.Action = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ConquerAction.poker2; break; } case "p2": { client.Entity.Action = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ConquerAction.poker3; break; } case "p3": { client.Entity.Action = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ConquerAction.poker4; break; } case "p4": { client.Entity.Action =; break; } case "p5": { client.Entity.Action =; break; } case "p6": { client.Entity.Action = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ConquerAction.poker5; break; } case "bb": { PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand command = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.DELETE); command.Delete("skills", "ID", "1110").And("EntityID", client.Entity.UID).Execute(); break; } case "bo": { _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = client.Entity.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Sound; str.Texts.Add("zhengfu"); client.Send(str); //client.Send(new Data(true) { UID = client.Entity.UID, ID = Network.GamePackets.Data.OpenWindow, dwParam = uint.Parse(Data[1]), wParam1 = client.Entity.X, wParam2 = client.Entity.Y }); //datas.dwParam = uint.Parse(Data[1]); //client.Send(datas); break; } case "pok": { break; } case "n": { { Random disco = new Random(); uint discocolor = (uint)disco.Next(50000, 999999999); Program.ScreenColor = 5855577; foreach (Client.GameState C in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { Data datas = new Data(true); datas.UID = C.Entity.UID; datas.ID = 104; Program.ScreenColor = 5855577; datas.dwParam = 5855577; C.Send(datas); } } break; } case "d": { { Random disco = new Random(); uint discocolor = (uint)disco.Next(50000, 999999999); Program.ScreenColor = 0; foreach (Client.GameState C in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { Data datas = new Data(true); datas.UID = C.Entity.UID; datas.ID = 104; datas.dwParam = 0; //datas.wParam1 = (ushort)Program.ScreenColor; //datas.wParam2 = (ushort)Program.ScreenColor; //datas.wParam2 = 104; //datas.wParam4 = (ushort)Program.ScreenColor; C.Send(datas); } } break; } case "give": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { switch (Data[2]) { case "vip": Client.Entity.VIPLevel = byte.Parse(Data[3]); break; case "cps": Client.Entity.ConquerPoints += uint.Parse(Data[3]); break; case "money": Client.Entity.Money += uint.Parse(Data[3]); break; case "spell": Client.AddSpell(new Spell(true) { ID = ushort.Parse(Data[3]) }); break; case "level": Client.Entity.Level = byte.Parse(Data[3]); break; case "plustone": { UInt32 ItemId = UInt32.Parse(Data[3]); if (Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.ContainsKey(ItemId)) { Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation iteminfo; if (Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.TryGetValue(ItemId, out iteminfo)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem newItem = new GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); newItem.ID = iteminfo.ID; Byte Plus = (Byte)(newItem.ID % 730000); Console.WriteLine("Item Plus " + Plus); newItem.Plus = (Byte)(newItem.ID % 730000); Client.Inventory.Add(newItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); } } break; } case "item": { string ItemName = Data[3]; Game.Enums.ItemQuality Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; switch (Data[4].ToLower()) { case "fixed": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; break; case "normal": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Normal; break; case "normalv1": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV1; break; case "normalv2": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV2; break; case "normalv3": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV3; break; case "refined": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Refined; break; case "unique": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Unique; break; case "elite": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Elite; break; case "super": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Super; break; case "other": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Other; break; default: { Quality = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)int.Parse(Data[4]); break; } } Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation CIBI = null; foreach (Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation infos in Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.Values) { if (infos.Name.ToLower() == ItemName.ToLower() && Quality == (Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(infos.ID % 10)) { CIBI = infos; } } if (CIBI == null) break; Interfaces.IConquerItem newItem = new GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); newItem.ID = CIBI.ID; newItem.Durability = CIBI.Durability; newItem.MaximDurability = CIBI.Durability; if (Data.Length > 3) { byte plus = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[3], out plus); newItem.Plus = Math.Min((byte)15, plus); if (Data.Length > 4) { byte bless = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[6], out bless); newItem.Bless = Math.Min((byte)7, bless); if (Data.Length > 5) { byte ench = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[7], out ench); newItem.Enchant = Math.Min((byte)255, ench); if (Data.Length > 6) { byte soc1 = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[8], out soc1); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Game.Enums.Gem), soc1)) { newItem.SocketOne = (Game.Enums.Gem)soc1; } if (Data.Length > 7) { byte soc2 = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[9], out soc2); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Game.Enums.Gem), soc2)) { newItem.SocketTwo = (Game.Enums.Gem)soc2; } } if (Data.Length > 10) { byte R = 0, G = 0, B = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[10], out R); byte.TryParse(Data[11], out G); byte.TryParse(Data[12], out B); newItem.SocketProgress = (uint)(B | (G << 8) | (R << 16)); } } } } } newItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); Client.Inventory.Add(newItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); break; } case "equip": { string ItemName = Data[3]; Game.Enums.ItemQuality Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV3; Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation CIBI = null; foreach (Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation infos in Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.Values) { if (infos.Name.ToLower() == ItemName.ToLower() && Quality == (Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(infos.ID % 10)) { CIBI = infos; } } if (CIBI == null) break; Interfaces.IConquerItem newItem = new GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); newItem.ID = CIBI.ID; newItem.Position = 9; newItem.Durability = CIBI.Durability; newItem.MaximDurability = CIBI.Durability; newItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); Client.Equipment.Add(newItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); break; } } break; } } break; } case "cps": { client.Entity.ConquerPoints = uint.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "hors": { client.Entity.RacePoints = uint.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "money": { client.Entity.Money = uint.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "open": { GamePackets.Data data = new GamePackets.Data(true); data.ID = GamePackets.Data.OpenCustom; data.UID = client.Entity.UID; data.TimeStamp = Time32.Now; data.dwParam = uint.Parse(Data[1]); data.wParam1 = client.Entity.X; data.wParam2 = client.Entity.Y; client.Send(data); break; } case "xp": { client.Entity.AddFlag(Update.Flags.XPList); client.XPListStamp = Time32.Now; break; } case "guildwar": { switch (Data[1]) { case "on": { if (!Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.IsWar) { Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.Start(); } break; } case "off": { if (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.IsWar) { Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.End(); } break; } } break; } } } if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster || client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager || client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Coder) { switch (Data[0]) { case "invisible": Console.WriteLine("sd"); break; /* case "reloadmobs": { client.Map.FreezeMonsters = true; var Clone = client.Map.Entities.Base.Values.ToArray(); foreach (var mob in Clone) if (!mob.Companion) { client.Map.Floor[mob.X, mob.Y, PhoenixProject.Game.MapObjectType.Monster, mob] = true; client.Map.Entities.Remove(mob.UID); } Clone = new Game.Entity[0]; client.Map.EntityUIDCounter.Now = 400000; client.Map.LoadMonsters(); client.Map.FreezeMonsters = false; foreach (Client.GameState Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Map.ID == client.Map.ID) { Client.Entity.Teleport(Client.Entity.MapID, Client.Entity.X, Client.Entity.Y); } } break; }*/ case "mobmesh": { client.Entity.Body = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "trace": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { client.Entity.Teleport(pClient.Entity.MapID, pClient.Entity.X, pClient.Entity.Y); } } break; } case "bring": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1]) || Data[1].ToLower() == "all") if (Data[1].ToLower() == "all") { pClient.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.MapID, (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(client.Entity.X - 5, client.Entity.X + 5), (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(client.Entity.Y - 5, client.Entity.Y + 5)); } else pClient.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.MapID, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y); } break; } case "restart": { Program.CommandsAI("@restart"); break; } case "kick": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { Client.Disconnect(); break; } } break; } case "ban": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Account.State >= client.Account.State) continue; if (Client.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { Client.Account.State = PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned; Client.Account.Savekimo(); Client.Disconnect(); break; } } break; } case "unban": { var Account = new Database.AccountTable(Data[1]); if (Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned) { Account.State = PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Player; Account.Savekimo(); } break; } case "chatban": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.Contains(Data[1])) { Client.ChatBanLasts = uint.Parse(Data[2]); Client.ChatBanTime = DateTime.Now; Client.ChatBanned = true; } } break; } case "increaseexp": { client.IncreaseExperience(ulong.Parse(Data[1]), true); break; } case "chatunban": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.Contains(Data[1])) { Client.ChatBanned = false; } } break; } case "bc": { Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Clear(); Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastStr broadcast = new PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastStr(); broadcast.EntityID = client.Entity.UID; broadcast.EntityName = client.Entity.Name; broadcast.ID = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastCounter.Next; broadcast.Message = Message.Remove(0, 2); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(Message.Remove(0, 2), "ALLUSERS", client.Entity.Name, System.Drawing.Color.Red, GamePackets.Message.BroadcastMessage), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast.EntityID = 1; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast = broadcast; break; } case "broadcast": { Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Clear(); Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastStr broadcast = new PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastStr(); broadcast.EntityID = client.Entity.UID; broadcast.EntityName = client.Entity.Name; broadcast.ID = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.BroadcastCounter.Next; broadcast.Message = Message.Remove(0, 9); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message(Message.Remove(0, 9), "ALLUSERS", client.Entity.Name, System.Drawing.Color.Red, GamePackets.Message.BroadcastMessage), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast.EntityID = 1; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast = broadcast; break; } case "ann": { ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 3), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 3), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.World), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); break; } case "announce": { ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 8), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 8), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.World), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); break; } case "arenapoints": { client.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints = uint.Parse(Data[1]); client.ArenaStatistic.Send(client); break; } case "record": { if (client.Account.State != Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) break; switch (Data[1]) { case "on": client.Entity.Mode = Game.Enums.Mode.Recording; break; case "off": Program.CommandsAI("/saverecord"); break; } break; } case "clearinventory": { Interfaces.IConquerItem[] inventory = new Interfaces.IConquerItem[client.Inventory.Objects.Length]; client.Inventory.Objects.CopyTo(inventory, 0); foreach (Interfaces.IConquerItem item in inventory) { client.Inventory.Remove(item, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove); } break; } case "online": { client.Send(new Message("Online players count: " + ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count, System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); string line = ""; foreach (Client.GameState pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) line += pClient.Entity.Name + ","; if (line.Length >= 255) return true; client.Send(new GamePackets.Message(line, System.Drawing.Color.Beige, GamePackets.Message.Talk)); break; } case "reallot": { if (client.Entity.Reborn != 0) { client.Entity.Agility = 0; client.Entity.Strength = 0; client.Entity.Vitality = 1; client.Entity.Spirit = 0; if (client.Entity.Reborn == 1) { client.Entity.Atributes = (ushort)(client.ExtraAtributePoints(client.Entity.FirstRebornLevel, client.Entity.FirstRebornLevel) + 52 + 3 * (client.Entity.Level - 15)); } else { client.Entity.Atributes = (ushort)(client.ExtraAtributePoints(client.Entity.FirstRebornLevel, client.Entity.FirstRebornClass) + client.ExtraAtributePoints(client.Entity.SecondRebornLevel, client.Entity.SecondRebornClass) + 52 + 3 * (client.Entity.Level - 15)); } client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); } break; } case "str": { ushort atr = 0; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out atr); if (client.Entity.Atributes >= atr) { client.Entity.Strength += atr; client.Entity.Atributes -= atr; client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); } break; } case "agi": { ushort atr = 0; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out atr); if (client.Entity.Atributes >= atr) { client.Entity.Agility += atr; client.Entity.Atributes -= atr; client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); } break; } case "vit": { ushort atr = 0; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out atr); if (client.Entity.Atributes >= atr) { client.Entity.Vitality += atr; client.Entity.Atributes -= atr; client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); } break; } case "spi": { ushort atr = 0; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out atr); if (client.Entity.Atributes >= atr) { client.Entity.Spirit += atr; client.Entity.Atributes -= atr; client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); } break; } case "reborn": { if (client.Entity.Reborn < 2) { if (client.Entity.Class % 10 == 5) { if (client.Entity.Class != 15 && client.Entity.Class != 25 && client.Entity.Class != 45 && client.Entity.Class != 55 && client.Entity.Class != 65 && client.Entity.Class != 75 && client.Entity.Class != 135 && client.Entity.Class != 145) { client.Send(new Message("You need to be an existing class.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } else { byte newclass = 10; byte.TryParse(Data[1], out newclass); if (newclass != 11 && newclass != 21 && newclass != 41 && newclass != 51 && newclass != 61 && newclass != 71 && newclass != 132 && newclass != 142) { client.Send(new Message("You need to reborn into an existing class. For fire class = 142 and for waters class = 132.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } else { if (!client.Reborn(newclass)) client.Send(new Message("You need atleast 2 spaces in your inventory.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } } } else client.Send(new Message("You need to be a master to be able to reborn.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("You can't reborn any more.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); break; } case "dc": { client.Disconnect(); break; } case "prof": { Interfaces.IProf proficiency = new GamePackets.Proficiency(true); if (Data.Length > 1) proficiency.ID = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); if (Data.Length > 2) proficiency.Level = byte.Parse(Data[2]); if (Data.Length > 3) proficiency.Experience = uint.Parse(Data[3]); client.AddProficiency(proficiency); break; } case "spell": { Interfaces.ISkill spell = new GamePackets.Spell(true); if (Data.Length > 1) spell.ID = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); if (Data.Length > 2) spell.Level = byte.Parse(Data[2]); if (Data.Length > 3) spell.Experience = uint.Parse(Data[3]); client.AddSpell(spell); break; } case "level": { byte level = client.Entity.Level; byte.TryParse(Data[1], out level); level = Math.Min((byte)140, Math.Max((byte)1, level)); client.Entity.Level = level; client.Entity.Experience = 0; if (client.Entity.Reborn == 0) { Database.DataHolder.GetStats(client.Entity.Class, level, client); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.GemAlgorithm(); } break; } case "class": { byte _class = client.Entity.Class; byte.TryParse(Data[1], out _class); _class = Math.Min((byte)145, Math.Max((byte)1, _class)); client.Entity.Class = _class; if (client.Entity.Reborn == 0) { Database.DataHolder.GetStats(_class, client.Entity.Level, client); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.GemAlgorithm(); } break; } case "body": { ushort body = client.Entity.Body; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out body); if (body != 2001 && body != 2002 && body != 1003 && body != 1004) return true; byte realgender = (byte)(client.Entity.Body % 10); byte gender = (byte)(body % 10); if (client.Equipment.Objects[8] != null) if (gender >= 3 && realgender <= 2) return true; client.Entity.Body = body; if (gender >= 3 && realgender <= 2) client.Entity.Face -= 200; if (gender <= 2 && realgender >= 3) client.Entity.Face += 200; break; } case "hair": { ushort hair = client.Entity.HairStyle; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out hair); client.Entity.HairStyle = hair; break; } case "map": { client.Send(new Message("Map: " + client.Entity.MapID, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); break; } case "map2": { client.Send(new Message("Map base: " + client.Map.BaseID, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); break; } case "tele": { if (Data.Length > 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(ulong.Parse(Data[1]), ushort.Parse(Data[2]), ushort.Parse(Data[3])); } break; } case "tele2": { if (Data.Length > 3) { client.Entity.TeleportHouse(ulong.Parse(Data[1]), ushort.Parse(Data[2]), ushort.Parse(Data[3])); } break; } case "transform": { if (client.Entity.Dead) break; bool wasTransformated = client.Entity.Transformed; if (wasTransformated) { client.Entity.Hitpoints = client.Entity.MaxHitpoints; client.Entity.TransformationID = 0; client.Entity.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; return true; } ushort transformation = client.Entity.TransformationID; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out transformation); client.Entity.TransformationID = transformation; client.Entity.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; client.Entity.TransformationTime = 110; SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = client.Entity.UID; spellUse.SpellID = 1360; spellUse.SpellLevel = 4; spellUse.X = client.Entity.X; spellUse.Y = client.Entity.Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(client.Entity.UID, (uint)0); client.Send(spellUse); client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP = 3000; double maxHP = client.Entity.MaxHitpoints; double HP = client.Entity.Hitpoints; double point = HP / maxHP; client.Entity.Hitpoints = (uint)(client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP * point); client.Entity.Update(Update.MaxHitpoints, client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP, false); break; } case "item": { if (Data.Length > 2) { string ItemName = Data[1]; Game.Enums.ItemQuality Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; switch (Data[2].ToLower()) { case "fixed": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; break; case "normal": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Normal; break; case "normalv1": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV1; break; case "normalv2": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV2; break; case "normalv3": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV3; break; case "refined": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Refined; break; case "unique": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Unique; break; case "elite": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Elite; break; case "super": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Super; break; case "other": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Other; break; default: { Quality = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)int.Parse(Data[2]); break; } } Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation CIBI = null; foreach (Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation infos in Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.Values) { if (infos.Name.ToLower() == ItemName.ToLower() && Quality == (Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(infos.ID % 10)) { CIBI = infos; } } if (CIBI == null) break; Interfaces.IConquerItem newItem = new GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); newItem.ID = CIBI.ID; newItem.Durability = CIBI.Durability; newItem.MaximDurability = CIBI.Durability; if (Data.Length > 3) { byte plus = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[3], out plus); newItem.Plus = Math.Min((byte)12, plus); if (Data.Length > 4) { byte bless = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[4], out bless); newItem.Bless = Math.Min((byte)7, bless); if (Data.Length > 5) { byte ench = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[5], out ench); newItem.Enchant = Math.Min((byte)255, ench); if (Data.Length > 6) { byte soc1 = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[6], out soc1); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Game.Enums.Gem), soc1)) { newItem.SocketOne = (Game.Enums.Gem)soc1; } if (Data.Length > 7) { byte soc2 = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[7], out soc2); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Game.Enums.Gem), soc2)) { newItem.SocketTwo = (Game.Enums.Gem)soc2; } } if (Data.Length > 10) { byte R = 0, G = 0, B = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[8], out R); byte.TryParse(Data[9], out G); byte.TryParse(Data[10], out B); newItem.SocketProgress = (uint)(B | (G << 8) | (R << 16)); } } } } } newItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster) newItem.Bound = true; client.Inventory.Add(newItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); } break; } } return true; } #endregion #region VIPs if (client.Entity.VIPLevel > 0) { switch (Data[0]) { case "transform": { if (client.Entity.Dead) break; bool wasTransformated = client.Entity.Transformed; if (wasTransformated) { client.Entity.Hitpoints = client.Entity.MaxHitpoints; client.Entity.TransformationID = 0; client.Entity.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; return true; } ushort transformation = client.Entity.TransformationID; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out transformation); client.Entity.TransformationID = transformation; client.Entity.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; client.Entity.TransformationTime = 110; SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = client.Entity.UID; spellUse.SpellID = 1360; spellUse.SpellLevel = 4; spellUse.X = client.Entity.X; spellUse.Y = client.Entity.Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(client.Entity.UID, (uint)0); client.Send(spellUse); client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP = 3000; double maxHP = client.Entity.MaxHitpoints; double HP = client.Entity.Hitpoints; double point = HP / maxHP; client.Entity.Hitpoints = (uint)(client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP * point); client.Entity.Update(Update.MaxHitpoints, client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP, false); break; } } } #endregion #region GameHelpers if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameHelper) { switch (Data[0]) { case "scroll": { if (client.Entity.MapID == 700) break; switch (Data[1].ToLower()) { case "tc": client.Entity.Teleport(1002, 430, 380); break; case "pc": client.Entity.Teleport(1011, 195, 260); break; case "ac": case "am": client.Entity.Teleport(1020, 566, 563); break; case "dc": client.Entity.Teleport(1000, 500, 645); break; case "bi": client.Entity.Teleport(1015, 723, 573); break; case "pka": client.Entity.Teleport(1005, 050, 050); break; case "ma": client.Entity.Teleport(1036, 211, 196); break; case "ja": client.Entity.Teleport(6000, 100, 100); break; } break; } case "summon": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { pClient.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.MapID, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y); } } break; } case "arrest": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { pClient.Entity.Teleport(6004, 30, 74); } } break; } case "pkp": { client.Entity.PKPoints = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "cps": { client.Entity.ConquerPoints = uint.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "money": { client.Entity.Money = uint.Parse(Data[1]); break; } case "xp": { client.Entity.AddFlag(Update.Flags.XPList); client.XPListStamp = Time32.Now; break; } } } if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameHelper) { switch (Data[0]) { case "invisible": Console.WriteLine("Hammy"); break; case "arrest": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { pClient.Entity.Teleport(6004, 30, 74); } } break; } case "trace": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { client.Entity.Teleport(pClient.Entity.MapID, pClient.Entity.X, pClient.Entity.Y); } } break; } case "bring": { foreach (var pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1]) || Data[1].ToLower() == "all") if (Data[1].ToLower() == "all") { pClient.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.MapID, (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(client.Entity.X - 5, client.Entity.X + 5), (ushort)Kernel.Random.Next(client.Entity.Y - 5, client.Entity.Y + 5)); } else pClient.Entity.Teleport(client.Entity.MapID, client.Entity.X, client.Entity.Y); } break; } case "kick": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { Client.Disconnect(); break; } } break; } case "ban": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Account.State >= client.Account.State) continue; if (Client.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains(Data[1])) { Client.Account.State = PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned; Client.Account.Savekimo(); Client.Disconnect(); break; } } break; } case "unban": { var Account = new Database.AccountTable(Data[1]); if (Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Banned) { Account.State = PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Player; Account.Savekimo(); } break; } case "chatban": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.Contains(Data[1])) { Client.ChatBanLasts = uint.Parse(Data[2]); Client.ChatBanTime = DateTime.Now; Client.ChatBanned = true; } } break; } case "chatunban": { foreach (var Client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (Client.Entity.Name.Contains(Data[1])) { Client.ChatBanned = false; } } break; } case "ann": { ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 3), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 3), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.World), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); break; } case "announce": { ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 8), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Message("[Announce] by " + client.Entity.Name + ": " + Mess.Remove(0, 8), System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.World), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); break; } case "record": { if (client.Account.State != Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) break; switch (Data[1]) { case "on": client.Entity.Mode = Game.Enums.Mode.Recording; break; case "off": Program.CommandsAI("/saverecord"); break; } break; } case "clearinventory": { Interfaces.IConquerItem[] inventory = new Interfaces.IConquerItem[client.Inventory.Objects.Length]; client.Inventory.Objects.CopyTo(inventory, 0); foreach (Interfaces.IConquerItem item in inventory) { client.Inventory.Remove(item, PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemUse.Remove); } break; } case "online": { client.Send(new Message("Online players count: " + ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count, System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); string line = ""; foreach (Client.GameState pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) line += pClient.Entity.Name + ","; if (line.Length >= 255) return true; client.Send(new GamePackets.Message(line, System.Drawing.Color.Beige, GamePackets.Message.Talk)); break; } case "reborn": { if (client.Entity.Reborn < 2) { if (client.Entity.Class % 10 == 5) { if (client.Entity.Class != 15 && client.Entity.Class != 25 && client.Entity.Class != 45 && client.Entity.Class != 55 && client.Entity.Class != 65 && client.Entity.Class != 135 && client.Entity.Class != 145) { client.Send(new Message("You need to be an existing class.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } else { byte newclass = 10; byte.TryParse(Data[1], out newclass); if (newclass != 11 && newclass != 21 && newclass != 41 && newclass != 51 && newclass != 61 && newclass != 132 && newclass != 142) { client.Send(new Message("You need to reborn into an existing class. For fire class = 142 and for waters class = 132.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } else { if (!client.Reborn(newclass)) client.Send(new Message("You need atleast 2 spaces in your inventory.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } } } else client.Send(new Message("You need to be a master to be able to reborn.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); } else client.Send(new Message("You can't reborn any more.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); break; } case "dc": { client.Disconnect(); break; } case "prof": { Interfaces.IProf proficiency = new GamePackets.Proficiency(true); if (Data.Length > 1) proficiency.ID = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); if (Data.Length > 2) proficiency.Level = byte.Parse(Data[2]); if (Data.Length > 3) proficiency.Experience = uint.Parse(Data[3]); client.AddProficiency(proficiency); break; } case "spell": { Interfaces.ISkill spell = new GamePackets.Spell(true); if (Data.Length > 1) spell.ID = ushort.Parse(Data[1]); if (Data.Length > 2) spell.Level = byte.Parse(Data[2]); if (Data.Length > 3) spell.Experience = uint.Parse(Data[3]); client.AddSpell(spell); break; } case "level": { byte level = client.Entity.Level; byte.TryParse(Data[1], out level); level = Math.Min((byte)140, Math.Max((byte)1, level)); client.Entity.Level = level; client.Entity.Experience = 0; if (client.Entity.Reborn == 0) { Database.DataHolder.GetStats(client.Entity.Class, level, client); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.GemAlgorithm(); } break; } case "class": { byte _class = client.Entity.Class; byte.TryParse(Data[1], out _class); _class = Math.Min((byte)145, Math.Max((byte)1, _class)); client.Entity.Class = _class; if (client.Entity.Reborn == 0) { Database.DataHolder.GetStats(_class, client.Entity.Level, client); client.CalculateStatBonus(); client.CalculateHPBonus(); client.GemAlgorithm(); } break; } case "body": { ushort body = client.Entity.Body; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out body); if (body != 2001 && body != 2002 && body != 1003 && body != 1004) return true; byte realgender = (byte)(client.Entity.Body % 10); byte gender = (byte)(body % 10); if (client.Equipment.Objects[8] != null) if (gender >= 3 && realgender <= 2) return true; client.Entity.Body = body; if (gender >= 3 && realgender <= 2) client.Entity.Face -= 200; if (gender <= 2 && realgender >= 3) client.Entity.Face += 200; break; } case "hair": { ushort hair = client.Entity.HairStyle; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out hair); client.Entity.HairStyle = hair; break; } case "map": { client.Send(new Message("Map: " + client.Map.ID, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, GamePackets.Message.TopLeft)); break; } case "tele": { if (Data.Length > 3) { client.Entity.Teleport(ushort.Parse(Data[1]), ushort.Parse(Data[2]), ushort.Parse(Data[3])); } break; } case "tele2": { if (Data.Length > 3) { client.Entity.TeleportHouse(ushort.Parse(Data[1]), ushort.Parse(Data[2]), ushort.Parse(Data[3])); } break; } case "transform": { if (client.Entity.Dead) break; bool wasTransformated = client.Entity.Transformed; if (wasTransformated) { client.Entity.Hitpoints = client.Entity.MaxHitpoints; client.Entity.TransformationID = 0; client.Entity.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; return true; } ushort transformation = client.Entity.TransformationID; ushort.TryParse(Data[1], out transformation); client.Entity.TransformationID = transformation; client.Entity.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; client.Entity.TransformationTime = 110; SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = client.Entity.UID; spellUse.SpellID = 1360; spellUse.SpellLevel = 4; spellUse.X = client.Entity.X; spellUse.Y = client.Entity.Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(client.Entity.UID, (uint)0); client.Send(spellUse); client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP = 3000; double maxHP = client.Entity.MaxHitpoints; double HP = client.Entity.Hitpoints; double point = HP / maxHP; client.Entity.Hitpoints = (uint)(client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP * point); client.Entity.Update(Update.MaxHitpoints, client.Entity.TransformationMaxHP, false); break; } case "item": { if (Data.Length > 2) { string ItemName = Data[1]; Game.Enums.ItemQuality Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; switch (Data[2].ToLower()) { case "fixed": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Fixed; break; case "normal": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Normal; break; case "normalv1": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV1; break; case "normalv2": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV2; break; case "normalv3": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.NormalV3; break; case "refined": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Refined; break; case "unique": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Unique; break; case "elite": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Elite; break; case "super": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Super; break; case "other": Quality = Game.Enums.ItemQuality.Other; break; default: { Quality = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ItemQuality)int.Parse(Data[2]); break; } } Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation CIBI = null; foreach (Database.ConquerItemBaseInformation infos in Database.ConquerItemInformation.BaseInformations.Values) { if (infos.Name.ToLower() == ItemName.ToLower() && Quality == (Game.Enums.ItemQuality)(infos.ID % 10)) { CIBI = infos; } } if (CIBI == null) break; Interfaces.IConquerItem newItem = new GamePackets.ConquerItem(true); newItem.ID = CIBI.ID; newItem.Durability = CIBI.Durability; newItem.MaximDurability = CIBI.Durability; if (Data.Length > 3) { byte plus = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[3], out plus); newItem.Plus = Math.Min((byte)12, plus); if (Data.Length > 4) { byte bless = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[4], out bless); newItem.Bless = Math.Min((byte)7, bless); if (Data.Length > 5) { byte ench = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[5], out ench); newItem.Enchant = Math.Min((byte)255, ench); if (Data.Length > 6) { byte soc1 = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[6], out soc1); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Game.Enums.Gem), soc1)) { newItem.SocketOne = (Game.Enums.Gem)soc1; } if (Data.Length > 7) { byte soc2 = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[7], out soc2); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Game.Enums.Gem), soc2)) { newItem.SocketTwo = (Game.Enums.Gem)soc2; } } if (Data.Length > 10) { byte R = 0, G = 0, B = 0; byte.TryParse(Data[8], out R); byte.TryParse(Data[9], out G); byte.TryParse(Data[10], out B); newItem.SocketProgress = (uint)(B | (G << 8) | (R << 16)); } } } } } newItem.Color = (PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.Color)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(4, 8); if (client.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster) newItem.Bound = true; client.Inventory.Add(newItem, Game.Enums.ItemUse.CreateAndAdd); } break; } } return true; } #endregion return true; } return false; } catch { client.Send(new Message("Impossible to handle this command. Check your syntax.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, Message.TopLeft)); return false; } }
static void Chat(Message message, Client.GameState client) { //Console.WriteLine("[" + client.Entity.Name + "][Chat] " + message.__Message); if (!CheckCommand(message, client)) { if (message.ChatType != Message.Service) { if (client.ChatBanned) if (DateTime.Now > client.ChatBanTime.AddMinutes(client.ChatBanLasts)) client.ChatBanned = false; else { int minutes = (int)new TimeSpan((client.ChatBanTime.AddMinutes(client.ChatBanLasts) - DateTime.Now).Ticks).TotalMinutes; client.Send(new Message("You are banned from chat. You have to wait: " + minutes + " minutes before you can speak again!", System.Drawing.Color.Green, Message.Talk)); return; } } if (client.Entity.Name == message._From) { switch (message.ChatType) { case Message.HawkMessage: { if (client.Booth != null) { client.Booth.HawkMessage = message; client.SendScreen(message, true); } break; } case Message.Talk: { client.SendScreen(message, false); break; } case Message.Whisper: { foreach (Client.GameState pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient != null) { if (pClient.Entity.Name == message._To) { message.Mesh = client.Entity.Mesh; pClient.Send(message); if (client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster) { #region msglog var dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.Year + "-" + dt.Month + "//"; string datess = +dt.Day + "//"; if (!Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog)) Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog); if (!Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog")) Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog"); if (!Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "")) Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + ""); if (!File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt")) File.CreateText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt"); File.WriteAllText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt", File.ReadAllText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt") + "\r\n" + client.Entity.Name + " Talk to : [" + pClient.Entity.Name + "] Message: [" + message.__Message + "]"); #endregion } if (client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) { #region msglog var dt = DateTime.Now; string date = dt.Year + "-" + dt.Month + "//"; string datess = +dt.Day + "//"; if (!Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog)) Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog); if (!Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog")) Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog"); if (!Directory.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "")) Directory.CreateDirectory(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + ""); if (!File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt")) File.CreateText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt"); File.WriteAllText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt", File.ReadAllText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\" + ServerBase.Constants.Unhandledgmlog + "\\msglog\\" + date + "\\" + dt.Day + ".txt") + "\r\n" + client.Entity.Name + " Talk to : [" + pClient.Entity.Name + "] Message: [" + message.__Message + "]"); #endregion } return; } } } foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Friend friend in client.Friends.Values) { if (friend.Name == message._To) { message.__Message = message.__Message.Replace("'", "¹"); client.OnMessageBoxEventParams = new object[3]; client.OnMessageBoxEventParams[0] = client.Entity.UID; client.OnMessageBoxEventParams[1] = friend.ID; client.OnMessageBoxEventParams[2] = Console.TimeStamp() + message.__Message; client.OnMessageBoxOK = delegate { Database.KnownPersons.UpdateMessageOnFriend(Convert.ToUInt32(client.OnMessageBoxEventParams[0]), Convert.ToUInt32(client.OnMessageBoxEventParams[1]), Convert.ToString(client.OnMessageBoxEventParams[2])); client.Send(new Message("Message sent!", System.Drawing.Color.Green, Message.TopLeft)); }; client.OnMessageBoxCANCEL = delegate { client.OnMessageBoxEventParams = new object[0]; }; client.Send(new NpcReply(NpcReply.MessageBox, "To " + friend.Name + ": \r\n" + message.__Message + "\r\n\r\nSend? (It will replace other messages.)")); return; } } client.Send(new Message("The player is not online.", System.Drawing.Color.Orange, Message.Service)); break; } case Message.Service: { foreach (Client.GameState pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster || pClient.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) { message.ChatType = Message.Talk; string _Message = "Service-> " + client.Entity.Name + " needs your help. Respond to him/her right now!!!"; message.__Message = _Message; pClient.Send(message); return; } } break; } case Message.World: { if (client.Entity.Level >= 70 || client.Entity.Reborn != 0) { foreach (Client.GameState pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { if (pClient != null) { if (pClient.Entity.UID != client.Entity.UID) message._From = client.Entity.Name;//kimozo pClient.Send(message); } } } break; } case Message.Guild: { if (client.Guild != null) client.Guild.SendGuildMessage(message); break; } case Message.Team: { if (client.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState Client in client.Team.Teammates) { if (client.Entity.UID != Client.Entity.UID) Client.Send(message); } } break; } case Message.Friend: { foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Friend friend in client.Friends.Values) { if (friend.IsOnline) friend.Client.Send(message); } break; } default: { client.SendScreen(message, true); break; } } } else { client.Account.State = Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Cheat; client.Account.Savekimo(); client.Disconnect(); } } }
public static void WorldMessage(string message) { Message msg = new Message(message, System.Drawing.Color.MediumBlue, Message.Center); foreach (Client.GameState pClient in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) pClient.Send(msg); }
static void ServerStuff_Execute() { if (ServerRrestart == false) { //Console.Title = "["+Database.rates.servername+"]Phoenix Conquer Project. Start time: " + StartDate.ToString("dd MM yyyy hh:mm") + ". Players online: " + ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count + "/" + PlayerCap; // Console.WriteLine("kimozzzzzz"); // new Database.MySqlCommand(Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE).Update("configuration").Set("GuildID", Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Guild.GuildCounter.Now).Set("ItemUID", Network.GamePackets.ConquerItem.ItemUID.Now).Where("Server", ServerBase.Constants.ServerName).Execute(); //var Values = ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Base.ToArray(); if (DateTime.Now > Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.LastBroadcast.AddMinutes(1)) { if (Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Count > 0) { Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast = Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts[0]; Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.Broadcasts.Remove(Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast); Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.LastBroadcast = DateTime.Now; ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(new Network.GamePackets.Message(Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast.Message, "ALLUSERS", Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast.EntityName, System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.BroadcastMessage), ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values); } else Game.ConquerStructures.Broadcast.CurrentBroadcast.EntityID = 1; } DateTime Now = DateTime.Now; if (Now > LastRandomReset.AddMinutes(30)) { LastRandomReset = Now; ServerBase.Kernel.Random = new Random(RandomSeed); } Today = Now.DayOfWeek; if (Now >= StartDate.AddHours(12)) { if (mess == 0) { foreach (Client.GameState Server in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { //if (DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday || DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Wednesday || DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday) //{ PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Message FiveMinute = new Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 5 Minutes. Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center); Server.Send(FiveMinute); // } } mess++; messtime = Time32.Now; } if (mess == 1 && Time32.Now >= messtime.AddMinutes(1)) { foreach (Client.GameState Server in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Message FiveMinute = new Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 4 Minutes. Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center); Server.Send(FiveMinute); } mess++; messtime = Time32.Now; } if (mess == 2 && Time32.Now >= messtime.AddMinutes(1)) { foreach (Client.GameState Server in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Message FiveMinute = new Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 3 Minutes. Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center); Server.Send(FiveMinute); } mess++; messtime = Time32.Now; } if (mess == 3 && Time32.Now >= messtime.AddMinutes(1)) { foreach (Client.GameState Server in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Message FiveMinute = new Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 2 Minutes. Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center); Server.Send(FiveMinute); } mess++; messtime = Time32.Now; } if (mess == 4 && Time32.Now >= messtime.AddMinutes(1)) { foreach (Client.GameState Server in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Message FiveMinute = new Network.GamePackets.Message("The server will be brought down for maintenance in 1 Minute. Please exit the game now.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Network.GamePackets.Message.Center); Server.Send(FiveMinute); } mess++; messtime = Time32.Now; } } if (Now >= StartDate.AddHours(12) && !restarted && mess == 5) { CommandsAI("@restart"); restarted = true; ServerRrestart = true; return; } var Values = ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Base.ToArray(); foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Client.GameState> vals in Values) { Client.GameState client = vals.Value; if (client == null || client.Entity == null || client.Account == null) { ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Remove(vals.Key); //Console.WriteLine("kimo4"); return; } if (client.Disconnected2 == true) return; if (client.Socket != null) { if (!client.Socket.Connected) { Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveSpells(client); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.ArenaStatistic); ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Remove(vals.Key); Database.EntityTable.UpdateOnlineStatus(client, false); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(vals.Key)) { ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Remove(vals.Key); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.ContainsKey(vals.Key)) { ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Remove(vals.Key); } /*if (ServerBase.Kernel.AwaitingPool.ContainsKey(vals.Key)) { ServerBase.Kernel.AwaitingPool.Remove(vals.Key); }*/ // Console.WriteLine("kimo5"); //Database.FlowerSystemTable.SaveFlowerTable(client); if (client.Socket != null) { if (!client.SocketDisposed) { // Monitor.Exit(_socket); // Monitor.Exit(Cryptography); // Console.WriteLine(" Close4 "); client.SocketDisposed = true; client.Socket.Disconnect(false); client.Socket.Shutdown(System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown.Both); client.Socket.Close(); } } } } else { Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(client); Database.SkillTable.SaveSpells(client); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(client.ArenaStatistic); if (ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.ContainsKey(vals.Key)) { ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Remove(vals.Key); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(vals.Key)) { ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Remove(vals.Key); } Database.EntityTable.UpdateOnlineStatus(client, false); } } // Thread.Sleep(1000); } }
public void SendStatMessage() { this.ReviewMentor(); Network.GamePackets.Message Msg = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Message(" Your status has been changed", System.Drawing.Color.DarkGoldenrod , Network.GamePackets.Message.TopLeft); Msg.__Message = string.Format(Msg.__Message, new object[] { Entity.MinAttack, Entity.MaxAttack, Entity.MagicAttack, Entity.Defence, (Entity.MagicDefence + Entity.MagicDefence), Entity.Dodge, Entity.PhysicalDamageDecrease, Entity.MagicDamageDecrease, Entity.PhysicalDamageIncrease, Entity.MagicDamageIncrease, Entity.Hitpoints, Entity.MaxHitpoints, Entity.Mana, Entity.MaxMana, Entity.BattlePower }); this.Send(Msg); }
public static void Win(Client.GameState winner, Client.GameState loser) { if (winner == null && loser != null) { loser.ArenaStatistic.PlayWith = 0; loser.ArenaStatistic.AcceptBox = false; if (loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints > 80000) loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints = 0; ArenaSignup sign = new ArenaSignup(); sign.DialogID = ArenaSignup.MainIDs.Match; loser.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); sign = new ArenaSignup(); sign.DialogID = ArenaSignup.MainIDs.Match; sign.OptionID = ArenaSignup.DialogButton.MatchOff; loser.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); if (loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints == 0) { QualifyEngine.DoQuit(loser); } loser.ArenaStatistic.TotalLose++; Sort(); loser.Send(loser.ArenaStatistic); QualifyEngine.DoQuit(loser); } else if (loser == null && winner != null) { winner.ArenaStatistic.PlayWith = 0; winner.ArenaStatistic.AcceptBox = false; winner.ArenaStatistic.TodayWin++; winner.ArenaStatistic.TotalWin++; ArenaSignup sign = new ArenaSignup(); sign.DialogID = ArenaSignup.MainIDs.Match; sign.OptionID = ArenaSignup.DialogButton.Win; winner.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); sign = new ArenaSignup(); sign.DialogID = ArenaSignup.MainIDs.Match; sign.OptionID = ArenaSignup.DialogButton.MatchOff; winner.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); Sort(); QualifyEngine.DoQuit(winner); winner.Send(winner.ArenaStatistic); } else if (loser == null && winner == null) { return; } else { if (winner.ArenaStatistic.PlayWith != 0 && loser.ArenaStatistic.PlayWith != 0) { int diff = (int)winner.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints - (int)loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints; diff = diff < 0 ? -diff : diff; if (diff == 0 || diff > 50) diff = ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(30, 50); ArenaSignup sign = new ArenaSignup(); sign.DialogID = ArenaSignup.MainIDs.Match; loser.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); sign.OptionID = ArenaSignup.DialogButton.Win; winner.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); sign = new ArenaSignup(); sign.DialogID = ArenaSignup.MainIDs.Match; sign.OptionID = ArenaSignup.DialogButton.MatchOff; loser.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); winner.Send(sign.BuildPacket()); winner.ArenaStatistic.PlayWith = 0; loser.ArenaStatistic.PlayWith = 0; winner.ArenaStatistic.AcceptBox = false; loser.ArenaStatistic.AcceptBox = false; winner.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints += (uint)diff; Message message = null; message = new Message("" + winner.ArenaStatistic.Name + " has Defeated " + loser.ArenaStatistic.Name + " in the Qualifier, and is currently ranked No. " + winner.ArenaStatistic.Rank + "!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.Qualifier); foreach (Client.GameState client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { client.Send(message); } loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints -= (uint)diff; if (loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints > 80000) loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints = 0; if (loser.ArenaStatistic.ArenaPoints == 0) QualifyEngine.DoQuit(loser); winner.ArenaStatistic.TodayWin++; winner.ArenaStatistic.TotalWin++; if (winner.ArenaStatistic.TodayWin == 9) winner.IncreaseExperience(winner.ExpBall, false); if (winner.ArenaStatistic.TodayBattles == 20) winner.IncreaseExperience(winner.ExpBall, false); if (loser.ArenaStatistic.TodayBattles == 20) loser.IncreaseExperience(loser.ExpBall, false); loser.ArenaStatistic.TotalLose++; Sort(); winner.Send(winner.ArenaStatistic); loser.Send(loser.ArenaStatistic); QualifyEngine.DoQuit(winner); QualifyEngine.DoQuit(loser); winner.QualifierGroup = null; loser.QualifierGroup = null; _String str = new _String(true); str.UID = winner.Entity.UID; str.TextsCount = 1; str.Type = _String.Effect; str.Texts.Add("sports_victory"); winner.SendScreen(str, true); _String strs = new _String(true); strs.UID = loser.Entity.UID; strs.TextsCount = 1; strs.Type = _String.Effect; strs.Texts.Add("sports_failure"); loser.SendScreen(strs, true); } } }
public void Disband() { var members = Members.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Member member in members) { uint uid = member.ID; if (member.IsOnline) { GuildCommand command = new GuildCommand(true); command.Type = GuildCommand.Disband; command.dwParam = ID; member.Client.Entity.GuildID = 0; member.Client.Entity.GuildRank = 0; member.Client.Send(command); member.Client.Screen.FullWipe(); member.Client.Screen.Reload(null); member.Client.AsMember = null; member.Client.Guild = null; Message message = null; message = new Message("guild " + Name + " has been Disbanded!", System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.World); foreach (Client.GameState client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { client.Send(message); } } else { member.GuildID = 0; } if (member.IsOnline == true) { foreach (Interfaces.IConquerItem Equi in member.Client.Inventory.Objects) { if (Equi != null) { if (Equi.Inscribed) { Equi.Inscribed = false; Equi.Send(member.Client); } } } foreach (Interfaces.IConquerItem Equi in member.Client.Equipment.Objects) { if (Equi != null) { if (Equi.Inscribed) { Equi.Inscribed = false; Equi.Send(member.Client); } } } } Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateInscre3(uid); MemberCount--; Members.Remove(uid); } var ally_ = Ally.Values.ToArray(); foreach (Guild ally in ally_) { RemoveAlly(ally.Name); ally.RemoveAlly(Name); } Database.GuildTable.Disband(this); //shit? ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Remove(ID); }
public bool Create(string name) { if (name.Length < 16) { Name = name; SilverFund = 500000; Members.Add(Leader.ID, Leader); try { Database.GuildTable.Create(this); } catch { return false; } ServerBase.Kernel.Guilds.Add(ID, this); Message message = null; message = new Message("Congratulations, " + leaderName + " has created guild " + name + " Succesfully!", System.Drawing.Color.White, Message.World); foreach (Client.GameState client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { client.Send(message); } return true; } return false; }
public void DeamDeathS() { string[] scores = new string[5]; scores[0] = "Black Team: " + Game.ConquerStructures.TeamDeathMatchScore.BlackTeamScore + " Score"; scores[1] = "White Team: " + Game.ConquerStructures.TeamDeathMatchScore.WhiteTeamScore + " Score"; scores[2] = "Blue Team: " + Game.ConquerStructures.TeamDeathMatchScore.BlueTeamScore + " Score"; scores[3] = "Red Team: " + Game.ConquerStructures.TeamDeathMatchScore.RedTeamScore + " Score"; scores[4] = "Your Score: " + Entity.TeamDeathMatch_Kills + " kills"; for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++) { Message msg = new Message(scores[i], System.Drawing.Color.Red, i == 0 ? Message.FirstRightCorner : Message.ContinueRightCorner); Send(msg); } }
private void ShutDown() { try { if (Disconnected) return; if (Logger != null) { Logger.Close(); Logger = null; } if (this != null && this.Entity != null) { if (this.JustCreated) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityID)) { ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Remove(Account.EntityID); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityID)) { ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Remove(Account.EntityID); } //if (ServerBase.Kernel.AwaitingPool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityID)) //{ // ServerBase.Kernel.AwaitingPool.Remove(Account.EntityID); //} Time32 now = Time32.Now; RemoveScreenSpawn(this.Entity, false); /* for (byte i = 1; i < 12; i++) { Interfaces.IConquerItem item = this.Equipment.TryGetItem(i); if (item != null && item.ID != 0) { Database.ConquerItemTable.PonerDurabilidad(item); } }*/ if (this.Entity.ContainsFlag2(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags2.CaryingFlag)) { Game.Team.RedCapture = false; Game.Team.BlueCapture = false; Game.Team.BlackCapture = false; Game.Team.WhiteCapture = false; } if (this.Entity.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Dead)) { if (this.Entity.MapID == 1038 && DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { if (DateTime.Now.Hour >= 19 && DateTime.Now.Hour < 20 && DateTime.Now.Minute > 29) { this.Entity.Teleport(6001, 31, 74); } } } if (Booth != null) { Booth.Remove(); } //; //Database.FlowerSystemTable.SaveFlowerTable(this); if (Companion != null) { Map.RemoveEntity(Companion); Data data = new Data(true); data.UID = Companion.UID; data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity; Companion.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(data); } if (QualifierGroup != null) QualifierGroup.End(this); if (ArenaStatistic.Status != Network.GamePackets.ArenaStatistic.NotSignedUp) Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.QualifyEngine.DoQuit(this); Database.FlowerSystemTable.SaveFlowerTable(this); Database.EntityTable.SaveEntity(this); Database.SkillTable.SaveProficiencies(this); Database.SkillTable.SaveSpells(this); Database.ArenaTable.SaveArenaStatistics(this.ArenaStatistic); RemoveScreenSpawn(this.Entity, false); Database.EntityTable.UpdateOnlineStatus(this, false); string name200 = Entity.Name; string name300 = Entity.NewName; if (Entity.NewName != "") { // Console.WriteLine("Change Name In Progress"); if (Entity.NewName != "") { PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand cmdupdate = null; cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("apprentice").Set("MentorName", Entity.NewName).Where("MentorID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("apprentice").Set("ApprenticeName", Entity.NewName).Where("ApprenticeID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("elitepk").Set("Name", Entity.NewName).Where("UID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopArcher", Entity.NewName).Where("TopArcher", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopPirate", Entity.NewName).Where("TopPirate", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopTrojan", Entity.NewName).Where("TopTrojan", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopGuildLeader", Entity.NewName).Where("TopGuildLeader", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopNinja", Entity.NewName).Where("TopNinja", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopMonk", Entity.NewName).Where("TopMonk", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopWarrior", Entity.NewName).Where("TopWarrior", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopSpouse", Entity.NewName).Where("TopSpouse", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopWaterTaoist", Entity.NewName).Where("TopWaterTaoist", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopFireTaoist", Entity.NewName).Where("TopFireTaoist", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("MonthlyPkChampion", Entity.NewName).Where("MonthlyPkChampion", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("WeeklyPkChampion", Entity.NewName).Where("WeeklyPkChampion", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopDeputyLeader", Entity.NewName).Where("TopDeputyLeader", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopDeputyLeader2", Entity.NewName).Where("TopDeputyLeader2", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopDeputyLeader3", Entity.NewName).Where("TopDeputyLeader3", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopDeputyLeader4", Entity.NewName).Where("TopDeputyLeader4", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("flags").Set("TopDeputyLeader5", Entity.NewName).Where("TopDeputyLeader5", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("arena").Set("EntityName", Entity.NewName).Where("EntityID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("claimitems").Set("OwnerName", Entity.NewName).Where("OwnerName", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("claimitems").Set("GainerName", Entity.NewName).Where("GainerName", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("detaineditems").Set("OwnerName", Entity.NewName).Where("OwnerName", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("detaineditems").Set("GainerName", Entity.NewName).Where("GainerName", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("enemy").Set("EnemyName", Entity.NewName).Where("EnemyID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("friends").Set("FriendName", Entity.NewName).Where("FriendID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("guilds").Set("Name", Entity.NewName).Where("Name", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("guilds").Set("LeaderName", Entity.NewName).Where("LeaderName", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("clans").Set("Leader", Entity.NewName).Where("Leader", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("nobility").Set("EntityName", Entity.NewName).Where("EntityUID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("partners").Set("PartnerName", Entity.NewName).Where("PartnerID", Entity.UID).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("entities").Set("Spouse", Entity.NewName).Where("Spouse", Entity.Name).Execute(); cmdupdate = new PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommand(PhoenixProject.Database.MySqlCommandType.UPDATE); cmdupdate.Update("entities").Set("Name", Entity.NewName).Where("Name", Entity.Name).Execute(); if (Game.ConquerStructures.Nobility.Board.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) { Game.ConquerStructures.Nobility.Board[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } if (Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.ArenaStatistics.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) { Game.ConquerStructures.Arena.ArenaStatistics[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } if (Guild != null) { if (Guild.LeaderName == name200) { ServerBase.Kernel.Guilds[Guild.ID].LeaderName = Entity.NewName; ServerBase.Kernel.Guilds[Guild.ID].Members[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } } if (Entity.ClanId != 0 && Entity.Myclan != null) { if (Entity.Myclan.ClanLider == name200) { PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[Entity.ClanId].ClanLider = Entity.NewName; PhoenixProject.ServerBase.Kernel.ServerClans[Entity.ClanId].Members[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } } //foreach (Client.GameState c in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) //{ // if(c.Enemy.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) // { // var packet = new KnownPersons(true) // { // UID = Entity.UID, // Type = KnownPersons.RemovePerson, // Name = name200, // Online = false // }; // c.Send(packet); // c.Enemy[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; // packet.Type = KnownPersons.AddEnemy; // c.Send(packet); // } //} } } #region Friend/TradePartner/Apprentice Message msg = new Message("Your friend, " + name200 + ", has logged off.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft); if (Friends == null) Friends = new SafeDictionary<uint, PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Friend>(100); foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.Friend friend in Friends.Values) { if (friend.IsOnline) { var packet = new KnownPersons(true) { UID = Entity.UID, Type = KnownPersons.RemovePerson, Name = name200, Online = false }; friend.Client.Send(packet); if (Entity.NewName != "") { if (friend.Client.Friends.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) { friend.Client.Friends[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } } packet.Type = KnownPersons.AddFriend; if (friend != null) { if (friend.Client != null) { friend.Client.Send(packet); friend.Client.Send(msg); } } } } Message msg2 = new Message("Your partner, " + name200 + ", has logged off.", System.Drawing.Color.Red, Message.TopLeft); foreach (Game.ConquerStructures.Society.TradePartner partner in Partners.Values) { if (partner.IsOnline) { var packet = new TradePartner(true) { UID = Entity.UID, Type = TradePartner.BreakPartnership, Name = name200, HoursLeft = (int)(new TimeSpan(partner.ProbationStartedOn.AddDays(3).Ticks).TotalHours - new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks).TotalHours), Online = false }; partner.Client.Send(packet); if (Entity.NewName != "") { if (partner.Client.Partners.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) { partner.Client.Partners[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } } packet.Type = TradePartner.AddPartner; if (partner != null) { if (partner.Client != null) { partner.Client.Send(packet); partner.Client.Send(msg2); } } } } MentorInformation Information = new MentorInformation(true); Information.Mentor_Type = 1; Information.Mentor_ID = Entity.UID; Information.Mentor_Level = Entity.Level; Information.Mentor_Class = Entity.Class; Information.Mentor_PkPoints = Entity.PKPoints; Information.Mentor_Mesh = Entity.Mesh; Information.Mentor_Online = false; Information.String_Count = 3; Information.Mentor_Name = name200; Information.Mentor_Spouse_Name = Entity.Spouse; foreach (var appr in Apprentices.Values) { if (appr.IsOnline) { Information.Apprentice_ID = appr.ID; Information.Enrole_Date = appr.EnroleDate; Information.Apprentice_Name = appr.Name; appr.Client.Send(Information); appr.Client.ReviewMentor(); if (Entity.NewName != "") { if (appr.Client.Apprentices.ContainsKey(Entity.UID)) { appr.Client.Apprentices[Entity.UID].Name = Entity.NewName; } } } } if (Mentor != null) { if (Mentor.IsOnline) { ApprenticeInformation AppInfo = new ApprenticeInformation(); AppInfo.Apprentice_ID = Entity.UID; AppInfo.Apprentice_Level = Entity.Level; AppInfo.Apprentice_Name = name200; AppInfo.Apprentice_Online = false; AppInfo.Apprentice_Spouse_Name = Entity.Spouse; AppInfo.Enrole_date = Mentor.EnroleDate; AppInfo.Mentor_ID = Mentor.Client.Entity.UID; AppInfo.Mentor_Mesh = Mentor.Client.Entity.Mesh; AppInfo.Mentor_Name = Mentor.Client.Entity.Name; AppInfo.Type = 2; Mentor.Client.Send(AppInfo); } } #endregion if (Team != null) { if (Team.TeamLeader) { Network.GamePackets.Team team = new Team(); team.UID = Account.EntityID; team.Type = Network.GamePackets.Team.Dismiss; foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in Team.Teammates) { if (Teammate != null) { if (Teammate.Entity.UID != Account.EntityID) { Teammate.Send(team); Teammate.Team = null; } } } } else { Network.GamePackets.Team team = new Team(); team.UID = Account.EntityID; team.Type = Network.GamePackets.Team.ExitTeam; foreach (Client.GameState Teammate in Team.Teammates) { if (Teammate != null) { if (Teammate.Entity.UID != Account.EntityID) { Teammate.Send(team); Teammate.Team.Remove(Account.EntityID); } } } } } if (Account.TempID == 400) { Account.EntityID = 0; Account.Save(); } if (!Disconnected) { Console.WriteLine(this.Entity.Name + " has logged off! Ip:[" + this.Account.IP + "]"); Console.Title = "[" + Database.rates.servername + "]Kimo Proj. Start time: " + Program.StartDate.ToString("dd MM yyyy hh:mm") + ". Players online: " + ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count + "/" + Program.PlayerCap + " Max Online: " + Program.MaxOn + ""; } Disconnected = true; try { if (_socket != null) { // Console.WriteLine(" Close1 "); if (_socket.Connected) { // Console.WriteLine(" Close2 "); if (!SocketDisposed) { //Monitor.Exit(_socket); // Monitor.Exit(Cryptography); // Console.WriteLine(" Close3 "); SocketDisposed = true; _socket.Disconnect(false); _socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _socket.Close(); _socket = null; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Program.SaveException(e); //Disabled = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { Program.SaveException(e); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityID)) { ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Remove(Account.EntityID); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityID)) { ServerBase.Kernel.WasInGamePool.Remove(Account.EntityID); } //if (ServerBase.Kernel.AwaitingPool.ContainsKey(Account.EntityID)) //{ // ServerBase.Kernel.AwaitingPool.Remove(Account.EntityID); //} RemoveScreenSpawn(this.Entity, false); Database.EntityTable.UpdateOnlineStatus(this, false); if (Account.TempID == 400) { Account.EntityID = 0; Account.Save(); } if (!Disconnected) { Console.WriteLine(this.Entity.Name + " has logged off! Ip:[" + this.Account.IP + "] Temp"); Console.Title = "[" + Database.rates.servername + "]Kimo Proj. Start time: " + Program.StartDate.ToString("dd MM yyyy hh:mm") + ". Players online: " + ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Count + "/" + Program.PlayerCap + " Max Online: " + Program.MaxOn + ""; } Disconnected = true; try { if (_socket != null) { // Console.WriteLine(" Close1 "); if (_socket.Connected) { // Console.WriteLine(" Close2 "); if (!SocketDisposed) { SocketDisposed = true; _socket.Disconnect(false); _socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _socket.Close(); _socket = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Program.SaveException(ex); //Disabled = true; } } }
public void UpdateQuarantineScore() { string[] scores = new string[3]; scores[0] = "Black team: " + PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Quarantine.BlackScore.ToString() + " wins"; scores[1] = "White team: " + PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Quarantine.WhiteScore.ToString() + " wins"; scores[2] = "Your score: " + quarantineKill + " kills, " + quarantineDeath + " death"; for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++) { Message msg = new Message(scores[i], System.Drawing.Color.Red, i == 0 ? Message.FirstRightCorner : Message.ContinueRightCorner); Send(msg); } }
public static void SendScores() { if (scoreMessages == null) scoreMessages = new string[0]; if (Scores.Count == 0) return; if (changed) SortScores(out CurrentTopLeader); for (int c = 0; c < scoreMessages.Length; c++) { Message msg = new Message(scoreMessages[c], System.Drawing.Color.Red, c == 0 ? Message.FirstRightCorner : Message.ContinueRightCorner); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(msg, ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values, (ushort)1038); ServerBase.Kernel.SendWorldMessage(msg, ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values, (ushort)6001); } }
public static void CaptureRes(Client.GameState client) { string[] scores = new string[5]; scores[0] = "CaptureTheFlag PkWar:"; scores[1] = "Red Team Score: "+ RScore +""; scores[2] = "Blue Team Score: "+ BScore +""; scores[3] = "Black Team Score: "+ BLScore +""; scores[4] = "White Team Score: "+ WScore +""; // scores[3] = "Red Team: " + Game.ConquerStructures.TeamDeathMatchScore.RedTeamScore + " Score"; //scores[4] = "Your Score: " + Entity.TeamDeathMatch_Kills + " kills"; for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++) { Message msg = new Message(scores[i], System.Drawing.Color.Red, i == 0 ? Message.FirstRightCorner : Message.ContinueRightCorner); client.Send(msg); } }
private void Execute() { #region interactions if (attack != null) { switch (attack.AttackType) { case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionRequest: new InteractionRequest(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionEffect: new InteractionEffect(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionAccept: new InteractionAccept(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionRefuse: new InteractionRefuse(attack, attacker); return; case (uint)Network.GamePackets.Attack.InteractionStopEffect: new InteractionStopEffect(attack, attacker); return; } } #endregion #region Monster -> Player \ Monster if (attack == null) { if (attacker.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (attacker.Companion) { if (ServerBase.Constants.PKForbiddenMaps.Contains(attacker.MapID)) return; } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { if (!attacked.Owner.Attackable) return; if (attacked.Dead && attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID != 1050) return; if (attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID == 0)// from this bracket to the next die delay replce this with urs { attack = new Attack(true); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attack.Damage = damage; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; BlessEffect.Effect(attacked); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { if (attacked.Action == Enums.ConquerAction.Sit) if (attacked.Stamina > 20) attacked.Stamina -= 20; else attacked.Stamina = 0; attacked.Action = Enums.ConquerAction.None; //Console.WriteLine("ssS"); } if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); attacked.Die(attacker); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; attacked.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); } } else { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); attack = new Attack(true); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { if (attacked.Action == Enums.ConquerAction.Sit) if (attacked.Stamina > 20) attacked.Stamina -= 20; else attacked.Stamina = 0; attacked.Action = Enums.ConquerAction.None; //Console.WriteLine("ssS"); } if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(attacker); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } if (attacker.Companion) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { if (attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID == 0) { attack = new Attack(true); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attack.Damage = damage; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(attack); if (attacker.Companion) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); else attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(damage, true); if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(attacker); attack = new Attack(true); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Network.GamePackets.Attack.Kill; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(attack); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } } else { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); if (attack != null) attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID, 0, ref attack); if (attack != null) suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = attacker.MonsterInfo.SpellID; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); if (attacker.Companion) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), true); else attacker.Owner.IncreaseExperience(damage, true); if (attacked.Hitpoints <= damage) { attacked.Die(attacker); attack = new Attack(true); attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.AttackType = Network.GamePackets.Attack.Kill; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(attack); } else { attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; } } } } #endregion #region Player -> Player \ Monster \ Sob Npc else { #region Merchant if (attack.AttackType == Attack.MerchantAccept || attack.AttackType == Attack.MerchantRefuse) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } #endregion #region Marriage if (attack.AttackType == Attack.MarriageAccept || attack.AttackType == Attack.MarriageRequest) { if (attack.AttackType == Attack.MarriageRequest) { Client.GameState Spouse = null; uint takeout = attack.Attacked; if (takeout == attacker.UID) takeout = attack.Attacker; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(takeout, out Spouse)) { if (attacker.Spouse != "None" || Spouse.Entity.Spouse != "None") { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone that is already married with someone else!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } else { uint id1 = attacker.Mesh % 10, id2 = Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10; if (id1 <= 2 && id2 >= 3 || id1 >= 2 && id2 <= 3) { attack.X = Spouse.Entity.X; attack.Y = Spouse.Entity.Y; Spouse.Send(attack); } else { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone of your gender!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } } } } else { Client.GameState Spouse = null; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked, out Spouse)) { if (attacker.Spouse != "None" || Spouse.Entity.Spouse != "None") { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone that is already married with someone else!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } else { if (attacker.Mesh % 10 <= 2 && Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10 >= 3 || attacker.Mesh % 10 >= 3 && Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10 <= 2) { Spouse.Entity.Spouse = attacker.Name; attacker.Spouse = Spouse.Entity.Name; Message message = null; if (Spouse.Entity.Mesh % 10 >= 3) message = new Message("Joy and happiness! " + Spouse.Entity.Name + " and " + attacker.Name + " have joined together in the holy marriage. We wish them a stone house.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, Message.Center); else message = new Message("Joy and happiness! " + attacker.Name + " and " + attacker.Spouse + " have joined together in the holy marriage. We wish them a stone house.", System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood, Message.Center); foreach (Client.GameState client in ServerBase.Kernel.GamePool.Values) { client.Send(message); } Spouse.Entity.Update(_String.Effect, "firework-2love", true); attacker.Update(_String.Effect, "firework-2love", true); } else { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("You cannot marry someone of your gender!", System.Drawing.Color.Black, Message.TopLeft)); } } } } } #endregion #region Attacking else { attacker.Owner.Attackable = true; Entity attacked = null; SobNpcSpawn attackedsob = null; #region Checks if (attack.Attacker != attacker.UID) return; if (attacker.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) return; attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Invisibility); bool pass = false; if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee) { if (attacker.OnFatalStrike()) { if (attack.Attacked < 600000) { pass = true; } } } ushort decrease = 0; if (attacker.OnCyclone()) decrease = 1; if (attacker.OnSuperman()) decrease = 300; if (!pass) { int milliSeconds = 1000 - attacker.Agility - decrease; if (milliSeconds < 0 || milliSeconds > 5000) milliSeconds = 0; if (Time32.Now < attacker.AttackStamp.AddMilliseconds(milliSeconds)) return; } if (attacker.Dead) { if (attacker.AttackPacket != null) attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.AttackStamp = Time32.Now; if (attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup != null) { if (Time32.Now < attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup.CreateTime.AddSeconds(12)) { return; } } restart: #region Extract attack information ushort SpellID = 0, X = 0, Y = 0; uint Target = 0; if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Magic) { if (!attack.Decoded) { #region GetSkillID SpellID = Convert.ToUInt16(((long)attack.ToArray()[24] & 0xFF) | (((long)attack.ToArray()[25] & 0xFF) << 8)); SpellID ^= (ushort)0x915d; SpellID ^= (ushort)attacker.UID; SpellID = (ushort)(SpellID << 0x3 | SpellID >> 0xd); SpellID -= 0xeb42; #endregion #region GetCoords X = (ushort)((attack.ToArray()[16] & 0xFF) | ((attack.ToArray()[17] & 0xFF) << 8)); X = (ushort)(X ^ (uint)(attacker.UID & 0xffff) ^ 0x2ed6); X = (ushort)(((X << 1) | ((X & 0x8000) >> 15)) & 0xffff); X = (ushort)((X | 0xffff0000) - 0xffff22ee); Y = (ushort)((attack.ToArray()[18] & 0xFF) | ((attack.ToArray()[19] & 0xFF) << 8)); Y = (ushort)(Y ^ (uint)(attacker.UID & 0xffff) ^ 0xb99b); Y = (ushort)(((Y << 5) | ((Y & 0xF800) >> 11)) & 0xffff); Y = (ushort)((Y | 0xffff0000) - 0xffff8922); #endregion #region GetTarget Target = ((uint)attack.ToArray()[12] & 0xFF) | (((uint)attack.ToArray()[13] & 0xFF) << 8) | (((uint)attack.ToArray()[14] & 0xFF) << 16) | (((uint)attack.ToArray()[15] & 0xFF) << 24); Target = ((((Target & 0xffffe000) >> 13) | ((Target & 0x1fff) << 19)) ^ 0x5F2D2463 ^ attacker.UID) - 0x746F4AE6; #endregion attack.X = X; attack.Y = Y; attack.Damage = SpellID; attack.Attacked = Target; attack.Decoded = true; } else { X = attack.X; Y = attack.Y; SpellID = (ushort)attack.Damage; Target = attack.Attacked; } } #endregion #endregion if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride) && attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(18) == null) { if (attack.AttackType != Attack.Magic) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else if (!(SpellID == 7003 || SpellID == 7002)) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.CastPray)) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.CastPray); if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Praying)) attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Praying); #region Dash if (SpellID == 1051) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attack.X, attack.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y) > 4) { attacker.Owner.Disconnect(); return; } attacker.X = attack.X; attacker.Y = attack.Y; ushort x = attacker.X, y = attacker.Y; Game.Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, (Enums.ConquerAngle)Target); for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count; c++) { if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count) break; //List<IMapObject> list = new List<IMapObject>(); IMapObject obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (obj == null) continue; if (obj.X == x && obj.Y == y && (obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player)) { Entity entity = obj as Entity; if (!entity.Dead) { Target = obj.UID; break; } } } } #endregion #region CounterKill if (attack.AttackType == Attack.CounterKillSwitch) { if (attacked != null) if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker != null) if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(6003)) { if (!attacker.CounterKillSwitch) { if (Time32.Now >= attacker.CounterKillStamp.AddSeconds(30)) { attacker.CounterKillStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.CounterKillSwitch = true; Attack m_attack = new Attack(true); m_attack.Attacked = attacker.UID; m_attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; m_attack.AttackType = Attack.CounterKillSwitch; m_attack.Damage = 1; m_attack.X = attacker.X; m_attack.Y = attacker.Y; m_attack.Send(attacker.Owner); } } else { attacker.CounterKillSwitch = false; Attack m_attack = new Attack(true); m_attack.Attacked = attacker.UID; m_attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; m_attack.AttackType = Attack.CounterKillSwitch; m_attack.Damage = 0; m_attack.X = attacker.X; m_attack.Y = attacker.Y; m_attack.Send(attacker.Owner); } attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(100, 6003); attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion #region Melee else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee) { if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked, out attacked)) { if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked); } else { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers2(attacker.Owner, attacked); } if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) return; pass = false; if (attacker.OnFatalStrike()) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { pass = true; } } ushort range = attacker.AttackRange; if (attacker.Transformed) range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= range || pass) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); attack.Damage = damage; if (attacker.OnFatalStrike()) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { bool can = false; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon).ID / 1000 == 601) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon).ID / 1000 == 601) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon).ID / 1000 == 511) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon).ID / 1000 == 511) can = true; if (!can) return; ushort x = attacked.X; ushort y = attacked.Y; Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, ServerBase.Kernel.GetAngle(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y)); attacker.Shift(x, y); attack.X = x; attack.Y = y; attack.AttackType = Attack.FatalStrike; } else { bool can = false; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand).ID / 1000 == 601) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand).ID / 1000 == 601) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand).ID / 1000 == 511) can = true; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand)) if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand).ID / 1000 == 511) can = true; if (!can) return; ushort x = attacked.X; ushort y = attacked.Y; Map.UpdateCoordonatesForAngle(ref x, ref y, ServerBase.Kernel.GetAngle(attacked.X, attacked.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y)); attacker.Shift(x, y); attack.X = x; attack.Y = y; attack.AttackType = Attack.FatalStrike; } } } //over: if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0; bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false; /*if (wep1subyte == 421) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte = 420; } if (wep1subyte == 511) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte = 601; }*/ ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1subyte)) { wep1spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte]; } /*if (wep1subyte == 601 || wep1subyte == 511) { if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(11230)) { wep1spellid = 11230; } }*/ Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null; bool doWep1Spell = false, doWep2Spell = false; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep1spellid)) { wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level]; if (wep1spell != null) { doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent); } } if (!doWep1Spell) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem leftweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000); /* if (wep2subyte == 421) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 420; } if (wep2subyte == 511) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte=601; }*/ if (wep2subyte == 900 || leftweapon.ID == 1050002) { return; } if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2subyte)) { wep2spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte]; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep2spellid)) { wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level]; if (wep2spell != null) { doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent); } } } } if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (doWep1Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID; goto restart; } if (doWep2Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID; goto restart; } if (wep1bs) wep1subyte++; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep2subyte); } } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep2subyte); } } } } else { if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 0); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 0); } } } } else { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand); ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0; bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false; /* if (wep1subyte == 421) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte = 420; } if (wep1subyte == 511) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte = 601; }*/ ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1subyte)) { wep1spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte]; } Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null; bool doWep1Spell = false, doWep2Spell = false; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep1spellid)) { wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level]; doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent); } if (!doWep1Spell) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem leftweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand); wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000); /* if (wep2subyte == 421) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 420; } if (wep2subyte == 511) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 601; }*/ if (wep2subyte == 900 || leftweapon.ID == 1050002) { return; } if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2subyte)) { wep2spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte]; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep2spellid)) { wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level]; doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent); } } } if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (doWep1Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID; goto restart; } if (doWep2Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID; goto restart; } if (wep1bs) wep1subyte++; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), wep2subyte); } } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep2subyte); } } } } else { if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 0); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 0); } } } } ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, null); attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } else if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(attack.Attacked, out attackedsob)) { // Console.WriteLine("Ss"); if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, null)) { ushort range = attacker.AttackRange; if (attacker.Transformed) range = (ushort)attacker.TransformationAttackRange; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= range) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0; bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false; /* if (wep1subyte == 421) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte=420; } if (wep1subyte == 511) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte=601; }*/ ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1subyte)) wep1spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte]; Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null; bool doWep1Spell = false, doWep2Spell = false; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep1spellid)) { wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level]; doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent); } if (!doWep1Spell) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem leftweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000); /* if (wep2subyte == 421) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 420; } if (wep2subyte == 511) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 601; }*/ if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2subyte)) wep2spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte]; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep2spellid)) { wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level]; doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent); } } } if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (doWep1Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attackedsob.X; attack.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID; goto restart; } if (doWep2Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attackedsob.X; attack.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID; goto restart; } if (attacker.MapID == 1039) { /* if (wep1bs) wep1subyte++;*/ if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { /* if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++;*/ attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep2subyte); } } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { /*if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++;*/ attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep2subyte); } } } } } } else { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem rightweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltRightHand); ushort wep1subyte = (ushort)(rightweapon.ID / 1000), wep2subyte = 0; bool wep1bs = false, wep2bs = false; /*if (wep1subyte == 421) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte = 420; } if (wep1subyte == 511) { wep1bs = true; wep1subyte = 601; }*/ ushort wep1spellid = 0, wep2spellid = 0; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep1subyte)) wep1spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep1subyte]; Database.SpellInformation wep1spell = null, wep2spell = null; bool doWep1Spell = false, doWep2Spell = false; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep1spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep1spellid)) { wep1spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep1spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep1spellid].Level]; doWep1Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep1spell.Percent); } if (!doWep1Spell) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem leftweapon = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand); wep2subyte = (ushort)(leftweapon.ID / 1000); /* if (wep2subyte == 421) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 420; } if (wep2subyte == 511) { wep2bs = true; wep2subyte = 601; }*/ if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsKey(wep2subyte)) wep2spellid = Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells[wep2subyte]; if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(wep2spellid) && Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations.ContainsKey(wep2spellid)) { wep2spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[wep2spellid][attacker.Owner.Spells[wep2spellid].Level]; doWep2Spell = ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(wep2spell.Percent); } } } if (!attacker.Transformed) { if (doWep1Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attackedsob.X; attack.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; attack.Damage = wep1spell.ID; goto restart; } if (doWep2Spell) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attack.Decoded = true; attack.X = attackedsob.X; attack.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Attacked = attackedsob.UID; attack.Damage = wep2spell.ID; goto restart; } if (attacker.MapID == 1039) { if (wep1bs) wep1subyte++; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), wep2subyte); } } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep1subyte); if (wep2subyte != 0) { if (wep2bs) wep2subyte++; attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, wep2subyte); } } } } } } attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, null); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion #region Ranged else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Ranged) { if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(attack.Attacked, out attacked)) { if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked); } else { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers2(attacker.Owner, attacked); } if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon) == null) return; if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, null, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) return; if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); arrow.Durability -= 1; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(attacker.Owner); if (arrow.Durability <= 0 || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon), attacker.Owner); } } } else { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.AltLeftHand); arrow.Durability -= 1; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(attacker.Owner); if (arrow.Durability <= 0 || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.AltLeftHand), attacker.Owner); } } } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); attack.Damage = damage; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player && attacked.EntityFlag != EntityFlag.Player) if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attacked.Hitpoints), 500); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 500); } ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, null); } } else if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(attack.Attacked, out attackedsob)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, null)) { if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon) == null) return; if (attacker.MapID != 1039) { if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); arrow.Durability -= 1; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(attacker.Owner); if (arrow.Durability <= 0 || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.LeftWeapon), attacker.Owner); } } } else { if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free((byte)ConquerItem.AltLeftHand)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem arrow = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.AltLeftHand); arrow.Durability -= 1; ItemUsage usage = new ItemUsage(true) { UID = arrow.UID, dwParam = arrow.Durability, ID = ItemUsage.UpdateDurability }; usage.Send(attacker.Owner); if (arrow.Durability <= 0 || arrow.Durability > 5000) { Network.PacketHandler.ReloadArrows(attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.AltLeftHand), attacker.Owner); } } } } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, null); if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.Hitpoints), 500); } else { attacker.Owner.IncreaseProficiencyExperience(damage, 500); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion #region Magic else if (attack.AttackType == Attack.Magic) { if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers(attacker.Owner, attacked); } else { CheckForExtraWeaponPowers2(attacker.Owner, attacked); } uint Experience = 100; bool shuriken = false; ushort spellID = SpellID; if (SpellID >= 3090 && SpellID <= 3306) spellID = 3090; if (spellID == 6012) shuriken = true; if (attacker == null) return; if (attacker.Owner == null) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells == null) { attacker.Owner.Spells = new SafeDictionary<ushort, PhoenixProject.Interfaces.ISkill>(10000); attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.Owner.Spells[spellID] == null && spellID != 6012) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } Database.SpellInformation spell = null; if (shuriken) spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[6010][0]; else { byte choselevel = 0; if (spellID == SpellID) choselevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[spellID].Level; if (Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID] != null && !Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID].ContainsKey(choselevel)) choselevel = (byte)(Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID].Count - 1); spell = Database.SpellTable.SpellInformations[SpellID][choselevel]; } if (spell == null) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacked = null; attackedsob = null; if (attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetValue(Target, out attacked) || attacker.Owner.Screen.TryGetSob(Target, out attackedsob) || Target == attacker.UID || spell.Sort != 1) { if (Target == attacker.UID) attacked = attacker; if (attacked != null) { if (attacked.Dead && spell.Sort != Database.SpellSort.Revive && spell.ID != 10405 && spell.ID != 10425) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } if (Target >= 400000 && Target <= 600000 || Target >= 800000) { if (attacked == null && attackedsob == null) return; } else if (Target != 0 && attackedsob == null) return; if (attacked != null) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { if (spell.CanKill == 1) { if (attacked.MonsterInfo.InSight == 0) { attacked.MonsterInfo.InSight = attacker.UID; } } } } if (!attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(spellID)) { if (spellID != 6012) return; } if (spell != null) { if (!attacker.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { if (spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype != 0) { uint firstwepsubtype, secondwepsubtype; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(4)) { firstwepsubtype = attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[3].ID / 1000; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(5) && attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[4] != null) { secondwepsubtype = attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[4].ID / 1000; if (firstwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { if (secondwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } else { if (firstwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } else { if (spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype != 0) { uint firstwepsubtype, secondwepsubtype; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(24)) { firstwepsubtype = attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[23].ID / 1000; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(24) && attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[24] != null) { secondwepsubtype = attacker.Owner.Equipment.Objects[24].ID / 1000; if (firstwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { if (secondwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } else { if (firstwepsubtype != spell.OnlyWithThisWeaponSubtype) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } } } } if (attacker.Owner.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Coder) { attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("Spell ID: " + spellID, System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue, Message.Talk)); } switch (spellID) { #region Single magic damage spells case 1000: case 1001: case 1002: case 1150: case 1160: case 1180: case 1320: case 10310: case 11180: //case 11040: //case 10381: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacked != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } break; } #endregion #region Single heal/meditation spells case 1190: case 1195: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; uint damage = spell.Power; if (spell.ID == 1190) { Experience = damage = Math.Min(damage, attacker.MaxHitpoints - attacker.Hitpoints); attacker.Hitpoints += damage; } else { Experience = damage = Math.Min(damage, (uint)(attacker.MaxMana - attacker.Mana)); attacker.Mana += (ushort)damage; } suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, spell.Power); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Multi heal spells case 1005: case 1055: case 1170: case 1175: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attackedsob != null) { if (attacker.MapID == 1038) break; if (attacker.MapID == 2071) break; if (attacker.MapID == 1509) break; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, attackedsob.MaxHitpoints - attackedsob.Hitpoints); attackedsob.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { if (spell.Multi == 1) { if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, teammate.Entity.MaxHitpoints - teammate.Entity.Hitpoints); teammate.Entity.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, damage); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, attacked.MaxHitpoints - attacked.Hitpoints); attacked.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = spell.Power; damage = Math.Min(damage, attacked.MaxHitpoints - attacked.Hitpoints); attacked.Hitpoints += damage; Experience += damage; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } break; } #endregion #region Revive case 1050: case 1100: { if (attackedsob != null) return; if (ServerBase.Constants.revnomap.Contains(attacker.MapID)) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; //suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); //attacked.Action = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ConquerAction.None; //attacked.Owner.ReviveStamp = Time32.Now; //attacked.Owner.Attackable = false; attacked.Owner.Entity.Action = PhoenixProject.Game.Enums.ConquerAction.None; attacked.Owner.ReviveStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.Owner.Attackable = false; attacked.Owner.Entity.TransformationID = 0; attacked.Owner.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Dead); attacked.Owner.Entity.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ghost); attacked.Owner.Entity.Hitpoints = attacked.Owner.Entity.MaxHitpoints; attacked.Ressurect(); attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; } #endregion #region Linear spells case 1045: case 1046: // case 11110: case 1260: case 11000: case 11005: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm ila = new PhoenixProject.Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, (byte)spell.Range, InLineAlgorithm.Algorithm.DDA); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; int xx = 0; int yy = 0; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ila.InLine(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (attacked.X != xx && attacked.Y != yy) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) continue; attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; attack.Damage = damage; xx = attacked.X; yy = attacked.Y; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ila.InLine(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) continue; attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region BladeTempst case 11110: { bool yes = true; Game.Map Map = attacker.Owner.Map; // ushort rr = ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm ila = new PhoenixProject.Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, (byte)ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y), InLineAlgorithm.Algorithm.DDA); List<InLineAlgorithm.coords>.Enumerator enumerator6; ushort x = 0; ushort y = 0; using (enumerator6 = ila.getCoords.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator6.MoveNext()) { if (yes) { Func<IMapObject, bool> func4 = null; InLineAlgorithm.coords coord = enumerator6.Current; if (Map.Floor[coord.X, coord.Y, Game.MapObjectType.Player, null]) { if (attacker.MapID == 1038) { if (attacker.X > 223 && attacker.Y < 185 && coord.X < 224) { // Console.WriteLine(" r " + PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.RightGate.Mesh + ""); if (PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.RightGate.Mesh == 271) { yes = false; } else { yes = true; x = (ushort)coord.X; y = (ushort)coord.Y; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance((ushort)coord.X, (ushort)coord.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 1) { attacked.CanBlade = true; } } } } } else { //Console.WriteLine(" r " + PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh + ""); if (attacker.X < 170 && attacker.Y > 210 && coord.Y < 211) { if (PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh == 241) { yes = false; } } else { yes = true; x = (ushort)coord.X; y = (ushort)coord.Y; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance((ushort)coord.X, (ushort)coord.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 1) { attacked.CanBlade = true; } } } } } } else { yes = true; x = (ushort)coord.X; y = (ushort)coord.Y; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance((ushort)coord.X, (ushort)coord.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 1) { attacked.CanBlade = true; } } } } } else { yes = false; } } } } yes = true; X = x; Y = y; if (Map.Floor[X, Y, Game.MapObjectType.Player, null] && yes) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; int xx = 0; int yy = 0; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (attacked.CanBlade) { // if (attacked.X != xx && attacked.Y != yy) // { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) continue; attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); // uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; attack.Damage = damage; // xx = attacked.X; // yy = attacked.Y; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacked.CanBlade = false; if (!attacked.Dead) { if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(11120)) { BlackSpot spot = new BlackSpot { Remove = 0, Identifier = attacked.UID }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])spot); attacked.BlackSpotTime = Time32.Now; attacked.BlackSpotTime2 = 8; attacked.BlackSpots = true; attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, 11120); } } // } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ila.InLine(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (!CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) continue; attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); attack.Damage = damage; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } attacker.X = X; attacker.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacker.Owner.Screen.Reload(attack); } } break; } #endregion #region XPSpells inofensive case 1015: case 1020: case 1025: case 1110: case 6011: case 10390: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (spell.ID == 6011) { attacker.FatalStrikeStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.FatalStrikeTime = 60; attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.FatalStrike); attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } else { if (spell.ID == 1110 || spell.ID == 1025 || spell.ID == 10390) { if (!attacked.OnKOSpell()) attacked.KOCount = 0; attacked.KOSpell = spell.ID; if (spell.ID == 1110) { attacked.CycloneStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.CycloneTime = 20; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Cyclone); } else if (spell.ID == 10390) { attacked.OblivionStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.OblivionTime = 20; attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.Oblivion); } else { attacked.SupermanStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.SupermanTime = 20; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Superman); } } else { if (spell.ID == 1020) { attacked.ShieldTime = 0; attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.MagicShield); attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ShieldIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.ShieldTime = (byte)spell.Duration; } else { attacked.AccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.StarOfAccuracy); attacked.AccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AccuracyTime = (byte)spell.Duration; } } } attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Circle spells case 1010: case 1115: case 1120: case 1125: case 3090: case 5001: case 8030: case 11170: case 10315: case 11190: //case 11050: { // Console.WriteLine("xx3"); if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { //Console.WriteLine("x4"); PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); //Console.WriteLine("xx5"); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; UInt16 ox, oy; ox = attacker.X; oy = attacker.Y; if (spellID == 10315 || spellID == 11190) { /* if (attacker.MapID == 1950) { break; }*/ bool yes = true; Game.Map Map = attacker.Owner.Map; Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm ila = new PhoenixProject.Game.Attacking.InLineAlgorithm(attacker.X, X, attacker.Y, Y, (byte)spell.Range, InLineAlgorithm.Algorithm.DDA); List<InLineAlgorithm.coords>.Enumerator enumerator6; ushort x = 0; ushort y = 0; using (enumerator6 = ila.getCoords.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator6.MoveNext()) { if (yes) { Func<IMapObject, bool> func4 = null; InLineAlgorithm.coords coord = enumerator6.Current; if (Map.Floor[coord.X, coord.Y, Game.MapObjectType.Player, null]) { if (attacker.MapID == 1038) { if (attacker.X > 223 && attacker.Y < 185 && coord.X < 224) { // Console.WriteLine(" r " + PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.RightGate.Mesh + ""); if (PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.RightGate.Mesh == 271) { yes = false; } else { yes = true; x = (ushort)coord.X; y = (ushort)coord.Y; } } else { //Console.WriteLine(" r " + PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh + ""); if (attacker.X < 170 && attacker.Y > 210 && coord.Y < 211) { if (PhoenixProject.Game.ConquerStructures.Society.GuildWar.LeftGate.Mesh == 241) { yes = false; } } else { yes = true; x = (ushort)coord.X; y = (ushort)coord.Y; } } } else { yes = true; x = (ushort)coord.X; y = (ushort)coord.Y; } } else { yes = false; } } } } yes = true; X = x; Y = y; Attack npacket = new Attack(true); npacket.Attacker = attacker.UID; npacket.AttackType = 53; npacket.X = X; npacket.Y = Y; Writer.WriteUInt16(spell.ID, 24, npacket.ToArray()); Writer.WriteByte(spell.Level, 26, npacket.ToArray()); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(npacket, true); attacker.X = X; attacker.Y = Y; attacker.SendSpawn(attacker.Owner); attacker.Owner.Screen.Reload(npacket); } List<IMapObject> objects = new List<IMapObject>(); if (attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count() > 0) objects = GetObjects(ox, oy, attacker.Owner); if (objects != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { if (spellID == 10315 || spellID == 11190) { foreach (IMapObject objs in objects.ToArray()) { if (objs == null) continue; if (objs.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || objs.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = objs as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; if (spell.Power > 0) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); //damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; } if (spell.ID == 8030) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); } ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (objs.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = objs as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) { damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); // damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); } attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; if (spell.Power > 0) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; } attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 1115) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Buffers case 1075: case 1085: case 1090: case 1095: case 3080: case 10405://this is not what I edited yesterday... case 30000: case 11160: case 11200: { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (spell.ID == 1075 || spell.ID == 1085) { if (spell.ID == 1075) { attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Invisibility); attacked.InvisibilityStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.InvisibilityTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Invisibility((int)spell.Duration)); } else { attacked.AccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AccuracyTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.StarOfAccuracy); attacked.StarOfAccuracyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StarOfAccuracyTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Accuracy((int)spell.Duration)); } } else { if (spell.ID == 1090) { attacked.ShieldTime = 0; attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldTime = 0; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.MagicShield); attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.MagicShieldTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Shield(spell.PowerPercent, (int)spell.Duration)); } else if (spell.ID == 1095) { attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Stigma); attacked.StigmaStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.StigmaIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.StigmaTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Stigma(spell.PowerPercent, (int)spell.Duration)); } else if (spell.ID == 11200) { if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } attacker.AddFlag3(Update.Flags3.MagicDefender); attacker.MagicDefenderStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.MagicDefenderIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacker.MagicDefenderTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); SyncPacket packet = new SyncPacket { Identifier = attacker.UID, Count = 2, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.SyncPacket.SyncType.StatusFlag, StatusFlag1 = (ulong)attacker.StatusFlag, StatusFlag2 = (ulong)attacker.StatusFlag2, Unknown1 = 0x31, StatusFlagOffset = 0x80, Time = (uint)spell.Duration, Value = 10, Level = spell.Level }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])packet); } break; } else if (spell.ID == 11160) { if (attacker.DefensiveStanceTime != 0) { attacker.DefensiveStanceTime = 0; attacker.DefensiveStanceIncrease = 0; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags2.WarriorWalk); } else { if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WarriorWalk); attacker.DefensiveStanceStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.DefensiveStanceIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacker.DefensiveStanceTime = (byte)spell.Duration; if (attacker.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { attacker.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.DefensiveStance(spell.Percent, (int)spell.Duration)); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; } else if (spell.ID == 30000) { if (attacked.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.AzureShield)) { return; } //attack.AttackType = Attack.kimo2; attacked.ShieldTime = 0; attacked.ShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.MagicShieldTime = 0; //Console.WriteLine("The Dodge is :" + attacked.Dodge.ToString()); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.AzureShield); attacked.MagicShieldStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AzureDamage = 12000; //Console.WriteLine("AzureShiled granted " + 12000 + " The Dodge is :" + attacked.Dodge.ToString()); attacked.MagicShieldIncrease = spell.PowerPercent; attacked.MagicShieldTime = 60; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.AzureShield(12000, 30)); SyncPacket packet4 = new SyncPacket { Identifier = attacked.UID, Count = 2, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.SyncPacket.SyncType.StatusFlag, StatusFlag1 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag, StatusFlag2 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag2, Unknown1 = 0x31, StatusFlagOffset = 0x5d, Time = (uint)60, Value = (uint)attacked.AzureDamage, Level = spell.Level }; attacked.Owner.Send((byte[])packet4); } } if (spell.ID == 10405 && attacked.Dead) { if ((attacked.BattlePower - attacker.BattlePower) >= 10) return; attacked.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Dead);//Flag them as dead... should not be needed. This is no movement attacked.ShackleStamp = Time32.Now;//Set stamp so source can remove the flag after X seconds attacked.ShackleTime = (short)(30 + 15 * spell.Level);//double checking here. Could be db has this wrong. if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.Shackled(attacked.ShackleTime)); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.SoulShackle);//Give them shackeld effect SyncPacket packet3 = new SyncPacket { Identifier = attacked.UID, Count = 2, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.SyncPacket.SyncType.StatusFlag, StatusFlag1 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag, StatusFlag2 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag2, Unknown1 = 0x36, StatusFlagOffset = 0x6f, Time = (uint)spell.Duration, Value = 10, Level = spell.Level }; attacked.Owner.Send((byte[])packet3); } } } attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(Experience, spellID); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } } break; } #endregion #region Percent case 3050: // case 11230: { //Console.WriteLine("1"); if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent(attackedsob, spell.PowerPercent); attackedsob.Hitpoints -= damage; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } else { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent(attacked, spell.PowerPercent); if (attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup != null) attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup.UpdateDamage(attacker.Owner, damage); attacked.Hitpoints -= damage; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } } } } break; } #endregion #region ExtraXP case 1040: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (teammate.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { teammate.XPCount += 20; Update update = new Update(true); update.UID = teammate.Entity.UID; update.Append(Update.XPCircle, teammate.XPCount); update.Send(teammate); suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 20); if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } break; } #endregion #region WeaponSpells #region Circle case 5010: case 7020: //case 11110: //case 10490: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; if (suse.SpellID != 10415) { suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; } else { suse.X = 6; } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) return; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); //attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); //suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); // attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Single target case 10490: case 11140: //case 11230: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); suse.MakeConst(); for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (damage > attackedsob.Hitpoints) damage = attackedsob.Hitpoints; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID + c, damage); } } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); suse.MakeConst(); for (uint c = 0; c < 3; c++) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); if (damage > attacked.Hitpoints) damage = attacked.Hitpoints; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID + c, damage); } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 1290: case 5030: case 5040: case 7000: case 7010: case 7030: case 7040: case 11230: //case 10381: //case 10490: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 1) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } #endregion #region Sector case 1250: case 5050: case 5020: case 1300: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Range); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Distance + 1) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #endregion #region Fly case 8002: case 8003: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacker.MapID == 1950) return; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacked.FlyStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.FlyTime = (byte)spell.Duration; suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, attacker.FlyTime); attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Fly); attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Pirate Spells #region Xp Skills case 10309: //Cannon Barrage { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (!attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.ChainBoltActive)) { //attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.XPList); attacker.ChainBoltStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.ChainBoltTime = 30; attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.ChainBoltActive); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); //attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.CannonBarrage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); //attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.CannonBarrage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 11050: //Cannon Barrage { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (!attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.CannonBraga)) { // attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.XPList); attacker.CannonBarageStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.Cannonbarage = 30; attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.CannonBraga); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 10) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 10) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); //attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.CannonBarrage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 10) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); //attacked.AddFlag(Update.Effects.CannonBarrage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 11060: // BlackPearl Rage { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (!attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.BlackBread)) { //attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.XPList); attacker.BlackBeardStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.Blackbeard = 30; attacker.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.BlackBread); } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); if (spell.ID == 8030) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Auto On Skills case 11130: //Adrenaline Rush //case 11130: //BlackSpot { spell.RemoveCooldown(0x2b16); if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Quest.Target target5 = new PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.Quest.Target { Obj = attacker, Damage = 0x2b16, DamageType = HitType.NoDamage, Hit = true }; if (spell.CoolDown > 0) { spell.AddCooldown(spell.ID, (int)spell.CoolDown); } } break; } #endregion // Doesnt Work // Doest Work #region Linear Skills /* case 11110: //Blade Tempest { //if (Time32.Now < attacker.WhilrwindKick.AddMilliseconds(1500)) // return; //attacker.WhilrwindKick = Time32.Now; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 5) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Game.Map Map = ServerBase.Kernel.Maps[attacker.MapID]; if (Map.SelectCoordonates(ref X, ref Y)) { //attacker.X = X; // attacker.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 5) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 1) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Ranged)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; }*/ #endregion #region Single damage Skill case 11120: { if (attacked != null) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player || attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { if (!attacked.Dead) { BlackSpot spot = new BlackSpot { Remove = 0, Identifier = attacked.UID }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])spot); attacked.BlackSpotTime = Time32.Now; attacked.BlackSpotTime2 = 12; attacked.BlackSpots = true; attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, 11120); } } } break; } case 11030: // Eagle Eye if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Effect1 = 0; bool kimo = false; //suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, spell.Power); if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent * 30); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { kimo = attacked.BlackSpots; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(11130)) { if (kimo) { suse.SpellID = 11060; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = 11130; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[11130].Level; suse.X = attacker.X; suse.Y = attacker.X; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, 11130); break; } } if (attacker.Owner.Spells.ContainsKey(11130)) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(5)) { ////spell.Duration = 0; attacker.Update(_String.Effect, "RapidReplace", true); suse.SpellID = 11060; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } else { //// spell.Duration = 0; //attacker.Update(_String.Effect, "RapidReplace", true); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } else { // spell.Duration = 0; // attacker.Update(_String.Effect, "RapidReplace", true); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; #endregion #region Region Damage Skills case 11100: //kracken revenge { //Console.WriteLine("0"); if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; //Console.WriteLine("1"); int counts = 0; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 5) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { // Console.WriteLine("2"); if (counts < 5) { //Console.WriteLine("3"); //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; //Console.WriteLine("4"); if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 5) { // Console.WriteLine("5"); if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) { BlackSpot spot = new BlackSpot { Remove = 0, Identifier = attacked.UID }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])spot); attacked.BlackSpotTime = Time32.Now; attacked.BlackSpotTime2 = (byte)spell.Duration; attacked.BlackSpots = true; counts += 1; } else { if (!ServerBase.Constants.BlackSpotNo.Contains(attacker.MapID)) { BlackSpot spot = new BlackSpot { Remove = 0, Identifier = attacked.UID }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])spot); attacked.BlackSpotTime = Time32.Now; attacked.BlackSpotTime2 = (byte)spell.Duration; attacked.BlackSpots = true; counts += 1; } } } } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, spellID); } break; } case 11040: // Scurvey Bomb { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Range) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count(); c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count()) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); if (spell.Power > 0) damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } break; } case 11070: // Gale Bomb { if (Time32.Now >= attacker.MagikAttackTimeAtaque.AddMilliseconds(200)) { attacker.MagikAttackTimeAtaque = Time32.Now; if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attack.X; suse.Y = attack.Y; attack.AttackType = 0x1b; byte MaxDistance = (byte)spell.UnknownPush; int counts = 0; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= attacker.AttackRange + 3) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (counts < 3) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= 5) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { if (Misc.Distance(_obj.X, _obj.Y, (ushort)attack.X, (ushort)attack.Y) < (int)MaxDistance) { var direction = ServerBase.Kernel.GetAngle(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y); attack = new Attack(true); byte angle = (byte)(attack.Attacked % 8); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); attack.AttackType = 0x1b; attack.X = attacker.X; attack.Y = attacker.Y; attack.PushBack = angle; attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = damage; // attack.ToArray()[27] = (byte)direction; // attacked.Move(direction); // attacker.Move(direction); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); counts++; // attacker.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); //attacker.X = attacker.X; } else break; } else { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= 5) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(100)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); counts++; } } else { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } } } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } break; } #endregion #endregion #region Ninja Spells case 6010://Vortex { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.ShurikenVortex); attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); attacker.ShurikenVortexStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.ShurikenVortexTime = 20; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacker.VortexPacket = new Attack(true); attacker.VortexPacket.Decoded = true; attacker.VortexPacket.Damage = 6012; attacker.VortexPacket.AttackType = Attack.Magic; attacker.VortexPacket.Attacker = attacker.UID; } break; } case 6012://VortexRespone { if (!attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.ShurikenVortex)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attacker.X; suse.Y = attacker.Y; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); break; } case 6001: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= spell.Distance) { foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference - 20; if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.ToxicFogStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ToxicFogLeft = 20; attacked.ToxicFogPercent = spell.PowerPercent; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); } if (attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower > 0) { attacked.ToxicFogStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ToxicFogLeft = 20; attacked.ToxicFogPercent = spell.PowerPercent; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); } else { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } } } } else { if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (!ServerBase.Constants.NoFog.Contains(attacked.Name)) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(X, Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference - 20; if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.ToxicFogStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ToxicFogLeft = 20; attacked.ToxicFogPercent = spell.PowerPercent; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); } if (attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower > 0) { attacked.ToxicFogStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.ToxicFogLeft = 20; attacked.ToxicFogPercent = spell.PowerPercent; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); } else { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } } } } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, spellID); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 6000: case 10381: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { ushort Xx, Yx; if (attacked != null) { Xx = attacked.X; Yx = attacked.Y; } else { Xx = attackedsob.X; Yx = attackedsob.Y; } if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, Xx, Yx) <= spell.Range) { if (attackedsob == null) if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Fly)) return; //if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Fly)) // return; if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.Fly)) return; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; bool send = false; if (attackedsob == null) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); send = true; } } else { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); send = true; } } if (send) attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } break; } case 6002: { if (attackedsob != null) return; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, false)) { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.NoDrugsStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.NoDrugsTime = (short)spell.Duration; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, spellID); attacked.Owner.Send(ServerBase.Constants.NoDrugs((int)spell.Duration)); } } else { suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } break; } case 6004: { if (attackedsob != null) return; if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster) return; if (!attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Fly)) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); int potDifference = attacker.BattlePower - attacked.BattlePower; int rate = spell.Percent + potDifference; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, false)) { uint dmg = Calculate.Percent(attacked, 0.1F); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, dmg); if (ServerBase.Kernel.Rate(rate)) { attacked.Hitpoints -= dmg; attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Fly); } else { suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } break; } #endregion #region Riding case 7001: { if (attacker.ContainsFlag2(Update.Flags2.WarriorWalk)) return; if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.ShurikenVortex)) return; if (ServerBase.Constants.steedguard.Contains(attacker.MapID)) return; if (!attacker.Owner.Equipment.Free(12)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); } else { if (attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem((byte)12).Plus < attacker.MapRegion.Lineage) break; if (attacker.Stamina >= 100 && (attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup == null || attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup != null && !attacker.Owner.QualifierGroup.Inside)) { attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); attacker.Stamina -= 100; attacker.Vigor = (ushort)attacker.MaxVigor; Network.GamePackets.Vigor vigor = new Network.GamePackets.Vigor(true); vigor.VigorValue = attacker.Owner.Entity.MaxVigor; vigor.Send(attacker.Owner); } } suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } case 7002: {//Spook if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride) && attacker.ContainsFlag(Update.Flags.Ride)) { Interfaces.IConquerItem attackedSteed = null, attackerSteed = null; if ((attackedSteed = attacked.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { if ((attackerSteed = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (attackedSteed.Plus < attackerSteed.Plus) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else if (attackedSteed.Plus == attackerSteed.Plus && attackedSteed.PlusProgress <= attackerSteed.PlusProgress) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } break; } case 7003: {//WarCry SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Interfaces.IConquerItem attackedSteed = null, attackerSteed = null; foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player && _obj.UID != attacker.UID) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if ((attackedSteed = attacked.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { if ((attackerSteed = attacker.Owner.Equipment.TryGetItem(ConquerItem.Steed)) != null) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= attackedSteed.Plus) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 0); if (attackedSteed.Plus < attackerSteed.Plus) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else if (attackedSteed.Plus == attackerSteed.Plus && attackedSteed.PlusProgress <= attackerSteed.PlusProgress) attacked.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Ride); else suse.Targets[attacked.UID].Hit = false; } } } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); break; } #endregion #region Dash case 1051: { if (attacked != null) { if (!attacked.Dead) { var direction = ServerBase.Kernel.GetAngle(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y); if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack = new Attack(true); attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, ref attack); attack.AttackType = Attack.Dash; attack.X = attacked.X; attack.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Attacker = attacker.UID; attack.Attacked = attacked.UID; attack.Damage = damage; attack.ToArray()[27] = (byte)direction; attacked.Move(direction); attacker.Move(direction); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(attack, true); } } } break; } #endregion #region RapidFire case 8000: { if (attackedsob != null) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attackedsob.X; suse.Y = attackedsob.Y; attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } else { if (!attacked.Dead) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = attacked.X; suse.Y = attacked.Y; attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, ref attack); damage = (uint)(damage * spell.PowerPercent); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } } } } break; } #endregion #region FireOfHell case 1165: case 7014: case 7012: case 9971: case 7017: case 7015: case 7013: case 10360: case 9966: case 30010: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Distance); foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Magic(attacker, attackedsob, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Scatter case 8001: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.xx == attacker.X && attacker.yy == attacker.Y) { attacker.scatter += 1; if (attacker.scatter > 30) { attacker.Owner.Disconnect(); } } else { attacker.xx = attacker.X; attacker.yy = attacker.Y; attacker.scatter = 0; } Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Distance); foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; if (damage == 0) damage = 1; damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent((int)damage, spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Intensify case 9000: { attacker.IntensifyStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.OnIntensify = true; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); suse.Send(attacker.Owner); break; } #endregion #region StarArrow case 10313: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; Sector sector = new Sector(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y); sector.Arrange(spell.Sector, spell.Distance); foreach (Interfaces.IMapObject _obj in attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects) { if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (sector.Inside(attacked.X, attacked.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Melee)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } else if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.SobNpc) { attackedsob = _obj as SobNpcSpawn; if (sector.Inside(attackedsob.X, attackedsob.Y)) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attackedsob, spell)) { attack.Effect1 = Attack.AttackEffects1.None; uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Ranged(attacker, attackedsob, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; if (damage == 0) damage = 1; damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Percent((int)damage, spell.PowerPercent); ReceiveAttack(attacker, attackedsob, attack, damage, spell); suse.Targets.Add(attackedsob.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Trasnformations case 1270: case 1280: case 1350: case 1360: case 3321: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (attacker.MapID == 1036) return; bool wasTransformated = attacker.Transformed; PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); #region Atributes switch (spell.ID) { case 1350: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 182; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 122; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1300; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 94; attacker.TransformationDodge = 35; attacker.TransformationTime = 39; attacker.TransformationID = 207; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 200; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 134; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1400; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 96; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 49; attacker.TransformationID = 207; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 240; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 160; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1500; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 97; attacker.TransformationDodge = 45; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 207; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 258; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 172; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1600; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 98; attacker.TransformationDodge = 50; attacker.TransformationTime = 69; attacker.TransformationID = 267; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 300; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 200; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1900; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 99; attacker.TransformationDodge = 55; attacker.TransformationTime = 79; attacker.TransformationID = 267; break; } } break; case 1270: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 282; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 179; attacker.TransformationDefence = 73; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 34; attacker.TransformationDodge = 9; attacker.TransformationTime = 34; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 395; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 245; attacker.TransformationDefence = 126; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 45; attacker.TransformationDodge = 12; attacker.TransformationTime = 39; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 616; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 367; attacker.TransformationDefence = 180; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 15; attacker.TransformationTime = 44; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 724; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 429; attacker.TransformationDefence = 247; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 15; attacker.TransformationTime = 49; attacker.TransformationID = 214; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1231; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 704; attacker.TransformationDefence = 499; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 50; attacker.TransformationDodge = 20; attacker.TransformationTime = 54; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } case 5: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1573; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 941; attacker.TransformationDefence = 601; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 25; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } case 6: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1991; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1107; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1029; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 55; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 64; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } case 7: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2226; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1235; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1029; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 55; attacker.TransformationDodge = 35; attacker.TransformationTime = 69; attacker.TransformationID = 274; break; } } break; case 1360: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1215; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 610; attacker.TransformationDefence = 100; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 96; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 217; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1310; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 650; attacker.TransformationDefence = 400; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 97; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 79; attacker.TransformationID = 217; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1420; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 710; attacker.TransformationDefence = 650; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 98; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 89; attacker.TransformationID = 217; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1555; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 780; attacker.TransformationDefence = 720; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 98; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 99; attacker.TransformationID = 277; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1660; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 840; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1200; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 99; attacker.TransformationDodge = 30; attacker.TransformationTime = 109; attacker.TransformationID = 277; break; } } break; case 1280: switch (spell.Level) { case 0: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 930; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 656; attacker.TransformationDefence = 290; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 45; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 29; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 1: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1062; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 750; attacker.TransformationDefence = 320; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 46; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 34; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 2: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1292; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 910; attacker.TransformationDefence = 510; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 50; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 39; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 3: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1428; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1000; attacker.TransformationDefence = 600; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 53; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 44; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 4: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1570; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1100; attacker.TransformationDefence = 700; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 55; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 49; attacker.TransformationID = 213; break; } case 5: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1700; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1200; attacker.TransformationDefence = 880; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 57; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 54; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } case 6: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 1900; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1300; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1540; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 59; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } case 7: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2100; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1500; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1880; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 61; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } case 8: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2300; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 1600; attacker.TransformationDefence = 1970; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 63; attacker.TransformationDodge = 40; attacker.TransformationTime = 59; attacker.TransformationID = 273; break; } } break; case 3321: { attacker.TransformationMaxAttack = 2000000; attacker.TransformationMinAttack = 2000000; attacker.TransformationDefence = 65355; attacker.TransformationMagicDefence = 65355; attacker.TransformationDodge = 35; attacker.TransformationTime = 65355; attacker.TransformationID = 223; break; } } #endregion SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID; spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID; spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; spellUse.X = X; spellUse.Y = Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, (uint)0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true); attacker.TransformationStamp = Time32.Now; attacker.TransformationMaxHP = 3000; if (spell.ID == 1270) attacker.TransformationMaxHP = 50000; attacker.TransformationAttackRange = 3; if (spell.ID == 1360) attacker.TransformationAttackRange = 10; if (!wasTransformated) { double maxHP = attacker.MaxHitpoints; double HP = attacker.Hitpoints; double point = HP / maxHP; attacker.Hitpoints = (uint)(attacker.TransformationMaxHP * point); } attacker.Update(Update.MaxHitpoints, attacker.TransformationMaxHP, false); } break; } #endregion #region Bless case 9876: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attacker.AddFlag(Update.Flags.CastPray); SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID; spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID; spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; spellUse.X = X; spellUse.Y = Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true); } break; } #endregion #region Companions case 4000: case 4010: case 4020: case 4050: case 4060: case 4070: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { if (ServerBase.Constants.steedguard.Contains(attacker.MapID)) return; if (attacker.Owner.Map.BaseID == 700) return; if (attacker.Owner.Companion != null) { if (attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo != null) { attacker.Owner.Map.RemoveEntity(attacker.Owner.Companion); Data data = new Data(true); data.UID = attacker.Owner.Companion.UID; data.ID = Data.RemoveEntity; attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(data); attacker.Owner.Companion = null; } } PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse spellUse = new SpellUse(true); spellUse.Attacker = attacker.UID; spellUse.SpellID = spell.ID; spellUse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; spellUse.X = X; spellUse.Y = Y; spellUse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 0); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(spellUse, true); attacker.Owner.Companion = new Entity(EntityFlag.Monster, true); attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo = new PhoenixProject.Database.MonsterInformation(); Database.MonsterInformation mt = Database.MonsterInformation.MonsterInfos[spell.Power]; attacker.Owner.Companion.Owner = attacker.Owner; attacker.Owner.Companion.MapObjType = MapObjectType.Monster; attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo = mt.Copy(); attacker.Owner.Companion.MonsterInfo.Owner = attacker.Owner.Companion; attacker.Owner.Companion.Name = mt.Name; attacker.Owner.Companion.MinAttack = mt.MinAttack; attacker.Owner.Companion.MaxAttack = attacker.Owner.Companion.MagicAttack = mt.MaxAttack; attacker.Owner.Companion.Hitpoints = attacker.Owner.Companion.MaxHitpoints = mt.Hitpoints; attacker.Owner.Companion.Body = mt.Mesh; attacker.Owner.Companion.Level = mt.Level; //10000181 - 1000006 attacker.Owner.Companion.UID = (uint)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(900300, 970350); attacker.Owner.Companion.MapID = attacker.Owner.Map.ID; attacker.Owner.Companion.SendUpdates = true; attacker.Owner.Companion.X = attacker.X; attacker.Owner.Companion.Y = attacker.Y; attacker.Owner.Map.AddEntity(attacker.Owner.Companion); attacker.Owner.SendScreenSpawn(attacker.Owner.Companion, true); } break; } #endregion #region MonkSpells //Compassion case 10395: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; // attacked.MaxAttack += 1000; c.Entity.CriticalStrike += 10; //Console.WriteLine("sk" + attacked.CriticalStrike + ""); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); //Update ud = new Update(true); //ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.CriticalStrike, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; // attacked.MaxAttack += 1000; attacked.CriticalStrike += 10; //Console.WriteLine("sk" + attacked.CriticalStrike + ""); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); //Update ud = new Update(true); //ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.CriticalStrike, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); } break; } case 10410: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; c.Entity.SkillCStrike += 10; c.Entity.CriticalStrike += 10; // attacked.MaxAttack += 100; c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; attacked.SkillCStrike += 10; attacked.CriticalStrike += 10; // attacked.MaxAttack += 100; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); //Update ud = new Update(true); //ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.SkillCStrike, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); } break; } case 10420: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; c.Entity.MetalResistance += 30; c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; attacked.MetalResistance += 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); } //Update ud = new Update(true); //ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.MetalResistance, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); break; } case 10421: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; c.Entity.WoodResistance += 30; c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; attacked.WoodResistance += 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); //Update ud = new Update(true); } //ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.WoodResistance, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); break; } case 10422: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; c.Entity.WaterResistance += 30; c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; attacked.WaterResistance += 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); //Update ud = new Update(true); } //ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.WaterResistance, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); break; } case 10424: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; c.Entity.EarthResistance += 30; c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; attacked.EarthResistance += 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); //Update ud = new Update(true); } ///ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.EarthResistance, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); break; } case 10423: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { foreach (Client.GameState c in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (c.Entity.MapID == attacker.MapID) { short distance = Kernel.GetDistance(c.Entity.X, c.Entity.Y, attacker.X, attacker.Y); if (distance < ServerBase.Constants.pScreenDistance) { if (c.Entity.UID != attacker.UID) { if (!c.AlternateEquipment) { c.LoadItemStats(c.Entity); } else { c.LoadItemStats2(c.Entity); } c.Entity.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; c.Entity.AuraTime = 20; c.Entity.FireResistance += 30; c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); c.Entity.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); c.Entity.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura2 = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data2 = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura2, Identifier = c.Entity.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; c.Entity.Owner.Send((byte[])data2); } } } } } if (!attacked.Owner.AlternateEquipment) { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats(attacked.Owner.Entity); } else { attacked.Owner.LoadItemStats2(attacked.Owner.Entity); } SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); attacked.AuraStamp = Time32.Now; attacked.AuraTime = 20; attacked.FireResistance += 30; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.TyrantAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.FendAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.MetalAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WoodAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.WaterAura); attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.EarthAura); attacked.AddFlag2(Update.Flags2.FireAura); PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; switch (spell.ID) { case 0x28b4: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MetalAura; break; case 0x28b5: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WoodAura; break; case 0x28b6: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.WaterAura; break; case 0x28b7: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FireAura; break; case 0x28b8: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.EarthAura; break; case 0x2bc0: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.MagicDefender; break; case 0x289b: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.TyrantAura; break; case 0x28aa: tyrantAura = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraType.FendAura; break; } StatusIconData data = new StatusIconData { AuraLevel = spell.Level, AuraPower = spell.Power, AuraType2 = tyrantAura, Identifier = attacker.UID, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.StatusIconData.AuraDataTypes.Add }; attacker.Owner.Send((byte[])data); } // Update ud = new Update(true); // ud.Aura(attacked, attacked.FireResistance, spell.Level, (byte)spell.Duration); break; } case 10430: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = spell.Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; if (attacker.Owner.Team != null) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); foreach (Client.GameState teammate in attacker.Owner.Team.Teammates) { if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, teammate.Entity.X, teammate.Entity.Y) <= spell.Distance) { attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Poisoned); suse.Targets.Add(teammate.Entity.UID, 1); } } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { if (attacked == null) return; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Distance) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); attacker.RemoveFlag(Update.Flags.Poisoned); suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //Serenity case 10400: { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacker == null) return; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacker.UID, 1); attacker.ToxicFogLeft = 0; attacker.NoDrugsTime = 0; attacker.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.SoulShackle); SyncPacket packet3 = new SyncPacket { Identifier = attacked.UID, Count = 2, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.SyncPacket.SyncType.StatusFlag, StatusFlag1 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag, StatusFlag2 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag2, Unknown1 = 0x36, StatusFlagOffset = 0x6f, Time = 0, Value = 0, Level = spell.Level }; attacked.Owner.Send((byte[])packet3); attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //Tranquility case 10425: { if (attacked == null) return; if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); if (attacked == null) return; SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = SpellID; suse.SpellLevel = attacker.Owner.Spells[SpellID].Level; suse.X = X; suse.Y = Y; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, 1); attacked.ToxicFogLeft = 0; attacked.ShackleTime = 0; attacked.NoDrugsTime = 0; attacked.RemoveFlag2(Update.Flags2.SoulShackle); if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) { SyncPacket packet3 = new SyncPacket { Identifier = attacked.UID, Count = 2, Type = PhoenixProject.Network.GamePackets.SyncPacket.SyncType.StatusFlag, StatusFlag1 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag, StatusFlag2 = (ulong)attacked.StatusFlag2, Unknown1 = 0x36, StatusFlagOffset = 0x6f, Time = 0, Value = 0, Level = spell.Level }; attacked.Owner.Send((byte[])packet3); } if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Player) attacked.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); else attacked.MonsterInfo.SendScreen(suse); } attacker.AttackPacket = null; break; } //WhirlwindKick case 10415: { if (Time32.Now < attacker.WhilrwindKick.AddMilliseconds(1200)) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.WhilrwindKick = Time32.Now; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 3) { if (CanUseSpell(spell, attacker.Owner)) { PrepareSpell(spell, attacker.Owner); SpellUse suse = new SpellUse(true); suse.Attacker = attacker.UID; suse.SpellID = spell.ID; suse.SpellLevel = 0; suse.X = (ushort)ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next(3, 10); suse.Y = 0; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, X, Y) <= 3) { for (int c = 0; c < attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count; c++) { //For a multi threaded application, while we go through the collection //the collection might change. We will make sure that we wont go off //the limits with a check. if (c >= attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects.Count) break; Interfaces.IMapObject _obj = attacker.Owner.Screen.Objects[c]; if (_obj == null) continue; if (_obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Monster || _obj.MapObjType == MapObjectType.Player) { attacked = _obj as Entity; if (ServerBase.Kernel.GetDistance(attacker.X, attacker.Y, attacked.X, attacked.Y) <= spell.Range) { if (CanAttack(attacker, attacked, spell, attack.AttackType == Attack.Ranged)) { uint damage = Game.Attacking.Calculate.Melee(attacker, attacked, spell, ref attack); suse.Effect1 = attack.Effect1; ReceiveAttack(attacker, attacked, attack, damage, spell); attacked.Stunned = true; attacked.StunStamp = Time32.Now; suse.Targets.Add(attacked.UID, damage); } } } } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.Owner.SendScreen(suse, true); suse.Targets = new SafeDictionary<uint, SpellUse.DamageClass>(); attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attacker.AttackPacket = null; } attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } #endregion default: if (attacker.Owner.Account.State == PhoenixProject.Database.AccountTable.AccountState.ProjectManager) attacker.Owner.Send(new Message("Unknown spell id: " + spell.ID, System.Drawing.Color.CadetBlue, Message.Talk)); break; } if (spell.CanKill == 0) { attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(80, spellID); } // attacker.Owner.IncreaseSpellExperience(Experience, spellID);//kimo if (attacker.MapID == 1039) { if (spell.ID == 7001 || spell.ID == 9876) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } if (attacker.AttackPacket != null) { attack.Damage = spell.ID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; if (Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsValue(spell.ID)) { if (attacker.AttackPacket == null) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket.AttackType = Attack.Melee; } } } } else { if (spell.NextSpellID != 0) { if (spell.NextSpellID >= 1000 && spell.NextSpellID <= 1002) if (Target >= 1000000) { attacker.AttackPacket = null; return; } attack.Damage = spell.NextSpellID; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { if (!Database.SpellTable.WeaponSpells.ContainsValue(spell.ID) || spell.ID == 9876) attacker.AttackPacket = null; else { if (attacker.AttackPacket == null) { attack.AttackType = Attack.Melee; attacker.AttackPacket = attack; } else { attacker.AttackPacket.AttackType = Attack.Melee; } } } } } else { attacker.AttackPacket = null; } } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion } }