        public static Increments FromJSON(JSONObject j)
            var o = Increments.Prototype();

                j.Assign("hz", ref o.hz);
                j.Assign("base_hz", ref o.base_hz);
                j.Assign("tuned_hz", ref o.tuned_hz);
                j.Assign("fixedFreq", ref o.fixedFreq);

                j.Assign("mult", ref o.mult);
                j.Assign("coarse", ref o.coarse);
                j.Assign("fine", ref o.fine);

                o.Detune = j.GetItem("detune", o.Detune); //Set up real detune values using the setter
                j.Assign("detune_randomness", ref o.detune_randomness);
                j.Assign("increment_offset", ref o.increment_offset);

            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "PG Copy failed:  " + e.Message);

        public static Increments FromNote(byte note)
            var o = new Increments();

            o.increment = o.noteIncrement;
        public static Increments FromFreq(double freq)
            var o = new Increments();

            o.increment = o.noteIncrement;
            o.fixedFreq = true;
        public static Increments Prototype()
            var o = new Increments();

            o._detune   = o.detune_current = 1;
            o.mult      = 1;
            o.lfoMult   = 1;
            o.base_hz   = o.tuned_hz = o.hz = Global.BASE_HZ;
            o.increment = o.tunedIncrement = o.noteIncrement = IncOfFreq(o.hz);
        public static Increments FromString(string s)
            var P = JSONData.ReadJSON(s);

            if (P is JSONDataError)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Increments.FromJSON:  Parsing JSON string failed.");
            var j = (JSONObject)P;

        // const float RATIO_RR = 1.0f;

        public override IOErrorFlags Load(string path)
            //Update the clock multiplier, in case sample rate changed....
            ClockMult = 55930.0 / Global.MixRate * Global.ClockMult;

            IOErrorFlags err = IOErrorFlags.OK;

                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
                    string line;
                    line = sr.ReadLine();
                    //Check header for validity.  TODO:  Check to see if there exists other formats created in other drivers
                    if (!line.StartsWith("//MiOPMdrv"))
                        throw new PE_ImportException(IOErrorFlags.UnrecognizedFormat);

                    //Move forward to the instrument blocks.
                    // while (!line.StartsWith("@:"))  line=sr.ReadLine();

                    //OPM files all have 128 banks.  Initialize bank.
                    bank = new string[128];

                    //Prepare to process banks.
                    // var egs = new Envelope[4]; egs.InitArray();  //Envelope used to generate partial JSON.
                    // var pgs = new Increments[4]; for(int i=0; i<pgs.Length; i++) pgs[i] = Increments.Prototype();
                    var v = new Voice(4);

                    // for(int i=0; i<bank.Length; i++)
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        //Use our envelope proto as a way to store voice data as a json string.
                        //Assume the format of each block corresponds to the MiOPMdrv specification:
                        //@:[Num] [Name]
                        //LFO: FRQ AMD PMD WAV NFRQ   //Where NFRQ = Noise Frequency (Duty in PhaseEngine Noise1 or Noise2 mode)
                        //CH:  PAN	FB ALG AMS PMS SLOT NE  //Where FB = Feedback of M1 (first op) and NE = Noise override (Change all waveforms to Noise1)
                        //[OPname]: AR DR  SR  RR  DL   TL  KS MUL DT1 DT2 AMS-EN
                        // CH SLOT is the mute mask, where  M1=8, C1=16, M2=32, C2=64. It's currently unknown if flags 1, 2, 4 are used. Normal mask:  120
                        // AMS-EN is AMS enable, which only appears to have 0 and 128 as values.  Treat DT1 as normal detune and DT2 as coarse (Cents mult).

                        var p = new JSONObject();

                        //Get the first instrument.
                        var l = NextValidLine(sr);
                        while (!l.StartsWith("@:"))
                            l = NextValidLine(sr);

                        //Currently, l should be the instrument header line. Process every instrument in the bank now.
                        l = l.Substring(2).Trim();                                                            //Prep for split.
                        string[] splitLine = { l.Substring(0, l.IndexOf(" ")), l.Substring(l.IndexOf(" ")) }; //Split in two at first space
                        // var splitLine = l.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);  //Should have a length of 2.
                        var slot = Convert.ToInt32(splitLine[0]);                                             //Will be used to assign the correct bank once we have built our voice proto.
                        // p.AddPrim("name", splitLine[1]);
                        v.name = splitLine[1].Trim();

                        l = NextValidLine(sr);  //Next line should be LFO.  However, order could be anything....

                        int amd, ams = 0, pmd = 0, pms = 0, nFrq = 0;

                        splitLine = l.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        switch (splitLine[0].Trim())
                        case "LFO:":     //LFO configuration options.
                            //Estimate LFO speed from OPM manual. Not very accurate -- FIXME.
                            v.lfo.pg = Increments.FromFreq(Tools.Lerp(0.008, Global.MixRate, Convert.ToByte(splitLine[1]) / 255.0));
                            // v.lfo.pg.FreqSelect( Tools.Lerp(0.008, Global.MixRate, Convert.ToByte(splitLine[1]) / 255.0) );
                            amd = (Convert.ToByte(splitLine[2])) << 3; //Max value:  1016.
                            pmd = (Convert.ToByte(splitLine[3]));      //Max value:  127.

                            v.lfo.invert = true;

                            //Determine LFO oscillator.
                            Oscillator.oscTypes osc = Oscillator.oscTypes.Saw;
                            switch (Convert.ToByte(splitLine[4]))
                            case 0:
                                osc = Oscillator.oscTypes.Saw;

                            case 1:
                                osc = Oscillator.oscTypes.Pulse;

                            case 2:
                                osc = Oscillator.oscTypes.Triangle;

                            case 3:
                                osc = Oscillator.oscTypes.Noise2;

                            //Determine noise frequency, if the noise generator is active.
                            nFrq = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[5]);

                        case "CH:":                                                            //Voice configuration options.
                            v.Pan             = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[1]) / 128.0f * 2 - 1; //VOPM appears to set PAN to 64 by default, so we want to make sure 0 is our default
                            v.egs[0].feedback = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[2]);                  //Set operator 1 to the feedback level specified.
                            var algNum = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[3]);
                            v.alg = Algorithm.FromPreset(algNum, Algorithm.PresetType.OPM);
                            ams   = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[4]) << 1; //Max value:  6
                            pms   = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[5]);      //Max value:  7

                            //Process the mute mask.
                            var mute = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[6]) >> 3;      //Default mute mask is 120.  Remove 3 LSBs.
                            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                v.egs[i].mute = (mute >> i & 1) == 0;

                            //Determine whether the waveform should be noise.
                            if (Convert.ToByte(splitLine[7]) > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    v.oscType[i]  = (byte)Oscillator.oscTypes.Noise2;
                                    v.egs[i].duty = (ushort)(31 - nFrq);
                                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    v.oscType[i]  = (byte)Oscillator.oscTypes.Sine;
                                    v.egs[i].duty = 32767;


                        default:                                                                                //One of the 4 operators.  Translate from OpNames to their correct values to assign the correct envelope.
                            OpNames opName;
                            if (Enum.TryParse <OpNames>(splitLine[0].Trim().Substring(0, 2), true, out opName)) //Only executes on success
                                var opNum = (int)opName;
                                var e     = v.egs[opNum];  //Select the envelope.
                                //[OPname]: AR DR  SR  RR  DL   TL  KS MUL DT1 DT2 AMS-EN

                                e.ar = (byte)Math.Round(Convert.ToByte(splitLine[1]) * RATIO_AR);
                                e.dr = (byte)Math.Round(Convert.ToByte(splitLine[2]) * RATIO_DR);
                                e.sr = (byte)Math.Round(Convert.ToByte(splitLine[3]) * RATIO_SR);
                                e.rr = (byte)Math.Round(Convert.ToByte(splitLine[4]) * RATIO_RR);

                                e.dl = (ushort)Math.Min(Math.Round(Convert.ToUInt16(splitLine[5]) * RATIO_DL), Envelope.L_MAX);
                                e.sl = e.sr > 0? Envelope.L_MAX: e.dl;
                                e.tl = (ushort)Math.Min(Math.Round(Convert.ToUInt16(splitLine[6]) * RATIO_TL), Envelope.L_MAX);

                                //Assign envelope RateTable to a default preset and scale the max application.
                                e.ksr = new RateTable();  e.ksr.ceiling = (float)(Convert.ToUInt16(splitLine[7]) * 25 / ClockMult);     //FIXME:  Check accuracy

                                var dt2 = Convert.ToUInt16(splitLine[10]);
                                v.pgs[opNum].mult   = Convert.ToUInt16(splitLine[8]);
                                v.pgs[opNum].Detune = dt1_ratios[Convert.ToUInt16(splitLine[9])]; //DT1
                                v.pgs[opNum].coarse = dt2_coarse_ratios[dt2];                     //DT2
                                v.pgs[opNum].fine   = dt2_fine_ratios[dt2];

                                //Determine AMS.
                                e.ams = Convert.ToByte(splitLine[11]) > 0?  (byte)ams : (byte)0;

                        l = NextValidLine(sr);
                        if (l == null || l.StartsWith("@:"))
                            //Final prep of instrument that has all the values it's going to have plugged into it.  Now to merge PMS/PMD.
                            //OPM LFO is not exactly linear in the pitch range from base note to min/max, so we use an estimate based on max,
                            //where a PMD of 127 translates to a PhaseEngine PMD of ~±0.58_6363 repeating.
                            v.lfo.pmd = Tools.Lerp(0, 0.586363f, pmd / 127.0f) * (pms / 7.0f);

                            //TODO:  Consider whether recalcing the PG increments are necessary.

                            // bank[slot] = //TODO:  Convert voice to string here...  Or, change bank type to Voice[] from string[]....
                            bank[slot] = v.ToJSONString();

                            if (l == null)
                                break;           //End of File
                                goto ProcessNextVoice;
                            goto ProcessNextLine;
            catch (FileNotFoundException) { err |= IOErrorFlags.NotFound; }
            catch (PE_ImportException e) { err |= e.flags; }
            // catch //Anything else
            // { err |= IOErrorFlags.Failed | IOErrorFlags.Corrupt; }
