private static void Download(ComicDownloadEntry entry) { int chapter_num = entry.chapter_num; int chapter_ad = entry.chapter_ad; bool chapter_hasdec = entry.chapter_hasdec; bool chapter_hashyp = entry.chapter_hashyp; string comic_name = entry.comic_name; string comic_rccode = entry.comic_rccode; int page_start = entry.page_start; int page_end = entry.page_end; bool resize = entry.resize; string chapter_dir = chapter_num.ToString("D3") + (chapter_hasdec ? ("." + chapter_ad) : (chapter_hashyp ? ("-" + chapter_ad) : "")); if (!Directory.Exists("data\\" + comic_rccode + "\\comic")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("data\\" + comic_rccode + "\\comic"); } if (!Directory.Exists("data\\" + comic_rccode + "\\comic\\" + chapter_dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory("data\\" + comic_rccode + "\\comic\\" + chapter_dir); } for (int i = page_start; i <= page_end; i++) { Console.Clear(); Print("Downloading " + comic_name + "\n- Chapter: " + chapter_dir + "\n- Page: " + i + " of " + page_end); try { string saveloc = "data\\" + comic_rccode + "\\comic\\" + chapter_dir + "\\" + i.ToString("D3") + ".jpg"; if (!File.Exists(saveloc)) { byte[] buffer = new WebClient().DownloadData("" + comic_rccode + "/" + chapter_dir.TrimStart(new char[] { '0' }) + "/" + i + ".jpg"); if (resize) { buffer = ScaleImage(buffer, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); } File.WriteAllBytes(saveloc, buffer); } } catch { log.Add("FAILURE[" + DateTime.Now + "] Name: " + comic_name + " | Chapter: " + chapter_dir + " | Page: " + i + " of " + page_end); } } log.Add("SUCCESS[" + DateTime.Now + "] Name: " + comic_name + " | Chapter: " + chapter_dir + " | Page: " + page_start + " through " + page_end); }
// Methods public static void Add(ComicDownloadEntry entry) { state = DownloadState.Free; entrylist.Add(entry); }
// Threads public static void Downloader() { bool justkilled = false; while (true) { if (entrylist.Count > 0) { if (state == DownloadState.Free) { Console.Title = "PhantomComic - Download Assistant (downloading)"; firstrun = false; ComicDownloadEntry entry = entrylist[0]; Download(entry); entrylist.RemoveAt(0); } else if (state == DownloadState.Killed) { justkilled = true; entrylist.Clear(); } else if (state == DownloadState.Restricted) { Console.Title = "PhantomComic - Download Assistant (paused)"; } } else { break; } } Console.Clear(); Console.Title = "PhantomComic - Download Assistant"; if (firstrun) { Print("This console is the designated download assistant to PhantomComic.\nClosing this terminal will result in the termination of PhantomComic as a whole and will disrupt any active downloads."); } else { Print("All downloads finished.\n\nEntries highlighted "); Print("green ", ConsoleColor.Green); Print(" were succesfully downloaded, "); Print("red ", ConsoleColor.Red); Print("failed to download.\n\n"); } foreach (string line in log) { Print(line.Remove(0, 7) + "\n", line.StartsWith("SUCCESS") ? ConsoleColor.Green : (line.StartsWith("FAILURE") ? ConsoleColor.Red : ConsoleColor.Magenta)); } if (justkilled) { justkilled = false; Print("\nAll other downloads never started due to user interruption."); } while (entrylist.Count == 0) { Application.DoEvents(); } Downloader(); }