        public static void Read(byte[] byteArray, AllocationUnit allocationUnit)
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray))
                using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                    var statusBits = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    var fixedLengthColumnsLength = reader.ReadUInt16();

                    // read the fixed column data - since we want to process this data as a stream,
                    // it is important that we read the data as one big block to advance the stream.
                    // once it has been read into the block, it can be carved into pieces.
                    var fixedLengthColumns = reader.ReadBytes(fixedLengthColumnsLength - 4);

                    var numColumnsInDataRow   = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    var numColumnBitmapLength = (numColumnsInDataRow / 8) + (numColumnsInDataRow % 8 == 0 ? 0 : 1);
                    var nullabilityBitmap     = reader.ReadBytes(numColumnBitmapLength);

                    // if there are no variable length columns, we're not going to get from
                    // the stream past this point.
                    ushort   variableLengthColumnsCount     = 0;
                    ushort[] variableLengthColumnsRowOffset = null;

                        variableLengthColumnsCount     = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        variableLengthColumnsRowOffset = ReadUInt16Array(reader, variableLengthColumnsCount);

                        // the rest of the data in the stream are the variable length data; we assume that
                        // the very next byte is the offset of the first variableLengthColumn.  It allows us
                        // to baseline using the stream rather than using the raw byte array.
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < variableLengthColumnsRowOffset.Length; ii++)
                            var offsetX      = variableLengthColumnsRowOffset[ii];
                            var offsetY      = ii == variableLengthColumnsRowOffset.Length - 1 ? byteArray.Length : variableLengthColumnsRowOffset[ii + 1];
                            var targetLength = offsetY - offsetX;
                            var targetArray  = new byte[targetLength];
                            Array.Copy(byteArray, offsetX, targetArray, 0, targetLength);
                    catch (EndOfStreamException)

                    Console.WriteLine("StatusBits: {0}", statusBits);
                    Console.WriteLine("FixedLengthColumnsLength: {0}", fixedLengthColumnsLength);
                    Console.WriteLine("NumColumnsInDataRow: {0}", numColumnsInDataRow);
                    Console.WriteLine("NumColumnBitmapLength: {0}", numColumnBitmapLength);
                    Console.WriteLine("NumVariableLengthColumns: {0}", variableLengthColumnsCount);
                    Console.WriteLine("VariableLengthColumnsRowOffset: {0}", variableLengthColumnsRowOffset);
        private Dictionary <long, AllocationUnit> GetAllocationUnits(bool isCacheable = false)
            if (isCacheable)
                           string.Format("{0}.{1}.allocations", _databaseDefinition.DatabaseHost, _databaseDefinition.DatabaseName),
                           () => GetAllocationUnits(false)));

            var query = (
                "select alloc.allocation_unit_id, schemas.name as [schema], objects.name, objects.object_id " +
                "  from sys.allocation_units as alloc " +
                "  join sys.partitions as parts on alloc.container_id = parts.partition_id and alloc.type in (1,3)" +
                "  join sys.objects as objects on objects.object_id = parts.object_id" +
                "  join sys.schemas as schemas on schemas.schema_id = objects.schema_id" +
                " where objects.type = 'U' " +
                " order by [schema], [name] asc;"

            var allocationsTable = new Dictionary <long, AllocationUnit>();

            using (var connection = CreateConnection())
                var command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                command.CommandText = query;

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var allocationUnit = new AllocationUnit()
                            AllocationUnitId = Convert.ToInt64(reader.GetValue(0)),
                            Schema           = reader.GetString(1),
                            TableName        = reader.GetString(2),
                            ObjectId         = Convert.ToInt64(reader.GetInt32(3))

                        allocationsTable[allocationUnit.AllocationUnitId] = allocationUnit;
