public override GameObject Build() { var label = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, Name); // Background if (BackColor.a > 0) { label.AddComponent <Image>().color = BackColor; } // Add foreground image if (Sprite != null) { ImageChildHelper(label, this); } // Add text if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { TextChildHelper(label, TextStyle ?? PUITuning.Fonts.UILightStyle, Text); } // Add tooltip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolTip)) { label.AddComponent <ToolTip>().toolTip = ToolTip; } label.SetActive(true); // Icon and text are side by side var lp = new BoxLayoutParams() { Spacing = IconSpacing, Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal, Margin = Margin, Alignment = TextAlignment }; if (DynamicSize) { label.AddComponent <BoxLayoutGroup>().Params = lp; } else { BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(label, lp); } label.SetFlexUISize(FlexSize); InvokeRealize(label); return(label); }
public GameObject Build() { var panel = PUIElements.CreateUI(Name); if (BackColor.a > 0.0f) { panel.AddComponent <Image>().color = BackColor; } panel.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); // Add children foreach (var child in children) { PUIElements.SetParent(child.Build(), panel); } // Add layout component var args = new BoxLayoutParams() { Direction = Direction, Alignment = Alignment, Spacing = Spacing, Margin = Margin }; // Gotta love freezable layouts if (DynamicSize) { var lg = panel.AddComponent <BoxLayoutGroup>(); lg.Params = args; lg.flexibleWidth = FlexSize.x; lg.flexibleHeight = FlexSize.y; } else { BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(panel, args).SetFlexUISize(FlexSize); } OnRealize?.Invoke(panel); return(panel); }
public GameObject Build() { var textField = PUIElements.CreateUI(Name); // Background var style = TextStyle ?? PUITuning.Fonts.TextLightStyle; textField.AddComponent <Image>().color = style.textColor; // Text box with rectangular clipping area var textArea = PUIElements.CreateUI("Text Area", true, false); textArea.AddComponent <Image>().color = BackColor; PUIElements.SetParent(textArea, textField); var mask = textArea.AddComponent <RectMask2D>(); // Scrollable text var textBox = PUIElements.CreateUI("Text"); PUIElements.SetParent(textBox, textArea); // Text to display var textDisplay = textBox.AddComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); textDisplay.alignment = TextAlignment; textDisplay.autoSizeTextContainer = false; textDisplay.enabled = true; textDisplay.color = style.textColor; textDisplay.font = style.sdfFont; textDisplay.fontSize = style.fontSize; textDisplay.fontStyle =; textDisplay.maxVisibleLines = 1; // Text field itself var onChange = OnTextChanged; textField.SetActive(false); var textEntry = textField.AddComponent <TMP_InputField>(); textEntry.textComponent = textDisplay; textEntry.textViewport = textArea.rectTransform(); textField.SetActive(true); textEntry.text = Text ?? ""; textDisplay.text = Text ?? ""; ConfigureTextEntry(textEntry).onDeselect.AddListener((text) => { onChange?.Invoke(textField, (text ?? "").TrimEnd()); }); // Add tooltip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolTip)) { textField.AddComponent <ToolTip>().toolTip = ToolTip; } mask.enabled = true; // Lay out - TMP_InputField does not support auto layout so we have to do a hack var minSize = new Vector2(MinWidth, LayoutUtility.GetPreferredHeight(textBox. rectTransform())); textArea.SetMinUISize(minSize).SetFlexUISize(; var lp = new BoxLayoutParams() { Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal, Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Margin = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1) }; if (DynamicSize) { var layout = textField.AddComponent <BoxLayoutGroup>(); layout.Params = lp; layout.flexibleWidth = FlexSize.x; layout.flexibleHeight = FlexSize.y; textField.SetMinUISize(minSize); } else { BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(textField, lp, new Vector2(MinWidth, 0.0f)). SetFlexUISize(FlexSize); } OnRealize?.Invoke(textField); return(textField); }
public override GameObject Build() { var button = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, Name); // Background var kImage = button.AddComponent <KImage>(); var trueColor = Color ?? PUITuning.Colors.ButtonPinkStyle; kImage.colorStyleSetting = trueColor; kImage.color = trueColor.inactiveColor; kImage.sprite = PUITuning.Images.ButtonBorder; kImage.type = Image.Type.Sliced; // Set on click event var kButton = button.AddComponent <KButton>(); var evt = OnClick; if (evt != null) { kButton.onClick += () => { evt?.Invoke(button); } } ; kButton.additionalKImages = new KImage[0]; kButton.soundPlayer = PUITuning.ButtonSounds; kButton.bgImage = kImage; // Add foreground image since the background already has one if (Sprite != null) { kButton.fgImage = ImageChildHelper(button, this); } // Set colors kButton.colorStyleSetting = trueColor; // Add text if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { TextChildHelper(button, TextStyle ?? PUITuning.Fonts.UILightStyle, Text); } // Add tooltip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolTip)) { button.AddComponent <ToolTip>().toolTip = ToolTip; } button.SetActive(true); // Icon and text are side by side var lp = new BoxLayoutParams() { Spacing = IconSpacing, Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal, Margin = Margin, Alignment = TextAlignment }; if (DynamicSize) { button.AddComponent <BoxLayoutGroup>().Params = lp; } else { BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(button, lp); } button.SetFlexUISize(FlexSize); InvokeRealize(button); return(button); }
public GameObject Build() { var flexW = new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f); if (Parent == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Parent for dialog may not be null"); } var dialog = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, Name); var dComponent = dialog.AddComponent <PDialogComp>(); int i = 0; PUIElements.SetParent(dialog, Parent); // Background dialog.AddComponent <Image>().color = PUITuning.Colors.DialogBackground; dialog.AddComponent <Canvas>(); new PPanel("Header") { // Horizontal title bar Spacing = 3, Direction = PanelDirection.Horizontal, FlexSize = flexW }.SetKleiPinkColor().AddChild(new PLabel("Title") { // Title text, expand to width Text = Title, FlexSize = flexW, DynamicSize = true }).AddChild(new PButton(DIALOG_KEY_CLOSE) { // Close button Sprite = PUITuning.Images.Close, Margin = new RectOffset(3, 3, 3, 3), SpriteSize = new Vector2f(16.0f, 16.0f), OnClick = dComponent.DoButton }.SetKleiBlueStyle()).AddTo(dialog); // Buttons var buttonPanel = new PPanel("Buttons") { Alignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter, Spacing = 5, Direction = PanelDirection. Horizontal, Margin = new RectOffset(5, 5, 5, 5) }; // Add each user button foreach (var button in buttons) { string key = button.key; var db = new PButton(key) { Text = button.text, ToolTip = button.tooltip, Margin = BUTTON_MARGIN, OnClick = dComponent.DoButton }; // Last button is special and gets a pink color if (++i >= buttons.Count) { db.SetKleiPinkStyle(); } else { db.SetKleiBlueStyle(); } buttonPanel.AddChild(db); } // Body, make it fill the flexible space new PPanel("BodyAndButtons") { Alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Spacing = 5, Direction = PanelDirection. Vertical, Margin = new RectOffset(10, 10, 10, 5), FlexSize =, BackColor = DialogBackColor }.AddChild(Body).AddChild(buttonPanel).AddTo(dialog); // Lay out components vertically BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(dialog, new BoxLayoutParams() { Alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter, Margin = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1), Spacing = 1.0f, Direction = PanelDirection.Vertical }, Size); dialog.AddComponent <GraphicRaycaster>(); dComponent.dialog = this; dComponent.sortKey = SortKey; OnRealize?.Invoke(dialog); return(dialog); }
public override GameObject Build() { var checkbox = PUIElements.CreateUI(null, Name); // Background var trueColor = CheckColor ?? PUITuning.Colors.ComponentLightStyle; // Checkbox background var checkBack = PUIElements.CreateUI(checkbox, "CheckBox"); checkBack.AddComponent <Image>().color = BackColor; // Checkbox border var checkBorder = PUIElements.CreateUI(checkBack, "CheckBorder"); var borderImg = checkBorder.AddComponent <Image>(); borderImg.sprite = PUITuning.Images.CheckBorder; borderImg.color = trueColor.activeColor; borderImg.type = Image.Type.Sliced; // Checkbox foreground var imageChild = PUIElements.CreateUI(checkBorder, "CheckMark", true, PUIAnchoring. Center, PUIAnchoring.Center); var img = imageChild.AddComponent <Image>(); img.sprite = PUITuning.Images.Checked; img.preserveAspect = true; // Determine the checkbox size var actualSize = CheckSize; if (actualSize.x <= 0.0f || actualSize.y <= 0.0f) { var rt = imageChild.rectTransform(); actualSize.x = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredWidth(rt); actualSize.y = LayoutUtility.GetPreferredHeight(rt); } imageChild.SetUISize(CheckSize, false); // Add foreground image since the background already has one if (Sprite != null) { ImageChildHelper(checkbox, this); } // Add text if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { TextChildHelper(checkbox, TextStyle ?? PUITuning.Fonts.UILightStyle, Text); } // Add tooltip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolTip)) { checkbox.AddComponent <ToolTip>().toolTip = ToolTip; } // Toggle var mToggle = checkbox.AddComponent <MultiToggle>(); var evt = OnChecked; if (evt != null) { mToggle.onClick += () => { evt?.Invoke(checkbox, mToggle.CurrentState); } } ; mToggle.play_sound_on_click = true; mToggle.play_sound_on_release = false; mToggle.states = GenerateStates(trueColor); mToggle.toggle_image = img; mToggle.ChangeState(InitialState); checkbox.SetActive(true); // Lay out the checkbox using anchors only checkBack.SetUISize(new Vector2(CheckSize.x + 2.0f * CHECKBOX_MARGIN, CheckSize.y + 2.0f * CHECKBOX_MARGIN), true); imageChild.SetUISize(CheckSize); // Icon and text are side by side var lp = new BoxLayoutParams() { Margin = Margin, Spacing = Math.Max(IconSpacing, 0), Alignment = TextAnchor. MiddleLeft }; if (DynamicSize) { checkbox.AddComponent <BoxLayoutGroup>().Params = lp; } else { BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(checkbox, lp); } checkbox.SetFlexUISize(FlexSize); InvokeRealize(checkbox); return(checkbox); }
public override GameObject Build() { var checkbox = PUIElements.CreateUI(Name); // Background var trueColor = CheckColor ?? PUITuning.Colors.CheckboxWhiteStyle; // Checkbox background var checkBack = PUIElements.CreateUI("CheckBox"); checkBack.AddComponent <Image>().color = BackColor; PUIElements.SetParent(checkBack, checkbox); // Checkbox border var checkBorder = PUIElements.CreateUI("CheckBorder"); var borderImg = checkBorder.AddComponent <Image>(); borderImg.sprite = PUITuning.Images.CheckBorder; borderImg.color = trueColor.activeColor; borderImg.type = Image.Type.Sliced; PUIElements.SetParent(checkBorder, checkBack); // Checkbox foreground var imageChild = PUIElements.CreateUI("CheckMark"); var img = imageChild.AddComponent <Image>(); PUIElements.SetParent(imageChild, checkBorder); img.sprite = PUITuning.Images.Checked; img.preserveAspect = true; // Limit size if needed if (CheckSize.x > 0.0f && CheckSize.y > 0.0f) { PUIElements.SetSizeImmediate(imageChild, CheckSize); } else { PUIElements.AddSizeFitter(imageChild, false); } // Add foreground image since the background already has one if (Sprite != null) { ImageChildHelper(checkbox, Sprite, SpriteTransform, SpriteSize); } // Add text if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { TextChildHelper(checkbox, TextStyle ?? PUITuning.Fonts.UILightStyle, Text); } // Add tooltip if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolTip)) { checkbox.AddComponent <ToolTip>().toolTip = ToolTip; } // Toggle var kButton = checkbox.AddComponent <MultiToggle>(); var evt = OnChecked; if (evt != null) { kButton.onClick += () => { evt?.Invoke(checkbox, kButton.CurrentState); } } ; kButton.play_sound_on_click = true; kButton.play_sound_on_release = false; kButton.states = GenerateStates(trueColor, borderImg); kButton.toggle_image = img; kButton.ChangeState(InitialState); checkbox.SetActive(true); BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(checkBorder, new BoxLayoutParams() { Margin = CHECKBOX_MARGIN }); BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(checkBack); // Icon and text are side by side var lp = new BoxLayoutParams() { Margin = Margin, Spacing = Math.Max(IconSpacing, 0), Alignment = TextAnchor. MiddleLeft }; if (DynamicSize) { checkbox.AddComponent <BoxLayoutGroup>().Params = lp; } else { BoxLayoutGroup.LayoutNow(checkbox, lp); } PUIElements.AddSizeFitter(checkbox, DynamicSize).SetFlexUISize(FlexSize); InvokeRealize(checkbox); return(checkbox); }