        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the nuclides similar to the provided name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="exactName"></param>
        public void SetNuclides(string name, int id = 0, bool exactName = false)
            //convert the nuclide name to ensure it is good.
            name = exactName? name : lib.GetNuclideName(name);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                throw new ArgumentException("A nuclide must be entered");
            DataTable nucs;

            if (!exactName)
                nucs = lib.Select("NUCLIDES", "NAME LIKE '%" + name + "%' OR PARENT LIKE '%" + name + "%'");
                nucs = lib.Select("NUCLIDES", "NAME = '" + name.Trim() + "'");

            foreach (DataRow nuc in nucs.Rows)
                double score = 1;
                //DataRow key = lib.Select("MAX(YIELD) FROM PHOTONS WHERE NAME = '" + nuc["NAME"] +"'").Rows[0];
                //whene there is no parent
                if (nuc["PARENT"].Equals("NONE"))
                    //include the yeild weight
                    matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["NAME"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"]);
                    //key["ENERGY"], key["YIELD"], key["TYPE"], key["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);

                //add the parent if there is one
                    //check for repeats
                    bool repeatNuc = matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].AsEnumerable().Any(row => (string)nuc["NAME"] == row.Field <string>("NUCLIDE"));
                    bool repeat    = matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].AsEnumerable().Any(row => (string)nuc["NAME"] == row.Field <string>("NUCLIDE") &&
                                                                                          (double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"] == row.Field <double>("HALF_LIFE") &&
                                                                                          (string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"] == row.Field <string>("HALF_LIFE_UNIT"));
                    //only add parents who's daughters have shorter half lives
                    double parentHalfLife   = ICRPData.ConvertHalfLifeToDays((string)nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], (double)nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE"]);
                    double daughterHalfLife = ICRPData.ConvertHalfLifeToDays((string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], (double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"]);

                    if (PDhalfLifeLimit * parentHalfLife > daughterHalfLife)
                        string nucName = nuc["NAME"].ToString();
                        //check for repeats
                        if (!repeat)
                            matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nucName, 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"]);
                        matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["PARENT"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE"], nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE_UNIT"]);
                    //add the others
                    else if (!repeatNuc)
                        //also add the daughter
                        matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["NAME"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the Nuclide matches where the energy in the libary is +/- the tolerance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="energy">Energy of the line in keV</param>
        /// <param name="elapsed">elapsed time in days</param>
        /// <param name="tol">Energy tolerance</param>
        public void SetNuclides(double energy, TimeSpan elapsedWait, double tol = 1, PeakType type = PeakType.Photopeak)
            if (lib == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Library is not defined");

            double tolerance = tol;
            //convert the time span to days
            double elapsed = elapsedWait.TotalDays;

            //cut down on redundant calls by only doing this the first time this method is called.
            if (type == PeakType.Photopeak)
                //get escape peaks
                DataRow[] SE = MatchSE(energy, tolerance);

                //check if this is a single escape peak
                if (SE.Length > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow SEPeak in SE)
                        SetNuclides((double)SEPeak["ENERGY"], elapsedWait, (double)SEPeak["FWHM"], PeakType.SingleEscape);

                //check if this is a double escape peak
                DataRow[] DE = MatchDE(energy, tolerance);
                if (DE.Length > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow DEPeak in DE)
                        SetNuclides((double)DEPeak["ENERGY"], elapsedWait, (double)DEPeak["FWHM"], PeakType.DoubleEscape);
            //check for sum peaks
            MatchRandom(energy, tolerance);

            //get the matched nuclides
            string    expression = "ENERGY > " + (energy - tolerance).ToString() + " AND ENERGY < " + (energy + tolerance).ToString() + " AND YIELD > " + yeildLimit;
            DataTable tmatches   = lib.Select("PHOTONS", expression);

            //DataTable tmatches = lib.Tables["PHOTONS"].Select(expression).CopyToDataTable();
            tmatches.Columns.Add("DIFFERENCE", typeof(double), energy + "- ENERGY");

            //generate a string to fill the MATCHEDNUCLIDES table
            StringBuilder nucList = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (DataRow row in tmatches.Rows)
                nucList.Append("'" + row["NAME"] + "',");

            nucList.Remove(nucList.Length - 1, 1);

            //get the data and fill the table
            DataTable nucs = lib.Select("NUCLIDES", "NAME IN (" + nucList.ToString() + ")");

            int id = matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Count;

            foreach (DataRow nuc in nucs.Rows)
                double score = 1;
                //Get the basis line
                DataRow basis = tmatches.Select("NAME = '" + nuc["NAME"] + "'")[0];

                //if it is a single escape peak
                if (type == PeakType.SingleEscape)
                    score *= (double)basis["YIELD"] / 100;
                    score *= ScoreHalfLife((double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"], (string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], elapsed);
                    score *= ScoreDeviation(basis, tolerance);
                    if (score < scoreLimit)
                    matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, "S.E.", 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                               basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], type.ToString(), basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);

                //if it is a double escape peak
                else if (type == PeakType.DoubleEscape)
                    score *= (double)basis["YIELD"] / 100;
                    score *= ScoreHalfLife((double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"], (string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], elapsed);
                    score *= ScoreDeviation(basis, tolerance);
                    if (score < scoreLimit)
                    matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, "D.E.", 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                               basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], type.ToString(), basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);

                //if it is a sum peak
                else if (type == PeakType.Sum)
                    matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, "S.E.", 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                               basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], basis["TYPE"], basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);
                //when there is no parent
                else if (nuc["PARENT"].Equals("NONE"))
                    //include the yeild weight
                    score *= (double)basis["YIELD"] / 100;
                    score *= ScoreHalfLife((double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"], (string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], elapsed);
                    score *= ScoreDeviation(basis, tolerance);
                    if (score < scoreLimit)
                    matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["NAME"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                               basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], basis["TYPE"], basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);

                //add a decay chain if there is one
                else if (nuc["PARENT"].ToString().Contains('+'))
                    //get the first nuclide
                    DataTable topNucs = lib.Select("NUCLIDES", "NAME =  '" + nuc["PARENT"].ToString().Trim('+')
                                                   + "' AND PARENT = '" + nuc["PARENT"].ToString() + "'");

                    if (topNucs == null || topNucs.Rows.Count < 1)
                    //it's alwasys the first row
                    DataRow topNuc = topNucs.Rows[0];
                    score         *= ScoreHalfLife((double)topNuc["HALF_LIFE"], (string)topNuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], elapsed);
                    score         *= ScoreDeviation(basis, tolerance);
                    basis["YIELD"] = (double)basis["YIELD"] * (double)nuc["BRANCHING"];
                    score         *= (double)basis["YIELD"] / 100;
                    if (score < scoreLimit)

                    matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, topNuc["PARENT"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], topNuc["HALF_LIFE"], topNuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                               basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], basis["TYPE"], basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);
                //add the parent if there is one
                    //only add parents who's daughters have shorter half lives
                    double parentHalfLife   = ICRPData.ConvertHalfLifeToDays((string)nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], (double)nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE"]);
                    double daughterHalfLife = ICRPData.ConvertHalfLifeToDays((string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], (double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"]);

                    //skip parents with shorter half lives and already existing rows
                    if (PDhalfLifeLimit * parentHalfLife > daughterHalfLife)
                        //include the yeild weight
                        score *= (double)basis["YIELD"] / 100;
                        score *= ScoreHalfLife((double)nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE"], (string)nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], elapsed);
                        score *= ScoreDeviation(basis, tolerance);
                        if (score < scoreLimit)
                        //serarch for repeats
                        if (!matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].AsEnumerable().Any(row => (string)nuc["NAME"] == row.Field <string>("NUCLIDE") &&
                                                                                  (double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"] == row.Field <double>("HALF_LIFE") &&
                                                                                  (string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"] == row.Field <string>("HALF_LIFE_UNIT")))
                            matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["NAME"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                                       basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], basis["TYPE"], basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);
                        matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["PARENT"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE"], nuc["PARENT_HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                                   basis["ENERGY"], (double)basis["YIELD"] * (double)nuc["BRANCHING"], basis["TYPE"], basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);
                    //add just the match avoiding repeats
                    else if (!matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].AsEnumerable().Any(row => (string)nuc["NAME"] == row.Field <string>("NAME")))
                        score *= (double)basis["YIELD"] / 100;
                        score *= ScoreHalfLife((double)nuc["HALF_LIFE"], (string)nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"], elapsed);
                        score *= ScoreDeviation(basis, tolerance);
                        if (score < scoreLimit)

                        matches.Tables["MATCHEDNUCLIDES"].Rows.Add(id, nuc["NAME"], 1 * score, nuc["NAME"], nuc["HALF_LIFE"], nuc["HALF_LIFE_UNIT"],
                                                                   basis["ENERGY"], basis["YIELD"], basis["TYPE"], basis["DIFFERENCE"], nuc["BRANCHING"]);