private static void WriteToSheetValidator(ExcelPackage package, MotifValidator validator) { ExcelWorksheet worksheet = GetWorksheetBlank(package, "Motif Validation Sequence"); int rowind = 1; if (validator.PositiveSpecificity > 0) { worksheet.Cells[rowind, 1].Value = "Positive Specificity"; worksheet.Cells[rowind++, 2].Value = validator.PositiveSpecificity; } if (validator.NegativeSpecificity > 0) { worksheet.Cells[rowind, 1].Value = "Negative Specificity"; worksheet.Cells[rowind++, 2].Value = validator.NegativeSpecificity; } int startrow = rowind; worksheet.Cells[rowind++, 1].Value = "Positive Motif only"; worksheet.Cells[rowind, 1].Value = "Count:"; worksheet.Cells[rowind++, 2].Value = validator.PositiveSequenceList.Count(); rowind = ListToExcelColumn(worksheet, rowind, 2, "Sequence", validator.PositiveSequenceList); rowind = startrow; worksheet.Cells[rowind++, 4].Value = "Including Negative Motif"; worksheet.Cells[rowind, 4].Value = "Count:"; worksheet.Cells[rowind++, 5].Value = validator.NegativeSequenceList.Count(); rowind = ListToExcelColumn(worksheet, rowind, 5, "Sequence", validator.NegativeSequenceList); worksheet.Column(2).AutoFit(); worksheet.Column(5).AutoFit(); }
public static bool ExportMotifValidatorToExcel(string fileName, MotifValidator validator, bool overwrite, out string errormsg) { try { errormsg = ""; FileInfo existingFile = new FileInfo(fileName); if (existingFile.Exists && !overwrite) { return(false); } using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(existingFile)) { if (existingFile.Exists) { while (package.Workbook.Worksheets.Count > 0) { package.Workbook.Worksheets.Delete(1); } } WriteToSheetValidator(package, validator); WriteToSheetMotif(package, validator.Motif); try { package.Save(); } catch { errormsg = "There is a problem with saving the export file. Please make sure the file is not open and you have writing rights to the specific folder."; return(false); } } } catch { errormsg = "There is a problem with creating the export file. Please try again."; return(false); } return(true); }